Victim City Stories Issue 1 by Dale Hammond - HTML preview

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"How'd it go?"

"Fucking bullshit.  This sucks."

"I know, honey.  I'm proud of you for working so hard."


"I'll bring the car around."

Quinn Fleming waited for his mother outside the elevator at the parking garage of his physical therapist.  They didn't know when he'd walk without crutches, much less play football again.  Without his scholarship, and with his attendance, he wasn't looking to stay at VCU much longer.  Mu Theta Pi was suspended and his mom was bugging him to...

"How do you like the crutches, Quinn?"  Quinn started to swivel around.  "You really want to turn around?"

"What do you want?" asked Quinn, looking straight ahead.

"You out of my city," said the voice behind him.

"You know how much this is costing my parents!" Quinn started.  "I should fucking sue..."

A crutch was kicked out from under him.  Quinn dropped down to his bad knee.

"If you have to crawl, get out of my city.  Next time you'll be in a wheelchair."

Quinn's mother's minivan turned the corner.  He got back on his feet and turned around to an empty parking garage.