Does Islam Snatch the Rights of Women? by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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Malaysian Hindus demand Polygamy

As with Indian Hindus prohibition of polygamy is in convention with Malaysian Hindus also, it is in Practice. Since so many women are pregnant without marriage and then they are given up, the number of fatherless children is increasing.

Malaysian Hindus have passed resolution for Polygamy to avoid the worst consequences of prohibiting polygamy.

Those, who prohibited polygamy on the ground that it is the treachery to the first wife, can’t avoid the real treachery. 

In Malaysia, P.P.Party held their youth wing conference. Then P.P.P’s Youth Wing Leader Murugaiya declared as follows:

“In our society, due to married men’s illegal relationships so many women are pregnant without marriage and then they are given up. The number of fatherless children is increasing. Their future is in question. Considering the intricacies of the problems, the Government should permit the Non-Muslims also to marry a second wife.” 

For the demand of Murugaiya, some women’s organizations proposed severe objections. For these objections, Murugaiya is not changing his conception.

He firmly replied that his demand is to protect Women’s Right. The objecting organizations misconstrued the demand. By their objection, they deny the rights of second wives. I insist this opinion only after consulting the members of youth high command. We do not insist anybody to have two wives. If the Government did allow Non-Muslims to have two wives, it will solve so many socio-economic problems prevalent among them. It will protect the victim woman with the support of a male who affected her. 

P.P.P’s Penang State women’s wing leader Elizabeth Steins Laves is an important person. She openly declared as follows:

Marrying a second wife should be allowed to Non-Malayans. To marry a second wife I will allow to my husband, provided he promised to protect us both. It is not a sin. Many women will accept my opinion. 

Centering the problem of child born through the second woman due to a husband’s illegal contact with her P.P.P’s Youth Wing has proposed this opinion. I also support this opinion. These children are denoted as fatherless without any justice. Regarding the polygamy women should come out from Utopia to day to day real world. As fatherless youth are increasing, this concept is spreading fast among youths. 

The National Registration Depart reports the status of Non-Muslims in Malaysia as follows:

“In the country women give birth to child without wedding has increased. This kind of happening reached a level to worry. Most of them are college ladies. Most of them are over 17 years.” Says Datho Ajikhan ( Director of National Registration Department)

-Malaysia Nanban Tamil Daily dated 05-01-2002.

Muslim woman accepts a man only when he marries her. But Non-Muslim women have no law for second marriage and so she is cheated. After the child birth they are given-up. As their number is increased, Mr.Murugaiya’s opinion is welcomed. 

From this information we can understand that polygamy is inevitable solution to all religious people.