The Soul King by Ray Patino - HTML preview

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Amanda went to verify the name of the recently deceased; it read: “Sirius Colfax” he was also known as “The Scorcher”. Amanda had no idea what horror awaited her; she knew. She had been a part of an undercover government Test-6 project. Amanda knew they had used the facility to hide some of the dead soldier’s bodies under the command of: MR. Cross and the US military. Amanda was no idiot, "I fucking hate this shit she thought”, while she reached for the bottle in her left coat pocket and drowned four white shaped oval pills the strongest painkillers money could buy. Once Amanda turned and placed down the water bottle she wiped her lips tenderly. She noticed him the figure stood at the end of the elongated stretched Hallway. He seemed to be human, except evil had consumed him at some point in his life. The man appeared gross and old- what a nightmare would appear on two feet.


His face was blurry except she could distinguish long; sharp black-teeth in the dim light then his face began to change under the moon light. “He was sickening” she thought. The figure’s face was awfully whitish and some very miniature spots of smeared blood were observable around his mouth. His eyes seem to be imprinted in his face. The inside color of his pumpkin eyes were a metallic grey. Although changed to black exceedingly often like shimmering lights flicked in a random sequence. His suit was black as a night lacking a moon. His traditional raincoat made him seem even scarier. She thought of Dracula movies, and appalling horror flicks which she had seen so many times before on stormy rainy nights.


Amanda slapped herself hard. But it made no difference. The man still stood at the end of the hallway. The rain-drops which tapped the windows became more intense and loud screams could be heard which came from the outside- a looming mayhem was about to break into our reality. Amanda had no idea even purgatory was breached and terrible forces had begun to travel via the streamline-connection into our galaxy. DJ, Quinn, and Martin approached the funeral home. The men drove as rapid as they could: Daniel Mikael hard-pressed the hummer to the brink of annihilating the engine. DJ held hope his sister would still be alive.


She tried to glance away- however her eyes could not leave his site. The Shadow-Man had a tie which was shady red; his undershirt was pasty and sanitary other than a dirt stain, and blood spots the man looked well-dressed. Except his shoes appeared polished with brain-fluid and he spoke very well mannered. “Do You Know What I am?” He released a green slime from his ears it appeared like the green goo a kid would obtain in a toy machine after a trip to the supermarket when you’re a child. Except this was all real- The hallway lights seemed to flicker in rhythm with Mr. Colfax’s eyes like a musical symphony in perfect harmony. Frightening messages appeared on the walls. The language smeared in blood. The words read: "PUNISHEMENT” -"PIG'S DIE" & "GOMORATH" Amanda's knees began to admit defeat. Her chest felt tight with each breath- her lungs hurt. She held her chest: “am’ I having a heart attack? She thought out loud: “No! I don’t know who you are” she replied. Laughter spilled out from the creature.


His long slicker began to spread-out behind him as if a wind burst made its way within the building. “Mommy, you look exhausted” Amanda turned her gaze away from Colfax immediately and gazed behind her and to Amanda’s surprise her daughter: Christie stood at the rear of the hallway. BUT it can't be- Amanda knew Christie was 50 miles away safe and sound in bed. The vision dripped water from its eyes and feet. She made a black puddle on the ground. Her breath frosty when she spoke and her lips had been sewed shut however still managed conversation somehow. Amanda began to cry, she was in total disbelief. This was not her daughter. "Mommy” I’m cold, “come hold me. Amanda closed her eyes and counted to ten and gradually reopened them, the vision was gone.


She instantly sheltered her eyes back to the "Monster" in front of her. The repulsive image of this horrific-man had been engraved permanently in Amanda's brain. “This place is for sacrificial lambs, “People go and people die “your own people lied to all of you.” “But of course, -you don't see” “you still trust, you still confide “Spoke Colfax." “I miss judged your intelligence.” “Your intelligence is close to that of a parasite you’re easily caught in traps by the superior breed” “The lack of insight your race holds is baffling” “The Devil is in front of you- “however you refuse to accept it” Said Colfax. who began to float off the ground and proceeded to inform her...”Things...”Bad things, “are about to take place. “They used these humans to "Crossover" Colfax pointed at body-bags of deceased men. “Just another vision, “I’m not afraid” Amanda told herself this demanding to keep clam. “You have no idea” “the wrath will be unleashed- “and you should- be afraid of me” He read her thoughts, Amanda knew for the first time in her life- she was moments away from dying.


Ray Patterson became a man on a mission. The detective began preparations’ for a task he never saw approaching or did he? Nothing mattered now: only the guns he had strapped to himself and the assault rifle over his shoulder- plus the bullet-proof vest. Ray had a secret room in his modest house filled adequately with guns and ammo. Ray’s long dead brother: Alan paid him a visit alongside with the Blood-King’s loyal and ruthless henchmen: “Belmont” the two travelers crossed over via the Orbs hooked on earth’s reality by the streamline connection. Alan explained: legacies of human-servants who obey and follow the soul-king were on earth. These servants would provide souls to the monster "GOMORATH” in-return for eternal life or to simply end the suffering of an individual by removing the person who was responsible for the pain. Belmont kept to himself. However the snakes which slithered from the monsters eyes did speak- and told Ray the best place to look first would be a funeral-home. The night had turned into a massive out-of-this-world horror show.


The skies bled snow, the moon had turned into a globe of blood. Colfax had said: the detective required the obligation to form an unlikely alliance. Ray considered necessary to help prevent the impending doom. Ray dropped to one knee and began the longest conversation with GOD. He had ever had. God and Ray had a connection despite the fact Ray’s heart constantly betrayed him with thoughts that god did not exist he fought those feelings and kept his faith strong. After a prayer and secured the weaponry Ray slipped into his Doge-charger and sped into the night’ in search of his new alliance. First stop: “UNITED FOREVER FUNERAL HOMES”



Amanda’s face was ferociously pressed against the wall. She was defenseless; a cold chill ran down her neck and into the pit of her stomach. The Vampires face now pressed on hers; Colfax licked Amanda’s cheek, and her lip. “Your people “invaded them first.” “After the Orbs- “after Xadin’s omen-box” “They are here- “about to begin. “Nevertheless comprehend “I to have fault in this, “I was no longer in a position, “where I felt the need to bow to such a “Pig, “to such a waist of existence.” Spine-chilling laughter spilled out of him. "Begin what?"Who are you? Amanda’s voice trembled; she felt her face sizzling from the invisible grab. Colfax had rammed her face tough prior to him materialized in human-form-and sucked on her cheek with his locked-power of invisible physical-attack. “Soon, “it will be time; “this planet will die- “and humanity will take delivery of the judgment it rightfully deserves; Colfax held a pitch black-cane in his right hand.


At the tip: two snakes crisscrossed each other with a black-heart in the middle. Colfax held the item up so Amanda could see and sarcastically asked the question: “Do you like my Cane” “Do you like its emblem?” Sirius Colfax asked her in a dense pitch- you can tell the infection of evil in his voice. Outside the funeral-homes walls- Amanda can hear the perceive buzzing of sirens which blazed by. Amanda could see the windows reflected police lights illumination and emergency services. (What were they doing here in this place? What type of treacherous secrets did this place hold? She thought out-loud and Colfax was pleased to answer her “It’s the center of hell.” Ray’s dodge charger sped past the Red 2010 Hummer DJ and Quinn along with the UFO researcher had made theirs after a bloody shoot-out. The Hummer was parked in front of the last convenient store which had not been looted or dismantled yet. “This is to fucking crazy D” “the sky dude, “Look at it” “it sliced open something big is hovering over us said martin to a battle-ready: Daniel Mikael. “You got what you came for”? Asked Quinn “Yeah, “let’s get the hell out of here- “and get to my sister replied DJ. The Cadillac erupted into a flamed machine of devastation while it roared pass the men inside the sports utility truck. “What the fuck? Said Quinn… “The freak’s been chasing us all night” “why pass us? “You don’t think he’s going anywhere we are? “I do, said DJ with guarantee and anxiety in his tone of voice.


Amanda glanced around franticly for the monster. However he had vanished. She rushed to the head director’s office and tripped over a trash can prior to stumbling to the ground and landing right in front of the office doors. She ran inside his office and grabbed his 44 magnum. She spot-checked for bullets. The clip was fully loaded and paced back into the hallway. “Fuck you Colfax Amanda screamed loud, the words just blurred out of her. She removed her jacket- picked up her hair in a bun and said to herself “I’m not dying here tonight” she popped an additional painkiller held the gun tight in her hand.


“I’m a bad bitch, I can do this” she kept telling her brain to think in a positive manner. A loud howl and an intense hissing sound came from the men’s rest room. “Fuck this” she whispered, picked up her jacket and dug into the pockets of the coat for her I-phone the bar on the top right of the cell phone indicated the battery was drained which was odd. She by no means forgot to charge it previous to work. An additional loud noise rattled her it came from the men’s room again, without notice Amanda was so nervous she placed the phone into her jeans and disregards the fact she might be able to call for help. She was drawn by the intrigue of the sound which reflected from the rest area.


She took a deep breath and made her way to the doors. Began to twist the knob tenderly; another sound smacked the air like an invisible punch. This time, it was a humming noise- more like a song and maybe a flute played along with the hum. (Just go in, stop being such a pussy”) she thought to herself” except the restroom door swung open and a bitter breeze rushed at her. This made her face resemble someone trapped in a declining airplane with immense holes sucking the passengers out. The humming stopped however the restroom was not empty. Faces of humans began to stretch-out from the walls. The flute started up again. The sound came from behind her but when Amanda turned around nobody was there. The faces had disappeared- back into the walls.


Someone cried from the handicap accessible bathroom. Amanda pressed on its door still quaking from the disturbed image of ghost-faced descriptions which ejected from the bathroom walls. She smoothly pushed the stall door open with a very light tap. On the toilet, the shape dripped water from its eyes and feet which created a crater on the bathroom floor, it seemed like a tiny portion of asteroid, had made its way through the roof of the building and crash landed on the bathroom tile. “Who are you, “how did you get in here? Asked Amanda with a solid stare at the women with a tear which rolled down her cheek? The old-women with water leaking from her eyes and feet looked very much like Amanda’s dead Mother. She wore her burial attire’ a black ball gown with no garments for her rotten feet. She smelled of jasmine and pine.


“Rosa Mikael’s” body was found dead in the wooded area near her home. She had several stab wounds on her body however a post-mortem autopsy revealed she died of strangulation and a mix of zyklon-B poison. The poison used in the Nazi gas-chambers. Amanda stared at the women who use to be her mother. Amanda felt revolted inside. The apparitions silence sent shockwaves of panic into the core of her soul. In, some strange way Amanda felt the ghost of her long dead mother tried to tell her something, trying to tell her to be safe, maybe she wanted to stand up, and hug her daughter- and she tried to stand.


However when the old decaying women stood up: her skeleton jingled and made a clack-cracked sound. Amanda could see bones became detached from the old women. Her fragile corpse disassembles and her bones slid off her skin from the bottom and smashed on the floor the sound it made was awful. A Thump... Thump... sound and shattered resembling glass.


Amanda thought for a second she might faint or fucking pass out seeing her: old dead mother releasing bones through her vagina. An unusual man who gave the impression of being a four star general dressed head to toe in military camouflage appeared to Amanda after her mother’s broken skeleton started to assemble itself. Amanda’s Dead Mother’s corpse was just pieces of decomposing flesh. Her body battered like a sex-doll after some sick pervert had its way with the thing, and sucked the air out of it in a fantasy drug induced quarrel.


Rosa’s bone-structure on the other hand began to reconstruct. Slime dripped from each piece of bone and skin began to grow out stretching and stitching itself together. The screams outside were loud and distressing otherworldly air craft’s had made their way into our planet’s atmosphere. The Cadillac, The Hummer, and The Dodge Charger: all three automobiles arrived at the same time- at the same place. The Cadillac-man slammed the break on his vintage 1983 classic car- it made a crashing squeal and brunt the street previous to flames subsided. The Cadillac-Man leaped out and began to go berserk.


The monster opened fire- he drenched the hummer in machine-gun bullets. Ray Patterson took cover in the rear by his charger. Used it as a shield and Quinn Mitchell Carter stood next to DJ while both men tried to battle the evil force of the Cadillac-Man. Martin was terrified inside the SUV but managed to count till five and jumped out with two guns drawn and he shot blindly at the charger. Quinn noticed the person who ducked and dodged bullets from the incoming gun-fire. It was the cop that had arrested DJ and testified at trial which resulted in Daniel’s fall from grace. “D, “this guy is moving too fast” “I don’t think he’s been hit” said Quinn to DJ while both men hid behind the bullet drilled SUV along with martin that had begun to reload both his handguns.


“The other fuck, “shooting at us- “is that cop DJ”…“The one behind the charger?”DJ Asked. “Yeah, I’m gonna kill him for you brother don’t you fucking worry” reassured Quinn. As he gradually stood up in a slow-motion point of view the wind became an eerie howl of evil. Ray little by little made his way towards the side area of the funeral home and catches Quinn Carter by surprise. Ray aimed the assault rifle directly at Quinn and pressed rigid for rapid fire.


Quinn was bombed with bullets Quinn’s neck was struck twice, his torso once, and his head four times. Ray noticed he had hit his target. Quinn fell down instantly. He bled from his mouth and eyes although Quinn was still breathing somehow. “Holy shit bro, they killed him” screamed Martin. “I got you buddy, “remember in life- “and in death just try to hang on brother” DJ held Quinn’s hand while the bullets kept flying in a hasty and ruthless craze. “He’s dead man” said Martin. Quinn was dead: unresponsive, icy, and bloody. DJ kept shooting at the Cadillac-Man. “Come now, “boys lets end this” “Daniel your friend is dead- “but only to be reborn” “his destiny was prearranged” said the Monster. “He will become the 4th and find the sky-keeper” Said the Cadillac-man. “I thought you needed us both screamed DJ.


“No, Just him Daniel “you can simply die now” the Cadillac-man began to release a massive appalling hairy black leg from his backside the sound of a hiss came from it and the monsters face morphed. Ray leaped back inside his dodge-charger-closed his eyes and said a prayer. Ray began to go full speed at the Cadillac-Man. Ray knew deep inside, the monster in front of him was worse than the criminals he was shooting at.


The Cadillac-man turned and snickered at Ray “That’s it Cop, “run me down embrace violence- “so I can have your soul”. Suddenly the dodge-charger was side swiped by a navy-blue Lincoln-navigator. Inside the truck was a crew of people with the leaders: Tiffany Elliot and Earl Raney knocked-out unconscious inside. And the impact flipped over the doge-charger and Ray became trapped within the vehicle. Ray’s dodge-charger was overturned with the front wheels whirling. The Cadillac-man laughed and began shooting at Daniel and Martin again.


Except the men had made their way to Ray’s car and pulled him out of the wreckage and dragged him behind the funeral home. Earl Raney regained his senses the blow to the head was robust. And Tiffany was still out like a light. The others in the truck supply Earl with a grenade. “Earl, “whatever the fuck that is” “it needs to be killed said Gigi. “I gotta go back for Quinn said DJ. “No way man” he’s gone” let it go said Martin. Everything fell silent for a brief moment while the small explosive rolled down the road coming to a halt by the Cadillac. The monsters eyes were pitched black and he bent down and picked up the tiny bomb and the foul creature placed it in his mouth- and swallowed the grenade. The Cadillac-man’s abdomen stretched and from his stomach: an insect mouth appeared on his skin “Oh My God Runnnnn” yelled Earl Raney.


The belly of the monster had an oral cavity of a spider. It was repulsive; gruesome, and powerful the grenade went flying in the opposite direction. Landed inside Earl Raney’s big sports truck and blew it up- black flamed circles shot up in the air. “Get inside, “Come on, “Come on” Tiffany Elliot was by now on her feet. She helped drag Ray inside the abandon police-station along with DJ and Martin. The rest of the group followed. The Cadillac-Man curved his body downward and leaped in the air. He’s on the roof of the police station with a single jump and began to crawl on all fours and extracting additional legs. “I need to get across the street” “my sister is in there” Said DJ “where? “In the funeral-home shit “She might as well be dead” did you, “see that thing that’s out there” reply Tiff? “Roamers” screamed: Gigi “Check the gun-gage” “these cops left in hurry- “we might find extra ammo” said Earl. The Roaming V’s were out of the tombstones. Absent from graveyards. Colfax undead-army had surrounded the police-station.


“WAKERS” yelled out: Jesse Hank while he glanced outside the stations window. “What’s a waker?” asked Ray. “Dead-people, “we call them “dwellers” replied Tiffany Elliot. And “roamers” asked Ray. He noticed Tiffany’s beauty for the first time. The roamers were fast and dangerous vampires who used the Funeral homes cemetery-lot to take dirt-naps prior to traveling to their set-destination. “That’s much more,-“complicated to explain but think vampires” answered Tiffany. Martin, Earl and Gigi made it back from the rear of the station and gathered further weapons: a few handguns and two addition shotguns. Gigi noticed a RED-Liquid which began to take the shape of red-worms and gigantic centipedes slithered through the streets -and consumed the vegetation, the plants, the green grass became drenched in a blood-red substance.


The evil fluid leaked into the cracked street, the liquid flowed down to the bottom of the city. “We “gotta get out of here” “or we are going to die said Gigi with fright in her tone of voice. “That funeral home” “what’s it doing in the middle of a main avenue? “What’s really going on in that place and how did you know to come here” asked Earl. “My sister, “if she’s still alive –“must know something “she always told me stories of the place” said DJ. “Besides, “it’s a local legend strange shit went down in that building said Ray Patterson. The racket on the roof resembled: a cross between a big steed and a slippery insect had claimed up and made the roof of the police-station its home and the creature’s echoed voice sounded ravenous. Come out, Come Out, and Dieeeee” said the thing on the roof above the group.


“Fuck the bullshit Earl” said Jesse. “We have to try- “and reach the funeral-home-“or we will die too many of them” an earsplitting uproar began outside the walls. The Roamers and The Returned had begun tearing all the way through one another’s supernatural bodies. It became a dance. It became a kind of union. Some of the roamers had the intellect to counterstrike The Returned with stylish mental power and forced them by tricky to carry on the assault on the survivors. Other “Wakers” or “Returned had ankles torn off by the roamers. A roamer and a returned going head to head can go either way. The returned had indestructible jaws and long fanged decomposed teeth when they bit down on the roamers or managed to take a chunk of flesh- the roamer V which was bit would set in motion an evil subspecies epidemic.


A different strain altogether. The V turned into a cross-breed- losing its individual traits and turned neither vampire nor undead. The clash outside was brutal, vicious and lethal nonetheless it was the perfect time for the group to make its way across the street and into: “UNITED FOREVER FUNERAL HOMES” “Earl, “we gotta move now said Gigi. “She’s right, “now is the time- “the freaks are preoccupied approved Tiffany. “Hey, “Hey what about him? “I think his leg is wrecked said Martin to Tiffany. “Relax it’s not broken, “if it was- “I would leave him here.” “He would be no use to anyone” but lucky for him”-“It’s a sprain guaranteed Tiffany. DJ shifted closer to Ray while he leaned on the sidewall of the police stations hub-area. “Don’t think, “I pulled you out because the world is ending and I need allies” said DJ. To a puzzled Ray who held his right leg in suffering. “Then why’d you do it? “I had a clean shot and took it” “that monster was a rapist” said Ray to an irritated DJ. “I’ve seen what I need to see,” Daniel said. “Me Too,” Ray said. Their dispute had just begun and in due course would ultimately pick up in good time. Colfax: The Vampire-elder from the transverse was the only candidate with the unmatched power to face the beast.


The Thing atop the roof was an unclean malevolence. A wicked creature from the depths of despair of a million hells- and when both powerful and uncanny monsters faced each other on the roof. The entire sky howled and the clouds screamed in terror. Colfax began to ascend up in the atmosphere. The view from the roof of the vacant police station was troubling. The Returned (aka: Wakers) and The Roaming V’s were tangled in conflict. A clash of undead titans- two supernatural gangs engaged in evil warfare. The Thing on the roof hid within the shadows. The hissing sound the beast made was horrible although Colfax enjoyed it. “Still a pig, “like the old soul-eater” “How is the filthy worm-snake these days? The monster the Cadillac-Man turned itself into began to pace forward. “Hello, Nebula said Colfax.




Part- 2

Amanda heard the commotion and not just the citizens prowling the streets. But loud gun-fire and some sort of bomb went off. She had no suspicion- her brother: DJ was fighting the strongest of evil potency to reach her. Amanda had a strong, terrible thought: (what if? all that’s happening. was because of this place?) A panic grew within her. She knew Mr. Cross had been bringing in what he called: “Dream-Drifters" a team of voluntary soldiers who signed up for the “Omega project" they had built an underground bunker sub-station to conduct the tests.

One late December night: nine days before: Christmas. Amanda had noticed power-outages throughout her shift. It had scrambled the key-cards, and compromised security.


Amanda had received terrorization in the course of night-terrors. This was something with the intention of bringing fear to Amanda. It haunted her dreams, not knowing what really occurred below the building. She flat-out had nightmares of