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_Asireh ha-Tikwah_, by Joseph Pensa, 237-238

_Asiya_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Astruc, Bible critic, 13

Auerbach, Berthold, novelist, 49, 50

quoted, 303

Auerbach, J. L., preacher, 322

_Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung_ and Heine, 340

Avenare. See Abraham ibn Ezra

Avencebrol. See Gabirol, Solomon

Avendeath, Johannes, translator of "The Fount of Life,"


Averröes and Maimonides, 163-164

Avicebron. See Gabirol, Solomon

Avicenna and Maimonides, 156, 158

Azariah de Rossi, scholar, 45

_Azila_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Barrios, de, Daniel, critic, 47, 129

Barruchius, Valentin, romance writer, 171

Bartholdy, Salomon, quoted, 308

Bartolocci, Hebrew scholar, 48

Bassista, Sabbataï, bibliographer, 47

Bath Halevi, Talmudist, 117

Bechaï ibn Pakuda, philosopher, 35, 137

Beck. K., poet, 49

_Beena_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Beer, Jacob Herz, establishes a synagogue, 322

Beer, M., poet, 49

Behaim, Martin, scientist, 96

Belmonte, Bienvenida Cohen, poetess, 130

"Belshazzar" by Heine, 344

Bendavid. See Lazarus ben David

"Beni Israel" and the Ten Tribes, 259

Benjamin of Tudela, traveller, 37, 258

quoted, 263

Berachya ben Natronaï (Hanakdan), fabulist, 34, 88

Beria, a character in Immanuel Romi's poem, 221-222

_Beria_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Bernhard, employer of Mendelssohn, 298, 300, 304

Bernhardt, Sarah, actress, 246

Bernstein, Aaron, Ghetto novelist, 50

quoted, 272

Bernstorff, friend of Henriette Herz, 313

Berschadzky on Saul Wahl, 282

Beruriah, wife of Rabbi Meïr, 110-112

Bible. See Old Testament, The

Bible critics, 12, 13, 14

Bible dictionary, Jewish German, 100

"Birth and Death" from the Haggada, 66

_Biurists_, the Mendelssohn school, 309

Blackcoal, a character in "The Gift of Judah," 214

Blanche de Bourbon, wife of Pedro I, 169

Bleichroeder quoted, 296-297

Bloch, Pauline, writer, 140

Boccaccio, alluded to, 35

Böckh, alluded to, 333

Bonet di Lattes, astronomer, 95

Bonifacio, Balthasar, accuser of Sara Sullam, 127

"Book of Diversions, The" by Joseph ibn Sabara, 214

"Book of Samuel," by Litte of Ratisbon, 119, 120

"Book of Songs" by Heine, 353

Börne, Ludwig, quoted, 313-314, 359-361

Borromeo, cardinal, alluded to, 98

Brinkmann, friend of Henriette Herz, 313

Bruno di Lungoborgo, work of, translated, 86

Bruno, Giordano, philosopher, 82

_Buch der Lieder_ by Heine, 353

Buffon quoted, 89

Büschenthal, L. M., dramatist, 245

Buxtorf, father and son, scholars, 48

translates "The Guide of the Perplexed," 155

Calderon, alluded to, 239

Calderon, the Jewish, 100

Calendar compiled by the rabbis, 77

Caliphs and Jewish diplomats, 98

Campe, Joachim, on Mendelssohn, 314-315

Cardinal, Peire, troubadour, 171-172

Casimir the Great, Jews under, 286

Cassel, D., scholar, 49

quoted, 19-20

Castro de, Orobio, author, 47

Çeba, Ansaldo, and Sara Sullam, 125-128

_Celestina_, by Rodrigo da Cota, 97, 235

Chananel, alluded to, 257

Chanukka, story of, 359-360

Charlemagne and Jewish diplomats, 98

Charles of Anjou, patron of Hebrew learning, 92

Chasan, Bella, historian, 120

Chasdaï ben Shaprut, statesman, 82

Chasdaï Crescas, philosopher, 42, 93-94

Chassidism, a form of Kabbalistic Judaism, 46

_Chesed_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Children in the Talmud, 63-64

Chiya, rabbi, 19

Chiya bar Abba, Halachist, 21

Chmielnicki, Bogdan, and the Jews, 288

_Chochma_, Kabbalistic term, 41

_Chotham Tochnith_ by Abraham Bedersi, 171

"Chronicle of the Cid," the first, by a Jew, 90, 170

Cicero and the drama, 232

Clement VI, pope, and Levi ben Gerson, 91

Cochin, the Ten Tribes in, 259

Cohen, friend of Heine, 350

Cohen, Abraham, Talmudist, 118

Cohen, Joseph, historian, 44

Coins, Polish, 286

Columbus, alluded to, 181

and Jews, 96

Comedy, nature of, 195-196

Commendoni, legate, on the Polish Jews, 287

"Commentaries on Aristotle" by Averroës, 163

"Commentary on Ecclesiastes" by Obadiah Sforno, 95

Commerce developed by Jews, 101-102

_Comte Lyonnais, Palanus_, romance, 90, 171

"Confessions" by Heine, quoted, 365-366

Conforte, David, historian, 43

_Consejos y Documentos al Rey Dom Pedro_ by Santob de Carrion, 173-174

_Consolaçam as Tribulações de Ysrael_ by Samuel Usque, 44

Constantine, translator, 81

"Contemplation of the World" by Yedaya Penini, 40

"Contributions to History and Literature" by Zunz, 337

Copernicus and Jewish astronomers, 86

Correa, Isabella, poetess, 129

Cota, da, Rodrigo, dramatist, 97, 235

"Counsel and Instruction to King Dom Pedro" by Santob de Carrion, 173-174

"Court Secrets" by Rachel Ackermann, 119

Cousin, Victor, on Spinoza, 145

Creation, Maimonides' theory of, 160

Creed, the Jewish, by Maimonides, 151-152

Creizenach, Th., poet, 49

Cromwell, Oliver, and Manasseh ben Israel, 99

_Dalalat al-Haïrin_, "Guide of the Perplexed," 154

Damm, teacher of Mendelssohn, 299

"Dance of Death," attributed to Santob, 174

Daniel, Immanuel Romi's guide in Paradise, 223

_Dansa General_, attributed to Santob, 174

Dante and Immanuel Romi, 35, 89, 220, 223

Dante, the Hebrew, 124

"Dark Continent, The." See Africa David, philosopher, 83

David ben Levi, Talmudist, 46

David ben Yehuda, poet, 223

David d'Ascoli, physician, 97

David della Rocca, alluded to, 124

David de Pomis, physician, 45, 97

Davison, Bogumil, actor, 246

Deborah, as poetess, 106-107

_De Causis_, by David, 83

Decimal fractions first mentioned, 91

"Deeds of King David and Goliath, The," drama, 244

Delitzsch, Franz, quoted, 24

Del Medigo, Elias. See Elias del Medigo and Joseph del Medigo

De Rossi, Hebrew scholar, 48

Deutsch, Caroline, poetess, 139, 142-143

Deutsch, Emanuel, on the Talmud, 68-70

_Deutsche Briefe_ by Zunz, 337

_Dialoghi di Amore_ by Judah Abrabanel, 42, 95

_Dichter und Kaufmann_ by Berthold Auerbach, 49

_Die Freimütigen_, Zunz contributor to, 330

_Die gottesdienstlichen Vorträge der Juden_ by Zunz, 48, 333-335

Diez, alluded to, 333

Dingelstedt, Franz, quoted, 319

Dioscorides, botanist, 82

_Disciplina clericalis_, a collection of tales, 89, 171

_Divina Commedia_, travestied, 35

imitated, 89, 124

_Doctor angelicus_, Thomas Aquinas, 94

_Doctor Perplexorum_, "Guide of the Perplexed," 154, 155

Document hypothesis of the Old Testament, 13

Dolce, scholar and martyr, 119

Donnolo, Sabattaï, physician, 82

Dorothea of Kurland and Mendelssohn, 315

Dotina, friend of Henriette Herz, 313

Drama, the, among the ancient Hebrews, 229

classical Hebrew, 244-245, 248

first Hebrew, published, 239

first Jewish, 234

Jewish German, 246-247

Drama, the German, Jews in, 245

the Portuguese, Jews in, 236-237, 238

the Spanish, Jews in, 235-236

Dramatists, Jewish, 230, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 244, 245, 248

Drinking songs, 200-201, 204, 205, 209, 212-213

Dubno, Solomon, commentator, 309

Dukes, L., scholar, 49

Dunash ben Labrat, alluded to, 257

"Duties of the Heart" by Bechaï, 137

_Eben Bochan_, by Kalonymos ben Kalonymos, 216-219

Egidio de Viterbo, cardinal, 44

Eibeschütz, Jonathan, Talmudist, 47

Eldad ha-Dani, traveller, 37, 80, 257-258

Elias del Medigo, scholar, 44, 94

Elias Kapsali, scholar, 98

Elias Levita, grammarian, 44, 95

Elias Mizrachi, scholar, 98

Elias of Genzano, poet, 224

Elias Wilna, Talmudist, 46

Eliezer, rabbi, quoted, 253

Eliezer ha-Levi, Talmudist, 36

Eliezer of Metz, Talmudist, 36

El Muallima, Karaite, 117

_Em beyisrael_, Deborah, 107

Emden, Jacob, Talmudist, 47

Emin Pasha, alluded to, 250

"Enforced Apostasy," by Maimonides, 152

Engel, friend of Henriette Herz, 313

Enriquez, Antonio, di Gomez, dramatist, 100, 236

Enriquez, Isabella, poetess, 130

_En-Sof_, Kabbalistic term, 40, 41

Ephraim, the Israelitish kingdom, 251

Ephraim, Veitel, financier, 304, 316

Erasmus, quoted, 44

_Esheth Lapidoth_, Deborah, 106

Eskeles, banker, alluded to, 305

Esterka, supposed mistress of Casimir the Great, 286

"Esther," by Solomon Usque, 235

Esthori Hafarchi, topographer, 93

Ethiopia. See Abyssinia

Euchel, Isaac, Hebrew writer, 48, 309

Eupolemos, historian, 17

Euripides, alluded to, 230

Ewald, Bible critic, 14

"Exodus from Egypt, The" by Ezekielos, 230

Ezekiel, prophet, quoted, 252, 294-295

Ezekielos, dramatist, 17, 230

Ezra, alluded to, 253

Fables translated by Jews, 79, 86-87, 88

Fagius, Paul, Hebrew scholar, 44, 95

Falashas, the, and the missionaries, 263, 267

and the Negus Theodore, 267

customs of, 266

described by Halévy, 264

history of, 263

intellectual eagerness of, 266, 268

Messianic expectations of, 267-268

religious customs of, 265-266

Faust of Saragossa, Gabirol, 199

_Faust_ translated into Hebrew, 248

Felix, Rachel, actress, 246

Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and Isaac Abrabanel, 99

Ferrara, duke of, candidate in Poland, 278

Figo, Azariah, rabbi, 45

Fischels, Rosa, translator of the Psalms, 120

"Flaming Sword, The," by Abraham Bedersi, 171

"Flea Song" by Yehuda Charisi, 212

Fleck, actor, 311

Foa, Rebekah Eugenie, writer, 139

Folquet de Lunel, troubadour, 171-172

Fonseca Pina y Pimentel, de, Sara, poetess, 130

"Foundation of the Universe, The," by Isaac Israeli, 93

"Foundation of the World, The," by Moses Zacuto, 238-239

"Fount of Life, The," by Gabirol, 26

Fox fables translated, 79

Frank, Rabbi Dr., alluded to, 345

Fränkel, David, teacher of Mendelssohn, 293

Frankel, Z, scholar, 49

Frankl, L. A., poet, 49

Frank-Wolff, Ulla, writer, 139

Franzos, K. E., Ghetto novelist, 50

Frederick II, emperor, patron of Hebrew learning, 40, 85, 89, 92

Frederick the Great and Mendelssohn, 301-303

and the Jews, 316-317

Freidank, German author, 185

Friedländer, David, disciple of Mendelssohn, 48, 317, 350

Fröhlich, Regina, writer, 131

Fürst, J., scholar, 49

Gabirol, Solomon, philosopher, 26-27, 82-83, 94

poet, 24, 25-26, 27, 199

Gad, Esther, alluded to, 132

Galen and Gamaliel, 81

works of, edited by Maimonides, 153

Gama, da, Vasco, and Jews, 96-97

Gamaliel, rabbi, 18, 77, 81

Gans, David, historian, 47

Gans, Edward, friend of Heine, 324, 346, 350

Gaspar, Jewish pilot, 96

Gayo, Isaac, physician, 86

Geiger, Abraham, scholar, 49

Geldern, van, Betty, mother of Heine, 341, 344

Geldern, van, Gottschalk, Heine's uncle, 341

Geldern, van, Isaac, Heine's grandfather, 341

Geldern, van, Lazarus, Heine's uncle, 341

Geldern, van, Simon, author, 341

Gentz, von, Friedrich, friend of Henriette Herz, 313

Geometry in the Talmud, 77

German literature cultivated by Jews, 87

Gerson ben Solomon, scientist, 90

_Gesellschafter_, Zunz contributor to the, 330

_Ghedulla_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Ghemara, commentary on the Mishna, 60

Ghetto tales, 50

_Ghevoora_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Gideon, Jewish king in Abyssinia, 263

"Gift from a Misogynist, A," satire, by Yehuda ibn Sabbataï, 34, 214-216

Glaser, Dr. Edward, on the Falashas, 263

Goethe, alluded to, 314

and Jewish literature, 103-104

on Yedaya Penini, 40

Goldschmidt, Henriette, writer, 139

Goldschmidt, Johanna, writer, 139

Goldschmied, M., Ghetto novelist, 50

Goldsmid, Anna Maria, writer, 137

Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon, alluded to, 137

Gottloeber, A., dramatist, 248

Götz, Ella, translator, 120

Graetz, Heinrich, historian, 49

quoted, 185

Graziano, Lazaro, dramatist, 235

Greece and Judæa contrasted, 194

Grimani, Dominico, cardinal, alluded to, 95

Grimm, alluded to, 333

Guarini, dramatist, 239

Gugenheim, Fromet, wife of Mendelssohn, 303

quoted, 307

"Guide of the Perplexed, The," contents of, 157-163

controversy over, 164-166

English translation of, 155 (note)

purpose of, 155

Gumpertz, Aaron, and Mendelssohn, 297, 299

quoted, 298

Gundisalvi, Dominicus, translator of "The Fount of Life," 26

Günsburg, C., preacher, 322

Günsburg, Simon, confidant of Stephen Báthori, 287

"Gustavus Vasa" by Grace Aguilar, 134

Gutzkow, quoted, 306

Haggada and Halacha contrasted, 21, 60, 194-195

Haggada, the, characterized, 18, 54-55, 60-61, 64-70

cosmopolitan, 33

described by Heine, 20

ethical sayings from, 61-63

poetic quotations from, 65-68

Haggada, the, at the Passover service, 344-345

Haï, Gaon, 22

Halacha and Haggada contrasted, 21, 60, 194-195

Halacha, the, characterized, 18, 54-55

subjective, 33

Halévy, Joseph, and the Falashas, 264

quoted, 265-266

Halley's comet and Rabbi Joshua, 77

"Haman's Will and Death," drama, 244

Hamel, Glikel, historian, 120

Händele, daughter of Saul Wahl, 276

Hariri, Arabic poet, 32, 34 (note)

Haroun al Rashid, embassy to, 99

Hartmann, M., poet, 49

Hartog, Marian, writer, 137

Hartung, actor, 248

_Ha-Sallach_, Moses ibn Ezra, 205

Hebrew drama, first, published, 237

Hebrew language, plasticity of, 32-33

Hebrew studies among Christians, 44, 47-48, 95, 98

Heckscher, Fromet, ancestress of Heine, 341

Hegel and Heine, 346

Heine, Heinrich, poet, 49

and Venus of Milo, 362

appreciation of, 340

characterized by Schopenhauer, 357-358

character of, 367

conversion of, 348-351

family of, 341-342, 344

Ghetto novelist, 50

in Berlin, 346-347

in Göttingen, 347-348

in Paris, 358-359

Jewish traits of, 345-348, 353-357

on Gabirol, 25-26

on the Jews, 362-363, 365-366

on Yehuda Halevi, 27

on Zunz, 327-328, 333

quoted, 9, 20, 28, 206

religious education of, 343

return of, to Judaism, 366

wife of, 363-364

will of, 366-367

Heine, Mathilde, wife of Heinrich Heine, 363-364

Heine, Maximilian, quoted, 344

"Heine of the middle ages," Immanuel Romi, 219

Heine, Samson, father of Heinrich Heine, 341, 342

Heine, Solomon, uncle of Heinrich Heine, 345, 352

Hellenism and Judaism, 75-76

Hellenists, Heine on, 359, 362

Hennings, alluded to, 314

Henry of Anjou, election of, in Poland, 286-287

Herder, poet, and Mendelssohn, 314

quoted, 296

Hermeneutics by Maimonides, 162-163

Herod and the stage, 230-231

Herrera, Abraham, Kabbalist, 99

Hertzveld, Estelle and Maria, writers, 140

Herz, Henriette, alluded to, 131, 133-346

and Dorothea Mendelssohn, 306

character of, 312-313

_salon_ of, 311-314

Herz, Marcus, physicist, 310, 311

Herzberg-Fränkel, L., Ghetto novelist, 50

Herzfeld, L., scholar, 49

Hess, M., quoted, 109

"Highest Faith, The" by Abraham ibn Daud, 36

Higros the Levite, musician, 369, 374

Hildebold von Schwanegau, minnesinger, 182

Hillel, rabbi, 18

quoted, 255