Matisse, Picasso and Getrude Stein by Gertrude Stein - HTML preview

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continuing and she was one expecting to be completing and being one. In

continuing she could be bewildering and she was one expecting completing

being that one and she was one expecting completing and she was one

having all she was having and she was one having expecting completing in

that thing.

In being that one and she had come to be that one and she was having

what she was having and she was expecting completing, in being that one

she was one, and being one, and deciding she was one having what she was

having, and she was expecting completing, and she was having receiving

that she was expecting completing and being continuing in deciding

continuing bewildering in having been losing and in having what she was

having. She had come to continuing coming to being that one, and being

that one she was expecting completing, and having what she was having

and continuing in deciding being continuing in bewildering in having

what she was having. She was deciding that she was continuing and having

what she was having and deciding and continuing bewildering and having

lost what she had lost. She was continuing, she was having what she was

having, she was deciding to be continuing and having what she was having

and having lost what she had lost. She was deciding to be continuing and

she was bewildering and deciding to be continuing and she was having

what she was having.

She did say that she was that one and was deciding to be expecting to be

that one. She was continuing and was expecting to be that one and she

was that one and she did say that she was that one.

When she continued saying that she was that one she was having what she

was having and was continuing expecting to be that one and she was not

denying that being one having lost what she had lost she was bewildering

in being one expecting to be that one. In expecting to be that one she

did say that she was that one and that she deciding was completely

deciding that she was continuing being that one.

She might have arranged that thing arranged deciding to be that one if

she had not been one being that one and having what she was having and

being one deciding to be expecting that she was continuing being that


She did decide that she was expecting continuing being that one, she did

have what she did have, she did decide to continue deciding to be that

one, she did not arrange to be that one, she did not decide to arrange

to be that one, she did not decide to expect to be that one, she did

have what she did have, she did continue to be that one, she did lose

what she had lost and she did decide to continue to be that one. She did

not ask what she did not ask, she did decide, and not asking what she

did not ask and having what she did have she did decide to continue to

be that one. In not asking what she did not ask she did not refuse what

she did not refuse and in not refusing what she did not refuse she did

decide to continue to decide what she did decide in continuing to be

that one. She did decide to continue to be expecting to be that one and

continuing to be that one she did say that she was expecting to be

continuing being that one. Having what she had she was not arranging to

decide what in deciding to be continuing expecting to be that one she

was continuing to decide.

If any one needing loving is being one and being loving could be doing

what that one is doing then that one giving loving is giving what that

one the one loving could be giving if that one were giving what that one

is giving. Such a one is one. Any one who is such a one is such a one.

One who is one and is not such a one is one who is one is one who giving

and loving and needing is giving and loving and needing and could not

have been giving without loving and could not have been loving without

needing and could not have been needing without giving and could not

have been giving and loving and needing without having been giving and

needing and loving. One who is loving and giving and needing is one

completely giving and completely loving and completing needing.

That one is one. That one the one who is one is one.

That one the one

who is the one that is that one is one, is the one who is that one.

One who is one giving is one who would be one giving if that one were

one who was loving. That one is one being certain that she being one who

is giving would be one giving if she were one who was loving. She being

one is certain that she could be one needing. She is one giving, she

could be certain that she could be one needing. She being one being

giving might be believing that she could be one being loving. She being

one being giving might be feeling that she might have been one who being

loving in being needing. She was one and she could be one being giving

and she might be one being needing and she was being one loving. She was

one and loving and giving and needing was not loving and giving and

needing it was that she being one and giving was one intending needing,

was one arranging expecting loving. She was that one.

She was one

giving, she was one who could be one continuing, she was one who might

be loving, she was one expecting needing. She was one.

If she had been continuing being a young one she would have been one

having what she was having. She was continuing being a young one. In

having what she was having she was one not loving. In giving what she

was giving she was being that one and being that one if she were

continuing being a young one she was one who had been giving what she

had been giving. She was continuing being a young one, she had been

giving what she had been giving, if she were not continuing being a

young one she would be being giving what she was giving.

She was giving

what she was giving, she was continuing being a young one.

She was having what she was having, she was giving what she was giving,

she could be loving in loving, she could be needing in needing, she

could be giving in giving, she could be having in having, she could be

continuing being a young one.

Continuing being a young one is something if being a young one is

anything and being a young one is something if continuing being a young

one is anything. Continuing being a young one is something.

One who was a young one and was continuing being a young one was one who

being a young one was being that one and continuing being a young one

was being that one and being that one and being a young one that one was

one and anything is something and that one is a young one and that one

continuing is a young one and something is something.

Any one having been listening and having been gently not being

delicately listening that one is one expressing something of succeeding

in living. One expressing something of succeeding in living is such a


She is such a one and she is one continuing when continuing is not

everything and when not continuing is not anything. She is such a one

and she is living and she is expressing something of succeeding in


She came and there were others and they all of them lost something and

she expressed something of succeeding in living. She came and was one

continuing to coming to being one who was one gently not delicately

listening. She was one gently doing what she was doing not delicately

listening. She was filling more of expressing something of succeeding in


She did resist something and that was not anything and she did resist

that thing and she was not expressing not quite expressing that she was

continuing resisting what she was resisting. She was continuing and

could be expressing that what she was resisting was not anything and she

would then be expressing that had she been resisting she would have been

resisting what she had been resisting and she had been resisting what

she had been resisting. She was expressing something of succeeding in

living. She was continuing. She was filling being expressing something

of succeeding in living.

She was not delicately listening. She was gently not delicately

listening. She was continuing to be hearing what she was hearing. She

had been hearing she was hearing something of some succeeding in living.

She was gently not delicately listening. She was expressing something of

succeeding in living. She was continuing. She was filling expressing

something of succeeding in living.

One who was clearly and happily agreeing that she was amiably feeling in

wanting to be winning was one resisting what she was resisting was

deciding was not opposing. She was happily and clearly feeling that she

was explaining that she was having in amiable feeling a way of being of

amiable feeling and she was happily and clearly deciding and deciding

she was correcting and correcting she was convincing and convincing she

was not regretting. She was happily and clearly being.

She was happily

and clearly feeling. She was one who was clearly the one amiably

feeling. She was one who was happily the one amiably feeling. She was

clearly one who was an amiable one. She was happily one who was an

amiable one. She was happily and clearly the one who clearly was amiably

one. She was clearly and happily the one who happily was amiably one.

One who was clearly, one who was happily amiably one was happily, was

clearly an amiable one, the amiable clearly, happily, clearly amiable

one. One who was one was one clearly. One who was one was one happily.

One who was one was one amiably. One who was the one was an amiable one.

However it came to be that so very many were living it did come to be

that some of them continuing were living. Many of them were living, and

continuing, some of them came together and continued that way then. One

of them was one who if she had been an amiable one would have been

continuing being an amiable one and she was continuing and was being an

amiable one and she had been one being an amiable one.

She was not

needing that thing needing being an amiable one. Not any of them were

needing that thing needing being amiable ones. All of them who were

being together then were continuing and she was the one who was one of

them and she was continuing. She was one. She could be, she was, she

would be an amiable one.

She was one. She was that one. She was continuing. She was living. She

was being. She was meaning. She was remaining. She was counting. She was

planning. She was having. She was pleasing. She was giving. She was

keeping. She was feeling. She was worrying. She was continuing.

She was not needing to be wearing what she was not giving and getting.

She was not needing to be changing what she had arranged to be changing.

She was feeling in having what she was deciding to be having. She did

have children. She did have a married living. She did have many living

and living she was living with many and many were living. She was

continuing to be counting what she was arranging. She was having what

she would be doing. She was quieting what she could be feeling. She was

resting what she had been feeling. She was continuing regretting what

she could have been saying. She was filling everything she was arranging

to be filling when she was counting.

She did have what she was being. She did give what she was offering. She

did feel what she was filling. She did please in being occupying. She

did do what was continuing. She did satisfy in having children. She did

arrange in doing counting. She did turn in being wounding. She did

consider in being forgiving. She did thank in receiving attention. She

did distribute in being enjoying. She did continue in being yielding.

She did remain in being sweetening. She did resist in being accepting.

She did enjoy in being satisfying. She did receive in having marrying.

She did continue in being affectionate in having, in giving, in

receiving, in marrying, in resisting in spoiling in expecting in

attending in deploring in obeying in enjoying her children. She did

continue in expecting weakening. She did continue in hoping

strengthening. She did continue in worrying eating. She did continue in

rounding fading. She did continue in attending living.

She did continue

in enjoying feeling not being denying. She did continue in having been

arranging to be counting worrying. She did continue in being

affectionate in weakening. She did continue pleasing in declining. She

did continue receiving what she would be having. She did continue having

what was being. She did continue being what all of them were being who

were living. She did continue being as she was being living. She did say

all of enough of that thing. She did say what she said of being living.

She did feel what she felt of continuing. She was what she had been in

being. She was what she was and she was all there was and that was all

of that one. She was continuing in arriving where she would be fading.

She was weakening in aging where she would be ceasing.

She was giving what she had for giving. She was feeling what she had in

being. She was receiving what she used in living. She was paying in

every day arranging.

She was filling what was not needing emptying. She was deciding what

would not have been changing. She was keeping what was not gathering.

She was renewing what was continuing.

She was being and she was living. She was having what was enjoying. She

was doing what was collecting. She was giving what was continuing. She

was receiving what was gathering. She was hearing what was sounding. She

was losing what was fading. She was saying which was enjoying and

conditioning. She was accepting which was pleasing. She was resenting

which was resisting. She was suffering which was accusing. She was

worrying which was counting. She was reflecting which was grieving. She

was being which was accepting. She was laughing which was completing.

If there were many and there are many, if there were many then some of

them would be satisfying any one and some of them are not satisfying any

one and some of them are satisfying any one. And any one who is

satisfied by some of them is satisfied because they are satisfactory the

ones that satisfy them.

One to be satisfying must be satisfying. One is satisfying. That one

being satisfying and not deceiving and not beguiling and not resisting

only detaining is one completing being that one being satisfying. That

one being one and being satisfying is being the one being completely

satisfying. Completing satisfaction is completely being that one.

There are some being living, there are those and those all of them are

doing what they are doing. One of them is one being an old one and

having come then to be receiving worrying about coming to be a sick one.

She has been one who has come to something.

She and she herself had come to something and was succeeding in having

had what she had given to be needing to be receiving what she was

receiving, she was not asking what any one could be answering she was

asking that she should continue to give what she gave and get what she


If she were quietly doing what she was doing she would be receiving what

she was receiving but she would not be having what she was having and

she would not have been asking what she had been asking.

She did give every one she was needing what she was needing to give to

them. She was feeling what she came to be feeling when she came to have

what she was having.

She came to want to be enjoying what she was feeling in doing what she

was doing. She came to feel that she was having what she was having and

she might be doing what she was doing.

She was feeling what she was feeling in loving what she was loving in

having what she was having. She came to feel that she was feeling what

she was feeling in needing to be having what she was having. She came

to feel that she was feeling that she was having what she was having and

that she might be doing what she was doing in feeling what she was


When she was succeeding she was succeeding in living and when she was

succeeding in living she was feeling what she was feeling and she was

doing what she was doing. She was feeling what she was feeling and she

was doing what she was doing.

Succeeding in living she was placing what she was placing and helping

what she was helping and following what she was following and doing what

she was doing and feeling what she was feeling.

She was continuing in expecting to be placing what she was placing. She

was continuing in expecting to have been having what she had been


She was coming to continuing fearing what she could be fearing. She was

continuing having been feeling what she had been feeling.

She had been asking what she had been asking. She was continuing to be

receiving what she had been asking. She was willing to be changing what

she was seeing when she was looking. She was willing to be seeing what

she was seeing when she was looking. She was willing to be having what

she was asking. She was needing to be doing what she was doing in asking

what she was asking in receiving what she was receiving.

She was willing

to be feeling what she was feeling. She was coming to be doing what she

was not needing to be doing to be having what she was having.

To direct everything so that what comes is coming is doing what one

knowing what everything is and being directing can be doing. Succeeding

in directing is something.

One who is one and is knowing what everything is could be directing and

she is directing that is she is reasoning and being reasonably

understanding what everything is can be directing so that what comes is

coming. She being that one is rightly judging everything. She being that

one and saying that to be always right she must be wrong quite often,

she being that one and always being correct in judging and complete in

knowing what everything is and reasonable in telling and firm in

directing she is one and what comes is coming. She is one and knowing

what everything is and being one clearly expressing that thing and

firmly directing she is one curing what would need curing if she were

not being the one directing that which she is directing which is

certainly all of the two of them. She is the one knowing all of what

everything is and directing what she is directing, and she is that one

of the two of them and what comes is coming and she is directing, and

she is correcting what is to be coming and she is knowing what

everything is and reasonably telling and quite curing what might be

needing curing if curing were needing to be continuing.

She is quite

that one. She is a lovely one. She is a directing one.

She is a one

knowing what everything is.

There are some who are succeeding in placing what they are placing,

there are some who are marshalling all of what they are placing. There

is one and she is directing all she is directing and she is succeeding

in being and any of that being everything she is everything in failing.

She is that one. She had seven and she arranged that all of them would

be all of them and that she was placing what she was placing.

She was sitting and sitting was not everything. She was sitting and she

would be placing what she was placing when all of them had been all of


All of them were all of them. All of them had been all of them. They

were coming all of them were coming, some of them were coming that all

of them were not all of them. All of them were not coming. All of them

were all of them.

She was sitting and when she was not leaving she was not remembering

everything. When she did remember everything she was sitting and keeping

what she had had when she was sitting.

In succeeding in continuing she had been succeeding in living and all of

them were all of them and she was placing what she was placing and she

was not coming to what she was coming and all of them were not coming to

be all of them and they were then what they were then when not any of

them were all of them and some of them might have been all of them.

She was one and she had what she had when she was coming to having been

placing what she would have been placing if all of them being all of

them all of them had been all and some of them had been all of them.

In not having what she was having and sitting she was receiving what she

would be having if she had been having what she was having in placing

what she was placing.

She placing what she was placing and all of them being all of them she

sitting was not standing and not standing she was receiving what she

would be receiving in placing what she was placing, all of them being

all of them. She was placing what she was placing. She was receiving

what she would be receiving. In remembering what she was remembering she

was receiving what she would be receiving.

She could be intending. She was placing what she was placing. She was

saying what she was saying when she was sitting.

She was intending that all of them were all of them.

Some of them were

intending that all of them were all of them.

She could be intending. She had been, she was intending that all of them

were all of them. She was continuing, she could be intending.

All of them could be all of them and they were all of them and she was

continuing and she could be intending. She could be intending. She was

intending that all of them were all of them and some of them were

intending that all of them were all of them. Some were hoping to be

intending that all of them were some of them. Some were intending that

some of them were enough of them. They all could be intending. All of

them were all of them.

She was placing what she was placing. In placing what she was placing

she was showing what she was having. In showing what she was having she

was placing all of them so that all of them were all of them. In placing

all of them so that all of them were all of them she was using what she

was having. In using what she was having she was showing that all of

them were all of them. She was placing what she was placing.

She was saying what she was saying when she was sitting.

She was

sitting. She was saying what she was saying when she was sitting. In

sitting and saying what she was saying when she was sitting she was

intending to be saying that she was saying what she was saying. She was

sitting and all of them were all of them.

Anything being together and there being pieces that are being used and