Jewish Literature by Gustav Karpeles - HTML preview

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Philo the Elder, writer, 17

Phokylides (pseudo-), Neoplatonist, 17

Physicians, Jewish, 81, 95, 97, 179

Pickelhering, a character in _Mekirath Yoseph_, 241

Pico della Mirandola alluded to, 94

and Levi ben Gerson, 91

and the Kabbala, 44

_Pilpul_, Talmudic method, 46

Pinchas, rabbi, chronicler of the Saul Wahl story, 273, 277, 280

_Piut_, a form of liturgic Hebrew poetry, 24, 198

"Plant Lore" by Dioscorides, 82

Pliny, alluded to, 250

Pnie, Samson, contributes to _Parzival_, 35, 87

_Poésies diverses_ by Frederick the Great, 301

Poland, election of king in, 278-279

Jews in, 286-288

Pollak, Jacob, Talmudist, 46

Popert, Meyer Samson, ancestor of Heine, 341

Popiel, of Poland, alluded to, 285

Poppæa, empress, alluded to, 232

"Praise of Women," anonymous work, 34

"Praise of Women," by David ben Yehuda, 223

"Praise unto the Righteous," by Luzzatto, 240-241

"Prince and the Dervish, The," by Ibn Chasdaï, 35

Printing, influence of, on Jewish literature, 94

"Prisoners of Hope, The," by Joseph Pensa, 237-238

Prophecy defined by Maimonides, 161-162

Proudhon anticipated by Judah ibn Tibbon, 39

Psalm cxxxiii., 71-72

Psalms, the, translated into Jewish German, 120

into Persian, 90

Ptolemy Philadelphus and the Septuagint, 16

Ptolemy's "Almagest" translated, 79

Rab, rabbi, 19

Rabbinical literature. See Jewish literature Rabbinowicz, Bertha, 138

_Rabbi von Bacharach_ by Heine, 50, 348, 349

Rachel (Bellejeune), Talmudist, 118

Radziwill, Nicholas Christopher, and Saul Wahl, 274-276, 279-280

"Radziwill Bible, The," 280

Rambam, Jewish name for Maimonides, 146

Ramler and Jews, 311, 313

Rappaport, Moritz, poet, 49

Rappaport, S., scholar, 49

Rashi. See Solomon ben Isaac

Rausnitz, Rachel, historian, 121

Ravenna and Jewish financiers, 101-102

"Recapitulation of the Law" by Maimonides, 152-153

Recke, von der, Elise, and Mendelssohn, 215

Red Sea, coasts of, explored by Jews, 96

Reichardt, musician, 313

Reinmar von Brennenberg, minnesinger, 182

_Reisebilder_ by Heine, 353

Rembrandt illustrates a Jewish book, 102

Renaissance, the, and the Jews, 43-44, 74-75, 94-95, 223, 224

Renaissance, the Jewish, 101, 227, 293-295

Renan, Ernest, alluded to, 163, 191

_Respublika Babinska_, a Polish society, 281-282

_Respuestas_ by Antonio di Montoro, 180

Resurrection, Maimonides on, 164-165

Reuchlin, John, and Jewish scholars, 91, 94-95

and the Talmud, 44

quoted, 89

Revelation defined by Maimonides, 162

Richard I, of England, and Maimonides, 149

Riemer quoted, 358

Riesser, Gabriel, journalist, 49, 291

"Righteous Brethren, The" an Arabic order, 79

Rintelsohn, teacher of Heine, 344

Ritter, Heinrich, on Maimonides, 146

"Ritual of the Synagogue, The," by Zunz, 336

_Ritus des synagogalen Gottesdienstes_ by Zunz, 336

Robert of Anjou, patron of Hebrew learning, 92

Robert of Naples, patron of Hebrew learning, 89

Rodenberg, Julius, quoted, 144

Romanelli, Samuel L., dramatist, 244, 248

_Romanzero_ by Heine, 9, 27, 365

Rossi, Solomon, musician, 376

Rothschild, Anna, historian, 142

Charlotte, philanthropist, 141

Clementine, writer, 141-142

Constance, historian, 142

Rothschild family, women of the, 140-142

_Ruach_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Rückert, poet, alluded to, 139

"Rules for the Shoeing and Care of Horses in Royal Stables," translated, 91

Rüppell, explorer, quoted, 263

Sa'adia, philosopher, 22, 80-81

Sachs, M., scholar, 49

Saisset, E., on Maimonides, 146

"Sale of Joseph, The" by Beermann, 241-244

Salerno, Jews at academy of, 86, 92

Salomon, Annette, writer, 137

Salomon, G., preacher, 49

Salomon, Leah, wife of Abraham Mendelssohn, 308

_Salon_, the German, established by Jews, 312

Salonica, Spanish exiles in, 43

Sambation, fabled stream, 249, 258

Samson, history of, dramatized, 236

humor in the, 191, 192

"Samson and the Philistines" by Luzzatto, 239

"Samsonschool" at Wolfenbüttel, 321

Samuel, astronomer, 76

Samuel, physician, 19

Samuel ben Ali, Talmudist, 117

Samuel ben Meïr, exegete, 36, 172

Samuel ibn Nagdela, grand vizir, 98

Samuel Judah, father of Saul Wahl, 273, 274

Samuel the Pious, hymnologist, 36

Santillana, de, on Santob de Carrion, 173

Santo. See Santob de Carrion

Santob de Carrion, troubadour, 34, 87, 169-170, 174-175, 188

characterized, 173

character of, 178

quoted, 169, 175-176, 177-178

relation of, to Judaism, 176-177

Saphir, M. G., quoted, 355

Sarah, a character in _Rabbi von Bacharach_, 348

Sarastro, played by a Jew, 247

Satirists, 213-223

Saul Juditsch. See Saul Wahl

Saul Wahl, in the Russian archives, 282-284

relics of, 278

story of, 273-277

why so named, 276

Savasorda. See Abraham ben Chiya

Schadow, sculptor, 313

Schallmeier, teacher of Heine, 342

Schlegel, von, Friedrich, husband of Dorothea Mendelssohn, 306

Schleiden, M. J., quoted, 28, 74-75

Schleiermacher and the Jews, 313, 314, 323

Schopenhauer, Arthur, anticipated by Gabirol, 27

on Heine, 357-358

_Schutzjude_, a privileged Jew, 302-403

Scotists and Gabirol, 26

Scotus, Duns, philosopher, 82

Scotus, Michael, scholar, 40, 85

Scribes, the compilers of the Old Testament, 16

"Seal of Perfection, The," by Abraham Bedersi, 171

_Sechel Hapoel_, Active Intellect, 159

_Seder_ described by Heine, 345

_Sefer Asaf_, medical fragment, 81

_Sefer ha-Hechal_ by Moses Rieti, 124

_Sefer Sha'ashuim_ by Joseph ibn Sabara, 214

_Sefiroth_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Selicha, a character in "The Sale of Joseph," 241

_Selicha_, a form of Hebrew liturgical poetry, 24, 25, 198

Septuagint, contents of the, 16

Serach, hero of "The Gift of Judah," 214-216

"Seven Wise Masters, The," romance, 88

Seynensis, Henricus, quoted, 52

Shachna, Solomon, Talmudist, alluded to, 286

_Shalet_, a Jewish dish, 360-361

Shalmaneser, conquers Israel, 250

obelisk of, 261

Shammaï, rabbi, 18

Shapiro, Miriam, Talmudist, 117

_Shebach Nashim_ by David ben Yehuda, 223

Shem-Tob. See Santob de Carrion

Sherira, Talmudist, 22

"Shields of Heroes," by Jacob ben Elias, 224

"Shulammith," Jewish German drama, 247

_Shulchan Aruch_, code, 43

Sigismund I, Jews under, 285, 286

Sigismund III, and Saul Wahl, 283-284

Simon ben Yochaï, supposed author of the Kabbala, 19

Sirkes, Joel, Talmudist, 46

"Society for Jewish Culture and Science," in Berlin, 324, 346

_Soferim_, Scribes, 56

Solomon, king, alluded to, 250

and Africa, 255

Solomon Ashkenazi, diplomat, 96, 286-287

Solomon ben Aderet, Talmudist, 40

Solomon ben Isaac (Rashi), exegete, 36, 84, 137

essay on, by Zunz, 329

family of, 118

Solomon ben Sakbel, satirist, 34, 213

Solomon Yitschaki. See Solomon ben Isaac

"Song of Joy" by Yehuda Halevi, 207

"Song of Songs," a dramatic idyl, 229

alluded to, 207

characterized, 192-193

epitomized, 223

explained, 172

in later poetry, 202

quoted, 186

Sonnenthal, Adolf, actor, 246

Soudan, the, Moses in, 255

"Source of Life, The" by Gabirol, 82-83

"South, the," Talmud name for Africa, 255

Spalding, friend of Henriette Herz, 313

"Spener's Journal," Zunz editor of, 330

Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch), philosopher, 47, 100

and Maimonides, 145, 146, 164

influenced by Chasdaï Crescas, 94

under Kabbalistic influence, 99

"Spirit of Judaism, The," by Grace Aguilar, 134

Stein, L., poet, 49

Steinheim, scholar, 49

Steinschneider, M., scholar, 37, 49

Steinthal, H., scholar, 49

Stephen Báthori, of Poland, 278, 282, 287

_Studie zur Bibelkritik_ by Zunz, 337

Sullam, Sara Copia, poetess, 44, 124-128

Surrenhuys, scholar, 48

Süsskind von Trimberg, minnesinger, 35, 87, 182, 184

and Judaism, 187

character of, 188

poetry of, 185-186

quoted, 182-183, 187-188, 188-189

_Synagogale Poesie des Mittelalters_, by Zunz, 335

"Synagogue Poetry of the Middle Ages" by Zunz, 336

Syria, the Ten Tribes in, 259

Syrian and Jewish poetry, 80

Syrian Christians as scientific mediators, 78

_Tachkemoni_ by Yehuda Charisi, 211

Talmud, the, burnt, 40, 44

character of, 52-53

compilers of, 56, 57-58

composition of, 16

contents of, 59-60, 68-70, 76-77

in poetry, 201

on Africa, 254

on the Ten Tribes, 253

origin of, 53-54

study of, 17-18

translations of, 60

woman in, 110-114

women and children in, 63-64

Talmud, the Babylonian, 54

compiler of, 17

Talmud, the Jerusalem, compiler of, 17

Talmudists, 22, 36, 40, 43, 46, 47, 117, 286

Talmudists (women), 116, 117, 118

Tamar, a character in Immanuel Romi's poem, 221-222

_Tanaïm_, Learners, 56, 57

Tanchuma, a Talmudic work, 19

Targum, the, in poetry, 201

Telescope, the, used by Gamaliel, 77

Teller, friend of Henriette Herz, 313

Ten Tribes, the, English views of, 260-262

Irish legend of, 261

the prophets on, 251-252

the Samaritan Hexateuch on, 252

the supposed homes of, 256-262

the Talmud on, 253

Tertullian quoted, 233

Theatre, the, and the rabbis, 230-234

Theodore, Negus of Abyssinia, 263, 267

_Theorica_ by Peurbach, 100

Thomists and Gabirol, 24

"Thoughts suggested by Bible Texts" by Louise Rothschild, 141

_Tifereth_, Kabbalistic term, 41

Tiglath-Pileser conquers Israel, 250

Tiktiner, Rebekah, scholar, 119

"Till Eulenspiegel," the Jewish German, 101

Tolerance in Germany, 185, 189

"Touchstone" by Kalonymos ben Kalonymos, 33, 216-219

"Tower of Victory" by Luzzatto, 239

Tragedy, nature of, 195

Travellers, Jewish, 80

"Tristan and Isolde" compared with the _Mechabberoth_, 220

Troubadour poetry and the Jews, 171-173

Troubadours, 223

"Truth's Campaign," anonymous work, 32

Turkey, Jews in, 98

"Two Tables of the Testimony, The," by Isaiah Hurwitz, 43

Tycho de Brahe and Jewish astronomers, 92

Uhden, von, and Mendelssohn, 302

Uhland, poet, alluded to, 139

Ulla, itinerant preacher, 114

"Upon the Philosophy of Maimonides," prize essay, 145

Usque, Samuel, poet, 44

Usque, Solomon, poet, 98, 235

"Vale of Weeping, The," by Joseph Cohen, 44

Varnhagen, Rahel. See Levin, Rahel

Varnhagen von Ense, German _littérateur_, 312

Vecinho, Joseph, astronomer, 96

Veit, Philip, painter, 308

Veit, Simon, husband of Dorothea Mendelssohn, 306

Venino, alluded to, 302

Venus of Milo and Heine, 362

Vespasian and Jochanan ben Zakkaï, 57

Walther von der Vogelweide, minnesinger, 182, 189

Wandering Jew, the, myth of, 350

"War of Wealth and Wisdom, The," satire, 34

"Water Song" by Gabirol, 200-201

Weil, Jacob, Talmudist, 102

Weill, Alexander, and Heine, 363-364

_Weltschmerz_ in Gabirol's poetry, 199

in Heine's poetry, 357

Wesseli, musician, 313

Wessely, Naphtali Hartwig, commentator, 48, 309

Wieland, poet, alluded to, 314

Wihl, poet, 49

Wine, creation of, 197-198

Withold, grandduke, and the Lithuanian Jews, 282, 284

Wohllerner, Yenta, poetess, 138

Wohlwill, Immanuel, friend of Zunz, letter to, 325

Wolfenbüttel, Jews' free school at, 320-321

Wolff, Hebrew scholar, 48

Wolfram von Eschenbach, minnesinger, 182, 185, 189

Woman, creation of, 197

in Jewish annals, 110

in literature, 106-107

in the Talmud, 64, 110-114

mental characteristics of, 121-122

satirized and defended, 223-224

services of, to Judaism, 115-116

"Woman's Friend" by Yedaya Penini, 216

Women, Jewish, in the emancipation movement, 133, 139

"Women of Israel, The" by Grace Aguilar, 134

"Women's Shield," by Judah Tommo, 224

"World as Will and Idea, The," by Schopenhauer, 357

Xemona. See Kasmune

Yaltha, wife of Rabbi Nachman, 113-114

Yechiel ben Abraham, financier, 99

Yechiel deï Mansi, alluded to, 116

Yedaya Penini, poet, 40, 216

Yehuda ben Astruc, scientist, 92

Yehuda ben Zakkaï quoted, 68

Yehuda Charisi, poet, 32, 34 (note), 210-213

on Gabirol, 27

quoted, 214

traveller, 37

Yehuda Chayyug, alluded to, 257

Yehuda Hakohen, Talmudist, 36

Yehuda Halevi, as philosopher, 31, 34

as poet, 24, 27-28, 206-210

daughter of, 117

Yehuda Romano, translator, 90

Yehuda Sabbataï, satirist, 34, 214

Yehuda the Prince, Mishna compiler, 19, 58

lament over, 65-66

Yemen, Judaism in, 256

_Yesod_, Kabbalistic term, 41

_Yesod Olam_ by Moses Zacuto, 238-239

_Yezira_, Kabbalistic term, 41

"Yosippon," an historical compilation, 120, 249, 250, 321

Yucatan and the Ten Tribes, 259

Zacuto, Abraham, astronomer, 42, 96-97

Zacuto, Moses, dramatist, 238-239

Zarzal, Moses, physician, 179

_Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft_,

Zunz contributor to, 337

Zeltner, J. G., on Rebekah Tiktiner, 119

Zerubbabel, alluded to, 253

Zohar, the, astronomy in, 91

authorship of, 39

Zöllner, friend of Henriette Herz, 313

Zunz, Adelheid, wife of Leopold Zunz, 337, 352

Zunz, Leopold, scholar, 25, 48

and religious reform, 335

as journalist, 330

as pedagogue, 324

as politician, 330-332

as preacher, 322-323

characterized by Heine, 327-328

described by Jost, 320

education of, 320-322

friend of Heine, 346

importance of, for Judaism, 338

in Berlin, 318-319

quoted, 11-12, 119, 323, 325-327, 330, 331, 332, 334, 336, 371

style of, 338

"Zur Geschichte und Litteratur" by Zunz, 337

* * * * *

PUBLICATIONS OF THE Jewish Publication Society OF


OUTLINES OF JEWISH HISTORY. From the Return from Babylon to the Present

Time. By Lady Magnus. (Revised by M. Friedländer.) THINK AND THANK. By Samuel W. Cooper.

RABBI AND PRIEST. By Milton Goldsmith.




SOME JEWISH WOMEN. By Henry Zirndorf.

HISTORY OF THE JEWS. By Prof. H. Graetz.

Vol. I. From the Earliest Period to the Death of Simon the Maccabee (135 B.C.E.).

Vol. II. From the Reign of Hyrcanus to the Completion of the Babylonian Talmud (500 C.E.).

Vol. III. From the Completion of the Babylonian Talmud to

the Expulsion of the Jews from England (1290 C.E.).

Vol. IV. From the Rise of the Kabbala (1270 C.E.) to the Permanent Settlement of the Marranos in Holland (1618 C.E.).

Vol. V. In preparation.

SABBATH HOURS. Thoughts. By Liebman Adler.


OLD EUROPEAN JEWRIES. By David Philipson, D.D.

Dues, $3.00 per Annum





P. O. Box 1164



From the Return from Babylon to the Present Time, 1890.

With Three Maps, a Frontispiece and Chronological Tables,




The entire work is one of great interest; it is written with moderation,

and yet with a fine enthusiasm for the great race which is set before


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