Vampire Roadtrip by Doreen Serrano and Wade Lijewski - HTML preview

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Chapter VIII


Several hours had passed while traveling. The lights of the passing buildings and sounds of the fellow vehicles on the road had been a welcomed sensory experience for the pack in the early stages of their travels, but the excitement had quickly worn thin. Their legs were becoming restless and jittery and their minds were falling into memories of past experiences, of current random thoughts linked to boredom, and of the wonderment of what waited ahead. Sensing their uneasiness, Dominic made an announcement.

“Hey! Truck stop just ahead… I need some coffee for my soul.”

They chuckled but it was more a half-hearted collective laugh, some from sense of need to respond to their leader and the others in appreciation for his humor and obvious love of coffee.

“One truck stop, comin’ up,” responded Christoph.

“Your eyes look a bit worn as well, sir,” Dominic nudged their driver. “I’m good.”

As he spoke, the car veered to the right, grazing the rumble strips before the ditch, filling the hearse with a deep, low warning of pending danger.

“Right,” said Dominic. “Pull it over.”

The car cruised through the winds of the exit ramp to the entrance of the oversized truck stop that offered travelers all they could ever need. The large sign out front announced that they were visiting the Tiki Truck Stop, which alluded to the possibility of a retro beach theme, but in reality appeared more industrial. As the car slowed, Jarek’s eyes widened with the vision of a chrome shop whose sign notated the availability of custom knives.

“You know where you can find me!” he announced, bolting out of the rear passenger door before anyone in the pack could discuss group plans.

In such a rural area, Dominic was not concerned with them splitting up individually to pursue their own interests. The quaint little diner with the invitation to a

twenty-four hour breakfast was the only place of interest to him at the moment though he knew they wouldn’t all be joining him.

A little self-indulgence may be good for everyone,” he thought.

He was also aware that their immediate location still offered him the ability to sense the activities of all his surroundings. This was also the rare opportunity for a mini-vacation that, while short-lived, would seem more like a month-long retreat compared to the daily routines and activities they endured.

“Go have fun, but be back at the car in a half hour,” he warned.

Dominic made his way through the gift shop and convenience store refreshment area toward the entrance of the diner. With a Mountain Dew in one hand and two large bags of Pizza Pretzel Combos pressed against his chest in the other, Leo turned the aisle and bumped directly into him, causing a few Combos to spill from the top of the bag he had already opened prior to checkout.

“Shit, Dom!” he mumbled with a mouth full of Combo goodness before he shuffled off to the counter. Dominic laughed internally at the sight of him running around and filling his hands with whatever junk food he felt would satisfy his needs.

From the corner of his eye, Dominic saw Christoph fumbling around in his pockets and counting quarters in front of the door that led to the shower stalls. Just beyond him were the glass windows that separated the main gift shop from the chrome shop. Through the panes, he could see Raina attempting to talk to Jarek, though his focus was clearly on the selection of knives before him.

“Apparently, I’m alone for breakfast,” he whispered as he made his way to an empty table.

A young waitress approached and her nametag in