Does Islam Snatch the Rights of Women? by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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Are Man and woman are equal to each other?

The basic reason for these accusations that it is against the traditional belief “Man and woman are equal to each other”. As a man and a woman are not equal, there are separate laws for them. Some wonder at the variation. Because they expect that both the sexes should not have any discrepancy in their tenets.

First of all, let us analyze whether there is any logical background for this belief. Islam does not approve the concept “Man and woman are equal to each other.” Though this argument is sweet to hear but it is illogical. So, Islam rejects it outright. 

Man and woman are different species. Their body, behavior and character are different from each other. Since they differ in these aspects they remain separate as man and woman.

In what aspects both man and woman are equal, in those aspects Islam treats them equal and proposes same orders on them. In what aspects both man and woman are unequal, or can’t be equal in those aspects Islam does not treat them equally.

In some aspects man had special qualification than woman, there man is considered superior to woman and vice versa. Islam evaluates the sexes in this way.

Considering the both the men and women’s body structure and behavior Islam has stipulated them separate duties and privileges.

It is an apparent truth that both genders are not equal in all aspects. Therefore Islam does disapprove this illicit assumption that both genders exactly equal to each other. 

Assume a woman has both a boy less than a year and son of 15 years old. Both of them are equal to her as she bore them in her womb for a specified period at different intervals. 

If they demand food from her, the mother gives hard food to the elder son and allows him all eatables. But she will not give to her younger son. If she gives hard food to the younger son also, she cannot be a real mother. On the contrary she gives the food easily digestible to the younger son. As she does not give the same kind of food for both her sons, nobody can blame her that she is partial to the elder and showed him more privileges. 

Let us analyze this in another angle. If both sons feel hungry simultaneously, she will provide food first for the younger son and then she will provide for the elder son. In this situation also, nobody can blame her that she is partial to the younger son and showed him more privileges. As the digesting ability and the power of resisting hunger differ between her sons, her behavior towards her children is accepted as normal and not blamed as partiality. 

As there are non-changing permanent differences between man and woman, some separate acts suitable to them are provided in Islam.

For a man, is his father and his mother are equal? Islam declares they are not equal. 

A friend of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) enquired him to whom is he more indebted? Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) replied “to your mother”. That friend enquired again “next to whom is he more indebted?” Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) replied the second time “to your mother”. That friend enquired him third time “next to whom is he more indebted?” Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) replied third time also “to your mother”. Again that friend enquired him for the fourth time “next to whom is he more indebted?” Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) replied on the fourth time “to your father”.

                                               Narrator:  Abu Huraira Buhari : 5971

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) did not place the father in the second place. He pushed him to the fourth place. Thus Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) has exalted the woman’s position very high.

If the creed of Islam is “always men are superior”, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) will not have replied so. 

To show the supremacy of man, Islam heightens with due reason only. When exalting woman also, it does not heighten them without due reason.

• Men are not superior in all aspects

• Women are not inferior in all aspects

• Both are not equal in all aspects

When man is superior to woman and vice versa is based on logical reasoning. It is the wise stand of Islam and nobody can deny it.

Women are tortured in Islam is the first accusation alleged against Islam. Let us analyze it.


A Muslim is allowed to marry up to 4 wives. Non-Muslims criticize it. This is the most important trump card to those who accuse Islam is partial towards women.

Polygamy is practiced not only by Muslims

There is a concept that Islam only permits Polygamy and all other religions are against it. It is propagated also. So, we have to analyze this accusation before we explain why Islam allowed polygamy.

Even before Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), polygamy was prevalent all around the world. It was considered as prestige of mankind. There are so many proofs for it in the world history. Contemporary Non-Muslim of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) had polygamy without any restrictions

Some people does try to build an opinion that before Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) all had monogamy and after that only polygamy came in to practice. This is totally wrong.

Not only contemporary Non-Muslim of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) but also other religions around the world had approved polygamy.

The pages of Indian mythology prestigiously support polygamy as follows: 

In Tamil Nadu(india) the current Hindu deity called Murugan has two wives by name Valli and Deyvanai

The pages of Indian mythology Mahabharatha and Ramayana prestigiously support polygamy as follows: 

Famous current Hindu deity Krishna has two wives by name Bama and Rukmani.

Rama, the deity of Hindu, who maintained monogamy, has his father Thasarathan with sixty thousand wives in his harem.

The pages of history depict many kings and affluent people had innumerable wives.

The famous prophets of Jews and Christians David, Abraham and Jacob had lived with many wives.

It will be clear that the accusation of polygamy as it was introduced by Islam to the world is a baseless one and contrary to the truth.

Now we can go deep into the subject why Islam did allow Polygamy? Is there anything wrong in it?