A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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Rachel called him over and over during the weekend, but she didn’t hear from him until Monday when she got home and he was there, working.

“I didn’t think I would find you here” – she admitted surprised.

“Why not? We had a deal” – he said coldly.

“Of course” – she couldn’t believe he was going to act like nothing had happened.

They didn’t talk again the whole night.

When he was about to leave, Rachel let it slip:

“I’m sorry.”

He stopped. He wanted to ignore it, but he just couldn’t – “What did you just say?” – he asked finally facing her.

“I’m sorry” – she repeated.

“For what?” – he asked.

“I don’t know, for forcing myself on you I guess.” “You didn’t” – he approached her.

Rachel ignored his comment and continued – “I thought you might have feelings for me too. Obviously, like you said, I was mistaken.”

“Rachel, I didn’t mean it like that” – she couldn’t be more wrong. He did have feelings for her – “I never meant to hurt your feelings. I just...”

“Please, you don’t have to justify why you don’t like me!” – she rushed to say before he’d say anything else.

“But I do!” – he thought he could come and finish his work and stay away from her but now that she was in front of him it wasn’t that easy. He took her hands on his – “Rachel I do like you, a lot. You’re amazing, and when I said it was a mistake it wasn’t because I didn’t like the kiss it was because I knew it would lead to this.”

“What’s this?” – she asked – “Why are you acting like this?” “It’s complicated.”

She waited for him to carry on but seeing that he didn’t intend to say anything else she asked him – “That’s all you’re going to say?”

“You and I it can’t happen” – she tried to interrupt him but he didn’t let her – “Please, don’t make it harder than it is.”

She swallowed hard – “Can we still be friends or from now on is it always going to be like today?”

He knew he’d hurt her by not taking her calls and barely speak to her during the evening, but he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to resist her. Still he said – “Of course we can. I’m sorry I was acting weird today. It’ll be my pleasure to have you as a friend.”

She forced a smile. He hugged her and left.

Rachel cried that night. After Chase she had never really felt interested about anybody until she met David. He seemed to like her too, or maybe it was just pity, anyhow he didn’t seem open to give them a chance.

The days after that were a bit awkward and Rachel feared that she would lose his friendship too, but eventually they both started acting natural again. She still desperately wanted to kiss him often but for now she would have to be content with his company and conversations.

“Kimberley is throwing a party next Friday. Would you like to come with me?” – she asked one day when they were painting her office – “As friends” – she added afraid he would reject her again.

“Sure, why not?” – he agreed.