Does Islam Snatch the Rights of Women? by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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Unpunished Non-Muslims by court for Polygamy.

When a Hindu marries a second wife, the first wife lodges a criminal case against her husband pointing out his polygamy. In many cases the court rejects the case based on meager legal points and eludes the culprit out of punishment. 

In Maharastra Mr. Balrao Sankar Lokande married a second wife. His first wife lodged a criminal case against him. Session court and High court convicted him. Mr. Balrao appealed to the Supreme court, the Supreme court released him. As he left some ceremonies pertaining to the Laws of Hindus Marriage, it can’t be considered as marriage. Since it is not a marriage, he did not commit any mistake to punish is the judgment. 

Mr. Balrao Sankar Lokande against Government of Maharastra AIR 1965 SC 1566)

Mr. Suresh Chandra Gosh married a second wife. His first wife Priya Bala Gosh lodged a criminal case against him. High court refused to convict him on legal ground. Since he left some ceremonies pertaining to the Laws of Hindus Marriage, it can’t be considered as marriage.

Mrs. Priya Bala Gosh against Mr. Suresh Chandra Gosh AIR 1971 SC 1153)

In Andra Mr.L.Venkata Reddy married a second wife. His first wife Mrs.Lingari Oppallamma lodged a criminal case against him. In this case also High court did not convict him. As he left some ceremonies pertaining to the Laws of Hindus Marriage, it can’t be considered as marriage. 

Mrs.Lingari Oppallamma against Mr.L.Venkata Reddy and others AIR 1979 SC 848)

In Kashmir Mr. Bangari married a second wife. His first wife lodged a criminal case against him. The court released him. As he left some ceremonies pertaining to the Laws of Hindus Marriage, it can’t be considered as marriage. His second wife is a concubine only. Since There is no law to punish for keeping a concubine.

Mr. Banari against the State Government of Jammu & Kashmir AIR 1965 SC 105)

Thus our High Courts and Supreme Court passed judgments in many cases

To know about this more in detail vide. The Courts view on Polygamy _ Prof.E.Arutchelvan.

The worst consequences will be in Prohibiting Polygamy.

Most of the men live with a single wife throughout their life. But some men seek the loopholes of law and marry the second and third wives. 

A few of them keeping concubines are treacherous towards their first wife. Some others off and on have illegal relationship with harlots and the known women.

There is no law to prevent them. These bad people may bring bad effects and worst consequences to the society. To put these people in control and allowing polygamy for them is the best solution.