A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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The last two months just flew by and it was already David’s last week in London.

They were still dating in secret. Rachel would now skype frequently with Lea too, they had really bonded during her visit in the UK and they decided not to break that connection.

Between Rachel and David things were going well too at least until a week or two ago when David started to act weird. Rachel knew it was all related to the fact that he had to leave soon.

That Sunday afternoon they were enjoying a movie session in her house when David told her:

“Sweetheart, we can’t delay it anymore…” - they were snuggling and he hated to break the moment.

Rachel didn’t move – “What do you suggest we do?” – they had been dating for almost four months, but Rachel was still unsure of what he wanted for their future.

“I wish I knew…” - he confessed – “I really have to go back. Lea is just getting used to school and people there I can’t just bring her here now. It’s a totally new country, and new culture it would be too rough of her.”

“I agree.”

“I can’t be away from her anymore either. We’ve already been apart for too long” – he continued.

“I know” – she whispered.

“That’s all you’re going to say?” – David insisted. He was hoping she had some magic solution for the whole thing and her apathy was driving him crazy – “Is that really all you have to say?”

“WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?” – she shouted instantly looking down.

He knew Rachel could be feisty, but he was not expecting that reaction from her.

“I’m sorry”– she mumbled.

This was so not Rachel. He was expecting her to fight, but this time she didn’t seem willing to do it. “Sweetheart?” – he called her but she didn’t react.

He got closer and moved her hair away from her face. She was crying.

“Sweetheart, what’s the matter? Talk to me…” – David begged.

She remained silent and faced away from him drying off her tears.

“Our relationship would have never gotten this far if we didn’t communicate” – he told her – “we knew this wouldn’t be easy, but it will be impossible if we don’t discuss it.”

Hesitantly she finally faced him.

“Ever since the day we decided to give this a try I’ve feared this moment. I just feel like you’re going to try to breakup with me and…” - her voice was shaky and she could barely hold her tears – “I just don’t want to lose you.”

“I’m not trying to breakup with you Rachel, that’s not what I want either. I love you!“

Rachel looked at him surprised. It was the first time he was telling her that. He didn’t plan to do it. Even though they’re been together for a while the situation was complicated and they both had been hurt before so they had agreed to take things slow, but in that moment he had just let it slip.

“I love you too, babe. I know this is not exactly what you dreamt of, but we can try to make it work.”

“How?” – he hoped she’d convince him.

“It’s not that far… I’ll have to figure some things out but I could fly every week or every two weeks and maybe you guys could fly in every once in a while too.”

“You know I cannot afford that…”

“Please don’t make this about money… I know you’re a hard worker, you’re independent and, that you’re fighting for your own stuff. I respect that, but please don’t destroy our chances because of money, please.”

“Okay let’s forget about it then” – he agreed – “still, do you think it will work?” – he was not acting like before, trying to sabotage their relationship. This time he really wondered if it would be possible.

“I do, babe, I do.”