Matisse, Picasso and Getrude Stein by Gertrude Stein - HTML preview

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expelling indicating. They were not lowering exception.

They were there.

They did not see a way that did not come and did not stay and did not

stay away. They saw a way that was a way and would convey the way that

would lose some way. They did not have the way that was not some way.

They had a way that were ways and they each one did not sing, they each

one had a way.

He was not over when a way was under. He was not under and he had the

way that were ways and he was not one not singing, he was one relieving

a way that way not existing. He had the way and was not pursuing

contradiction. He was keeping being expecting to be refusing intending

to accept indicating being having been in being surprising. He had some

way that was completing not intending refusing being giving receiving

being outraging captivating. He was not declining. He had not some when

he was a wonder. He was continuing.

Very likely complaining was not adjusting receiving and arranging. Very

likely complaining was not being existing.

He who undertook the most and three years was not plenty, he who

undertook something saw some one. He saw the short length of the piece

that was where it was made. He saw it where all was not made in the time

that came every other day. He saw what was not left when he did not give

away anything. He was the aggressor when there was no one who was

completely fatigued. He listened often.

He, and they were not determined then, he wore what he had and he had

what he wore. He was not adding destruction. He left when he stayed away

and he came in then and there was not complete intention. He felt


They were not too much withdrawing to achieve repenting and this was not

unnecessary, this was not at all unnecessary. The whole of it all came

to be too many and this was not at all unneccesary. They were not

adjusting what was not determined. They were not withdrawing continuing.

They were not.

They had been and they were where all the way was the coming of all of

it that was that. They did have something and they did have that and

they did go there and they did stay there and they did continue then and

they did end and they did begin and they were what was when they they

did where they did all they did as they did what they did.

They were not all there. They were there and they were when they were

where they were as they were there and they were there.

They were not

all there. They were there.

He was not there as he was the one who when he was there was there and

he was there. He was there and they were not with him and they were

there they and he they were there they who were there.

They were all


If they were all there they were there as they were there and it was the

whole accepting, seeing, doing what was the acceptance and undertaking

that was what did not remain to deter what was that which did not

chagrin the one who was the one and they were all there that one, any

one. They were there. They stayed. He stayed. He was there. They were


If there is a way to be gay it is the way that is evidently a way. They

were gay. The were gay as they were in the way they were to be gay. They

were not so gay that they were very gay. They were not all gay.

He was gay when he said he would go away. He was gay when he said that

if he would look as if he were going away he would look as he did look

when he was not gay. He said he was not gay.

They were not all gay. They said that they were not all gay. They said

that some of them said that they were gay as they were when they were

gay. They did not say that they were that they were not gay.

He who was not too proud to have the paper arranged was certainly

hesitating to give all that he asked. He did not change anything. He

kept what he hoped would be taken. He said that he had felt all that.

They who were not different did not refuse that which they had heard

that they would arrange. They did not disoblige any one.

They returned

again and received something. They were not all despairing.

The meaning of undertaking was not extravagantly anticipated when they

were not older than they had been. They were not all disliking

something. They attributed the same arrangement to the thing that was

happening. They did not deny intending to be meditating.

They were not

all there then. There were not too many anywhere. They were all when

they were there.

Each one of them presuming that that one was that one were not presuming

all the time that they were presuming often. Each one of them was the

opposite of something. They did not each one determine all of anything.

They did undertake enough.

A partition separating all in one room from all in another room and

which has a door is the wall that is not disturbing the condition of all

living in a building. This was not a complication. It did not belong

there where it was and that was not neccesary when they were all living.

They did change something.

They did not any of them come there where each one was living. They were

not indulging in everything.

A likely way to stay indoors is to have some interruption. They were not

dealing in undertaking removing an active cooperation.

They had the

extreme way of being there where they had joined coming.

This was not an

alteration. This was division. This was diminishing alternation. They

said all that which was the hearty hearing of anything which was the

combination of that thing. They did not destroy themselves then. They

were permitting all that they had as being living. They did not inhabit

every building. They were all there when they had that inspiration. They

did again when all of them were some of them. Some of them were all of

them. One of them was one and that was the state of active occupation.

All was not artificial. This was not the meaning of ending and

beginning. There could be the one who was the one who could be that one.

They were not repeating signalling to each other that they were joining

together. They did not learn to come together. They stayed when they saw

that they had a movement. They did not stay then. They did not learn all

that there was of leaving. They meant it all.

One who harmonised this did not refuse to utter something. He said that

he saw something. He did not agree to everything. He was not refusing to

neglect the rest of the things that were meaning what they were meaning.

He did not have enough distraction to occupy all the way that he moved.

He did not move too much all the time. He did what he did. He joined

some. He neglected remaining all the time. He directed that best. He was

not apportioning all the merit to each one as each one said something.

He gave everything. He used something. He did not come again all the

time. He was not withdrawing mentioning what had been mentioned. He

introduced some. He said it all. He was giving the same.

He came all of

some of the ways that were not the only ways. He did not deny the same

thing again. He adjusted feeling desertion. He rearranged adding

instruction. He deserted equalisation. He regretted acceleration. He

denied intention. He agreed to description. He felt combination. He

ordered reorganisation. He atoned for beginning. He pursued realisation.

He adored distribution. He remarked domination. He altered acceptation.

He changed selection. He persisted in continuation. He achieved

elimination. He rested in conclusion. He grew older.

They were not the same when they saw it all and they did not change.

There were enough of them. One was enough and he did not change. He did

it all. He was accumulating this thing. He was not alone. He did not

know any of them then and he met them and he knew them.

He went away

with one of them. He was enough.

He was not disturbing wearing what he was coming to have as a thing that

was to cover him. He did not say that he liked it more than he did. He

said he had been feeling something. He did not like to hear that he was

the one who was having what he was having. He was not refusing hearing


He had that as past what he was feeling in the future.

He did not

relieve himself of all of anything. He did not order any one to come and

remain. He said that he asked all of the way meaning is being existing.

He was not dividing coming again from remaining. He was the one who had

remained and then had not left. He was the one who went where he went

and did that which was the thing that was done then. He did not

interfere with himself in hearing himself tell it all again. He was not


This was not the only way that he was and he was the one who was all of

that one. He did the same when he felt all he felt and he kept all he

did when he felt all he felt. He had the same explanation when he was

agreeing that he was winning as he had when he was agreeing that he was

feeling. He was not sleeping in the morning and he was eating something

in the evening. He did not turn away from this thing. He felt all that

he felt. He did what he did when he did that which he did to do what he

did. He attempted the whole way of going to be remaining and he

succeeded in staying and astonishing. He did not undertake everything.

To sweep and not to leave what is not swept up, to reply and not to

refuse to continue talking, to explain and to convince some one, to show

all and to keep what is hidden, to be expressive and to attack the

expense of travelling, to be careful and to ejaculate, to be sincere and

to be using confounding refusing with deterioration, to be moving and

steadying and surging and complaining and succeeding and grieving and

exalting and speeding and pressing and acquiring is not the same thing

as being any one. Some one is not the same and that one is not refusing

all in refusing everything. That one is the only one. He is there again.

He sits where he tells what he tells when he tells all he tells as he

tells why he tells what there is that he can tell and has told. He does

not refuse to remain although he does stay when he stays. He is there.

This is not the end of all that.

Assailable barter in withdrawing slaughter is not the least of

expression of following disaster. The ardent sitter and the intending

hearer and the reclaiming helper and the disturbing divider and the

vigorous hearer and the alarming buyer and the deep thinker and the

steady beginner, all the leader and half the seller, all the listener

and all the controller, all the etcetera and all the clearer, all the

continuer and the rest steadily staying somewhere, all the same what was

was there and what is is here. If the rest remain then getting them all

there is not laughing as each one can tell the same.

They do not all

see. They have that which becomes them. They are not keeping everything.

They give it again. They say they do.

He had all when he had enough and knew them all and said it as if he saw

where he heard. He was shining and there was not all the fast bowing

that he was not doing. He did the same. He said that and something else.

He was not remaining still. He stated it all. It was there and he was

with it when he did not loan it. He did not loan it.

This was not all

the same.

Way in and way on and the waiting and all and he was there and they were

anywhere when there was there and they were not anywhere but there. They

did not astonish themselves as they expected to be where there was

there. They were feeling all of it and all they said they listened not

to answer and hear but to say and see. They were the same. That was

individual. They were the group. That was the way. They said it some.

That was the rest. They saw it there. That was the reason. They felt it

all. That was the feeling. They did it then. That was their doing. They

hung it well. That was their arrangement. They were giving something.

That was their way. They helped it then. That was their expression. They

met often. That was their intention. They separated then. That was their


They were not identical with what had happened. They were not opposing

what was delighting them. They were not losing what they were saying.

They were not giving what they were urging. They were not the same.

Walking around when the wet place is drying is not causing all the

discussion which can be had when one and the other one and one and one

have put the four places together so that they all have the same

position. They describe each other. They were not darkening sitting and

not waiting. They were feeling. They could see the white cover that was

taken off when they were together. They felt all of something. They felt

all of that thing. They were all coming. They had the picture of their

having been those who had done what those had done and they had the

decision that they were seeing all that they were seeing. They did not

die one by one. They did not die, all of them. They did not see what was

the same thing as being coming to remain where they placed what they

were when they were to come to be something. They were shortly having

all the remains of continuing. They had been feeling.

They had all the

same what was the rest of something. They had something.

In leaving they were not leaving what was left. They did not undertake

it all. They did not refuse this.

They were the same when they told that they were where they were they

were the same as feeling is inducing blasting. They were not the same

when they were all seeing the same expression. They were the same when

they were all giving all they were saying. They were the same when they

were helping all invitation to be existing. They were not the same when

they were not extinguishing something. They were all the same when all

of them remembered that they had yet all of the rest to see. They were

not the same when they were not wishing what they were exchanging. They

were not all the same.

He was not all the same. He did not choose to go away and leave the

refusal of adding one to one. He did not enjoy everything.

He who was not the same was the one who talking was not adjusting all he

was saying to all he was doing. He did that. He wore the same color when

he was happier and when he was duller. He wore a color and he was

showing color. That was not in him a disembarkation. He had some of the

convenience. He came to have some conveniences. He was used to them.

Some talking is all the rest when all the rest is where there is more of

that. He who was not alternating was the one who was the same and being

the same he used all of that. He did it with the way that he wore that

color more and more. He was not all the rest. There were the rest. He

was not any of them. They were there. He was there. They were not

anywhere. He was not anywhere.

Ninety-five and seventy-two are not all the numbers that he said he knew

when he said he would make an arrangement that would satisfy him. He did

not hope for more than he came to have. He allowed that he was

despairing. He said he was feeling all that. He said he was all the


He said that when he heard that the only number was fifty-two he was

willing to keep it and he said that when he did not keep it he was

suffering. He said he did suffer. He said that when he had sixty-five he

was certain that he had been right. He was right and he had enough and

he kept on saying so. He said it was hard work. He said he did not

suffer but he said he did not like somethings. He said he felt that. He

said he was not obliging and he was not needing to be enterprising. He

said that he came where he came and he said that that was not all the

meaning there was when he saw all. He said he did do that. He did.

That was not the only answer there was. There was an answer that he kept

all the rest. There was an answer that he meant something. That was an

answer that he could not distinguish what was sung.

There was an answer

that he kept on. There was an answer. He did not have all the names. He

knew them all. He did not stay at home. He did not like everything. He

was succeeding.

All the way he had to say that he did see the use of some who did the

same when they came to have enough to show it all. He did not sigh when

he said that he would see in the direction in which there came all the

strength that he felt there could be as each one did that which he did

in showing all there is to see. He was noble, he did aniticipate the

rest. He did release all of going often. He did visit every afternoon.

He did eat all he said he needed. He felt the complete way of feeling

what he was deciding and originating. He was not foolish. He was not

uninterested. He did not answer everything when he said that he did what

he did. All the way that there came all the rest who were strong, all

the way that each one had the life he was saying would be expressing all

the tendency to simplify what could be elaborate, all the way that there

the steady help of employing a correction and a criticism and a piece of

paper and more action, all the way each one said that he was talking,

all there was there was of living as each one is existing, all the way

that there came to be the whole of it all, all the way is not the way

they all expected to stay.

They did not smell the same when they came all the way.

They did not say

that they would not put what they had where they had when they stayed.

They did not say that they had that way. They did say what they did say.

A package that is carried is a package that has in it what is inside it.

This is not the answer when some one asking is asking what it is that is

being carried. Any way of alternating visiting is one way of not going

the same way as the way some one has gone that way. This is not enough

to change everything.

All the conclusions that are beginning are not the difficulties that

each one is refusing. They were all indicating something. They had that

which they did and they sold it and some bought it. This was not


He said it, it was not the only way to say it, it was the only way he

said it, he said that the same was all the same, he said he was feeling

the absolute transmission of the accumulation of regarding what he was

regarding. He said he did it all. He said he was not certain. He said he

must have it, he said that the way to say it again was not the only way,

he said he would not do that, he said that he had all the rest, he said

that he had no way to come to that conclusion, he said he might wear

something to show anything, he said it was difficult, he said what he

said, he explained all that he answered, he did not recline, he was not

concentrating everlasting interruption, he did the same, he was always

there, he did not die, he was not needing everything, he was the one who

did that which when it was seen was not what he said he denied. He was

yielding. He listened then. He did not change anything.

He was

necessary. He did not leave it all. He did not give anything. He was

there. He did all that. He saw the rest come to be gone.

He was not

gone. He did not come to stay. He had the same.

One and here and there and somewhere and always separate and frequently

not assembling one and the others who were not the ones denying that,

some did reply when they were not denying answering.

They said, each one

of them, they said it all.

Many many tickle what is not ticklish and many tickle the rest when that

is not the only way to say that every bad one and every good one is the

kind of a one to go away.

The argument that is the one to use when all argument is being used is

the one that that one uses who is that one.

All the way to keep away is the way to select all that is selected when

what has been given has been kept.

A dark and light place where the flowers are growing is the place where

any one coming and going could admire anything. This was not enough to

make all the meaning there is when one is that one and any one is some

one. There is an intermediate way of saying good-day.

There is not a hot

day that is so hot as the day that is hot enough so that the ones that

are hot are hot. The darkness that comes when the half hour that is

beginning is not finished is not the same darkness as the darkness that

does not begin and is not dark. All the list that was written is the

list that is not shown. Everything is said and some one can listen.

It was not the best way that way which was the best way, the best way

was the way which was that way and that way was only that way as the way

which was the way was not darting away. There was a way.

The best way

was that way the way that was that way which was the best way. All that

came and sat and stood said something and this was not a darker way of

their being an only way than any other way.

He who was independent and afraid to say that the house was painted was

independent and did say the house was painted. The house was painted,

who is afraid, that the house is painted is not any more than being

there where there is that house and the house is painted. This is not

all the way there is a way, there is more way than there has been too

much way. This is not the condition of not reminding every one of


An arrangement that followed remaining together was not the only

arrangement every one made who followed every other one.

There was not

every misunderstanding. There was no disposition to resist the whole

business of remaining being living.

Carting there where there was paper carting cloth there was not an

occupation. Kindly asking some one to be leaving was not an occupation.

Nobody did it.

Hardly had one who was longer than the use of color hardly had he had he

remained a long time when he came to do what he did. He used some of

that and then it did not happen that he intruded remaining. He was the

end of something.

All the many attractions of eating what is placed in a plate and put

together is there when there has been a cold winter and there has been

enough money for that to continue to be winter. It was not the mention

of everything that meant that the change had not come, it was the

beginning of something that meant the change had not come. The rest

followed later. It followed quickly and there was the same half that

together was not the whole. It was not expected. Any one refused