Being Emotionally Street-Smart by Deep Mody - HTML preview

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Across various researches it is established that human beings have few well defined needs and a natural hierarchy is observed in which every person moves ahead. It is important to identify difference between Need and Want. To put it in simple words Need is a basic necessity and Want is means to satisfy that Need. You can change what you want, but you cannot change what you need1.

Basic needs2 are identified as physiological needs; physical requirements for human survival. Air, water, and food are metabolic requirements for survival in all animals, including humans. Clothing and shelter provide necessary protection from the elements. While maintaining an adequate birth rate shapes the intensity of the human sexual instinct, sexual competition may also shape said instinct. People are motivated to aim at advanced Needs of Love, Family, Friendship, Respect, etc. only after basic needs are taken care of.


Want is very complex in its functioning. We understand that it is means to satisfy a need,  but often every want has its focus on multiple needs. To understand it better let us discuss few simple examples, Need of hunger can be satisfied by either road side food or a fancy restaurant. However, fancy restaurant also satisfies Esteem need. Similarly need for protection from elements, shelter, can be satisfied by a simple hut, but having a big strong built house is again facilitating satisfaction of Security and Esteem needs.

Human Decision Making is always focused on satisfying Needs through Wants. It is important to identify all Needs associated with any Want. Basic Needs are simple to identify, but Needs like Esteem are more complex to understand. In further sections we will be discussing natural process that one tends to follow to satisfy these needs and what goes into defining the elements of that process.