A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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She grabbed the piece of paper from her purse, during her coffee break and started to dial the number – “David? Hello. This is Rachel… Dee’s friend? We met once…” - with all that had happened that day Rachel doubted that he would her, but he did.

“Yes, yes” – he said nicely – “Hi! How are you?” – his voice was much softer and relaxed than she remembered – “Dee told me you need some work done at your home, is that correct?”

“Yes, some painting and fixing. Nothing too big, just a bunch of projects I never have the time to take care of” – Rachel clarified – “If you’re interested we can meet so you can see the place and I can give you more details. About the payment I have to be honest. I have no idea, so let me know what you think is fair and it would be good for me.”

“Sounds good to me” – he agreed – “I’m working until 6 p.m every day is it too late to meet after that?”

“Oh not at all” – she laughed – “I’m usually not done until 8 or 9 p.m…”

“No problem then we can meet around that time. Where should I meet you?”

“Do you have a pen and paper for the address?” – she asked – “So, tomorrow at 9 p.m? Thanks, see you there.”

It was 8.58 p.m when the bell door rang. He was punctual, Rachel liked that. On her way to the door she stopped and looked at the mirror one last time. She didn’t even know why. She had dark blue skinny jeans, coral sandals and white printed shirt. Her hair has pulled back and her bangs framed her beautiful face perfectly.

She opened the door with a big smile.

“Hello” – she said kissing him on the cheeks – “was it too hard to find?”

“Hi” – he smiled back – “not at all.”

He had a gorgeous smile Rachel was noticing now.

“Come on in” – she invited.

David had a simple style. Baggy jeans, white sneakers, blue T-shirt, three rubber bracelets on his wrist (one for one of his siblings she would learn later), a bandana over his braided hair and that was about it. She thought he looked good.

“Do you like Chinese?” - Rachel asked approaching the kitchen – “I thought we could talk over dinner” - she continued – “I don’t know about you, but I didn’t get the chance to eat yet.”

David was actually starving. He had planned to buy something to eat but they were having troubles with one of the kids and he had to stay late at work. So in order to meet Rachel on time he had to take a cab which left him with just enough money to buy a bus ticket for the way back.

“Sure Chinese is fine” – he nodded.

“Wine?” – she offered.

“Thanks, but I don’t drink” – he said.

“So how’s Lea doing?” – Rachel asked while setting the table.

“Good I think. I hope” – he answered sadly looking down.

“I can only imagine how hard it is for a parent to be away from his child…” – she started saying.

He didn’t react.

“I heard she’s recovering pretty well” – she continued trying to cheer him up.

“Yes, thankfully” – he said finally. He smiled and then continued – “Doctor’s don’t even think she’ll need surgery.”

“Really? That’s great news!” – she said happily.

“They’re still not sure if she’s going to be able to fully recover her hearing, so they think it’s a good idea that we start to take sign language lessons so we can teach her.”

“Can she hear at all?” – Rachel inquired.

“She’s using an assistive listening device now and it seems to help a lot, but since she’s so young it’s hard to be sure of how much she gets. Plus we don’t know exactly how long progress is going to take, so they think it’s important to give her that tool too.”

“It makes sense” – Rachel said – “Plus I’ve always heard it’s easier for them to learn when they’re children.”

“It’s true!” – he concurred proudly – “Dee was teaching us the other day and Lea was kicking my butt. I kept messing up and she would memorize everything.”

“I didn’t know Dee knew sign language.” – she commented.

“She does, that’s one of the reasons we thought it would be better for Lea to stay there for now.”

They talked for hours. David was just one year younger then Rachel and intended to finish his degree in Psychology so he could join the others at ValSocial. He said that he had got into his own share of troubles when he was younger and that places like that were crucial. Rachel observed him while he talked. He was a quiet person and didn’t like to talk a lot about himself however when it came to Lea he didn’t hold back. He was definitely a proud father and Rachel liked that in a guy.

“Is it this late?” – Rachel couldn’t believe how time had flown.

David hadn’t realized either – “Well I guess I should go now.” “How are you going back home?” – Rachel suddenly remembered he probably didn’t have a car.

“Bus. There’s a stop down the street” – he told her.

“No, it’s too late, and it’ll take you forever to get to Haven pond. I’ll drive you” – she went to get her coat and car keys.

David stopped her – “Thanks Rachel, really but I’ll be fine. It makes no sense that you leave home in the middle of the night to drive me” – then he added tenderly – “Plus it’s probably more dangerous for you to drive in your fancy car to Haven pond than for me to take the bus.”

He said goodbye and left.

David stopped by every evening for the next few weeks. He would arrive usually before Rachel and start working on whatever he had planned for the day. Once she was done with work, Rachel would usually stop somewhere to get food and go home. Most of the days they would end up eating together. They would always find something to talk about or discuss. David was interested in music too. He had already realized that Rachel was a huge star especially in the UK, but he had lived in Canada, where Hayley was from, until recently and didn’t know most of her work. So he asked her to tell him about it and watched some old videos and concerts from Rachel’s early years. Rachel would get embarrassed at times, she had grown so much and in so many ways… Those clothes and the hairstyles, how she regretted them, but David just though it was cute. Rachel told him about her family and they even shared their heartbreaks. David was really committed in learning sign language to be able to help Lea and Rachel would practice with him. They were really enjoying each other.

“If you keep distracting me like this with food the work will never be done” – he joked one night when they were sitting on the living room floor.

David enjoyed these moments shared with Rachel as much as she did. He was so worried when they first met that he barely noticed her, now he wondered how that was even possible.

She had the cutest face he had ever seen with some gorgeous cheeks and amazing smile, and then there were those dimples.

“If I’d have to choose between the two I’d choose the company” – she confessed blushing.

“Me too” – he hesitantly admitted.

He knew he had to pull back, but when we realized it, it was too late. Their lips were already touching and he had to admit it felt so good. She rested her hand on his chest and he pulled her closer to him. Gently he moved her hair away from her face and continued kissing her.

Rachel wished that moment would last forever but suddenly he pushed her away – “This is not a good idea!”

“What?” – Rachel looked at him confused. For a while she had wonder if he had feelings for her too, but after that kiss her doubts had vanished.

“I’m so sorry Rachel” - he apologized – “I should have never let this happen. I have to go” – David got ready to leave.

“Wait” – Rachel called him getting up too – “What just happened?”

He was already at the door. He turned around and looked her in the eyes.

“That kiss was a mistake Rachel” – his voice was trembling.

“Why?” – she asked.

“I’m really sorry. I have to go now.”

“I don’t get it!” – she insisted, but he left without looking back.

Rachel stood at the door. She couldn’t move a muscle. How could in a split of a second something that was so perfect just fall apart?