Love Songs of Childhood by Eugene Field - HTML preview

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      When the busy day is done,

      And my weary little one

      Rocketh gently to and fro;

      When the night winds softly blow,

      And the crickets in the glen

      Chirp and chirp and chirp again;

      When upon the haunted green

      Fairies dance around their queen—

      Then from yonder misty skies

      Cometh Lady Button-Eyes.


      Through the murk and mist and gloam

      To our quiet, cozy home,

      Where to singing, sweet and low,

      Rocks a cradle to and fro;

      Where the clock's dull monotone

      Telleth of the day that's done;

      Where the moonbeams hover o'er

      Playthings sleeping on the floor—

      Where my weary wee one lies

      Cometh Lady Button-Eyes.


      Cometh like a fleeting ghost

      From some distant eerie coast;

      Never footfall can you hear

      As that spirit fareth near—

      Never whisper, never word

      From that shadow-queen is heard.

      In ethereal raiment dight,

      From the realm of fay and sprite

      In the depth of yonder skies

      Cometh Lady Button-Eyes.


      Layeth she her hands upon

      My dear weary little one,

      And those white hands overspread

      Like a veil the curly head,

      Seem to fondle and caress

      Every little silken tress;

      Then she smooths the eyelids down

      Over those two eyes of brown—

      In such soothing, tender wise

      Cometh Lady Button-Eyes.


      Dearest, feel upon your brow

      That caressing magic now;

      For the crickets in the glen

      Chirp and chirp and chirp again,

      While upon the haunted green

      Fairies dance around their queen,

      And the moonbeams hover o'er

      Playthings sleeping on the floor—

      Hush, my sweet! from yonder skies

      Cometh Lady Button-Eyes!