A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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VI. Family Matters


It didn’t take too long for the rumors about David’s past start to run in every magazine. Everybody seemed to agree that Rachel had lots of talents but picking out men wasn’t one of them. Even though David had been out of trouble for the past five or six years and had actually been helping other people, a lot of the stories just tried to show his bad boy side. David was concerned about how that could jeopardize Rachel’s image and career. She would be furious with all the negative stuff they would say about him and worry he wouldn’t be able to hold the pressure.

Despite all that, the couple was doing pretty well until Rachel’s mom called them on the phone. Rachel had been avoiding her parents for the last couple of days, but she couldn’t keep postponing it.

“Is it true?” – she asked Rachel.

“What mom?” – Rachel knew she was talking about David.

“That you dumped Chase for an alcoholic drug dealer?”


“Am I lying? Considering that I’ve been calling you for days and you haven’t picked up, I assume that you know that you got yourself in trouble” – she scolded her.

“First of all don’t you talk about David like that, you don’t know him.”

“You’re right. For some weird reason, you haven’t introduced him to us.”

“Second,” – Rachel continued ignoring her comment – “I didn’t dump Chase because of him. Chase cheated on me remember?” – she claimed offended. She couldn’t believe how in spite everything he had done to her, her mother could still be on his side – “We’re divorced for over two years!”

“But he still loves you. He made a mistake, but he’s being trying to fix it ever since” – Rachel’s mom defended him.

“He made more than just one mistake. You don’t know half of it” – Rachel didn’t want to argue – “I get if this all sounds crazy, but I can guarantee you David is good guy, and I’m happy.”

“He’s taking advantage of you!” – she accused him – “He needed a mom for his child and who better than someone that can also provide for them and pay all the bills?”

“Is that so hard to believe someone can actually fall in love with me?” – Rachel asked.

“You know that’s not what I am saying. If you’re so sure is a good guy why didn’t you ever mention all of this when you talked about him?”

“Because it’s none of your business, that’s why.” “Rachel, you’ve never talked to me like that.”

“I have to go now mom” – Rachel said right before she hung up the phone.

She was so happy with David and Lea. Finally after everything that had happened the last few years she was happy, enjoying her life. Why couldn’t people just forget all the rest and be happy for her?

“Are you ashamed of me?” – David asked. He had come into the room and heard part of the conversation.

Rachel startled – “Hey babe, I didn’t know you were there.”

“You didn’t answer my question. Are you ashamed of me?” – he insisted. He had expected that reaction in the beginning but she had been so understanding.

“What? Why are you saying that?” – she said approaching him. She tried to touch him, but he backed off – “Babe, what’s the matter?”

“I’m just thinking maybe your mom is right” – he said.

“What do you mean?”

“Why didn’t you tell them?”

“Because it’s not important” - she replied.

“Come on, you didn’t think they would be upset and worried once they found out about it?”

“I’m a big girl I can take care of myself.” “Right…” - he said walking away.

“You don’t believe me” – she stated.

Remaining unresponsive David sat on the couch. Rachel sat right next to him and said nothing.

Then taking a deep breath she confessed – “Look, maybe you’re right… I knew it was important, but the reason I didn’t tell them wasn’t because I was ashamed of you, because I’m not. I just knew they would take it hard and I didn’t want to fight about it.”

He looked at her and Rachel grabbed his hand.

“Plus” – she carried on – “when you first told me I felt you were sharing something really private and to be honest I didn’t feel it was right for me to share it with anyone else.”

“There’s nothing private about it anymore… it’s everywhere now” – he stated.

“I know, babe, and I’m sorry…”

“I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad, I’m telling you because you have to understand that there are things that you’re not going to be able to prevent so it’s better if we just deal with them.”

She agreed.

“Family is important to you. I get it. It is for me too, and I don’t want to be the reason to tear you apart from yours.”

“You’re not.” – Rachel exclaimed – “They’re the ones creating the walls.”

“So we better figure out a way to destroy them.”

If only people could see beyond his past.

“Did I ever tell you I love you?” – she asked him tenderly.

“Not really…” - he joked.

And they embraced their bodies in a long passionate kiss.

“I couldn’t be more proud of having you in my life, don’t you ever forget that” – she let him know.