Victim City Stories Issue 1 by Dale Hammond - HTML preview

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8:30 PM


Mosquitoes drove everyone inside.  Drew took the keg into the living room.  Coolers and bottles were stacked up everywhere.

“How do we want to do this?  Orgy?”  Montana tipped back a whole cup of beer and was getting tipsy.

“I can’t get hard watching these guys balls flapping around,” said Colt, tipping back his bottle.

“So no DP for you, Colt?’ mocked Montana.  “Your balls slapping against your bro’s?  Feeling his dick sliding next to yours, that little piece of flesh between you?”

“I think I just came in my pants,” laughed Austin, working the pump of the keg.

“How about Truth or Dare,” Amber suggested.

“Fuck truth.  I don’t give a shit about your secrets,” said Montana.

“How about this,” Greg suggested.  “Spin a bottle, the first person it hits gets to make the call, who does what with who.  It can be with themselves, or other people, or whatever.  After they’re done, the people involved spin to see who makes the next call.”

Colt objected.  “I know these bitches.  They’re going to want us to do some gay ass shit.”

“Shit, this is still America.  Nobody has to do anything, or anybody, they don’t want to,” Greg offered.  “If you back out, fine, but you don’t get to be in the next spin.  Sound good?”

“Fucking whatever, let’s go,” said Amber.  Everyone sat down in rough circle.  Amber spun a beer bottle.  It landed between Montana and Hayley, closer to Montana.

“My turn,” said Montana.  “Colt, suck Greg’s cock.”

“Fuck your gay bullshit!”

“So you’re not going to do it?”

“Fuck you!”

“All right.  Colt exercised his privilege,” said Montana.  “That means the other person, Greg, gets a turn.”

“My turn, huh.”  Greg set his beer down and started undoing his shoe laces.  “Montana.  Hayley,” Greg gave them both seductive looks.  “I want… the two of you… to… massage my feet.”  Greg leaned back and thrust two bare feet into the center of the circle.

“So gross,” Montana complained.  “That’s a full day’s worth of skank on those things.”

“Feel free to wash them if you want.  I don’t have any oils for you to anoint me, though.”

Hayley took a foot and rubbed her thumb into his sole.  “I’m not sucking your toes.”

Montana took the other foot.  “That should be another rule.  Once you start doing something, you can’t start adding shit to it.”

Greg smiled, satisfied.  “Thank you, ladies.  I’ll be happy to return the favor anytime.”

“I’m not wasting my spin for a fucking foot massage,” said Montana, picking up the bottle.  “So, we spin between the two of us, right?”

“Sounds good,” said Hayley.  The bottle landed on Montana again.

“What can I say?  I’m a beer magnet.”  Montana opened another bottle and stood up.  “Okay, Colt.  Think you can bench press me?”

“Shit, I can bench two of you.”

“Hey, Montana, get some other guys in on this,” Amber added.  “At least hedge our bets on Colt getting the spin.”

“How about you, Drew?” Montana asked.

“No prob.”

“Don’t even ask the rest of us,” Greg laughed.

“Shit, I’ll give it a try,” said Austin.

“Okay,” said Montana, cheerfully.  “Shirts off.  Colt, Drew, and Greg get turns bench pressing me.”

“Winner gets next turn?” Drew asked.

“Silly boys, I’m the winner here,” Montana laughed.  “No, you three spin for next turn.  You’re up, Colt.”

Colt grabbed a couple sofa cushions and used them as a makeshift weight bench.  He pulled his shirt off, followed up Drew and Austin.  Amber wolf whistled.  Austin held his hands over his chest in mock embarrassment.

“Ok, this is harder than doing a barbell.  You need to be stiff as a board, on your side.  I’ll grab you by the shoulder and thigh,” said Colt.

“God, can’t you be a hunk of beef without talking,” said Montana.  She lay on her side over Colt’s waiting hands.  Colt pushed her up, then went up in down in a steady rhythm.  Montana heard him counting between breaths.  “Stop counting.  This isn’t a competition.”

Colt set Montana down across his lap, gave her ass a spank, and said, “You’re up, Drew.”

Drew took his place on the sofa cushions.  “I’m going to try a different grip,” he smiled.  He put one hand on Montana’s upper back, the other on her ass.  Drew pressed Montana, face up, giggling as she rose and fell.  After a few reps, Drew’s arms started shaking.  He did one final press, then flipped Montana face down as she fell across his lap.

“You’re up, Austin.”

Austin cracked his neck and stretched his arms.  “I hate showing you guys up.  I really do.”  He lay down on the cushions.  Montana lay across him.  Austin rolled her face down over him, placed one hand on a breast, the other over her crotch.  He made exaggerated grunts, but made no effort to push up.

“Cute, Austin.”  Montana smiled.

“You like that?  What I did there?”

“Very hot, Austin.”

“I grabbed your boob.”

“Yes, yes you did.”

Montana stood up and returned to the circle.  Austin put his shirt back on.  Colt and Drew left theirs off.

“So, the three of us spin?” Drew asked.

“Yep,” Montana confirmed.

Drew took the bottle and spun.  Colt.  Angela was the only woman who didn’t wince.

“All right.  I want to see how long Amber can hold her breath.”  Colt took a long hit from his bottle.

“What, just…”

“With my cock in her throat,” Colt added.

“Figures.”  Amber took a long sip.  “Right here, or…”

Colt pointed to the other guys.  “You faggots go in the kitchen or something.  You ladies feel free to excuse yourself.  Or watch, I’m cool.”

“I’m sticking around,” said Hayley.

“Me, too,” said Montana.  “You in on this, Angela.”

She shrugged her shoulders.  “I want to watch her technique.”

“That’s the spirit,” Amber cheered.  She stumbled over to Colt.  “You need to get hard?”

“I’m good to go.”  Colt looked nervously at the other woman for a second, then smiled and slid his shorts to his knees.  His cock sprung up.

“So just a deep throat is all?” Angela asked.

“No, I really want to see how long she can hold her breath.”  Colt pointed to his pubes.  “The count starts when her nose hits that, and it stops when it moves away.”

“Keep count, bitches,” Amber slurred, dropping to her knees.  She pulled Colt’s cock down her throat in one stroke, grabbing his ass and pulling him in.  Colt grabbed her hair.

“Hey, no hair pulling,” Montana objected.

“Yeah, that’s cheating,” Hayley smiled.  “Let her do it herself.”

Amber waved her hand to get their attention, made a count down with her fingers, and waved again.

“Shit, who’s got a watch,” said Angela.

“Fuck it, just count.  1...2...3...” the girls counted in unison, which brought some laughs from the kitchen.

At ten, tears came out of Amber’s eyes.  At twenty she half gagged.  A snot bubble splashed against Colt’s pubes, but she kept her position.  At forty, her hands slipped from Colt’s ass, and she fell backwards.

“Oh, shit!” The three girls jumped forward to catch Amber.  He face was bright red, turning purple.  They started to bring her to the sofa when she came to and shook them off.

“How’d I do?” she slurred.

Montana laughed.  Angela said, “Um, maybe like a minute.  I don’t know.”

“Better than you bitches.”  Amber grabbed a beer and casually flipped the rest of the girls off while taking a chug.  Colt pulled up his pants before calling the boys back from the kitchen.

“How’d she do?” Austin asked.

“Choked that bitch out,” Colt bragged.

“Shit, you okay, Amber?” Drew asked.

“Shit, that’s nothing.  Where’s that faggot Kurt?  It’s my turn.”

“I think he disappeared again,” said Greg.  “Kurt!  Buddy!  You’re up!”

Kurt came down the stairs, looking suspicious

“Alright, Kurt, let’s go.”  Amber tried to take his hand, but he pulled away.  Amber shrugged and motioned him into a bedroom.


“You like watching so much, I want you to watch me.”  Amber took her bag and produced a dildo.  “You don’t get to jerk off.  Not yet.”  Amber slid the latex down her throat, a pair of synthetic balls hitting her lips and keeping it from disappearing altogether.  With her other hand, she pulled her shirt up and slid her breasts out over her bra.

Amber caught him rubbing the front of his pants.  “Not yet.  You cheat and you don’t get to pick next round.  Now lay down.”  Kurt complied.  Amber slipped out of her shorts and thong.  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to touch you if you don’t want.  I know what that’s like.”  She straddled his face and squatted down, sliding the dildo into herself as she went down.

“You getting hard yet?”  Amber could see he was.  “All right, go ahead and get yourself off.  See how quick you can shoot off.”

Kurt started cumming as quick as he could get his dick out of his pants.  He dribbled white into the palm of his other hand.

“Fucking hot, isn’t it.”  Amber pulled the dildo out as she stood up.  “Thanks, Kurt.  Lady likes to feel appreciated now and again.”


“How was he?” Montana joked.

“Fuck him.  I was amazing,” said Amber.

“Alright, Kurt, you’re up.  Live the dream, buddy!” cheered Austin, patting him on the shoulder.  Kurt glared at the women for a few seconds, pointed at Hayley and Montana, then went into the kitchen.

“Shit, leave some for us,” Austin laughed.


Hayley and Montana held hands and skipped into the kitchen.

“You know, Kurt, if you want us to lez out, you’re going to have to actually talk,” said Hayley.

“I don’t know what Amber did, but I bet Hayley could get you hard again.  You can fuck her without a condom if you want,” laughed Montana.

Hayley shot her an ugly look.  “You should try Montana’s ass.  She’ll finish you off in her mouth, you don’t even need to wipe it off.”

“Oh my god, that is so gross.  Hayley, I know you can get a hand in you up the wrist.  You were trying to get up to the elbow, weren’t you?  Maybe Kurt…”

Kurt put a finger to his lips.  Both girls bit their lips, trying to stop from laughing.

“I’m sorry, Kurt.  It’s your turn.  What…” Kurt put his finger back to his lips, annoyed.  He put a hand on both girls’ shoulders and turned them around, facing a bare kitchen island.  He pushed gently until they got the idea and leaned over the counter space.  Kurt grabbed the back of their shorts with each hand and quickly pulled them down to mid-thigh.  The girls turned their heads to face each other, cheeks pressed against the counter

One girl at a time, Kurt gently took their wrists and placed hand on butt cheek.  He pulled on their wrists until they got the idea, and spread their own asses open.  Both girls’ eyes popped, pursing lips together to keep from laughing.  Kurt dropped to his knees.  The girls waited, but nothing touched them except hot breath.  Hayley thought she could hear sniffing.

Seconds later, they heard Kurt turn and leave the kitchen.

“What the fuck was that!” Hayley whispered.

“I think he was going to fuck your ass until he got a good look at it.”

“A good smell, I think.  Between the ribs and beer, I’m sure I’ve sharted myself at least a little.”

“Oh my god!”

“Give a girl a chance to wipe, at least,” laughed Hayley.  Montana began cracking up.  “Keep it down.  Last thing Kurt needs is being laughed at.”

“So is he done?  Can I pull my shorts up?”

Hayley rolled her eyes.  “We’re going to be bent over something with our asses in the air most of the night anyway, we might as well just stay here.”

Montana reached a hand towards the fridge, missing it by several feet.  “I can’t reach the beer from here.”

“Fuck, you’re right.  Might as well.”  The girls stood up, giggling, and pulled their shorts up.


Hayley won the spin between her and Montana.  “Alright, enough jerking off.  No offense, Kurt.”  Hayley looked for Kurt, but he had snuck off again.  Hayley took Austin by the hand.  The other boys started whooping.  Hayley walked him over to Angela, grabbed her hand, and put them together.  The whoops turned to laughter.

“Hope you have a good lawyer,” Colt muttered.  Hayley shot him a dirty look.

“All right.  You two in the bedroom.  And you’re not coming out until I see semen.  I don’t care if it’s in a tissue, a condom, or  you have to cough it up, whatever.  I want evidence.  And no excuses from either of you.  And if either of you has a fucking problem…” Hayley grabbed two beers from a cool and handed each one, “drink until the problem is gone.”


“I may need to go back for the cooler,” joked Austin.

“If I gross you out that much just pull a Kurt and rub one out,” Angela sighed.

“I’m sorry, it’s not that.  You know what it is.”

“Yeah, I do.  And it’s not fair.  Everybody knows what Ron was like.”

“Yeah, but those freak outs and the half-finished hand jobs in the parking lot are on you.”

“There’s a lot of stuff I’m trying to deal with.”  Angela closed her eyes.  “God, does everybody know about the parking lot.”

“Not everyone.  You are going to college out of state, right?” Austin joked.

Angela playfully pushed him in the chest.  “Well, look.  I’m here, aren’t I.  I’m going to slut it up, even if it’s just for one weekend.  That proves I’m not a prude.”

“Nobody said you were a prude.  Cocktease, that’s what everybody says.”


“I’m kidding.  Come here.”  Austin sat with his back to the wall.  Angela sat in front of him, between his legs.  Austin started rubbing her shoulders.  “Keep drinking.  It’s better if you forget my name.”

Angela took a drink.  “I don’t know what you’re so worried about.  If anybody’s going to do something to get thrown in jail, it’s going to be Colt.”

Austin nodded his head, wishing she were joking.  Angela leaned back, nuzzling against the side of Austin’s head.  He slid his hands forward to the sides of her breasts.  Angela slid her hands over his, encouraging him.

“I like your boobs,” said Austin.


“I want to fuck your boobs.”

“Yeah, okay.  How does that….”

“Here,” Austin pulled her shirt off.  He worked the clasp of her bra and slid it off.  He cupped a breast in each hand, bouncing them up and down.  “Yeah.  Yeah, I can handle this.”  He turned her around and pulled her up, placing his face in her cleavage.  He made some noises, rubbing his mouth between the two.  Angela worked at his belt.  Austin slapped her hands away and pulled his dick out himself.

Austin leaned back and pulled Angela down over him.  He lined his dick up in the groove between her breasts and slid them up and down.  "Like this.  Like you're jacking me off with your tits instead of your hands."

Angela grabbed a breast in each hand.  "You like this?" she cooed.  "This get you off?

Austin closed his eyes.  "Yeah, just quit talking," he said, and took a swig of his beer.


"How was it?"

"I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me," Austin joked.

Hayley passed Austin and went into the bedroom.  "Alright, let's see some jizz."  Angela had her bra halfway on.  She pointed to the shiny smear below her throat.  "Wow, you got a pearl necklace.  I knew Austin's dad had money."

"You know where any tissues are?"

"Leave it there.  I want Colt to suck it off your titties without him knowing.  And keep your fucking bra off.  You're a slut now."

Back in the living room, Austin and Angela spun the bottle.  Austin won.  "Shit.  Can I bank this for a hour?"

"Nope," ruled Montana.

"Can I give my turn to someone else?"

"That's up to you."

"Alright, you owe me a turn, Greg."

"Dude, if you want to bottom you don't need to get it up," said Greg.

"I mean you take my turn, and the next…"

"Yeah, yeah.  I'm fucking with you."  Greg walked over to Hayley, took her hand, and bowed.  "Miss Hayley, if I could have the pleasure of your company."  Hayley put a hand to her chest in a mock demure pose.  "I intend on taking my time, if the rest of you would care to continue the parlor games without us."

"Do you think I'll have time for a cigarette?" said Amber.  Greg flipped her off.


"I'm sorry, I forgot the cranberry juice," Greg apologized.

"I don't mind it straight, as long as it's cold," said Hayley.  Greg poured two healthy glasses of vodka.  They wrapped their drinking arms around each other and took a drink.

"Oh, hey, you got a little..." Greg smiled.

"A little what?" They leaned into each other.

"You got a little tongue in your mouth.  Let me get that for you."  They kissed.  Hayley grabbed onto Greg's shoulder, nails holding tight.  He leaned down to set his cup down, and the two stumbled to the floor, laughing.  "All right," he said motioning to the cup.  "Finish up."

"I'm not chugging vodka."

"Then sip it.  It's still my turn.  You refuse me and I'll pick Austin instead.

"Can I watch?" Hayley smiled.

"Shit, you've got next turn, don't you."  Hayley nodded as she sipped on the vodka.  "I better be nice, then."


"Got a light?" Amber asked, sitting on the porch steps, cigarette hanging from her lip.

"You know I don't do that shit," said Colt, sitting beside her.

Amber handed him her lighter.  "Gimme a light."  Colt give her a weird look.  "C'mon, fag, just treat a lady right."  Colt fumbled with the lighter, until Amber cupped his hands over his and lit it for him.  "Thanks, handsome."

"You're welcome."  Amber kept Colt's hand and placed it over her thigh.  "So, do wanna finish what we started, or do I need to wait my turn."

"No, but you do need to wait until I'm done with my cigarette.  I've only got one mouth."

"You need both hands to smoke?" Colt asked, putting her hand over the bulge in his crotch.

Amber slid her hand down the front of his shorts.  Colt was already completely hard.  "Get it out."  Colt slid his shorts to his ankles.  She held her cigarette in one hand and her other palm under his mouth.  "Spit."


"You don't exactly have me dripping, and I don't want to go back inside."  Drew spit in her hand.  "Keep it coming."  Drew cleared his throat and kept spitting.  When she had enough, she slid her spit covered hand over his exposed cock.  Cigarette in mouth, Amber stood up and almost fell over dropping her shorts.

She grabbed her beer, turned her back to Colt, and lowered herself on top of him.  He grabbed her hips and bounced her up and down on his lap while she alternated between her beer and cigarette.  When she was done with both, she popped the butt in the bottle and tossed it onto the lawn.

Colt lifted her off him and stood up.  "Let's give that throat another ride."  Amber half fell, half sat on the porch steps and opened her mouth.  Colt grabbed her hair with one hand, her throat with the other, and slid inside.  He felt her throat move as he stabbed at her.

He cupped the back of her skull and pressed her forehead against his stomach.  He pinched her nose shut, and held her until she started slapping his hip.  It took a warning nibble before he let go.  She coughed and spat thick mucus over his cock.  He grabbed two handfuls of hair and mounted her face, letting her breathe between strokes.  Snot dribbled onto his cock as he pulled out, and was rammed into her mouth as he went in.

Colt pulled most of the way out and started jerking.  He left the tip in her mouth, and his fist bumped against her teeth, probably not by accident.  Colt grunted, and shot his cock back into Amber's throat as he came.  Semen dribbled into her windpipe before she could pull away.

Amber coughed manically as she caught her breath.  Just as she hacked up the semen, her stomach lurched, and she spayed vomit over the front yard.  "Goddamm..." another torrent hit the dying grass.  "Mother fucker!"

The front door swung open.  Colt hiked up his shorts and grabbed his beer as the others came out on the porch.

"What the fuck did you do?" Montana yelled.

"What?  Like there wasn't going to be puking this weekend," shrugged Colt as he walked back inside.

"You okay, Amber?" Angela asked.

Amber was staring at the pile of vomit on the grass.  "No!  No, I'm not okay!"

"What did Colt..."

"I think I puked up my oxy.  You know what I have to do to get those?

Austin rolled his eyes and went back inside.  Angela and Montana went to help Amber get her clothes back on.


"Keep drinking," said Greg.

"I drink much more, I won't be able to move," Hayley slurred, tipping back the cup of vodka.

"What I got in mind you won't have to do much moving."  Greg pulled his shirt off.  Hayley finished her cup and tried to pull her shirt off, getting stuck halfway up.  Greg helped her, and laid her on a bedroll before taking both of their shorts off.  Hayley started to nod off as Greg fiddled with a bag.  He rolled a condom on and spread a generous amount of lube over the latex.

"Get your knees up."  Hayley was half asleep on her side, but she tucked her knees to her chest as Greg knelt in front of her.  The cold lube sliding up her anus woke her up.

"What are you doing!" she slurred, sitting up.

"What do think I'm doing?  C'mon, lay down."

"Greg, look, I don't..."

"Yeah, you do.  You have.  Just not with me," said Greg, a little frustrated.

"That doesn't mean I like it," she objected.

"That's never stopped you before."

"That only happens when I'm drunk."

Greg motioned to the bottle of vodka.  "Your point?"

"It's not like I want to do it.  Just, some guys don't ask first, they just do it."

"I know.  That's why I didn't ask this time."

"Greg, we're probably not going to see each other again.  I wanted this weekend to be special."

"Me, too," Greg said coldly.  "Which is why I want to do you in the butt."

"Really, Greg.  That's what you want."

"Yeah, it is."  There was a hardness in his eyes.

Hayley rolled on her stomach and spread her ass cheeks open.  "Fucking hurry up."

Greg was starting to go soft.  He got hard again fingering her ass with the lube still on his hand.  When he got three fingers in, he switched to his cock.  Hayley laid flat on her stomach, crying into a pillow, waiting for him to finish.

Greg's dick started to go soft before he finished.  He slipped out and wasn't hard enough to get back in.  He pulled the condom off and went to the bathroom.

Hayley grabbed the bottle of vodka and took a long pull, spreading a fire down her throat into her belly.  She walked naked into the living room.  The girls weren't there, just Colt, Drew, and Austin.

"You okay?" Drew asked.

"Is my turn, right?" she slurred.

"I guess so," said Austin.

"Any you assholes got a working dick, let's go."


"This probably was for the best," said Montana.

"How's that?" Angela asked.

"Pills and booze are not a good combination.  She's been to the hospital before, and if something happens out here, she's fucked.  No signal out here, and sure as shit none of us are in any shape to drive."

Angela and Montana had carried Amber to the attic loft and prepared some bedding for her.  "I'm glad she puked at least some of it up," Montana continued.  "She won't make it to twenty, but I don't want to be around when she goes."

"I'm still here, bitch," Amber slurred, barely talking.

"I know, honey.  You need to get some sleep."

"Don't be hating, bitch.  Ima fuck your boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend?" Angela asked.  Montana shrugged her shoulders.

"You cunts got nothing!"

"What the fuck?" said Angela.

"You can fuck my boyfriend tomorrow, Amber.  You need to sleep.  Angela, help me roll her over."  Amber fidgeted and resisted as the two rolled her on her stomach.  "In case she throws up, she won't choke."

Amber flailed her arms around.  "You fat bitches!  Your boyfriend hates fucking you!  He laughs at you!"

"What the fuck!"  Angela started getting frightened.

Montana looked a little concerned, but mostly bored.  "She gets like this sometimes," she shrugged.

Amber stuck a finger at Angela.  "He's gonna be my boyfriend, you cow!  We laugh at you when we fuck!"

Montana gently lay down on Amber's back, keeping her face down on the sleeping bag.  "I know honey, just go to sleep."

"Fuck all your boyfriends!" Amber gasped, then something in her broke, and she laid limp.  Montana laid over her for a few seconds, checked to make sure she was still breathing, then got up.


"No, really, what the fuck was that?" Angela asked as they went back downstairs.

"She's got some issues," said Montana.  "You should be able to relate."

"I'm not like that," Angela sneered.

Montana grabbed Angela by the shoulder and pushed her against the wall.  "Look, I know you went through some shit.  Everybody goes through shit.  Everybody.  You may have gone through a lot, but nothing like Amber.  She had to wear diapers through middle school.  She's never had a period, her body is so broken and fucked up.  If you want to have a fucked up life contest, she's going to beat you.  So she freaks out and talks shit sometimes, big deal.  As long as she stays alive over the weekend, she won't be our problem anymore."

"Shit, I'm sorry.  She just freaked me out is all."

Montana smiled.  "I'm sorry, I don't need to be getting all preachy on you.  Not like I can judge.  You feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Angela smiled.

"You ready to get some more dick?  You did get some from Austin, didn't you?"


"What do you mean, kinda?" Montana asked.

"Well, he got on and around, but not exactly in."

Montana took her hand.  "Don't worry girl.  If we don't get a volunteer, we'll offer a two for one.  None of them are going to turn down a threesome."

The two went downstairs to the living room.  Drew looked up nervously for a second, then turned his attention back to fucking Hayley doggy style.  Austin had his dick in her mouth.  Colt held her limp hand over his limp dick, trying to get hard.  Greg took swigs from his vodka bottle from the far corner.

"Goddamn greedy bitch," Montana exclaimed.  "I wanted to pull a train.  I won't get all of them hard at once until tomorrow."


Angela got embarrassed and went into the kitchen to look for leftover barbecue.  Montana opened a beer and watched for a while.  Hayley looked like she didn't know who was in the room.  Greg set the vodka bottle down and stumbled towards the bathroom.  Montana snatched the bottle up and followed him, sliding through the door before he shut it.

"Oh, hey.  Can you give me a second?" he slurred.  "I really need to take a piss."

Montana took a quick swig and grabbed at the bulge that was growing in his pants.  "Can you piss with a hard on, Greg?"

"Seriously, just give me like two minutes."

"Nope."  Montana got his dick out and rubbed it hard.  Greg leaned against the sink, slipped, and caught himself on a towel rack.  Montana pulled her shirt off and slid out of her shorts.  She looked through some bags the girls had left in the bathroom for KY or Vaseline.  She settled for moisturizer and squirted a handful.  "You piss in my mouth and I bite your dick off."  Montana squatted down in front of him and popped his dick into her mouth.  She slid her lubed fingers up her asshole, pulling them apart slightly to stretch the muscles.  Greg's dick tasted like lube.

Montana got to her feet and led Greg to the shower as he stumbled out of his clothes.  She stood in the tub, leaned forward against the tile, and arched her ass up at him.  "Get in there, hurry."

"Look, it would be better if I..."

"Shut up and get that dick up my ass!"  She grabbed Greg by the dick, wiping some residual moisturizer over him.  He fumbled, missing both holes.  Montana grabbed him by the dry hand and slid him inside.  He got root deep after three strokes.  Montana reached back and grabbed his hip, stopping his stroking.

"Ok.  Piss up my ass."

"Wha huh?"

"Piss.  Up.  My.  Ass.  You can piss, right?"

"Yeah, just, yeah.  Hold on."

They stood motionless in the shower.  Montana pressed her forehead against the cool tile and sighed.  "Are you going..."

"Yes!" Greg said, frustrated.  "It's hard enough with a girl in the room."

"Ok, sorry.  Take your time," Montana laughed.

Another minute and Greg exhaled slowly.  She felt it dribbling down her legs more than up her ass.  She kept hold of his hip with one hand and moved the other to her clit.  Hot wetness dripped between her fingers.  She was starting to get into it before the smell hit her.  She could feel the foamy beer piss gathering around her feet.

The shower faucet was out of reach.  She should have had the water running.  Montana pulled him out of her, only to have his dick spring up, spraying her back and hair.

“Motherfucker!”  She tried to point him down to the tub before settling on blocking the stream with her hand, using the other to turn on the shower.

Hayley slammed open the bathroom door.  Montana was startled, but calmed down when she saw Hayley drop to her knees and start puking in the toilet.  Montana wanted to get out of the shower, but she wanted to wash the piss and whatever else off her legs.  Hayley made some wailing noises between rounds of vomit.  She was still naked, and farting as she wretched.  Montana started laughing uncontrollably, and slid down the shower wall to sit in the tub as Greg tried to angle the shower to wash his dick off.


Greg snuck behind Hayley, pulled up his jeans, and slipped out the door.  Montana rinsed off in the shower for a minute before popping out to look for soap and a washrag.

"You okay, girl?" she asked Hayley.

"Yeah," she said panting, drool dripping into the toilet.  She spat until her mouth was mostly empty and rinsed off in the sink.  "Not one of those limp dicks could get me off."

Montana grabbed the vodka bottle and took a pull.  "That's cause Kurt wasn't conducting the Hayley train."  Hayley spat up a mouthful of water, laughing.  "Next time you need him boarding your caboose."

"Nice.  You have any other train analogies?"

Montana counted on her hand.  "Four syllables?  You ain't that drunk."

"I'm hitting my second wind," she took the bottle and took a swig.  Her throat almost didn't let her swallow.  "Need to stay drunk.  I don't want to remember that I was upset that Colt couldn't get hard."

"It's all those dicks swinging around," said