Matisse, Picasso and Getrude Stein by Gertrude Stein - HTML preview

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he knew what he had and he said that he heard what he heard and that he

was coming and he said he knew he had been going. He heard all who spoke

when he was hearing all he knew. This is Walter.

If he were happy there he would be happier there than any where. If he

were succeeding there he would be certain to be recognised as having

done more than he would have done if he had not succeeded there. He

learnt what he learnt and he lost what he lost when he knew that he had

come to know that he was seeing and had been seeing what he had been


If in walking and in coming late and hurrying and going then to send

something and being then taking what he was having and being politely

mentioning that being polite is something and not everything, if in

saying that evidently what he was saying was what evidently was what he

was saying, if in having been suffering and having been creating and

having been explaining and having been selling and having been buying,

if in having been using and having been creating and having been

evidently destroying and having been evidently understanding, if in

having been seeing and having been talking and having been staying and

having been needing all he was needing, if in having been creating and

having been suffering and having been hurrying and having been

expecting, if in having been creating and not having been destroying and

having been succeeding and not having been disappointing one, some are

understanding when all are agreeing, is expressing that going on is

changing and he is going on and all are remembering that going on and

changing is going on. He is expressing and he is expressing, he is


If telling each one that thing is telling each one everything, and

telling each one everything is telling each one something, if telling

each one something is discovering that thing then creating anything is

expressing that thing.

Fortune and succeeding and coming again often is all of something and

that thing is creating repeating, and creating something is gaining

recognition, and gaining something is expecting some one, and expecting

some one is pleasing one who is succeeding.

If in beginning each one is disturbing and if in disturbing each one is

arranging and if in arranging each one is attending and if in attending

each one is admiring and if in admiring each one is advising and if in

advising each one is urging and if in urging each one is helping and if

in helping each one is progressing and if in progressing each one is

intending and if in intending each one is desiring and if in desiring

each one is expecting and if in expecting each one is discussing then

all of them will be denying and all of them will be remembering what had

been happening and all of them will have meaning in creating being


Larger than everything is larger. Larger and larger and not so strange,

larger and strange and stranger, these are coming and have come and

they are not going. Large and strange, and large and large, and strange

and stranger, and strange and large, and strange, and large, and strange

and stranger, and large and larger, these are what has come and is

coming and is staying and is meaning that anything is pleasant and that

anything is unpleasant. That is enough. Always having done what is not

making all the difference between what has been done and is being done

is what has been done and what has not been done. What has been done is

what is making the difference that is meaning what it is meaning if it

were making all the difference that what has been done has not been


In being each one moving a little in holding up and dropping what was

not resting each one is being that one who has shown what he will do in

doing what he has done to be not the one who is watching while waiting.

Each one is not watching while waiting. Any one coming to move a little

and deranging what he is holding is not needing to be distracting any

attention which is then not existing. So it can have been when all of

them were not then doing all that was known. All that could be known was

what all of them said they knew and they did know what they knew and

they said all that they could say in saying all that they did say. They

were not then all who were including all of enough and they were all

then including everything and they were all then not deciding that any

one who was coming was not coming. The one stopped motioning the one who

was not motioning, the one stopped motioning, the one who was motioning,

the one stopped motioning the one who would be, was and had been

motioning, the one motioned and stopped motioning, the one had motioned

and was motioning, the one stopped motioning and was and would be


Meeting they went all of them with the one with whom they went and they

stayed and were talking, they stayed and all who stayed and were talking

and those who stayed and were not talking they all stayed when they


They respected when they stayed all they said and they stayed and they

said all they said. They said that they respected what they said while

they stayed and they stayed. They stayed and they said what they

respected and what they said.

They did not stay to stay they stayed and they said they respected what

they said. They did what they said they respected and they said they

respected what they respected. That was not enough and they said it was

enough and that it was not enough. They said they stayed and they said

that they respected all they respected and they respected all they said.

They stayed when they stayed. They all stayed when they stayed. They all

respected what they said when they said what they said.

They all said

what they said. They all stayed.

In coming they said that they had not chosen. They were not choosing in

coming and in staying, they were knowing what they were saying.

He who was not saying that he was coming was leading when he was staying

and he was staying when he was saying all he was knowing.

They were staying. One was staying and had been coming and was coming

and was staying. He was saying what he was saying and he was knowing

that he was saying all he was saying.

They were staying when they were staying and they were coming when they

were coming. They were going when they were going. They were coming and

staying. They were going.

He who was saying what he was saying and was going while he was going

was staying and while he was staying he was saying what he was knowing.

He was saying all he was knowing he was saying. He was staying.

They were staying. They were dividing all their staying with saying all

they were saying. They were all staying. They were dividing all their

staying with saying what they were knowing. They were dividing all their

staying with explaining what they were saying. They were all staying.

They were all saying that they were knowing what they were saying.

They were intending to be staying, they were staying.

They were

intending dividing being staying with saying what they were knowing they

were saying. They were dividing being staying with saying what they were

knowing they were saying.

They were staying. They were expressing being staying.

They were

expressing saying what they were knowing they were saying. They were

expressing intending to be saying what they were knowing they were


He was one saying what he was saying and intending to be saying what he

was knowing he was saying. He was one intending to be staying. He was

one dividing being staying with saying what he was saying. He was one

intending to be saying what he was knowing he was saying. He was one

expressing being saying what he was knowing he was saying.

They were particularly accepting staying. They were dividing staying

with continuing choosing. They were contemplating intelligent

developing. They were arranging determining allowing feeling. They were

staying. They were saying what they were saying. They were particularly

accepting staying.

In particularly accepting staying they were not organising dividing

staying with saying what they were knowing they were saying. They were

not organising staying. They were staying.

He was who a tall enough one to be a young enough one was one who was

staying when he had come and was come and was not staying and not

staying did not leave what he had when he had stayed where he had

stayed. He did not stay in saying what he said as he said what he knew

he would say and he said that staying was a thing he was dividing and

dividing it he was particularly accepting what he was saying. He was

leading in being this one and he was accepting then coming to be the one

to be leading himself to all of everything of this thing.

He was the one and so he did the thing he did something of particularly

accepting staying. He was the one doing something of everything of this


In staying together in staying all who were staying were not all staying

and all who were staying were all staying and all staying staying was

occupying dividing saying what they were knowing they were saying with

doing what they were doing in staying as they were staying in staying

where they had been staying. In staying they were staying and staying

they were dividing doing what they were doing and saying what they were

saying with staying all of when they were staying and all were staying

in the way they were staying when they were staying while they were


He who in staying was dividing all of staying in saying that he was

knowing he was saying in staying all he was staying, he who in staying

was dividing all of his staying in going on in staying and in saying all

he was saying in knowing he was saying what he was saying in staying all

he was staying, he who was staying and dividing all his staying was

staying and staying he came to be staying in staying where he would be

staying when he had stayed all the staying he would be staying in being,

in having been, in going to be and not going on in being staying. He did

all this and he was the one who could and did do all this. He was the

one who had done this and he was the one who could do this which he

would have done and he did do what he could have done if he had done all

the staying he did.

In staying he who in staying was not leading as he was the one telling

what he had been staying in when he was staying, he who in staying was

not leading was the one who in staying stayed and staying stayed the way

staying was staying in his staying and he was the one who said that he

said what was not said as he had not said what he had not said and he

did not say anything then, he divided what he divided when he was not

dividing staying and he stayed.

He who was one and all and all were then, he and he was one and all who

were some were then, he and all and he and some, they were all and he

was one and all and all were then and he was one, and all and he and all

were and he was one, and all were who were and all were, and he was one

and he and all, and all were. They were and were not the one who was all

that was what it was. He was one and was not all that was what it was.

He was one. He and all and he was one.

One was staying and staying was not staying as staying is staying and he

staying was one and had been all being staying of his being staying. He

having staying was staying, he being staying of his being staying

staying. He being staying, he having staying was being staying and

staying he had all he had when he had what he having staying was not

having in measuring what he was preparing and he staying, having being

staying. He was all that and staying and he was not remaining and in

remaining he was not dividing staying with remaining, and dividing

staying with remaining he was not retaining dividing staying with

leaving, and not dividing staying with leaving he was having having been

completely measuring arranging and he was having having divided all of

staying with all of remaining. He was dividing all of remaining with

having been had having and he was had and he was dividing all of staying

with being had and taking all of dividing remaining with staying with

having been had in taking being had. He had dividing staying and not

dividing anything of all of remaining, and he had dividing all of

staying with having had something of all of having been had in being


Enough is what all had who did not have enough and all and some and all

who were and some who were and all were and they all were dividing

coming and meaning, and speaking and meeting and they all were dividing

staying and working and all and some and one and all and some and all

and all were dividing staying and speaking and working and advancing and

losing and opening and selling. All were dividing coming and hearing and

taking and going and agreeing and staying. All were dividing and one,

and all were dividing, and one was dividing, and all were dividing, and

all and one, and all and some, and some and some, and one, and one and

some, and one were dividing staying with selling, and staying with

changing, and staying with staying, and staying with telling what they

were speaking, and staying with following, and staying with protesting,

and staying with agreeing, and staying with staying.

He turned away and said that he had come to stay. He had come to stay.

He turned away and said that he had come and was saying what he knew he

was saying. He was not saying that he knew what he was feeling. He was

not saying that he knew what he was doing. He turned away and he said he

had come to stay and he did stay and stay and he did say all he did say.

In staying he was not losing what he was having. In staying he was

walking and walking that which was rattling was rattling and that which

was rattling was not rattling any more than it would be rattling if any

one were walking where he was walking and he was walking and he was

staying and he turned away and said he was staying and he did stay and

staying he was saying what he said he was saying.

While he would come to have the one who had made a pipe for him make

another pipe for him and then another, while he who would come to have

the pipe he would have when he had had all the places he wanted to have

to have the pipes come to that would come, while he was staying and he

was staying, he was saying that he was saying all he was saying, while

he was staying and he was staying he was having what he said he knew he

could not destroy if he destroyed anything, while he was staying and he

was staying, while he was staying he was going and to each one he was

going and going he was to each one saying what he was meaning when he

had what he did not destroy when he destroyed anything.

He did feed all

he fed, he did feel all he ate, he did eat all he had, he did have all

he ate, he did eat all he gave, he did give all he ate, he did give what

he ate, he did eat what he ate.

He who was alone when he was alone was not alone because he was not

alone. He was not alone because not being alone he was not alone.

He would not have refused anything that he was giving.

He came to every

one and telling each one he told every one what he told and he told all

he told, he was telling each one what he was telling every one as each

one being each one every one was every one.

He was not one who was just telling each one what he told each one, and

every one what he told every one. He was one and he did not refuse all

he gave. He was one and some who were staying and knowing completely

knowing he was staying were what they were when they were all they were,

and they were all they were when they were what they were when they

were. They were all there and all of them being there and he being there

and he and all of them being all of them, they did do that thing, they

did do what they said they said as they said they knew what they said.

They were all staying if they were all having all they were all having

and they were all coming to be staying when they were all not coming to

be having what they were all having. They were all not staying. They did

stay. He did stay and staying he would be alone when he was not staying

and he was not alone as he was not staying. He was not alone.

Five of the different kinds one is and being had every day is not being

had too often if all staying are saying all they are knowing they are

saying. If all staying are saying all they are knowing they are saying

and five of the different kinds one is is had every day then it is

enough if one is asking if three of the different kinds one is should

not be changing to two different kinds that that one is, if one is

asking it is enough if all are asking and all staying are saying all of

what they are knowing they are saying.

Five of the different kinds one is and some of the kinds one is coming

to be all the different kinds one is then all who are staying are saying

all they are saying when they they are knowing that all are saying all

they are knowing they are saying.

He said that he heard that he said that he was not staying and he said

he was not staying as he was the one not intending leaving staying. He

was not then all of not staying. He was then giving all of not staying

and giving all of not staying he had a certificate that he was not

staying and he would be staying when he said that he said what he knew

he said and he had said, he had been saying all of saying that he knew

he said that he knew he said what he said and he said what he knew he


In pleasing and he did say what he said he knew he said, in pleasing he

was staying where he said he had been staying when he had come to be

leaving. In pleasing he was reciting what staying had been when he could

have been leaving. In staying he was saying that he knew that he was

saying what he was saying.

Sitting together and if there was room for six there was room for ten,

sitting together they could follow two and they did follow one. Sitting

together they said what they said when they saw what they had seen.

They did not sit together when they were saying what they knew they were

saying, they were staying and beginning that it had come to pass that

all who were leaving had been staying.

If walking fast tired one, listening tired one. If talking tired one,

not talking tired one. If staying tired one, leaving did not tire one.

If saying that he knew what he was saying tired one, talking did not

tire one.

If hurrying was what not any one of them was doing, waiting was not what

any one of them was doing. If persisting was what one of them was doing,

hesitating was what that one was doing.

They did not declare that they were there and they were not there when

they declared that they were staying where they were going. It was not

all of the urging that had come out of anything that decided everything.

It was not the troubling every one that hurt every one.

It was not the

following one that meant that they followed something.

There was room

for ten when there was room for six. Sixty came and they stayed when

they stayed. And two would not believe that they had stayed all they had

stayed. There was room for ten when there was room for six.

They were all staying and they did not stay because they had stayed to

stay. They had not stayed to stay. They had come to stay.

In staying they were not following one, they were following all who

stayed, and following all who stayed they did not follow as they all


They did all stay and staying they did with feeling that they were

saying what they knew they were saying.

They did begin one and one and all of them to stay. They did stay. They

were saying, one was saying, they were saying, each was saying, all were

saying that which they said they knew they were saying.

They did all of them come to staying. They did all of them come to

following each one. They did all of them come to say that they had been

saying what they knew they were saying.

If they had any of them refused all they could refuse they would have

been all of them important as they were. They were saying what they knew

they were saying. They were refusing all they were refusing.

They did not see all who were staying to say what they knew they were

saying. They did hear very much of all they heard. They were enlightened

when they said they were staying and that they were saying what they

knew they were saying.

They had enough to be attacking confusion, they had enough of staying.

They had enough of staying in accomplishing to be aspiring in saying

what they were knowing they were saying.

Addressing themselves then they were saying what they were saying.

Allowing themselves then they were saying what they were saying.

Intending then they were saying what they were saying.

Following then

they were saying what they were saying. Leading then they were saying

what they were saying. Having been staying they were coming in saying

what they were saying. Expecting then they were deciding destroying and

knowing what they where saying. Working then they were producing saying

what they were knowing they were saying.

It was not a fantasy this which was an open movement of staying. It was

not a desertion this which was a complete staying in recognising. It was

not completely enterprising that which was creating following. It was

not determining that which was intending some destroying. It was

completely enlivening this which was contrasting what was remaining. It

was completely intending that which was opening alarming. It was

completely meaning that which was beginning explaining understanding. It

was vaguely attacking that which was distinctly clearing. It was

deciding believing that which was expecting demonstrating.

They all were where any one who was not there was and they all were

where they would be when they were where they had come when they had

stayed as they had stayed, because they had stayed and staying and

saying that which they were knowing they were completely what if

emerging is accepting constraining is not destroying and intending is


In having meaning, in expecting realisation, in deserting wearying, in

exhausting attending, in loving insisting, in embarking anything, in

continuing meaning, in persisting working, in hoping having been

realising, in urging continuous hoping, in longing for existing, in

hearing encouraging, in desolating what i