Victim City Stories Issue 1 by Dale Hammond - HTML preview

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Fifteen Minutes Ago


Hayley made sure Colt drank the residue of the crushed up pills at the bottom of the glass of vodka.  She was going to jerk him off to sleep, but his dick stayed limp.  She waited until he stopped groaning and his breathing slowed.

"Colt?  Colt, baby?" Hayley whispered.  No reaction.  "Colt?  Colt, you limp dicked date raper, you awake?"  She flicked his balls a couple times, then gave him a hard slap across the face.  Still out.

Hayley rolled him over on his stomach and pulled down his boxers.  She propped his ass up and draped a blanket over his upper body.  Montana cracked the door and started to sneak in.

"He's out.  Aren't you, you waste of cock!" Hayley yelled.  Montana put a finger to her lips.  "What?  He's out.  If this shit gets Amber through the day, it can take care of this prick."

Montana tossed Hayley a tube of lube.  "Put your shorts on him, pulled down just enough so his nads aren't showing."

Hayley slipped them off and pulled them up Colt's legs, pulling the elastic wider.  "This is not going to work.  They are not that drunk."

"I'm gonna try Drew.  He'd probably fall for it sober.  Plus, he's big enough to kick Colt's ass when this turns ugly."

Hayley squeezed some lube on her fingers and spread Colt's ass cheeks.  "Oh my god!  He shaves his butthole!  Not just the cheeks, the whole brown eye!"

"You didn't know that?" smirked Montana.

"How did you know?"


"That get you hot, Drew.  You like that ass?"

"Yeah," mumbled Drew, not quite getting it.  He kept a palm over the small of the back, and reached down.  He got confused and slowed his stroke when he found a pair of balls.  Montana and Hayley started laughing.

"Drew, I'm sorry," Hayley started.  "I know it was kind of..."

Drew cut her off, shaking his head.  He grabbed Colt's hips and quickened his pace.  "Almost finished."

Hayley and Montana looked at each other, eyes wide, both suppressing a laugh.  Hayley shrugged her shoulders.  Montana kept Drew’s mouth on her tits until he finished.