Does Islam Snatch the Rights of Women? by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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Security for woman

Those who launch a charge against chaste women, and unable to produce four witnesses to support their allegations, whip them with eighty stripes and reject their evidence ever after. They are the culprits.

                                                                             (Al-Quran 24:4)

Those who bother believing men and women unjustifiably, bear on themselves a slander and an obvious sin.

                                                                           (Al-Quran 33:58)

Those who slander chaste, believing and imprudent women are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter. They deserve awesome punishment in the doomsday.

                                                                           (Al-Quran 24:23)

O Prophet! When you divorce women, divorce them at their prescribed periods, and count (accurately), their prescribed periods. Fear Allah your Lord. Turn them not out of their houses. They (themselves) do not leave, except in case they are guilty of some open lewdness. These are the limits set by Allah. Any who transgresses the limits of Allah, does wrong to him only. Afterwards Allah may send another order which you do not know.

                                                                                (Al-Quran 65:1)

However you wish to be neutral between your wives you will not be able to deal equally. Do not turn altogether away from one, leaving another as in suspense. If you like to be friendly and fear Allah, you will find that Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.

                                                                             (Al-Quran 4:129)

When they have reached their Iddah term, take them back in kindness or part from them in kindness, and call to witness two just men among you, and keep your testimony upright for Allah. Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day are insisted to act in this way. Whoever keeps his duty to Allah, Allah will prepare a way out.

                                                                                 (Al-Quran 65:2)

Those who accuse their wives who have no witnesses except themselves, their solitary evidence can be accepted if they bear witness four times with an oath by Allah that they are solemnly telling the truth. On the fifth oath they should solemnly invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if they tell a lie. It will avert her from the punishment if she bear witness before Allah four times that the thing he said is indeed a lie. On a fifth time she should invoke that the wrath of Allah will be upon her if he speaks truth.

                                                                             (Al-Quran 24:6-9)

O believers! It is not lawful for you forcibly to inherit the women against their will. You should not treat them with harshness in order that you may take away a part of that which you had given them, unless they are guilty of deliberate lewdness. But consort with them in kindness, for if you hate them it may happen. You may hate a thing from her in which Allah might have placed much good.

                                                                                (Al-Quran 4:19)