A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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“It’s funny” – she said.

“What is?” – Dee asked.

“After Chase I never thought I would find love again. I was so hurt it was hard even to imagine that someday the pain would be gone…”

“And now look at you” – Dee said tenderly smiling.

“I know! I guess everything really happens for a reason” – Rachel recognized.

“It’s odd though. I mean, how it all started, how we met…” - Dee confessed.

“I told you then I knew there was something about you” – Rachel remembered – “I was right.”

“I felt so bad that day” – Dee admitted – “it broke my heart to do that to you” – she said with an apologetic voice. She could remember it still and could almost feel that pain all over again.

“Honey” – Rachel approached her – “I’m so thankful you did” – then holding her hand in hers she continued – “I don’t think I’ve ever told you this but you were the reason I ever believed in people again. I was young and naïve, Chase was my whole world and after being betrayed by him I didn’t think I could trust anyone else” – she explained – “then you came. Out of nowhere, you made arrangements to find me, you flew in, you had the courage to show me that footage and most importantly, you kept your word when you said you wouldn’t share a word about it. I didn’t believe it at first, but when I saw that you really had no second intentions, that you had done all that for a stranger just because it was the right thing to do… it gave me hope. It showed me that just because some people screw with you doesn’t mean that the rest of them are not worth it.”

“Thank you” – Dee said appreciated – “but I think you’re the one that have that gift” – she disagreed – “I envy that about you. The way you’re able to trust people in spite of having been hurt before” – Dee admitted.

“It’s because I know I have good friends to hamper me if I stumble” – she told her – “you’ve been there, always, I know I can never thank you enough…”

“You don’t have too”– Dee interrupted her – “really, it’s my pleasure.”

“Gosh, you’re so annoyingly perfect” – Rachel joked. Then hugging her thigh added – “thank you honey. You gave me hope, you promised we’d make this work. I love you.”

“I love you too sweetie. I’m so glad you’re part of this family now.”

“Ready?” – David asked coming in the dressing room – “This is it.”

“How do you feel” – Dee asked her.

“Terrified” - she confessed with a panicky face.

“You’re going to be great” – they reassured her.

“I just don’t want to disappoint anyone” – she confessed – “we’ve work so hard on this.”

“Rachel, what are you talking about? Sweetheart, everybody here loves you and is rooting for you. This is what you do best, you’ll be great” – he promised kissing her.

“We’ll see you back here when you’re done” – Dee told her while they left the backstage.

For the past months Rachel had been working on her new album. She wanted something unique that represented ValSocial spirit and all she had learned from that community and those people. She had asked Dee to help her with the lyrics. Not only was she an amazing writer, but she got Rachel like no one else and it had worked perfectly. Alexandre and Miguel had her talents too. The first one was musically gifted, he performed as rapper/hip-hop singer on his free time and Rachel had discovered that he was a great producer too. He understood the music, the beats, and the sounds so she had asked him to join her team too. Miguel had been a great help with her dance routines as well. She knew she was a good dancer, but she wanted to work on her street dance and hip- hop moves, and what better place to do that than ValSocial where everybody breathed dance. She was excited about debuting her songs in a concert in Portugal, she had hired ValSocial’s kids as her backup dancers and she couldn’t be more thrilled to have them there with her.

The concert was amazing.

“Did you see her moves? How she connects with the audience? What about that range?” – David asked overjoyed after the performance ended.

Dee and Kate laugh – “Yes, she did great” – they agreed.

Rachel hadn’t had a tour in a while and this was the first time David was seeing her performing live in a production like that. He had heard her sing before, but watching her take over a stage like that, in front of 20.000 people was impressive.

“Did you really enjoy it, babe?” - Rachel asked him once they got home.

For those who didn’t know her she seemed to be confident but behind that strong mask she’d have her insecurities too.

“I loved it!”

“You’re not saying that just to make me happy?” – she insisted.

“I know I’m bias, but no, sweetheart, you did amazing” –

David reassured her.

“I messed up that bit” – she criticized herself – “I can’t believe I forgot the lyrics” – she confessed embarrassed.

“You’re human, the audience got it. They loved it. To be honest I think it brought you closer to them” – he told her.

“Mommy!” – Lea came running and laughing throwing herself on them.

She was almost three.

She was dancing around humming Rachel’s songs.

“Come here silly” – Rachel called grabbing her. Lea laughed even harder.

Rachel picked her up. With Lea on her arms and David next to her, she thought life couldn’t be more perfect.

“What do you think about getting another one?” – David suddenly asked while they were both admiring Lea.

“Another child?” – she asked surprised. He confirmed.

“Are you serious?”

“I think Lea could use a brother or sister” – he told her.

“Actually, now that you’re mentioning it” – she started – “there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Okay” – he wondered curious.

“Do you know Kevin?” – Rachel asked him.

“The kid, from ValSocial?” – he asked to be sure.


“Kevin’s leaving” – Lea said realizing what they were talking about.

“What?” – David asked.

Kevin was a South African four year old boy that had arrived at ValSocial about a year ago. He was living in the orphanage and was in Lea’s class at pre-school. They got a long very well.

“He is”– Rachel confirmed – “something about some papers or something, they want to send him back.”

“Back where? I thought he didn’t have a family” – David said.

“He doesn’t. That’s why I was thinking…” - Rachel paused. Then straitening herself up asked – “What do you think about adoption, babe?”

Rachel would like to experience pregnancy but mostly she just wanted to be a mother and she had grown attached to that little boy.

He smiled at her – “I think it’s an amazing option” – he said kissing her passionately.


Rachel and David started to make the adoption arrangements the next day. With Dee’s and Kate’s help they took the time to talk to Lea and Kevin to explain the situation. They were both too young to understand exactly what was happening, but still it was important that they were included in the process.

Rachel and David were surprised by the kids’ reactions to the news. They expected Kevin to be happy with the opportunity to have a family and Lea to be jealous for not being the only child of the house. However, Lea was ecstatic. She loved to play with Kevin plus, he was big for his age and was always protecting her from the older kids at school. Kevin on the other hand didn’t show a lot of emotion.

“To be honest I think he’s trying to set himself apart more since we’ve told him” – Rachel confessed one afternoon when they were discussing the adoption process.

“What do you mean?” – Kate asked.

“I don’t know… It’s like…” - she paused – “maybe it’s just me being paranoid but ever since I started volunteering at ValSocial Kevin has been one of the kids that I’ve become closer to, and I always felt he liked me too” – she admitted – “but this last couple of weeks I feel like he’s pushing me away.”

“That’s perfectly normal” – Dee reassured her.

“It is? Why?” – Rachel inquired.

“Kids like Kevin don’t have a lot trust in people. They’ve been abandoned and hurt before so they tend to develop ways to protect themselves from suffering again.” – Dee clarified – “When you were just a volunteer at ValSocial you were interacting and connecting to everyone so he didn’t feel you were a big threat. Now that you’re trying to adopt him that means that you will inevitably get closer.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” – David asked this time.

“Not in a long run. Not if everything works out well” – Dee said – “but he probably doesn’t want to get attached to you because he’s afraid you’ll abandon him too.”

“So what can we do to help him? To make him understand we won’t let him down?” – she asked.

“You’ll just have to be patient and love him. He’ll come around” – Dee promised – “It might be rough in the beginning. It’s natural too that he’ll act up just to test you. To check how far he needs to go until you give up on him.”

“We would never do that” – Rachel intervened.

“I know honey” – Dee assured her – “I would never support this decision if I thought you would. But it can be scary for a child.”

Rachel nodded. Even though in a totally different situation she knew how bad it was to be betrayed by the one person you thought you could trust completely. She was an adult then and still it had felt like her whole world was falling apart. It couldn’t have been easy for him.

“We’ll do whatever it takes to make him happy” – Rachel guaranteed.

“I know honey” – Dee said – “And he will.”


A few weeks later Rachel and David received the news they could finally bring Kevin home.

It was a Friday morning and everybody was as nervous as excited.

“Sweetheart, are you ready?” – David asked Rachel.

It was 8.30 a.m and they didn’t have to be there until 9.30 a.m but still David was rushing.

“Almost” – Rachel responded running around to get everything ready – “and Lea?”

“She’s downstairs with Dee.”

“Dammit!” – Rachel yelled when the pile of things she was carrying fell apart. Kneeling on the floor she started to pick them up frustrated with herself.

“Sweetheart?” – he called unheard. David approached her and kneeling in front of her held her hands – “Take a breath.”

“Come on now, we don’t have time for this” – she complained.

“Then let’s make time” – he insisted tenderly. She sighed impatient.

“I know it’s scary”– he continued – “I’m nervous too, but it’s going to be fine. I promise” – he told her finally being able to calm her down and get her attention.

“I’m sorry, babe” – she apologized – “I just…” - she paused.

“What is it?”

“I just want this so bad” – she confessed – “This kid deserves the best. What if we mess up?” – she asked worried.

“Rachel, you’re a great mom.”

She shrugged.

“You are, and all Kevin needs is a family who loves him and takes good care of him. We can do that for him.”

She nodded – “We can!”

Gently he touched her cheeks and kissed her lips. She let him take her in his arms for a moment.

“I’m ready” – she said finally.

Arriving at ValSocial, they headed to the pre-school building to drop off Lea and pick up Kevin. Lea of course didn’t want to stay, but they had agreed it was important to spend some time alone with Kevin first so after some negotiation Rachel was able to persuade her to stay in the classroom.

Dee directed them to her office where they sat together. She was someone Kevin trusted so Rachel had asked her to mediate this crucial meeting.

Kevin who was usually active and energetic was particularly weary and quiet. He had been facing down the whole way and had barely said two words.

“Are you okay sweetie?” – Dee asked him. He shrugged uncomfortable.

“What is it, honey?” – she insisted.

“My belly” – he mumbled – “feels funny.”

Rachel and David were sitting in the sofa across from them and shared a look.

“Would it make you feel better if you sat here with me?” – Dee asked him.

He nodded shyly.

“Come on then.”

He crawled in her lap barely looking at David and Rachel.

“Today is a big day, you know?” - Dee said stroking his belly softly – “Rachel and David are taking you to your new home” – she continued – “are you excited?”

The boy shrugged again not saying a word. Dee looked at Rachel who was worried.

“I would be scared too” – Dee told him – “it’s quite scary to get a new family.”

He had his little head against her chest and looked at her agreeing.

“It’s going to be fine though,” – she assured him – “you know them, I remember how you used to enjoy playing with them, right?”

The boy nodded once again.

“So, what do you think, should we call them to sit here with us?” – Dee asked.

“Yes” – he finally said.

Dee signed them and they approached.

Rachel sat next to them smiling at him. She had that sweet, nice, peaceful smile that was impossible to be indifferent to. She extended her hand towards him, he grabbed it and smiled back.

“Hi sweetie” – she said – “feeling better now?”

“A little bit” – he replied.


“When are you taking me?” – he then asked. “Whenever you’re ready sweetie” – she said. “I’m not ready” – he said instantly.

“That’s fine” – Rachel guaranteed him – “no need to rush. I tell you what. You tell us when you’re ready, how does that sound?”

“Good” – he agreed.

“Is there anything you’d like to ask?” – Dee questioned Kevin.

The boy remained silent for a while and then finally asked – “Are you going to be my mommy, now?”

“I’d love to be, if you’d let me” – Rachel admitted.

“And he’s he going to be my dad?” – he asked pointing at David and ignoring Rachel’s intervention. “Yes.”

“Do I have to call you mom and dad?” – he continued inquiring.

“Only if you want to” – Rachel told him.

The room remained quiet for a long minute and it was Kevin who eventually said:

“I want to.”

Rachel laughed emotionally – “Come here” – she asked as the boy reached his arms to her.

David had one hand on her shoulder and with the other arm hugged them both.

“Thank you” – he whispered at Dee.

After the initial awkwardness, as the morning went by things started to lighten up. Kevin was relaxing and so were Rachel and David. They were playing on the floor when Rachel’s phone rang.

“It’s from the hospital” – she said – “I’ll be right back.”

“Rachel? Hi it’s Sara” – she heard from the other side of the line.

“Hi, how are you?”

“Fine thanks. Just wanted to let you know that your exams results are back” – Sara informed her.

“Oh thank you, I was going to stop by tomorrow, you didn’t have to call” – she said appreciated – “I mean, is it something serious? Something wrong?” – she asked suddenly worried.

“It is serious, that’s for sure” – Sara started – “but I wouldn’t say it’s wrong at all” – she added.

“What do you mean?” – she asked confused.

Five minutes later an astonished looking Rachel came back in the room.

“Is everything okay?” – David asked her. “I… guess” – Rachel responded giggling. “Come on, tell us” – Dee begged curious.

“I think our family is growing faster than we thought, babe” – Rachel said looking at David.

David stared at her confused.

“Sara just called” – she said – “I’m pregnant…”

“Really?” – Dee ran to her hugging her – “Congratulations, honey!”

“Babe?” – Rachel called David who hadn’t move.

“That’s amazing!” – he finally said laughing – “I guess you’re finally getting the big family you’ve always wanted.”