Victim City Stories Issue 1 by Dale Hammond - HTML preview

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Beer Bong Bloodbath

By Dale Hammond


June 2nd, 2:00 PM


“How about Kurt?” asked Angela.

“Ew,” Hayley said flatly.  “You really want to start with that?”

“I mean, he’s kind of quiet, but he’s probably more my type.”

“You mean you don’t like your chances with the good looking ones.”

“Sweetie, that’s why the Goddess invented beer,” Amber added from the back seat.

“They may talk a lot of shit, but they’ll be humping each other by the end of the weekend, believe me,” said Hayley.

“It’s just, I don’t want it to be gross,” said Angela.

“Oh, it will be.  No way around that.”  Hayley lit a cigarette and rolled down the window.  “That’s the point of this weekend.”

“Trust me,” started Montana from the back seat.  “Don’t lose it to a guy you actually like or wanna date.  Hell, I’d just wait till the keg’s half empty and bend over a table so you don’t see who’s giving it to you.  And I doubt it would be Kurt.”

“Don’t think that perv could get his hand off his own dick long enough to stick it in anyway,” Hayley added.

“Hey, Hayley, that could work out for you.  Maybe with his fist he could hit all the sides at once for a change,” joked Montana.  Hayley responded with a casual middle finger.

“Angela, sweetie, I can give you some oxys if you’re worried about it hurting,” Amber offered.

“No, I’m not worried about that,” Angela muttered.

“Well, you’re not like a real virgin,” Montana started, “I mean after...”

“Thank you, Montana!” Hayley interrupted.  She patted Angela on the head.  “Don’t worry, to us you’ll always be a virgin.  A manless.  Unwanted.  Loser.  Virgin.”

“Ah, you’re so sweet,” sneered Angela.  “I am going to poke holes in all your condoms.”

“Oh, you bitch.”

“Nine months from now we’ll be in college, and you’ll be squeezing out a litter of douchebags.”

“They’ll only be half douchebag.”

“And half whore,” laughed Montana.  Hayley offered another finger.