A Glimpse of Happiness by Filipa Ferreira - HTML preview

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VII. Happy Endings


Things were finally settling down. Rachel hadn’t realized it before but having her family’s support was so important. She felt freer, lighter. The TV show she was doing in London had ended the season for that year and she was now able to spend more time in Portugal. She had some music projects in mind but she wanted to make sure she could manage to do it without having to be away from David and Lea. After all the turmoil she had been through the past she was now loving to be able to live her relationship without bigger issues. The tabloids would still make up stories about her, but the love and support she’d get from David, her family, friends and fans was bigger than all that.

Rachel was in the kitchen when the news came up on TV, apparently Chase had canceled one more concert. She had heard rumors that he wasn’t doing too well but she hadn’t talked to him since that day at her condo.

“You should phone him” – David said entering.

“What?” – she asked startled changing the TV channel.

“Chase” – he clarified – “I think you should call him.”

“Why would I do that?” – she asked surprised – “babe, our story is over. He’s not a part of my life anymore.”

“But he was” – David said – “he was a huge part of your life. Someone you loved once.”

“Someone that hurt me” – she interrupted him.

“Indeed, but that doesn’t erase what happened between the two of you.”

“Babe, why are you trying to push me towards him?” – she wondered.

“I’m not trying to push you anywhere” – he said – “I just know you, and I know in spite of everything you still care about him.”

She shook her head in denial.

“You do Rachel” – he insisted – “and there’s nothing wrong with that. Not everything that happened between you was bad. That’s nothing wrong in accepting that. He was the first defining relationship in your life, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

She smiled at him, he knew her too well – “I love you so much” – she kissed him.

Rachel called Chase a couple days later. Her birthday was coming so she invited him. They were planning a party and she thought a house full of people would make it less awkward for everybody.

Chase couldn’t believe it was her on the phone. He was skeptical in the beginning (she was too) but ended up agreeing. Even though he kept fooling around he did like her and missed the times when they were together.

He arrived at Valcena at 6.30 p.m. Rachel’s party was being thrown at Dee’s place. David’s house wasn’t big enough. He followed the instructions provided and when he was double checking the address he was approached by a young girl.

“You are Chase, aren’t you?” – she asked him.

He nodded – “And you are?”

“I’m Inês. I live here” – she told him.

“So, do you know Rachel?”


Inês got him inside – “I’ll get Rachel.”

He waited in the living room. The place was huge but simple. Straight lines and humble decorations filled the room that felt cozy and familiar. On the walls there were black and white pictures that would tell the story of that family. He couldn’t help but notice that Rachel was a big part of it too. There were pictures of her with Dee, Lea, David and other people that he didn’t recognized. In all of them Rachel looked utterly happy.

“Hi stranger!” – Rachel greeted him.

“Hi. Happy Birthday” – he wished.

“Thank you” - Rachel approached him, slightly hugged him and kissed him on the cheek – “How are you?”

“Not too bad” – he told her handing her a pretty posy.

“Thank you for coming.”

“Thank you for calling” – he said grateful – “I never thought I would see you again” – he admitted.

She smiled.

“Rachel, I know I can never apologize enough but….”

“Stop” – she interrupted him – “what happened in the past stays in the past. Let’s just start over again, OK?”

He nodded.

“Come on, I want you to meet everybody” – she said guiding him through the backyard.

“Are they upset that I’m coming?” – Chase asked nervous. He knew David couldn’t be a big fan of his and he remembered how Dee had been mad at him once she had seen him cheating, even though at the time she hadn’t met Rachel yet.

“Not at all” – she said sincerely – “actually this was David’s idea” – she confessed.

“Really?” – he asked surprised.

The house was full of people but it was a very low profile party. There were children running everywhere and all sorts of different people. Chase saw Kimberley and waved she was the only person he personally knew.

Approaching the rest of the group Rachel introduced him. Everybody was nice and polite and after the initial shock of seeing Rachel again and coping with the fact that she was with someone else, Chase was able to relax and enjoy the party.

“She’s gorgeous” – he told David later that night. David was holding Lea who had fell asleep.

“She is” – he agreed proudly.

“Rachel said you were the one suggesting her to invite me…”

David nodded.

“Why?” – Chase finally had the courage to ask.

“What are they talking about?” – Rachel asked Dee and Kimberley nervously once she realized they were alone – “I should go there.”

“Don’t” – Dee stopped her grabbing her arm – “give them a chance to talk.”

“Talk? Last time those two met there were fists involved” –she remembered.

“As long as Chase doesn’t act up I don’t believe David is going to hurt him” – Kimberley agreed – “Give them some time.”

“I want Rachel to be happy” – David started to explain – “and if that involves having you in our lives, then be it.”

“Why would Rachel need me in her life?” “She needs to come to terms with her past.” “Our relationship is long gone” – Chase stated.

“The relationship as you knew it yes” – he agreed – “but we can’t deny that you shared something special. You’ve played an important role in Rachel’s life, I know that it’s something that she doesn’t want to regret or feel bad for so I see no reason why you can’t be friends. As long as you don’t mess up again” – David added.

“I’ll behave this time” – Chase promised – “I’ve learned my lesson. I’m not going to lie. I wished you’d break up so many times… But I see it now, I hate to admit it but she’s happier than I have ever seen her. I have no intention to come here and destroy that.”

“I appreciate that” - David said shaking his hand.

“I wasn’t smart enough to value what we had, please don’t make the same mistake” – Chase asked him.

“I won’t.”

“Good. I really wish you the best” – Chase told him sincerely – “Rachel deserves to be happy.”

David nodded and they both remained silent. It was Chase who broke the silence one more time.

“You know Dee, right?” – he asked David.

“Since she was born.”

“Are you close?” - Chase asked. David nodded – “Very. Why?”

“How is she about forgiving?” – he inquired. David looked at him.

“She was the first to find out and tell Rachel and…” “I know” – David interrupted him.

“I hear that they have grown very close. I know in order to be part of Rachel’s life I have to win her too” – he admitted.

“I would agree with that. Rachel’s feisty, she’s determined she doesn’t need nobody’s approval” – he started – “but there are one or two people whom opinions she truly takes in consideration, and yes, Dee’s one of them” – he agreed.

“How much does she hate me?” – Chase asked.

“She’s very protective of her friends, and she really cares about Rachel” – he told him – “but she’s also a sensible girl who knows people can make mistakes” - he said looking him in the eyes – “I’d suggest you go talk to her.”

Chase did just that. For months he had hated that girl. She was the whole reason he and Rachel had ever broken up. If she had stayed quiet… Why would someone bother or even care about a person they never met? For months he had blamed her but eventually he had to face reality and admit that the only person he could held responsible for it was himself.

He approached the girls and asked – “Do you have a minute?”

“Sure” – Rachel responded.

“Not you, her” – he clarified pointing at Dee.

“You want to talk to me?” – she asked surprised. He nodded.

Dee looked at Rachel who shrugged, she was surprised too – “OK” – she finally said.

“We’ll be around if you need us” – Rachel told Dee, while she and Kimberley stepped away.

“Go ahead” - she said coldly seeing him hesitant.

“I know you think I’m a jerk” – he started.

“And you’re here to convince me otherwise?” – she asked interrupting him.

This is not going to be easy, he thought – “Actually I was going to say that you’re probably right.”

“That’s a good start” – she said – “continue then.”

“I had the most wonderful woman in my life… Rachel is not just gorgeous, she’s an amazing person, she’s sweet, she cares, she’s genuine, she’s…”

“You don’t need to tell me that” – she interrupted him again.

Damn he though, he had heard a lot about this girl. Everyone seemed to love her, they always praised how nice she was, but obviously she wasn’t willing to make his job easier.

“Like I was saying” – he continued – “I know I had the most wonderful woman in my life and I let her get away” – he paused.

“You didn’t just let her get away” – Dee corrected him – “you pushed her away” – she wasn’t rude this time, she was just stating a fact.

“You’re right again” – he admitted.

She saw a glimmer of honesty in his eyes – “Look, apart from the obvious I have nothing against you. Rachel says you are a good guy, and to be perfectly honest I know she’s too smart too just fall for an utter idiot” – she told him, adding – “so there must be something about you.”

“I’ve changed” – he told her – “I screwed up a lot in the past and I have to live with it but I’ve changed.”

“Good for you” – Dee said sincerely.

“I know I don’t deserve it but I’d like you to give me a chance to show you I’m telling the truth” – he finally got the courage to say.

“Me?” – she asked – “I think you’re asking the wrong person… the only one that has to give you a chance here is Rachel, and I guess she already did”.

“She did, and I’m grateful” – Chase said – “however, I want to do things right this time. You’ve been by Rachel’s side ever since, I know she values your opinion.”

“Rachel has her own mind. She can make her own choices.”

“I know but she’ll want your opinion” – Chase insisted – “I’m not asking you to cut me some slack, I’m just asking for one shoot.”

Dee took a deep breath – “I don’t usually close the door to anybody” – she finally said – “and I respect Rachel too much to know that if she sees something in you it’s because there must be something.”

He smiled – “Thank you.”

“But don’t you screw up again!” – she advised him – “Get your act together, grow the hell up and be a man, this is probably your last chance to ever be a part of her life.”

“I know” – he nodded.