A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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Restoring the house was more amusing than David ever expected. Alexandre and Michael had gained some experience over the last months helping in ValSocial and had offered to help him with the carpentry work. Kate, Dee, and the little girls had taken care of most of the painting. Rachel’s visits were becoming more frequent, she’d stop by every time she would get a break and help too.

Rachel enjoyed picking everything for the house from the linens to the furniture and everything in between. For her condo in London, Rachel had hired professionals to take care of everything, but this time she was having a good time doing it with David, Dee and even little Lea.

Lea’s bedroom had been one of the funniest rooms to decorate, everything was so cute, plus for her David had actually let Rachel go a little over the top.

“It’s amazing” – David told Rachel and Dee while they were in Lea’s bedroom unpacking her toys – “You guys did an amazing job.”

They had found some art students from ValSocial that volunteered to decorate her room with princesses and fairytales characters.

Rachel had picked a simple white furniture that contrasted with the orangey looking bedding and curtains. Both David and her had agreed that Lea needed some new clothes and adequate toys for her age so with Dee’s help Rachel had taken care of that too.

Now sitting on the floor Lea was enchanted with everything. She would run from one thing to the next not knowing exactly with what to play with.

“Do you like the things Rachel picked out for you?” – David asked her.

“Yes!” – Lea said with a huge smile. Then running to Rachel added – “Thank you mommy!”

Rachel looked at David flabbergasted and he smiled.