The Soul King by Ray Patino - HTML preview

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“You bit down on my open wounds when they were fresh, “you left me nothing to eat, starving in the coldness of the land are you not ashamed? “Are you here for an apologue, “I shall take none, “I was your servant,- and you had me washed away like your pray’s blood in the freezing lakes of your own pride “then out of the darkness the Lone Wolf’s new pack emerged and the Lone Wolf told the alpha pair “GO” “here is your chance to runaway, “to save yourself from the rivers of blood, “but never enter these woods as they are forbidden and cursed as I was to you- “Now I asked you this MR. Glover which one are you? “The lone wolf or the pack that deemed one of their own unworthy -it does not require perplexing thought?

The Cadillac-Man’s words shook the officer to his core, a flash of his family at dinner, his children opening presents on Christmas morning, and the day he noticed a strange older model Cadillac leaving the scène of a notorious crime- these visions hit Officer Glover extremely durable and that’s when he knew he’d seen this car before perhaps not the same year, not the same model, not the same color except it was a Cadillac and he was sure it was the same car just disguised somehow like a chameleon. “Sir, ‘Step out of the car slowly with your hands up “Officer Glover” repeated his previous orders. “Don’t, You Will Die” responded “the Cadillac-Man” the same warning “SERGEANT LAURENCE GLOVER” ignored when his police cruisers laptop flashed with the equivalent precise words.


Bang – The orange flash of the 45 caliber can be seen lighting up between the two men “The Cadillac-man was never going to let the Officer arrest him, take him to the station, and place him before a judge that would be ridiculous The gunshot fired hit’s the officer in the center of the chest blowing him back three feet and falling on his backside in the snow-covered terrain. It’s enough to completely drain the officer’s breath resembling he’d been clouted with a sledge hammer in the stomach, however it was not enough to murder him the vest took nearly all of the impact other than fragments pierced his skin and blood began to trickle on the snow filled landscape.

The Cadillac-Man” was a perfectionist he’d never begin something to leave it partially done, or incomplete. Slanting his head to confiscate a “Mini AR-14” from a briefcase he sought after to bombard the cop with bullets, not just simply kill him he required to destroy him thus so when the funeral was arraigned it’s a closed casket. Taking his eyes off the police officer for a split second he removed the weaponry and began to step out of the evil instrument he called a car. However only a miniature pool of blood could be perceived where the cop’s corpse ought to be. “Clever” the Cadillac-Man thinks to himself Officer Glover was badly injured using his squad car like a barricade. He dropped his shotgun from the cannon blast and currently his only friend was the 40 caliber sidearm “ALL UNITS OFFICER DOWN NEEDS assistance” he screamed his request via the radio attached to his uniform but only static is heard and no response.

The Cadillac Man opened fire-smashing the police cruisers front window, bullets riddle the front hood of the vehicle, the front tires were flatten like a balloon being penetrated by a pin. The whiteout conditions were working towards the Cadillac-Man’s favor he could see in the dark, he could see all the way through vivid illumination and he could smell you hundred yards away he’s got the advantage. “Come out and die with dignity, ‘I told you to go, “don’t ever say I never gave you a chance to go home and forget me” said the Cadillac-Man while he enthused closer to the rear of the police vehicle Officer Glover noticed his bragging, He’s so confident about winning this “one on one death” match he underestimated” SERGEANT LAURENCE GLOVER” years of experience and his muscle memoire. With nothing to lose except his life which was by now hanging by a awfully thin thread it’s all or nothing for the 12 year veteran police officer and he stood up stirring him inches away from the safety of his squad car he began to unfasten fire in a do or die moment four shots hit the Cadillac-Man’s body two in the chest and two in the neck nevertheless he will not fall, his blood was dark red almost black, and exceedingly substantial like if it was coagulated.

The Monster-man stared at officer glover and tells him a chilling statement “I’ve been dead a lengthy time “but it’s been a long time since I felt this alive” previous to The Cadillac-Man blasting his artillery the kidnapping victim MR. Goodyear began to pound heavy from inside the trunk of the 1975 Coupe Deville this distracted The Cadillac-Man” enough for the sergeant to discharge and blast him six additional times every single shot hit the exact mark the suspects head- the slugs created holes in his pale long face he fell backward floppy, bleeding that disgusting black blood all over the snow, his body motionless like a dead dog hit by a speeding soccer mom furious over her kid losing the game.

Officer Glover kicked the mini AR-14 away from the suspects reach checked his pulse and confirmed he’s dead Officer Glover searches the corpse for the keys to disengage the trunk the pounding continues; Officer Glover searched franticly for the set of keys to free the helpless victim. He’d find them in the bottom left pocket of the purple suit the dead suspect was wearing Office Glover proceeded to open the trunk and observes the victim a man in his late 40’s gagged and feet tied together bound. “It’s Ok, “You’re Safe No----“before he could finish the reassuring words to the helpless gentleman inside this deranged suspects vehicle a shot from behind blew officer glovers brains all over Mr. Goodyear’s face. The cop plummeted to the soil, and his blood-soaked decapitated dead body spanked the snow filled road. A shadow could be distinguished approaching the cadaver of the police officer. except this man was much slighter in size then “The Cadillac-Man” behind this new dark mysterious figure slowly stood the Cadillac Man “Hello Alexis “it’s good to see you. Responded the Cadillac-Man

Save the chatter, “Traveler, “I’m here to make sure you get out of this mess; “do you think the “Undying one” is not watching, -and why use a firearm? Alexis Cane told this to “The Cadillac-Man” as he create a snow filled frosty grave for the police officer. The comments completed by “ALEXIS CANE” infuriated “The Cadillac-Man” that hateful sprit which defines “The Cadillac-man” came bursting out resembling a wildfire. grabbing a hold of “Alexis” by his jaw aggressively and with his index finger scraping Alexi’s purplish skin- drawing blood with his long black talon from Alexi’s cheeks the strength of the Cadillac-man was overwhelming even for another powerful “Traveler” such as “Alexis Cane” jolting Alexis, and pushed him against the trunk of the “Coupe Deville” The victim MR. Goodyear watched in horror the bickering between these two extremely powerful supernatural beings pretending to be men. The trunk slammed right on Mr. Goodyear’s skull from the impact of the shove, directly knocking him out leavening him unconscious. At the same time as Alexi’s body was pushed against the rear of the vehicle, pressing hard on the trunk- the heat generating from Alexi’s body was melting parts of the Cadillac.


Suddenly two columns of flame and smoke erupted from the back of the “Coupe Deville” “Stop it Cane “You’ll ruin everything!” the motor was still running the smell of exhaust, mixed with the unmistakable sent of dried blood filled the Minnesota air with the odor of death. Alexis Cane’s quick compliance to the Cadillac-Man’s orders proved his authority “The Cadillac-man” reported only to “The Council of Tombs” and “The Undying Eternal” was the highest ranked official of “the Council of Tombs” Not even the Cadillac-man himself has ever laid eyes on the true form of “The Undying One” Still firmly gripping Alexis by the face and letting the dark thick blood run down his decayed purplish skin “Poor you” his thoughts raced about ripping off Alexi’s half decomposed head clean off.

“Clear this mess up, “and remove all evidence- “I suspended the timeline long enough soon a multitude of cars and people will be entering the highway” “The Cadillac-man” released Alexis from his intense, and lethal hold left Alexi feeling furious in the inside if Alexi would show any hostilely, or aggression towards the “CADILLAC-MAN” he knew it will bring his imminent death “Oh and Alexi “try and differentiate between the “usual road and difficult road to death “since it seems to me your choosing the difficult one” spoke the Cadillac man to Alexis “I’m already dead, “besides everything with you involves the difficult route” replied Alexis “There you go again- “with that witty mouth of yours, “sometimes I just want to tickle you to death” his black eyes made of pearls turned into a deep intense purple color tone “With a fucking AX he completed his remark- with a long serious look and proceeded to tell Alexis to: “Now , “get going, “after I feast on the flesh of my friend in the trunk “I’m off to the sunshine state.

Cadillac-man made his way to the driver seat of his Coupe Deville he adjusted the roof of the living vehicle, shut the door, and before driving off his face morphed into a terrifying creature exposing one of the many faces of the deadly and ruthless “Cadillac-Man” before driving off he waved a friendly goodbye to “ALEXIS CANE” ‘Hurry up, -and bury that fucker- “it’s getting cold out here don’t you think? The Trees began to move again, the snowflakes which had been suspended in the air while in the process of the timeline disconnection began to hit the cold ground again, the wind started to blow, and the traffic was piling up. Barely visible while entering the interstate the 1975 black mint Coupe Deville was gone. – disappearing like a ghost, vanished into the whiteout like a phantom in a haunted highway.


These were the events before Sun Snow. Minnesota, the Cadillac-Man’s detour to capture a new sufferer for his own pleasure instead of following his direct and ONLY order to find a man named “GRANT HOOK” and dispose of his target had cost him more than he was aware of. His master “the dark lord” The Undying Eternal “was not pleased, and now his task will become-The Ruthless “Cadillac-Man’s most daunting mission ever.

After leaving a police officer dead, strangling an innocent woman, mutilating a dog, and kidnapping a helpless yuppie from his own home two county lines back. His master the one with many names-“The Undying Eternal, The Dark Lord, “the Undying one was not satisfied at all. Cadillac-Man’s master was stronger- even extra powerful than Cadillac-Man and Alexis put together it was said “The Undying Eternal” was a terrible creature which spawned theories within the “Travelers” The Undying Eternal’s various manifestations also instigated and spawned stories of the rebirth of “soul eater” or THE SOUL KING” or worse the return of THE NEBULA. After reaching into the center compartment of the black caddie, retrieving an item from the “Transverse” his hand bottomless into the car horn mechanism, and being provided a lambskin diary with the initials S.K. on the front of the notebook with a sticky note attached which read:

-P.S travel ONE YEAR AHEAD after retrieving the boy –KILL HIM!

The fourth rider will assist you…

4:44pm 2015 2:17am 2015 3:15am 2016




Chapter 9


Mirrors and Murder

1936 Spain


Daniel Mikael’s late grandfather was very prominent in 1936 old country Spain. The Spanish revolution was on the brink of victory and “General Francisco Franco” and the republic government frequently visited “MR. Robert Marie De Juan” On this particular night Mr. Juan had taken a seat in his snakeskin hand crafted chair inside the private confines of his personal office when his wife strolled in. “Don’t bring that madness in my home, “don’t play with this power” said MRS. Juan “No jueges con su poder Roberto, “ya veo fantasmas en los espejos. No me importa el dinero no quiero ESE mostro aqui… Callate Marisol! Tu no entiendes, “El Rey de Alma se VA a tragar la tierra con todos los soldados de la revolucion” the two carried on a conversation in their native language for over an hour resulting in a enormous fight and Mrs. Juan left her home that faithful night and never returned to the side of her husband. Whispers of Robert De Juan being some type of evil worshiping servant of inferno gods swirled around the old country like a black cloud floating over the land. At the far end of his office rested the mirror. It was large in size the mirror stood well over six feet in height with hand crafted symbols’ engraved on the mirror’s woodland edges. He drew pictures of the servants which had crossed over into the savage-roads and embraced a new reality.

A vintage old wooden long-case clock also stood on the opposite side of the office, both mirror and clock faced each other in a forward view like two boxers about to knock each other out. And when the big vintage time box struck midnight it was time for his journey the clock and the mirror connected with one another’s streamline. Pulses of unpleasant energy shot through the middle of the office and Robert Juan began to chant: “El Rey De Alma”, “My soul king opens the mind, “open the door, and “spin the world. He Chanted, and kneeled, and then it came. Just a presence, an unspeakable evil had made its way in to Roberts office that night. The evil floated, loomed above Robert Juan the entire night in his office. The loud thunderous sound of an airplane crashing and exploding came from the “Midday-Mirror” The Long-case vintage timepiece had established the connection into the future. And this future can be altered if ‘Robert Juan made the choice to crossover but he did not, he had no reason to. He had been dead for over ten years. The war was begin

Robert Marie De Juan had become a traveler and had witnessed many different timelines during his journey to the netherworlds. But tonight was different he had to warn his unborn grandson who was in a future but at the same frequency of the savage-road of this realism.1936 Spain- made a connection to 1997 America from prime-earth1. And a Grandfather would warn a grandson, a young boy of the impending doom the family would face deep into the streamline. Except his wife was right in not wanting such malevolence to be invited, And the creatures came under a powerful thunderstorm: THEY CAME and Robert Juan grabbed a rifle and went outside after his entire stable of horses died suddenly and silently under the dominant rain storm. And that’s when he saw it: massive, ominous sickness an evil monster. The supremacy of such being swept Robert Juan right off the rain soaked ground and took him into dispense of nothingness. This was not the end for Robert… The story had just begun.


And into the mind of a killer we go




Murderous Notes

The Legacy of Servants



A Cold front had come early that year. “MRS. Diary I came to you, for the reason that I want to tell my story. It is only with vast tentativeness that I let my mind go back to the time the earth fell into deep darkness and it truly was the end of the world- you see, and somehow- I feel like I’m a part of it. Except why, I been a loser most of my unhappy life, maybe this was the reason for my twisted actions towards women. Who would have thought me? A serial killer, a monster clandestinely hiding like a regular man and my days have grown darker. It is HALLOWEEN Day the sun is out, and the cloudless skies are revealing a beautiful day outside.

A cold little wind is breezing thru the town…frankly MRS.DIARY “I’m feeling so dark, and sick in the inside that I keep feeling sorry for myself and all my victims or am I not sorry, not sick, not even giving a shit how I truly feel. Who am I kidding? I’m a fucking selfish guy. I want the world and I don’t want to lift a finger to get it. Here I am again- writing in my diary of the dead. In my insane murderous death notes and the madness I embrace, like a vampire embracing his true nature for the need to sustain life thru blood. Dragging myself through this life, self medicate myself with fucking pills and weed a camouflage method to hide the pain. With every passing day I feel deader than alive, additional anger, and misery have consumed me. Please I beg of you, show me a sign tell me what I must do to stop the shadow killer.


Last night’ I was in total bliss. I wanted her in the sickest sexual way; she was so naïve I wanted to burst out in laughter. We passed a pack of what looked like older teenagers dressed up in reaper costumes gawking at us while we made our way to the beach.

“Trick or Treat “screamed out one of the kids, the girl I was with put one hand in the air in gesture, a wave of hello and we kept strolling down in our own little worlds. I saw a flash of the man from my dreams – The dark-man, or the prince of pain for a brief moment I saw his face on the surf shop windows which we had passed heading to the cinema, “another vision” I told myself besides I was on my mission to kill. I was convinced my life was already over and I wanted to take so many with me. ‘YES you can blame my mother for dying when she popped me out of her belly, her death was my fault and I hated her for making me feel like a murderer right from the moment I came into this world.


You see to identify with this story we have to start from the beginning but what is a real beginning when there really is no genuine end .My focus tonight was ON my prize.

She was calling me cute and funny, the entire time I was thinking “I’m going to kill you bitch and bury you in my parent’s cabin”. If I was lucky, I would wake up on Halloween day next to my prize.


We went to a movie, saw some romantic comedy well, she saw it, I was playing a death scene in my head over and over again of a snuff film I had seen the week before. Then we hit downtown for some drinks at the “WET PAINT” in Finch Drive right across the shoreline

The way I wanted her, was driving me crazy. Her smell somehow reminded me of a nightmare I had the night before- where the moon was consumed in blood and I was trapped in some kind of dungeon with something bad- something far worse than me. Excuse me I have to chuckle

Wait now that’s funny, worse than me? Nothing can be worse than me? I like young girls dead on my bed, but this dream felt real the dark shadows that plague my every day thoughts cannot compare to the feeling of dread that came over me when I saw this figure. I believe he was a man, the way he spoke it sounded like a man or at least something imitating one. The vibe was dark and malevolent, Sort of like when I’m plunging a knife into my victim’s skull.


I have to admit. I liked the feeling this nightmare gave me. Maybe I was dreaming of myself after all it reminded me of the way I’ am but my name was not Colfax and that was the person's name on the tombstone I kept seeing in this brutal nightmare. Was it a nightmare at all?

His face was pale and horribly burned, his head shaped round and pointy, his eyes gave the impression of being carved in like when you slice and dice a pumpkin to make its eyes glow for Halloween. I woke up screaming- a first for me, but anything that can scare me like that I embrace.


‘Giant Mirrors had replaced my walls; my roof turned into an immense floating mirror.

At first: it felt like I was double dreaming, but after splashing water in my face and smacking myself a few times to feel the pain’ I snapped out of it. The second dream within a dream felt more like a connection this must sound so crazy, do you think I’m crazy? “If you do Mrs. Diary, indeed think I’m a nut job, “or some fucking sick perverted wacko prepare yourself for an unbelievable, petrifying, and twisted story which began on the day the earth would face “Exodus”.


Today I watched CNN switching back and forth to SINC (I like the main chick field reporter better than the old, ugly fucks from the other stations.) reports of snow falling here in Florida was extremely odd, and tremors had rocked the town of BlackStar FL all the way to Advanced FL ‘I kept seeing light flakes outside the cabins windows and a storm hauling RED lightning strikes with it. Was I still dreaming? “I dreamt of a day the world would feel like I did and here it was. “I kept hope that I was not dreaming at all and my craving for death had become more intense, so I burned my neck with one of those long barbeque lighters to defeat the dream. Right now I’m fully awake and I have the perfect being in my own world of blood.


My fifth victim, “I have her on the bed in my father’s cabin gagged and bleeding from her mouth and tied up fully naked ‘just the way I liked them. With another one at the bottom of the lake I must confess, Mrs. Diary I stepped up my game and snatched two victims in two days.

“On the Outside you would think everything was crystal clear perfect- only 17 already a high school graduate, a year into college, at last I will be fulfilling my father’s wishes by going pre-med. the rain is picking up” raindrops tapped on the cabins back-end windows it’s a dark day so I’ll write in my diary for now.


Entry number 11 of my diary of the dead. Don’t be alarmed because I won’t disclose to you my real name yet I trust you MRS. Diary I just don’t trust people.

I won’t tell you my real name thus far in case any other unfamiliar nosey parties find these writings. For now madam diary you can call me “Andy which is not a complete lie I do have a friend named Andy who dwells in my head. I call him the good side or the seraph of light on my shoulder. He reveals himself only when my true self is about to go into the hunger.

‘Andy just wants me to help people not destroy lives, but to me’ everything seemed unfulfilling unless “I’m doing what I love- I want the “HUNGER” At least that’s what I call it but for some reason.


Andy calls it the infected shadow, Andy claims shadows are really dark sprits, the evil side of the human soul. Andy wants to save me from myself and He’s been coming around more lately planting thoughts in my head. Andy is working overtime using an effective method of warning in my dreams. “I should try to control these feelings of the HUNGER, but I can’t.

So for now unless the police find the connection, a confession, or some type of link that sends those sirens right to my doorstep I will keep feeding my hunger ‘Oh how my brother “Tim would love that. I think he would rejoice if the police did find out who I truly was and would come for me in the middle of the night with guns drawn and bulletproof vests but until that day, I will place my thoughts as Andy in my entries.


My father was out of town the weekend I made “Gloria Winnfield” my new angel of misery. “I was also getting calls thru-out my stay in the cabin, from a man I will identify only by “Dean” his real name should not be placed in this entry so please diaries keep my secrets safe. The man I refer as “Dean” who my father had spoken about when he was in the service. Was driving me up the fucking wall calling and calling and pleading with me to find shelter quickly and to warn my father the day had finally arrived- and “THEY” were here. When I asked him who? All he said was: “3:15am DON’T YOU DARE GO OUTSIDE KID Promise me” he said. No he screamed it. My father did agree to some type of covertly top secret assignment, ‘I think that’s when he went nuts with ideas of monsters, dimensions’ and some type of GOD or Lord that controlled unseen realms. Every now and then he would ask me if I felt strange or different and if I ever did to tell him immediately.


“He thought I had some suppressed gift that I hidden away. I think his assignments might have caused some type of paranoia over the years. He had become dreadfully fearful of Mirrors “Son, Mirrors are dreams, nightmares, “trapped in glass where do you think your mind drifts away to when you sleep, never let your mind fall into one”. He said. I had to turn off the news Mrs. Diary some type of massive shootout left cops dead, something the government itself could not explain had begun to occur. The Moon had turned into a massive rotating ball of blood. It was red like a fire engine. “I grabbed my father’s binoculars and its true my love, my diary, you are my refuge I pour my soul onto you.


“I admit, “I’m getting freaked out had “Dean” been right- about warning my father and seeking shelter. Fuck this I turned off the tube and cleared my mind for a second “don’t turn the page away from me, don’t look at me like that MRS. Diary “I’m not afraid “I’m getting ready to drench myself in “Gloria Winnfield’s blood. I can’t, No, I will not stop “I need to feed then I’ll worry about whatever is going on outside in the real world but for the moment- I need to release myself on her nude and cold body. “Yes my father’s crazy ideas are bending my thoughts and the sliver edged spick and span mirror which stood close to five feet in height had begun to vibrate in the cabins master bedroom I saw it, the image was distorted but a figure was inside the glass. The shape of the body resembled a tall woman, with a long trench coat and red beaming eyes.


My father warned me about “Mirrors but I doubt he knew some of these so called “Midday-Mirrors” were more powerful than others. The phone was ringing again MRS. Diary but I let the voicemail pick up this time. I’m sick of hearing “Dean” talks about stupid shit. A dad fairy-tale was enough for me and still- sometimes I felt like plunging my special knife in his throat, when he went off for hours and hours about the same fucking bullshit. A bottle of Jack Daniels and it was all night telling the craziest stories- He had some very weird tales my father, about other worlds, dimensions, and people with powers, aliens, and werewolves. And a legacy of servants who would trade souls for immortality a vampire lord who came from something called the streamline and a creature so powerful that lurked in the depths of the Dead Sun outer rim in a transverse realism.