A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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V. Distance


The beginning was rough. They were used to being together every day and it was hard to deal with the fact that not only they couldn’t do it anymore, but also with not knowing exactly when they would meet again. Rachel soon started to feel lonely. It wasn’t as bad as before because now she knew she had someone that loved her and wanted to be with her, but it still hurt.

“I was being spoiled” – she admitted to Kimberley one morning while they worked out at the gym.

They wanted to keep their relationship private, but had decided to share it with some closer friends and family.

“I’m glad you were” – Kimberley said thrilled with the news. She had only met David once, and for brief moments, but she liked him. Rachel had been alone for too long, she deserved to have some fun.

“But now it’s hard to get used to being alone again” – Rachel complained.

“You’re not alone” – Kimberley corrected her – “You still have him. He’s just not here at the moment.”

“I miss him so much” – she confessed – “and Lea too.” “I want to meet her – Kimberley told her.

“I hope you will” – Rachel laughed – “It would be a bad sign if you didn’t get to know her.”

“Do you think he’s the one?” – Kimberley asked her.

Rachel sighed - “You know… when I got married the first time I thought it would be forever and then… things change. We can never be sure.”

Kimberley nodded, she remembered how Rachel used to be in love with Chase.

“But I love him… a lot!” – Rachel continued – “and I feel like this is something different, more real.”

“Well, I’m happy for you girl.”

David was ecstatic to finally be home with Lea. The girl was such a joy, and they were getting closer every day. Being back in Valcena brought him other joys. Now he was able to spend time with his little sisters too which was something new. They were both babies when David had left and even though he had seen them a few times it was never enough to create a relationship with them. He was apprehensive about moving back, he was afraid they would reject him, but the girls gave him a very warm welcoming and actually seemed happy to have him around. Even Alexandre, David knew he had disappointed him before and he often wondered if he would ever be able to make up for it. Now finally things seemed to be going that way. In spite all of that David would still think about Rachel and miss her every day.

“How long do you think this could last?” – he asked Dee and Alexandre.

“It depends” – they said at the same time

“Have you been practicing?” – David joked. Then continued -

“On what?”

“On how much effort you’re willing to put into it” – Dee said.

“I really want this to work” – he guaranteed them.

“I know but sometimes wanting is not enough” – Dee said.

“What she’s trying to say is that you’ll have a lot of things to work around. We know you guys love each other but there will be obstacles.”

“I’m aware of that” – he said – “and I’m telling you, I’m committed this time, I really am.”

“So why are you asking?”

“I just wonder sometimes if this could really work. I mean, if we’re being realistic about it.”

“There’s no limits for love” – Alexandre said – “it’s all about the people that are involved I believe.”

“I agree” – Dee said – “for what is worth I think the two of you can do it.”

On David’s side everybody was delighted with the idea of having Rachel as a new addition to the family. They had met her before when she visited Dee and loved her so they couldn’t wait to spend more time with her. With Rachel’s parents however, it was a whole other story. Jake and Gina had gone through a bad time having to deal with Rachel’s news and rumors over the magazines and were very protective of her. In spite everything that had happened Gina somehow to still believed that Rachel should give Chase another chance. He was charming and had won her mother’s heart since the first day. Jake on the other hand didn’t even want to hear about Chase. He had been encouraging Rachel to date someone else for months and was actually excited when she had first told him about David. However, once he heard about David’s financial situation and that he had a daughter that he didn’t know about until she was 18 months he became apprehensive.

Rachel decided not to tell them about his past, she didn’t want them to judge him for it.