Does Islam Snatch the Rights of Women? by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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Men and women are equal in Religious endeavors


Allah has promised that He will not neglect any action of either men or women without its due reward. You are born out of other.


                                                                               (Al-Quran 3:195)

Among men and women those who are faithful believers and entertain noble deeds will enter Heaven. They will never be denied justice even in a least measure.

                                                                              (Al-Quran 4:124)

For the believing men and women who do noble deeds, we will bestow delightful life. For their goodness, we will reward them their recompense.                       

                                                                              (Al-Quran 16:97)

If any one does an evil thing he will be punished to that proportion only. The believing men and women, who do noble deeds, will enter in Heaven, where they will be provided excessively.

                                                                               (Al-Quran 40:40)

Allah has bestowed His gifts to somebody in abundance than the others. Don’t be greedy over this. Either men or women all of you will get what you worked for. But ask for His benevolence. Allah has complete knowledge of everything.

                                                                                (Al-Quran 4:32)

To all faithful men and women Allah has promised Heavenly garden, where the rivers will be running. There will be clean abode of bliss. They will be there forever. Above all is the acceptance of Allah with them and it is the supreme victory. 

                                                                                (Al-Quran 9:72)

On the day when you (Mohammad) see the believers, men and women, their light shining forth before them and on their right hands, hear it and inform the glad news of the day “you will be immortal in the gardens where rivers flow below.” This is the supreme triumph.

                                                                             (Al-Quran 57:12)

Allah has prepared forgiveness and exceptional reward for Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage themselves much in the praise of Allah.

                                                                               (Al-Quran 33:35)