Matisse, Picasso and Getrude Stein by Gertrude Stein - HTML preview

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being one who is not a kind of a one. One who would if she had been

creative would have been creating that she was not a kind of a one was

one who was resisting quite resisting being certain that she was one who

was a kind of a one. She was one who was creating that she would be

resisting being certain that she was a kind of a one.

She was one who

being a kind of a one was not listening in creating that she would not

be certain that she was a kind of a one.

She being loving and she was loving, she being loving and not succeeding

not succeeding in being loving, she being loving was feeling that she

was not creating being that one.

She was loving. She being a loving one and being certain that she was

not listening to being a kind of a one and feeling that she was not

completing creating being one was one who not troubling every one in

being one was one feeling any one feeling that she was one as any one

was one feeling that she was one.

Any one was one feeling that she was one and she was that one she was

the one whom any one was feeling was that one. In being that one she was

one deciding that she was not succeeding in being loving. In deciding

that thing she was developing that she was being one who had been one

coming to be one deciding what she would be deciding.

She was one and being one being loving and being one deciding that she

had been one who would be coming to decide what she would decide and

being one expecting to be developing being one who would express that

thing express developing and being one who would be one earning needing

to be expecting to be completing being one, being that one and being one

being loving and being one who was not one succeeding in being loving

she was one who was succeeding. She was succeeding, she was giving that

thing, she was giving that to some.

In understanding anything she was being that one the that one who if she

was feeling would be deciding that the thing she was understanding was a

thing that she should be rejecting and being one accepting what she was

understanding she was being one who was accepting something very often.

In being one she was one accepting something very often and being that

one she was being one feeling in understanding anything, feeling in

understanding and being then that one being one feeling, she was one who

understanding something was deciding that she was one accepting and

rejecting something. In being one understanding anything she would be

one feeling. In understanding anything she was one feeling. In

understanding anything she was one being one who was feeling in being

one who was one who being that one was one having decision in being one

who in understanding anything was rejecting and accepting something. She

being one and having feeling she was one and in understanding anything

she was that one the one understanding something and accepting and

rejecting something. In being that one she was one and in being one she

was feeling and in being one rejecting and accepting something she was

one being one understanding something and having feeling. In being one

having feeling she was being that one and being that one she was one

feeling in understanding something and being that one and accepting and

rejecting something she was one and being that one she was feeling. In

being that one and accepting and rejecting something she was feeling

that in understanding something she was accepting and rejecting

something. In being one she was that one, she was feeling that thing.

In coming and going she was being one expressing enthusiasm and in

expressing enthusiasm she was expressing needing enjoying and in

expressing needing enjoying she was expressing feeling everything and in

expressing feeling everything she was expressing being one coming. In

expressing being one coming she was being one who in being coming was

continuing enthusiasm. In continuing enthusiasm she was one being

loving. In being loving she was being one being feeling.

In being

feeling she was one coming and going. In being feeling she was one

coming. In being feeling and going she was one being feeling. In being

feeling she was coming, in being feeling she was going.

She was feeling and coming. She was feeling and going.

She was feeling

and coming and going. She was feeling, she was moving, in being feeling

she would be exciting if she were not being so excited in not coming, in

not going, in moving, in feeling, in coming, in going, in enthusiasm.

She was being excited and in being excited and in being one who would be

exciting if she were excited she was feeling and in feeling she had

enthusiasm and in enthusiasm she was being that one the one who was

excited, the one who would be exciting in feeling, in moving, in coming,

in going, in enthusiasm. She would be exciting, she would be exciting if

being excited in enthusiasm, in coming, in going, in moving, in feeling

would be exciting. She was exciting if being excited in feeling, in

enthusiasm, in coming, in going, in moving, in staying is exciting. She

was excited in enthusiasm. She was feeling in staying, in coming, in

going, in feeling, in enthusiasm, in moving. She was enthusiastic in

being one who could be exciting if feeling in enthusiasm, in staying, in

coming, in going, in moving, in listening, in walking were exciting. She

was one feeling, she was one walking and listening and going and staying

and coming and moving, she was one having enthusiasm, she was one being

exciting if one were being exciting in feeling, in walking, in

listening, in staying, in moving, in coming, in going, in having


She was one and being one and being that one she was the one who was the

one who in listening, in talking, in walking, in moving, in going, in

coming, in staying, in having enthusiasm was one who was completely one

being one having the enthusiasm in being one who being excited would be

exciting if being that one was being exciting and in being that one she

was the one being all of that one being quite all of that one, being

everything and in being everything and she was being that one she was

one feeling and being one feeling and she being that one and being one

having enthusiasm and she being that one she was being one and she was

all of that one, she was everything, she was that one and being that one

she was one who was one and being one and being the one who was one she

was all of that one and being all of that one she was everything

everything of being one who would be exciting if being all of being the

one who was feeling in enthusiasm, in moving, in staying, in coming, in

going, in listening, in talking, in moving were being one who was

exciting. She was all of that one. She was every bit of that one. In

being every bit of that one she was one and being one she was all of

that one.

This was one who was all of that one. There are many.

All of them are

all of the one they are. There are many all of them are not all of the

one they are. There are many. There are very many women.

There are very

many living. There are many of them.

One of them and being all of that one is everything and being everything

is exciting. She is not exciting because she is all of that one. She is

not exciting because she is everything. She is exciting.

She is

everything. She is all of that one. This one and she is exciting, this

one is feeling and being feeling she is completely exciting and being

completely exciting she is everything and being everything she is all of

that one. She is all of that one. She is every bit of everything. She is

that one the one she is and being that one she is such a one, such a

wonderful one, and being such a wonderful one she is that one and she

being that one she is every bit that one. She is a wonderful one, she is

exciting, she is everything, she is every bit that one.

She is the one

who is everything. She is the one who is exciting.

She being exciting and being a wonderful one she is exciting, she being

the one who is exciting is one being feeling and being feeling she is

everything and being everything she is every bit that one.

There is this one. This one is. She is every bit that one.

Any one who is one who is a woman and very many who are ones are being

such ones, all of them are ones who being ones and being ones who are

certainly being careful to go on not doing what they might be doing are

ones who could come to be certain that if they would they could and if

they would they could not do what they might be doing.

There are very

many being living. There are some being living. There are some who are

living. There are some.

One was living. She was moving some. She was not going when she was

moving she was moving so as to be where she could see the place where

she had been. She was not moving so as to do that thing.

She was not

moving because she wanted to see the place she had been.

She was moving

because if she could have what she was needing she would not be having

anything. She was moving and she was not going. She could see the place

where she had been.

She was one. Any one mentioning that thing was mentioning that she was

that one. She was one. In feeling that thing she was not mentioning that

thing she was not mentioning that she was that one.

In moving she was one coming to be mentioning something to every one. In

mentioning something to every one she was mentioning that she had been

moving and had not been going. In mentioning that thing she was

mentioning that she was interesting any one who was interested in that

thing. In mentioning this thing she was being one. She was not

mentioning that thing she was not mentioning that she was one.

In not mentioning that she was one she was being one mentioning

everything. In mentioning everything she was mentioning that she was

telling any one that she was loving some one. In mentioning that she was

telling any one that she was loving some one she was mentioning that she

had come to be certain that loving is existing. In mentioning that she

had come to be certain that loving is existing she was being one who

mentioning everything to every one was one not expecting everything. In

not expecting everything she was one helping any one. In helping any one

she was moving and in moving she was not coming she was not going, she

was moving and she could see from where she was she could see where she

had been, she could see that place then, she could move so as to see any

place where she had been.

In being where she could see any place where she had been she was not

looking. She was moving then. In moving she was moving to where she

could have seen every place where she had been.

In working and she could be working in the evening or in the morning or

in the early part of the afternoon or towards evening, in working and

she could be working and in being one she was working, in working she

was teaching and in teaching she was telling that in working she was

teaching and in teaching she was helping every one, she was helping

herself, she was helping some, she was helping some one.

In being one and having been living she had been one and had not been

telling everything of that thing, she had been one and had been

intending to be one who had not but who would be telling everything of

that thing. In being that one and being living she was one coming to be

telling everything and in telling everything she was one not completing

expecting everything. In not completing expecting everything she was

telling that being one telling something she was continuing being one

telling everything. In continuing telling everything she was not

completing expecting something. In not completing expecting something

she was expecting and expecting she was moving and moving she was where

she could see where she had been and being there she was moving and

moving she was being where she could see where she had been. In being

there she was working. She could work in the evening.

She could work in

the morning. She could work in the afternoon. She did work and working

she was teaching and teaching she was telling that she was expecting

everything and expecting everything she was loving and loving she was

telling every one everything.

Being one and that was that thing, being one and helping she was one

expecting to be helping that thing. In expecting to be helping that

thing she was helping anything and helping anything she was being one

teaching and being teaching she was telling something to some.

In telling something to some she was telling that thing again. In

telling that thing again she was telling it again and in telling it

again she was again telling it again and in again telling it again she

was telling it again.

In telling it again she was one being one expecting everything expecting

to be telling it again. In being one expecting to be telling it again

she was being one and being that one she was one expecting everything.

In expecting everything she was being one and being one she was loving

some one and loving some one she was expecting, that one being loving,

she was expecting everything and she was then telling every one that she

was that one she was one, who loving some one and that one loving, was

expecting everything. In telling every one that she was expecting

everything she was telling every one that she was teaching and in

telling every one that she was teaching she was asking every one if any

one was not one who could be one expecting everything.

She was one moving. She was one moving again. If she had been one

looking she could have been seeing from there where she was she could

have been seeing where she had been in being moving. She was not one

looking between moving. In not looking between moving she was hearing

herself asking any one if she would be moving. In asking any one this

thing she was disturbing the one and disturbing the one she had moved

and having moved she moved to where she could look if she did look and

see where she had been. She being that one she was teaching, she being

teaching she was telling something, she being telling something, she was

telling that thing again, she telling that thing again was asking if any

one telling that thing was not one teaching and if any one telling that

thing was teaching was not being one teaching being a thing having the

meaning that in doing anything one was meaning that in helping anything

one was loving. In asking everything she was helping everything, in

helping everything she was asking that she was telling that she was

teaching and doing that thing. In helping everything she was asking if

she was not telling everything. In telling everything she was asking if

she was not teaching. In being teaching she was asking if she was not

loving. In loving she was asking if she was teaching everything. In

teaching everything she was asking if any one needed any helping. In

asking if any one needed any helping she was asking everything. In

asking everything she was asking it again. In asking it again she was

teaching. In teaching she was telling anything. In telling anything she

was telling it again and in telling it again she was asking that, thing

and in asking that thing she was asking it again.

She was that one, she was that one and being that one and telling

something and telling it again she was that one and being that one she

was all of that one and being all of that one she was being one who was

that one.

There are many being living, there are enough of them so that any one

who is wanting to meet all of them can meet very many of them. There are

very many of them. There are enough of them so that every one who can be

taught something by any of them can be one being taught something. There

are very many being living. There are very many.

One who can teach some one everything in teaching that one everything is

teaching that one that everything being something that one can learn

everything from that one. That one being one teaching is one teaching

some one everything. That one being one learning everything is being one

being taught everything by the one that can teach that one everything.

That one the one that can teach some one everything is that one and

being that one and understanding that thing clearly understanding that

thing clearly understanding that she teach some one everything is

telling that thing quite telling that thing and completely often is

beginning to go on teaching teaching everything. Being that one and

being one teaching some one everything that one is that one completely

that one the one teaching to the one learning everything. These then are

two then who are knowing that one can teach everything.

These two then

are two mentioning that thing that one can teach one everything. That

one the one teaching is one mentioning quite often mentioning that


There are many being living. There are enough of them so that every one

can meet some. There is one being living. She is one telling that she

being one being living she is being living enough so that every one

wanting to meet her can ask her if she is the one they are wanting to

have tell them that she being living is living enough to explain all of

that thing.

She being living enough is knowing that any one meeting her is knowing

her enough to know that she being living can explain enough that she is

the one living enough. In being the one knowing that she can explain

enough to any one that she being living enough is that one she is one

knowing that any one she is knowing is knowing her enough to know that

she can explain enough that she is the one who is living enough.

She being one knowing that any one knowing her is knowing her enough to

know that she can explain what she can explain enough she being one

knowing this thing is being one explaining everything enough and in

explaining everything enough she is explaining that she being living she

is living enough to be explaining everything that she explaining enough

is explaining.

She is one explaining enough, she is explaining that thing enough, she

is explaining enough that she is explaining enough. In being that one

she is one telling something. In being one telling something she can be

one telling everything. In being one who can be telling everything she

is telling that she is telling what she is telling.

She could come and coming she would not come again if she were not

certain that in coming again she was feeling and in feeling she was

being that one the one doing all of the right thing that she would have

been deciding to do if she had already come to a decision.

In coming again she would be one telling something and being one telling

something she could come to be one telling everything.

She was one feeling and in feeling she was one going and in going she

was knowing that she would not be explaining enough that she had been

going. In going she was being one and in being that one she was not

telling all of everything and in not telling everything she was knowing

that she could not be explaining enough that she could not tell all of


In telling anything she was telling something and in telling something

she was telling that that thing was more something than some other thing

and in telling that what she was telling was more something than some

other thing she was telling that she could explain enough that she was

knowing that she could tell something.

In being that one and she was that one, in being that one she was one

explaining enough in explaining enough that she was living enough and

that in living enough any one knowing her was knowing her enough so that

they could know that she was living enough to explain enough.

She being that one and she was that one she was one and any one knowing

her enough was knowing enough that she was that one and knowing enough

that she was that one was knowing that in telling something she was

telling enough to be one who could be enough one telling everything. She

was that one and being that one she was the one who was being that one

and being the one who was being that one she was one who was enough one

and being enough one she was the one who being that one was being one

who was that one. In being one who was that one she was the one who was

one who was being that one.

In talking and any one talking could be one knowing that she was one

talking, in talking and she was talking in telling anything that was

needing that talking is existing, in talking she was one deciding that

not deciding is something and not deciding being something she was one

and could be one who was deciding and deciding was just such a thing.

She was one who had been one and she could remember everything of all of

that thing.

In telling she was telling that it was happening that she could remember

all of everything.

She was telling that if she had not been one remembering everything she

would not be one being the one telling what she was telling. She was

telling that being the one telling what she was telling she had been one

carefully chosen in choosing to be the one she was being.

She was telling that in developing she had not been changing and this

was something that was a curious thing as she was coming to be one

deciding to choose to be changing enough to be telling that which she

was going on telling.

If she had been doing what would be frightening she would have been one

exercising everything. She was one who could be one being an uneasy one

and being one then not remaining interesting. She was not interesting in

not being loving. She was never loving. If she had been loving she would

have liked marrying. In almost following some one she came to be one who

was not a married one. She was not loving. She was not marrying.

She was not at all marrying. If she had been one continuing to be one

staying when she was an uneasy one she might have been one coming to be

marrying. She was an uneasy one and that was a strange thing, she was

an uneasy one in being an ordinary enough one. She was not interesting

in being one not loving. She would not have been loving if she had

followed when she almost followed one. She was not loving when she was

being one being living. She was not loving.

She did what she did, she said that she would do what she did when she

said what she said and she said that she said what she said.

If in remembering everything she followed everything she would remember

very much and she did remember very much, she followed everything she

remembered and she remembered everything.

She could do what she did. In doing what she did she could do everything

she did and in