Vampire Roadtrip by Doreen Serrano and Wade Lijewski - HTML preview

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Chapter IX


After promising to never again leave them unaccompanied, Raina talked Dominic into making their first overnight stop. They were all exhausted, grouchy, and their legs had started showing imprints from the leather seats; they wanted nothing more than warm beds and a little privacy.

After checking in, Dominic exited the lobby and headed toward the car in a cool, slow stride. As he approached it, he extended his arm, his index finger rotating the metal ring of the room key in a circular motion. He hopped in the car and motioned for Jarek to drive forward.

“Straight ahead, all the way down.”

Dominic got a thrill from the memories of past visits to resorts. He had enjoyed playing rock star and fantasizing that he had an endless bank account. The mere memory of room service and mini-bars made his pulse race. He had frequently enjoyed playing tour guide to his friends with each visit to various hotels.

As the car crept forward, Dominic playfully imitated the Count, while welcoming his crew to their location.

Ladies and gentlemen… welcome to Hotel Royale. On your left, you will find our two luxurious swimming pools. Two! Ah ah ah… hot tub… sauna…”

With a slight glance to his right, he observed two young college girls dressed in their nightclub attire, fumbling with a slight stagger to navigate their room key into the door of their room.

“And on your right… continental breakfast… being served from 6 a.m. until…”

He paused slightly as his crew switched their attention to the two guests.


The doors of the car flew open and each one of them moved with a purpose, almost in time with the pulsating guitar melody coming from their stereo.

Having finally enjoyed a hot meal, Raina lounged on her motel bed thinking of the long journey ahead. Hoping there would be no reappearance from either of her ghosts, she closed her eyes and tried to stop thinking. Conflicted by thoughts of what could happen if and when they made it to Lucius, she finally fell into a deep and restful sleep just in time for the sun to awaken. It had been such a deep sleep, in fact, that she didn’t hear a sound when her surprise visitor dropped by, quietly and unexpectedly as usual. Undisturbed by the click of the lock and deafened by her slumber, she didn’t hear the slow creaking of her motel door and didn’t stir a muscle when her sleeping body was pulled gently into a muscular hug. What did wake her was the feel of a strong chest against her cheek and the firm hand that held her head to it.

Most women would have been frightened and likely responded with a scream or a struggle or both, but not Raina. It hadn’t taken her long to adjust to Jarek’s intrusions and his need to overpower her in every way possible. Somehow, without becoming aware of it, she had grown accustomed to the continuous violations of a guest who possessed neither an invitation nor a key yet insisted on showing up during her most vulnerable hours.

She knew that her subconscious mind had registered his arrival and identity before her conscious mind had. If he had truly been an enemy, Raina would not have sensed such comfort and safety and would have gone automatically into fight mode. Instead, she buried her head deeper into his torso and felt her arms instinctively enclose his thick waist. She had always loved the feel of Jarek’s body all six feet and three inches of it. Two hundred and forty pounds of hard-earned muscle made for a serious embrace and she gave into it without a