Does Islam Snatch the Rights of Women? by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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Prohibition of polygamy will lead the road to Prostitution.

“It will affect the first wife “is the first argument put forth by those who oppose polygamy. 

If they are true to their argument, at the outset, they should demand for the prohibition of both concubine and prostitution.

Not only in our country but also in many countries, it is not illegal to have concubine and prostitution. Even the Woman’s Right Organizations show their dumb mouths on seeing this social injustice.

Marrying as a second wife is not better than allowing concubine and prostitution? Besides, those who have sexual relationship with many women can spread sex sickness to his wife also. If, “It will affect the first wife” is the real reason for prohibiting polygamy, why the women’s Right Organization and the reformers against polygamy does not raise their voice against concubine and prostitution? 

Look at the law of our nation.

• Muslim can marry another woman.

• Non-Muslims can have concubine.

Those who raise their voices to prohibit Muslims’ polygamy, did they demand to prohibit Non-Muslims’ concubine? 

We can forgive those who do not raise their voice against prostitution, but, in our country, the Women’s Right Organizations advocate prostitutes. They demand for their approval of sex employees.

In the seminars and conferences of Pro Prostitutes, the Women’s Right Organizations and the Progressive Thinkers participate.

By this, what do they support? If they advocate for prostitutes, it means that they support the customers of prostitutes also. That means they support infidelity of the husbands to their wives. Alas! What a fall of morality. 

The reason to oppose polygamy is “It will affect the first wife”. If they are true to their argument, they should hate prostitutes, who lead the men to the road of infidelity and demand severe punishment for them.

Those who are indebted to demand so, they don’t. On the contrary, they support prostitutes.

They are led by their conscience and aware that men are woman seekers by nature and it can’t be avoided by law. So, they take this fallible stand.

The Women’s Right Organizations and the Progressive Thinkers support the men who live with a woman other than his wife.

If you like to live with a woman, marry her legally is the instruction of Islam.

But non-Muslims wish to live with any number of women without marriage.

Of the two, which is the best stand?

When a man live with another woman and declared her also as his legal wife, her right is protected. But, for the concubines or their children, there is no legal right.

While the wife is eligible to live with, they are ready to live with other woman but they have objection only to marry her.

When the men’s desire to seek more women to live with at a time is not eradicated totally, we have to find an outlet to reduce it.

Men’s desire will increase in a situation that they may live with more women and they need not bear the responsibility. On the contrary in a situation that if a man wish to live with another woman he has to give her right as wife; treat her equally with his first wife and accept her offspring as his heir; If these restrictions are imposed on men then their desire of seeking other women will be reduced. In inevitable situations only they will go for another marriage. Therefore the permission for the second marriage is the real protection for both the first and the second wives. 

As per the law of our nation any man can live with a woman on condition that she should not be less than 18 years of age and she should not be forced for that. 

In the law of our country, prostitution is not a crime but doing it as a profession only is the crime. That is why, when a man goes to a harlot, he is acquitted while she is punished.

In this manner, a man can live with a woman as many years he wishes. But, she should not be the wife of another man is the only restriction.

Prohibition of polygamy is impracticable.

Before enforcing a law, first of all, it is to be considered that is it practicable? 

In our country polygamy is allowed to Muslims. But it is denied to Non-Muslims. For a non-Muslim to marry another woman, while his wife is alive, is a crime deserves for punishment.

Now what is status of Polygamy Prohibition Act imposed on Non-Muslims?

Non-Muslims, who are prohibited for polygamy, live with more woman than Muslims who are allowed polygamy.

A statistical Report taken from 1951 to 1960 is as follows:

Hindus 5.03%

Muslims 4.31%

ST & SC 17.98%

This Report unveils the fact among 100 Muslims only 4 persons have more than a wife. But among 100 Hindus 23 persons ( Hindus + ST & SC all are Hindus only) live with more than a wife. It reveals the truth that Prohibition of polygamy is impracticable

That is why Mr.Ram Vilas Baswan who is living with more women can be a M.P and central Minister. D.M.K leader Mr.Karunanithy, though he is a Non-Muslim living with two wives. If it is unlawful, how can he be the CM of Tamil Nadu many times?

Mr. Kalimuthu is also a Non-Muslim living with two women. If it is unlawful how can he be the Minister of Tamil Nadu many times and Speaker of Tamil Nadu Assembly also?

Mr. Thirunavukkarasu. The M.L.A. of Aranthangi is also a Non-Muslim living with more women has been minister for many times, M.P and also a Central Minister.