Victim City Stories Issue 1 by Dale Hammond - HTML preview

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3:30 PM


“This place is nice.  I figured it would have rented out for the beginning of summer,” said Angela.

“The original owner wanted to turn it into a B&B, but couldn’t get it up to code,” started Austin.  “Tried to sell it right when the market crashed.  Bank ended up taking it, then the bank went under.

The woods threatened to reclaim the two story cabin.  Branches pressed against the sides of the house, while grass and ivy attacked the front steps.

“So who owns it now?” Angela asked as the group walked up the overgrown path.

“It’s in probate, but it’s hard to tell who owns it.  My dad said he’d have problems finding out if he ever had a buyer, but nobody’s been interested.”

“So it’s okay for us to be here?”

“Hey, he gave me a key,” Austin smiled as he pulled out a shiny, little used door key.

“He bought us the keg, too,” Montana added.  “Doesn’t make that legal.”

“You’re legal by now, ain’t you Mount-tana,” snickered Colt, as he and Drew carried the keg to the front porch.  “Kind of takes the fun out of it.”

“Too bad you managed to graduate,” said Montana.  “You could have stayed behind and kept fucking girls your same reading level.”

Austin unlocked the front door, half stepped inside, and reached for a light switch.

“Please tell me this place has electricity,” said Hayley, her face dropping.

“I’ve got to unlock the breaker box.  Might take a while to get hot water.”

Austin went through the first floor through the living room.  A rug lay in front of the fireplace, a single showroom sofa the only furniture.  He went through the bare kitchen with overdone fixtures to the back door.  While he worked on the generator, Angela, Hayley, and Montana explored the house.  Drew and Colt were at work tapping the keg while Greg brought in the coolers from back of the SUV.  They left Amber nodded off in the back of the girls’ car.  Kurt had slipped away somewhere.

There was a bedroom and den on the first floor and three bedrooms upstairs.  Topping off the cabin was a small attic loft.  There was no furniture or curtains.  The girls tested the bathrooms and were relieved to find there was running water.

“I guess this place is fucking doable,” Hayley sighed.

“Just barely doable.  Just like the guys,” Montana added.  “God, there better be enough beer.”

“Let’s go get our shit.  I want to take a shower,” said Angela.

“I don’t think there’s hot water, sweetie,” said Hayley.  “It’s gonna suck when you have to wash away the shame.”

“Is there going to be shame, Hayley?” Angela smirked.  “You promise?”

“You’re asking her what shame is?” joked Montana.


The girls passed Drew and Colt starting their first cup on the porch on the way to the car.  Angela went to the driver’s seat to pop the trunk.  Amber was still asleep in the back seat, slumped over with her shorts riding up her thighs.  Hayley went for the door handle and slid into something wet and sticky.

“Fuck, really?  Really?  We’ve been here what, five minutes?” Hayley objected.

“Let me guess.  Kurt was enjoying the view,” Montana laughed.  “Get used to it.  There’s going to be a lot of it flying around this weekend.”

“You figured he would have a crusty sock or something.”  Hayley held her hand away from her, looking for a place to wipe it off.  Montana gently took her wrist, then popped a sticky finger between her lips.  “You are so nasty,” Hayley grimaced, then broke into a laugh as Montana nodded her head and winked.

“Yes.  Yes I am nasty.”  Montana opened the trunk to get her bags.  “And in three months I’ll be in a town where nobody knows that, and I have to keep my shit on the downlow while I look for a rich asshole to marry.  So if I want to pull a train, or have five guys cum in my hair, I better do it now in VC where nobody gives a shit.”

“Ew!  Your hair?  Really?” said Hayley.

“Don’t judge.  You don’t know me.”

“You’re a total whore.”

“Oh, I guess you do know me.”

Angela joined them at the trunk and they took armfuls of bedrolls, pillows, and duffle bags.  “We’re not going to do like an orgy, are we?” said Angela.

“That shit never works.  At least not with high school boys.” said Montana.  “They just look at each other’s dicks and get weirded out.  Or you feel guilty not letting the ugly guys get a turn.”

“When was this, exactly, where you learned this?” asked Angela.

“Summer camp.  This was a long time ago, you didn’t know me then.”

“Fucking relax, Angela,” said Hayley.  “Somebody will stick something in you eventually.”

“This weekend is going to do wonders for my self-esteem,” said Angela.  “I can tell my therapist to cancel all those prescriptions.”

Hayley lowered her voice.  “Seriously, don’t mention that around Amber.  I’m rationing her pills this weekend.”  Angela nodded in agreement.

“When’s this party starting?”  Colt tipped back the rest of his cup and went to the keg to refill.  Angela went inside with her bags.  Hayley dropped hers in the living room and slipped away to the back door.  Montana stopped on the porch.

“Looks like you’ve already started,” she said.

“I mean the real party.”

“Such a smooth talker.  Beer me, bitch.”

“She’s talking to you, Drew,” said Colt.  Drew shrugged his shoulders and went to the keg.

“It’s going to take a lot to make up for you being such an ass, Colt,” said Montana.  She pulled up his shirt with one hand, ran the other down his abs.  “This almost does it.”  She held one hand in front of her eyes to block out his face.  “Just cut your head off and everything will be fine.”


Hayley came up to Austin behind the house as he checked the breaker box.  She slipped up behind him and laid one hand across his eyes, the other down the front of his pants.

“Let me guess,” he smiled.  “Greg?”

“Don’t laugh,” said Hayley.  “We brought a lot of beer.”  She pulled the hand from his eyes and worked on his belt.  “You are fucking Angela, this weekend, aren’t you,” she said aggressively.

“Like you said, there’s a lot of beer.”  Austin reached behind him and rubbed Hayley’s thighs.

“Be nice.  I thought you guys would fuck anything.”  She breathed heavy on his neck while her hands slid along his cock.  “Tell me you’ll fuck her.”

Austin closed his eyes.  “It’s not that she’s that fat.  But you know, the crying and shit.  Total boner killer.”

“You’re telling me that anything could kill this boner,” Hayley smiled.  She pulled his cock out of his boxers, spat in her right hand, and began pulling, rubbing the head with her left.  “Tell me you're going to fuck her,” she snarled.

“Yes, yes” Austin moaned.

Hayley spun him around, still working his cock with both hands.  “Open your eyes.”  He opened them, sheepishly.  “You are going to take this cock and fuck the shit out of her!”

“Fine, yes!”

“Pull out when you’re going to cum.”  She dropped to her knees and put the head in her mouth, still tugging with her hand.  Only seconds passed before he pulled her hand away and finished himself off.  Hayley took her mouth off and ducked at the last second, letting Austin shoot thin white ropes into her bangs.  Austin fell back against the cabin wall, smiling.

Hayley rubbed the cum into her hair.  “Didn’t do a fucking thing for me.”

“What’s your deal with getting Angela laid anyway?” said Austin, pulling himself back into his jeans

“She’s my friend.”  Hayley stood up and walked to the back door.  “And she can stop thinking she’s so fucking pure,” she muttered under her breath.


Angela brought her bag into the downstairs bathroom.  She opened the curtains to the outside window to let some light in and undressed.  The shower was a glass encased stall.  She turned the knobs and the pipes groaned to life.  She waited a few moments for the water to warm up before giving up.  She grabbed her shampoo and soap, braced herself, and hopped through the glass door.

The cold water took her breath away, but was refreshing after the hot car ride.  She tried not to look, but couldn’t avoid feeling herself as she rubbed the soap over herself.  At least her skin was soft and her acne was starting to fade.  As a weird aunt had once told her, as long as your boobs stick out further than your belly, boys will be interested.

Angela looked up and saw a top of a head on the other side of window quickly duck down.  When Angela didn’t shout after him, Kurt’s head slowly came back up.  Angela made eye contact and nodded to him.  Kurt’s eyes were further south.  She closed her eyes and slid her hands down her body.  She crossed her wrists over her stomach, hands reaching down, her arms pressing her tits together.

“There’s no way I’m cumming in this cold water,” she muttered to herself.  She opened her eyes and Kurt was gone.


Behind the cabin was a yard cut out of the dense forest surrounding it.  A workshop bordered one side, and an overgrown trail led to the lake.  Greg worked on lighting a charcoal grill.  Colt and Drew brought over a cooler with the meat, Hayley and Montana following with their beers.

“There’s supposed to be a lake, right?” Montana asked.

“Supposed to, but with the drought the levels are probably low,” said Greg.

“I brought my reel, just in case,” said Drew.

“I never understood fishing,” Hayley shook her head.

“It’s so men can get away from their wives and drink in peace,” Greg explained.

“Is that what you came here for, Drew?  To get away from women?” Hayley teased.

Drew blushed, “No, no, um.”

“Hey Drew, want don’t you show Hayley your rod,” Montana laughed.

“By that, she means your cock, Drew,” Colt said dryly, opening a beer.

“Nice single entendre, Oscar Wilde,” Greg added.  Hayley took Drew by the hand and pulled him quietly towards the workshop.

“Is that some kind of faggot crap?” Colt snipped.

Greg shrugged his shoulders, “Well, actually…”

“Let’s go check out the lake.  How long till the meat’s ready?” Montana asked.

“My meat’s always ready,” Colt laughed.

“Better.  You’re up to an entendre and a half,” Greg laughed.

“What are you, fucking French?” Colt glared.

“It’s going to be a while, Montana,” said Greg.

“C’mon, Colt.  Let’s check out the lake.”  Montana took his hand and led him down an overgrown path.

“You got a problem with Greg, Colt?” she asked once they were out of earshot.

“He’s cool.  I just don’t get his faggot bullshit.”

“I’m pretty sure Greg’s straight.  I can fuck him in front you if you want proof,” she smiled.

“He’s not like homo faggot, like queer faggot.”

Montana shook her head.  They made their way down the path until the trees thinned and they could see the lake.  The water’s edge was several yards away from a short pier.  The lake had shrunk to a pond, green with algae and buzzing with mosquitoes.

“Oh, fuck this.  This is just sad,” Montana lamented.

“No wonder they can’t sell this place.”  Weeds and grass led up to the green water.

“I was hoping to get in some bikini time,” said Montana.

Colt’s eyes lit up.  “Hey, it’s always bikini time.  You bring one?”

“I’m wearing one now,” Montana smiled.  She teased her shirt up her waist, then pulled it up over her bare breasts.  “Whoops, looks like I left it at home,” she smiled.  She kept her eyes on Colt’s eyes on her tits.  She asked for new ones for her graduation present.  Instead her parents gave her a lecture on self-esteem and an appointment with a therapist.  She pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it on the grass.  “I’m sure you’re really disappointed,” she teased.

Colt rubbed his hands on the front of jeans.  “You forget the rest of it, too?”

“I don’t know.  You want to check for me?”  Montana turned her back to Colt and bent over slightly.  Colt immediately pulled down her shorts to her bare ass.

“Still not sure, let me get a closer look.”  Colt dropped to his knees, cupped her ass cheeks with each hand and spread them apart.  Montana bent deeper.  Colt spread her lips with his thumbs.  Montana pulled a condom from her pocket and handed it back.  It was more for the lube than the protection.  She knew Colt wasn’t big into foreplay.

“This is just the opening number.  So just fuck the shit out of me and make it quick.“  Montana stayed bent over, hands on her knees, as Colt fumbled behind her.  He rammed in dry, balls deep in one thrust.  Another dry thrust and Montana reached behind her.  She felt for his dick and grabbed bare skin.  She pulled away and turned to find Colt holding the condom package in his teeth.  “Put the fucking rubber on, asshole!”

Colt shrugged his shoulders.  “What?  I was going to put it on before busted one.”

“That’s not how they work, dumb ass.”

“Works fine.  Quit being a bitch, you’re killing my boner.”

Montana snatched the condom package from his mouth and pulled it open.  “This quickie is taking entirely too long,” she smiled, rolling the condom down Colt’s cock.  ‘Now fucking get in there!”  Montana turned back around.

Colt slid inside her again and grabbed on to her hips, stabbing her spastically.  “You like that don’t you,” he started  growling.  “Fucking trash.  You like the fucking dick, you fucking slut.”

Montana wasn’t drunk enough for the trash talking to not be annoying, but she wanted to get Colt out of the way first while he was still sober.  A few more beers and he gets unpleasant and dark, and she knows he’ll be bored of her for a while.  The trick was to get him right before he passed out, but not before his dick stops working.  Then she could be on top and enjoy his abs and pecs without his stupid mouth.

Colt's talking turned to grunting, and after a few low pitched “yeah”s he let go.  Montana pulled her shorts back up and looked for her shirt.  Colt pulled the condom off and flicked it into the lake.


“I thought nobody ever lived here?” Hayley asked.

“They probably used this place while they were building the house.  Then they could use it as a garage or guest house or something.” Drew answered, going through the power tools left on metal shelves.

“Why would they leave all this stuff?  Isn’t it expensive?”

“Weird shit happens.  Contractors skip town, get arrested, or borrow other people’s shit and lose track of it.  One job I was on, some guy just got out of prison and tried to beat up the foreman because of an air compressor he lost two years before.”

“That’s fascinating, Drew.”  Hayley picked up a large power drill and struck a pose.  “I love it when boys talk about their tools.”

“That’s one of those double entendres, isn’t it?” Drew smiled.  Hayley winked and rubbed her hand over the drill.  She put the tip of tongue on the end, but withdrew when she tasted grease.  “Yeah, I wouldn’t do that.”

Hayley dropped the drill.  “Why is your shirt still on?” she demanded, walking towards him.

“Well, uh.”

“Why are you being so weird?”  Hayley pulled up the bottom of Drew’s shirt and rubbed a hand over his abs.

“I thought you and Greg had something going,” said Drew.  Hayley saw the front of his shorts start to bulge.

“It might have been going that way, but that was before.”

“Before what?  I know he really likes…”

“God, Drew,” Hayley rolled her eyes.  “Fine, if you don’t want to fuck, do something else with that mouth other than talk.”  Hayley slid her shorts and thong down in one movement.  As Drew was pulling his shirt off over his head, he snapped forward and grabbed Hayley roughly.

“Watch it!”  Hayley was lying herself backwards on a table over a circular saw.

Hayley was startled, then laughed.  “I figured I’d end up needing shots after this weekend, just not tetanus.”  She found a clear spot on the table and laid back, sticking her legs in the air.  Drew kneeled before her and stared, fascinated.

Hayley sighed, and hooked her feet behind Drew, drawing him in.  She grabbed what she could of his short hair and tried to guide Drew’s fumbling mouth to her clit.  What he lacked in technique he almost made up for in enthusiasm.

After a few minutes, the beginning of an orgasm snuck up on Hayley.  She sat up, hooking her knees over Drew’s shoulders.  Drew reached up and snaked a hand up her shirt, pinching a nipple through her bra.

“Show me how strong you are.  Pick me up.”

Drew supported Hayley’s ass with both hands and stood up.  Hayley’s thighs tightened up over the side of his head, and she had to duck before she hit the ceiling.  Drew got louder as he worked on her, holding her up in a reverse piggy back.  Hayley’s nails dug into the back of his skull, and she laughed spastically as her body twitched.  Her legs went weak, and Drew lowered her to the ground.  She kept chuckling under her breath.

“A girl laughs, it could be good or bad,” Drew smiled, his mouth and chin shining wet.

“Oh, definitely good.”  Hayley leaned in and took a lick of herself off his face.  “I’m jealous.  My pussy tastes good.  How about I return the favor?”

Drew took a step back as she reached a hand towards his crotch.  “I, uh, I’m kind of done.”

“Hot for you, too, huh?” she winked.  Drew nodded eagerly.  Hayley shrugged her shoulders and picked up her shorts.  Drew had a reputation as a one minute wonder, but Hayley thought that might be good.  Angela probably didn’t need a marathon session.  “You should show some of that to Angela.  It’ll be good for her.”

Drew picked up his shirt.  “Angela’s OK, but I’m sure she’s not into that.”

Hayley grabbed Drew by the chin.  “Drew.  Honey.  You do know we’re here to fuck each other senseless and then never see each other again.  Angela, too.”

“So, wait, what?  You and Greg aren’t going to keep…”

Hayley covered his mouth up with her hand.  “Seriously, Drew.  You’re a nice guy, but you can be a stupid jock sometimes.  So shut the fuck up, or I’ll shove more pussy in your face.”

“Is that supposed to make me shut up?”