Victim City Stories Issue 1 by Dale Hammond - HTML preview

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Saturday Morning


"You done puking yet?" Hayley asked.

"Think so."  Angela sat on the bathroom floor, arm draped over the toilet.  She got up and swished her mouth out in the sink.  Hayley leaned against the bathroom door, slowly sipping on a beer.  "How can you still be drinking?"

"The trick is to not stop.  That's when you get into trouble.  Here, take these."  She handed Angela a couple pills.

She downed them.  "What are these?"

"Your usual date rape hangover cure.  Advil and Plan B."

Angela sat down on the toilet seat.  "Fuck.  Thanks.  I'm not sure he finished in my vagina, though."

"You'll know if you get a UTI," Hayley laughed.  "Or maybe... have you flossed your teeth yet?"

"You're going to make me throw up."

"Don't.  That shit's expensive."


"Any point trying to go out on the lake?"  Austin rummaged through the fridge and came out with some ribs.

"Colt said it was dried up and full of mosquitoes," said Greg.  "Drew wants to do some fishing, but I don't think there's much point."

"Since when has there ever been a point to fishing."

"Shit, got to find something to do."

"How about we get into absurd drinking contests and try to fuck until our dicks fall off?" Austin offered.

"There's that."  Greg took two bottles out of the fridge and opened them.

They joined Kurt in the living room.  He was sitting by the window, reading a comic book.  Drew stumbled out of the first floor bedroom wearing socks and boxers.

"How do you know if you have alcohol poisoning?" he asked.

"I think when you throw up black shit," said Austin.

"Dude, you can throw up shit?  That's fucked up," said Drew.

"Hey, it's just shifting your digestive system into reverse."

"If you're talking, I think you're ok.  There's some headache shit on the bathroom counter."

Montana came down the stairs.  "S'up, faggots."

"S'up dyke," Austin returned.

"Have I fucked you yet?" she asked.

"As a matter a fact…"

"Shut the fuck up and get me a beer."

Hayley made her way down the stairs.  "Me, too."

"How's the supply?  We gonna make it through tonight?" Greg asked.  "I know my fucking vodka is gone."

"We've got plenty.  I figure if we get to work on it now, and we run low, we'll still be able to sleep it off and make a run tonight," said Austin.

"Daytime drinking?  That's a sign that you could have a problem," laughed Hayley as Austin handed her and Montana a beer.

"Well, denying you have a problem means you have a problem.  And I'm not denying it, which means I don't have a problem."

"Wow," said Greg.  "That's one Mobius strip of logic there.  I'll have to..."

"Fucking faggot!"  Greg didn't see Colt's fist coming before it slammed into the side of his head.  Greg dropped, wrapping his arms around his head.  Drew jumped forward, bear hugging him.  Colt pulled away.  "Don't fucking touch me!"

"Jesus, Colt," said Austin.

"Yeah, Colt.  What's wrong?" Montana asked.

"Yeah, Colt.  Is something bothering you?" smiled Hayley.  "Is there something we should all talk about?"

Colt glared at everyone, then stormed back to the bedroom.

"We'd better give him a wide berth," Austin suggested, herding everyone into the kitchen.  Once there, Hayley and Montana cracked up laughing.

Greg joined them, clutching his head.  "What the fuck is his damage?  And what's so fucking funny?"

"I'm sorry, Greg," said Montana.  "It was something from last night.  I'm not laughing at you."

"I am," laughed Hayley.

"Yeah.  And what's so funny?"

"The part where you got punched in the head."

Greg shrugged his shoulders.  "Spilt my fucking beer."  He went to the fridge.

"You okay, dude?" Austin asked.

"Yeah, fine."

Drew stepped in front of Greg.  "Hold on a sec.  Lemme just check you for a concussion.  What's your name?"

"Fuck off.

"I'm serious bro.  You don't want to mess with a head injury."

"I'm fine."

"I won't let you drink until I know you're okay."

"Shit, in that case, Greg."

The front door slammed shut.  As Drew checked Greg's eyes, they heard a car start.

"Fucking asshole got my keys!" Greg started, pulling away.

Drew grabbed him.  "What, you gonna tackle the car?"

"Yeah, fuck it.  Let him go.  You really want him here until tomorrow?" said Austin.

Greg took a deep breath.  "All right, fuck it.  How the hell are we all getting home tomorrow?"

"We'll worry about that then.  We take a couple trips or something.  Relax, will you?" said Austin, handing Greg a beer.

"Am I cleared for duty, doc?" Greg asked Drew.

"Shit, I don't know.  I know I'm supposed to check your eyes, but I don't know what I'm looking for.  I'm usually on the other side."

Angela stepped in the kitchen.  "Did something happen?"

"Colt got butthurt and stole Greg's car," said Hayley, snickering.

"Thank god.  I mean, sorry Greg," Angela smiled.  Greg shrugged his shoulders and opened a beer.

"Shit, you know what this means?" said Hayley.  "We never have to see his date raper ass ever again!"

"Speak for yourself," said Montana.  "There's going to be a lot more parties before September."

"Maybe Colt will discover something about himself?  Spend all his time at the Grind Ball Room," Hayley laughed.

"What the hell have you two been giggling about?" Austin asked.

"Just girl talk," Montana smiled.

"Is Colt mad because of that threesome we had?" Drew asked.

Hayley and Montana stared at each other, daring the other to laugh first.

"You had a threesome with Colt?" Greg asked.

"No it was with...was Colt there?"  It was starting to come back to Drew.

"Here, stud, drink this before your memory comes back."  Montana handed him a beer.

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"Then drink it in the shower.  We're on a schedule.  I want us passed out before sundown."

As Drew left for the bathroom, Hayley pulled Angela aside.  "You totally owe Drew.  And maybe Greg, a little.  But fuck Greg, go give Drew a blow job at least."

"Why do I owe them, exactly?" Angela asked.

"If you need a reason to suck off a hot guy, there's no hope for you.  Go on!"  Hayley slapped Angela's ass on her way out of the kitchen.

"I'd wash his dick off first!" Montana shouted after her.  She took a long pull on her beer and made eye contact with Austin as she leaned against the kitchen counter.  "Seriously, we haven't fucked yet?"

"Nope," said Austin.

"Like, not even before last night?"


Montana took his hand and led him through the living room towards the downstairs bedroom.  "Just a quickie.  I want to pull a train tonight, and we're already one man down."

She dropped to her knees and pulled down his shorts.  She took his half hard cock in her hands and licked the head until it was hard.  Montana tossed Austin a condom and rummaged the room for some lube while he put it on.

Montana dropped her shorts, lay back on the bed, and stuck her feet straight up in the air.  Austin put his shoulders against each ankle and slid himself in.  Austin wasn't her type and she wasn't interested in letting him get too close to her face.

Austin was losing steam after a few minutes.  Montana laid him on his back, legs dangling off the bed.  She stood over him, facing his feet, and lowered her ass over his cock.  She closed her eyes and rode him, rubbing herself and trying not to hear his grunting.  He made some kind of noise and stopped moving.  Montana stood up and grabbed her shorts.


"Who's there?"

"It's me."



"Oh.  Hey, Angela," said Drew, sticking his head out of the shower.  "What's with the lights?"

"What do you think?"  The bathroom was lit by the sun going through the uncovered window.  Angela had slipped out of her clothes and handed Drew a beer.

"Am I supposed to drink this in the shower?"

Angela nodded.  "Drinking a beer in the shower while getting head?  Nice way to start the day, don't you think?"

"Fucking A."

Angela knelt down in the tub.  She positioned herself so that the shower didn't spray in her face and began tugging Drew off.  When he started to get hard, he cupped the back of her head and pulled her in.  Something tasted bad.  Somebody had said something about washing his dick first?

Drew pulled one leg over her shoulder and began stabbing in her mouth.  His dick wasn't big enough to reach her throat so she had no problem breathing.  She just had to keep her mouth open wide enough to keep the teeth away while his abs bounced against her nose.

Drew kept one hand against the back of her head and used the other to chug back his beer.  He drank too fast and he was still too hungover.  Foaming vomit splashed down over Angela's head.  She tried to pull away, but Drew kept her pulled in.

"Almost done."  Then another downpour.  Angela held her eyes tight and had to remember to keep her mouth open.  She was considering biting when her guts lurched, splashing some bile over Drew's cock.  Drew's legs buckled and he let go of her head.  He leaned against the tile.  "That was fucking awesome!  I shot off right into your puke!  I couldn't have planned that if I tried."  He rinsed his crotch off in the shower's stream and handed Angela a bottle of shampoo.


"I think I'd rather fuck Kurt," snipped Hayley.

"Can I watch and jerk off?" Greg smiled.  "Or would that just get confusing?"

"How about Kurt fucks you," Hayley returned, "and I'll jerk off?"

"That's kind of hot, actually.  Jizz in my face and it's a deal."

Hayley tried to keep from laughing.  "You're an asshole."

"You're just now coming to that conclusion?"

Hayley's lip trembled.  "You weren't supposed to be.  You were supposed to be a good guy.  The one good guy."

"You weren't exactly looking for one guy, though, were you?"

A beer bottle bounced off the back of his head.  "You motherfucker!"  Before he could turn around, Montana leapt on his back, fingernails at his face.

"What the fuck!"  Greg spun around, sending Montana to the floor.  She glared at him, then broke down crying.

"What did you do to her, Greg?" accused Hayley.

"I haven't done shit to anybody!"

"She's dead," Montana sobbed.  "Amber's dead."