A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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“Take Lea, I’ll be right behind you” – David told Rachel while he went to the trunk to get their luggage. Since Rachel could not leave London for work reasons at the moment he had managed to take some days off to visit her.

Rachel picked her up and got inside.

“Hey beautiful, who’s the kid?”

Rachel looked up petrified.

“What are you doing here Chase?” – she asked surprised.

He had been texting her for the last month, and rumor was that he was trying to win her back. She had made it clear she was not interested, or so she thought.

He approached her put one hand on her left shoulder and with the other one fondled her hair.

“You should go.” – Rachel said uncomfortable.

“What’s the problem sugar? Why are you so nervous?” – Chase asked. She used to love his confidence, but now that she knew a person could be confident without being cocky it was just annoying.

She tried to pull him away but he insisted – “Don’t play hard, you’ve missed me too.”

David was at the door starring and it wasn’t until Lea called him that they realized he was there.

“Hi. I’m Chase, Rachel’s husband.”

“Ex-husband!” – she immediately corrected him.

“Yes, for now” – he said smiling – “you can take the luggage upstairs I’ll be taking Miss Coombs out for a coffee” – he spoke to David like he was a concierge.

“Chase!” – she snapped. “He’s with me. Not working for me”

– Rachel explained him upset. Then looking at David apologized.

“Come princess” – David said grabbing Lea away from Rachel’s arms, turning his back on them and moving towards the door.

“Wait! Babe, come on…” - Rachel followed him, and Chase followed her.

“Babe?!” – Chase repeated – “You’re dating him? That’s why you don’t want to see me. You’re not serious, are you?”

“Just shut up for once!” – she shouted at Chase. Then finally reaching for David, she pulled his arm – “Give me just one minute” – Rachel asked.

He turned around and looked at her – “Time’s running.”

“Is this how it’s going to be?” – she asked him – “You’re not even going to ask me what is going on?”

“I don’t care. I was an idiot. Everybody knew, I just didn’t want to see it” – he retorted – “I didn’t expect you to do this. Not you. Not after everything he has done to you.”

“See what? Babe, there was nothing to see because there’s absolutely nothing going on between Chase and I” – she guaranteed him.

“The only thing I’ve ever asked you was to be honest.”

“I was” – Rachel defended herself – “I told you he had been calling and texting me…”

“You didn’t tell me you were meeting and being intimate” – he interrupted her.

“Because we were not. We are not.” – she claimed.

“That’s not what I saw there.”

“Babe…” - she was trying to hold her tears but she could just feel the whole situation slipping out of her control and there was nothing she could do to prevent it.

“Rachel’s sad…” - Lea stated seeing she was upset.

“I’m fine sweetie” – she lied.

“You knew if this went wrong it wouldn’t be just me that you were hurting” – David started – “If you didn’t want this, why did you even let it go this far?”

“OK, babe, I get that you’re mad for seeing him here but you’re overreacting and you’re offending me. I’ve never given you reasons not to trust me” – Rachel said.

“Your minute has passed a while ago, we’re leaving now” – he informed her walking away and leaving Rachel alone.

“See? He doesn’t deserve a woman like you” – said Chase, who wouldn’t lose an opportunity to get closer to her.

She looked at him furious and kept walking.

He followed her and got in the elevator with her.

“Please Chase, just leave me alone.”

“I’m a different person now sugar. I’ve changed. He’ll never understand what you need, what this life is like. “

“How can you be so full of yourself?” – Rachel wondered – “You don’t even know him.”

“I don’t need to. I know you. I still love you and I know that you love me too.”

Chase was wrong. Rachel had been crazy in love with him, even after he cheated once, and even twice, for a long time she had still loved him. During that period she had even considered going back to him, but not anymore. Now she had found true love. Now she had something that was bigger than passion and impulses, something that was worth fighting for.

Despite her efforts to send him away Chase was determined to talk to her and didn’t give up and ended up getting inside the condo with her.

On his way to the park David realized that he had not brought anything. No food, no wallet nor none of Lea’s toys, diapers or even her pacifier. They had woken up very early to catch the flight and she was getting hungry and impatient so he had no chance but to turn back.

He was hoping that in the middle of confusion Rachel had forgotten the luggage downstairs so he wouldn’t have to see her. However when he got there Kyle, the concierge, had already taken them upstairs.

“Rachel’s coming too?” – Lea asked. She wasn’t exactly sure what was happening.

“No, princess, we’re just going to get our stuff.” “Why? I want Rachel too” – the child whined. “Not today.”

David stopped by the door and got the keys. He heard voices from the inside, they seemed to be fighting but he couldn’t be sure. He rushed to open the door and what he saw shocked him.

Rachel was lying on the couch. Chase on top of her held her wrists, kissing her while she begged him to stop.

“What the hell… back off!” – David shouted. Putting Lea on the floor he told her – “You stay here!” - then he ran to them and pulled Chase away from her. He stumbled and fell. Rachel was crying on the couch. David helped her getting up.

“Are you okay?” – he asked her. He couldn’t believe how unfair he had been to her.

She nodded and warning him – “Watch out!”

It was too late. When he looked, all he felt was Chase’s fist against his face. Before he could react Chase came running to hit him some more.

“Stop it Chase, just stop it!” – Rachel begged, but it was pointless.

David was much bigger and stronger than Chase so it wouldn’t be a fair fight. David avoided his punches and then grabbing him by the collar he pushed him against the wall.

Lea scared started crying.

“It’s okay princess”– David said still holding Chase – “Chase was a little bit mad, but he’s calming down now” – then facing Chase he said – “right?”

Chase tried to get loose in vain.

Ignoring his efforts David continued – “You’ve hurt Rachel and you’ve scared my little girl. I’m letting you go now. Be smart, walk away, and leave them alone. Don’t give me another reason to kick your ass, because I may not resist next time.”

David let him go and he walked away slamming the door behind him.

David and Rachel ran to each other. She fell in his arms exhausted.

“Sweetheart, I’m so so sorry” – he felt terribly guilty for leaving her alone – “I had no idea…”

“Shush” – she tenderly silent him – “don’t worry, babe, it’s okay now, I’m okay.”

He hugged her tight. Lea came running to hug them too. David picked her up and with her tiny little hand she gently dried off Rachel’s tears – “Want Lea to sing?” – she asked trying to comfort her.

Rachel smiled – “I’d love you to.”