Love Songs of Childhood by Eugene Field - HTML preview

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      The top it hummeth a sweet, sweet song

      To my dear little boy at play—

      Merrily singeth all day long,

      As it spinneth and spinneth away.

      And my dear little boy

      He laugheth with joy

      When he heareth the monotone

      Of that busy thing

      That loveth to sing

      The song that is all its own.


      Hold fast the string and wind it tight,

      That the song be loud and clear;

      Now hurl the top with all your might

      Upon the banquette here;

      And straight from the string

      The joyous thing

      Boundeth and spinneth along,

      And it whirrs and it chirrs

      And it birrs and it purrs

      Ever its pretty song.


      Will ever my dear little boy grow old,

      As some have grown before?

      Will ever his heart feel faint and cold,

      When he heareth the songs of yore?

      Will ever this toy

      Of my dear little boy,

      When the years have worn away,

      Sing sad and low

      Of the long ago,

      As it singeth to me to-day?