Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Taurus lagna 23:02:31; Rahu 07:18:27 in Virgo; Venus 09:53:51

in Libra; Jupiter (C) 20:40:04, the Sun 24:22:50, Mars 11:30:22 and Mercury 03:35:16 in Scorpio; Saturn 13:39:10 in Sagittarius; Ketu 07:18:27 in Pisces and the Moon 03:06:35 in Aries.

Navamsa lagna:

Cancer lagna, Mercury and Saturn in Leo, Ketu in Virgo, Mars in Libra, Venus in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Capricorn, the Sun in Aquarius, Rahu in Pisces and the Moon in Aries.

The conjunction of three or more planets in a sign is not a very common event. The conjunction of many planets in one sign and

bhava creates hurdles in determining their effects on the lives of individual, even the texts are not in full agreement with regard to

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


their results; in fact, the older texts have deliberately, so it appears, limited their observations to the conjunction of two planets only.

In the present case, the Sun is in conjunction with Mercury, Mars and  Jupiter  in  which  regard  Saravali  tells  us  that  the  person  will be courageous, maker of yarn, a wanderer devoid of wife, wealth and happiness. Obvious as it is Kalyanvarma concurs with the then current opinion that the Sun and Mars, both fiery and cruel planets, in the presence of Mercury whom the Sun does not treat as a friend and Mars treats it as its enemy, spoils the signications of Jupiter, for if Mercury does not join the other three then the conjunction of the Sun with Mars and Jupiter, who are both mutual friends of the Sun, is said to make one clever at speech, very rich, a royal minister or advisor, a ruler or commander of army, who though aggressive in attitude and behaviour will adhere to truth and be truthful in his dealings and relationship with others. Vaidyanatha taking into account the affliction caused to Jupiter tells us that this four- planets conjunction gives strength (to face the vagaries of life) but also a wavering or unsettled mind, and makes one unfortunate.

In  this  case,  the  conjunction  of  the  Sun  with  Mercury,  Mars and Jupiter occurs in Scorpio sign in the 7th house from the lagna.

According to Pachadha-maitri the Sun occupies a neutral sign and a neutral navamsa, Mercury is in an inimical sign but in a neutral navamsa, Mars occupying its own sign is in a friendly navamsa and Jupiter occupying a neutral sign and a friendly navamsa is combust.

No planet is involved in graha-yuddha. This is the conjunction of the lord of the 4th house with the lord of the 3rd and the 5th, the lord  of  the  7th  and  the  12th  and  the  lord  of  the  8th  and  the  11th, hemmed between the lord of the lagna and the 6th and the lord of the 9th and the 10th bhavas. It is not a happy conjunction owing to the involvement of the trika-lords. No doubt planets occupying or aspecting the lagna can assume the benefic role of yoga-karakas but they do so depending on their basic and acquired nature and strength. The conjunction with the Sun reduces the strength of the conjoining planets, and the Ubhayachari yoga is effective only if no planet combines with the Sun in the same sign.

The  strength  gained  by  a  bhava  is  also  very  important.  The bhavas occupied by their own lords are considered to be vested

with strength, occupation of bhavas by inimical planets reduce that strength. The bhava occupied by planets and the planets occupying






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

it should also be strong in the Ashtakavarga. In the present case, whereas  Jupiter  had  gained  seven  benefic  bindus  and  Mercury, four, the Sun had gained only two bindus and Mars, one only, and the 7th house had gained the least number of benefic bindus i.e.

nineteen  bindus.  Moreover,  Jupiter  having  gained  seven  benefic bindus in its Ashtakavarga occupies its neecha-navamsa also in the 7th house from the Navamsa-lagna. The 7th house indications are adversely  affected.  This  native  has  suffered  a  great  deal,  socially and financially, on account of the misdeeds of his wife particularly during  the  course  of  the  dasa  of  the  Moon  situated  in  the  12th occupying the sign ruled by the lord of the 7th, and during the dasa of Mars, the lord of the 7th house.  B.V.Raman states that during the dasa of the weak lord of the 7th house one may be forced to beg for alms; in fact, during the course of the dasa of the lord of the 7th house this native borrowed heavily to pay-off the money owed by his wife to the market and to numerous outsiders.

The Vargottama Moon gaining in brightness is aspected by the

lord of the lagna situated in its own sign. The Moon aspected by a fairly strong Venus gives handsome looks, good fortune and sons.

Venus situated in Libra makes one earn through self-efforts and if aspected by the Moon gives wealth and a good position in life. This native is well-placed in life holding a responsible post in a public sector undertaking having gradually risen in ranks. The 10th house from the lagna has gained more benefic bindus than the lagna and the 9th house and the Moon is the lord of the 9th house counted from the bhava occupied by its dispositor. The 9th house from the bhava  occupied  by  the  lord  of  the  9th  has  thirty-seven  benefic bindus, and the 10th house from the bhava occupied by the lord of the 10th has forty-two benefic bindus, therefore, career-wise this native has not suffered. Mantreswara tells us that the 11th house should have more benefic bindus than the 10th, and the 12th house should have less bindus than gained by the 11th house but more

bindus than gained by the lagna to make a person wealthy and lead a good comfortable life. In the present case the 10th house is vested with slightly more bindus than the 11th, and the 12th house has the same number of bindus as the lagna.

Vaidyanatha reiterates that the planet whether occupying its

exaltation sign, own sign or friendly sign in a kendra or a trikona or an upachayasthana and equipped with fewer benefic bindus i.e. less

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


than four benefic bindus, does not confer its full good results and gives more of its bad results; the planet situated in a trika-bhava or the 7th whether in its debilitation sign, inimical sign or associated with the lord of the sign occupied by Mandi if equipped with more than four benefic bindus invariably gives more of its good results. In this case, the Moon is equipped with five benefic bindus; the lagna-lord Venus has four bindus and the combust Jupiter in the 7th house as seven benefic bindus. This native is not destined to rise to a very high official position because Saturn, the lord of the 9th and the 10th, has gained only one benefic bindu in its Ashtakavarga, the texts are in favour of Saturn possessing fewer benefic bindus if it is exalted or in own sign in a kendra or in a trikona, but more benefic bindus if it is debilitated or is in an inimical sign in an evil bhava. Gain of one benefic bindu by Saturn indicates loss of wealth, and destruction of all possessions; Saturn is not situated in a quadrant or a trine in its own sign or navamsa, and as the lord of the 9th and the 10th it is not in the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th house; here, it does not become a yoga-karaka.

This native is presently experiencing the dasa of Rahu which is situated alone in Virgo sign and in the 5th house from the lagna. At the time of birth Rahu was in Uttara Phalguni, a Vipata nakshatra ruled by Jupiter, and its dispositor occupied an inimical sign in the 7th house from the lagna. No planet aspects the 5th house. Planets occupying or ruling Vipata nakshatras are deemed evil and produce bad results, and the two chaya-grahas are basically malefic planets.

Jupiter by occupying Jyeshta nakshatra ruled by Saturn afflicts Saturn which is the only planet occupying a kendra or a trikona from the bhava occupied by Rahu but it is not in a cruel shashtiamsa. Rahu in a kendra or in a trikona in a benefic sign not conjoined with or aspected by any planet gives good results in its own antra-dasa, in which event  the other yoga-karakas also give good results in their antra-dasas in the dasa of Rahu; otherwise, one faces failures and suffers from fear and pain, fall from position or disgrace. Kalidasa tells us that a good Rahu during the course of its dasa gives all kinds of benefits including a Rajya or ruling powers, gain of wealth and knowledge, and that if Rahu occupying a dual sign in a kendra or a trikona, and the lord of the sign occupied by it also in a kendra or a trikona from the lagna, both conjoin with or receive the aspect of a yoga-karaka or a Rajayoga-karaka then in its dasa Rahu gives wealth






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

and authority to rule and command.

At the time of the birth of this native the Moon situated in the 12th house from the lagna was gaining in pakshabala and moving

towards  its  sign  of  exaltation,  such  a  Moon  aspected  by  Venus occupying its own sign, Libra, adds strength to the Chandra-lagna.

Jatakabharnam states that the Moon in Aries sign aspected by Venus makes one blessed with wife, sons, good manner of speech and

conduct, calm temperament knowledge and all desirable material

comforts. The lord of the Chandra-lagna occupies its own sign in the 8th house from the Chandra-lagna in conjunction with the lords of the two trines counted from the radical Moon and which situation strengthens the 9th house and Saturn, the lord of the 10th and the 11th from the Moon, situated in the 9th house. This native has in the middle part of his life reaped the benefits of the yoga caused by these planets, and of the Vesi yoga caused by the functionally benefic Saturn.


Case study - 17

maRaKa daSaS