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Rasi chart

Sagittarius  lagna  10:16:38;  Jupiter  (R)  00:48:24  and  Saturn (R) 19:44:37 in Sagittarius; the Moon 11:38:00 in Capricorn; Ketu 22:25:23 in Aquarius; Mars 09:37:31 in Taurus; Mercury 01:32:20

and the Sun 20:40:30 in Cancer; Rahu 22:25:23 and Venus 03:01:54

in Leo.

Navamsa Chart:

Cancer lagna, Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Virgo, Rahu in Libra, the Sun in Capricorn, Mars in Pisces, and Ketu, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon in Aries.

This horoscope belongs to an educated person who has risen

in life entirely through self-efforts. He was born on a Poornima tithi which is considered as a fortunate birth. In this case, the Full Moon

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


situated in the 2nd house from the lagna aspects and is aspected by the lords of the 9th and the 10th conjoining in the 8th house in the sign ruled by the Moon. It gives rise to an auspicious yoga but not a Rajayoga; such a Moon destroys all arishtas and makes one progress day by day.

The  conjunction  of  Jupiter,  the  lord  of  the  lagna  and  the  4th house, with Saturn, the lord of the 2nd and the 3rd, in Sagittarius lagna  dominates  the  kendrasthanas.  This  conjunction  occurs  in the 12th house from the Moon occupying the Aries navamsa sub-division of Capricorn sign ruled by Saturn. The Full Moon equipped with four benefic bindus in its Ashtakavarga was transiting the first pada of its own Sravana nakshatra and thus causing this native to experience the Vimshottari dasas of Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn at the beginning and at the peak of his career. Yogas and Rajayogas are of no use if a person does not experience the effects of the dasas of planets giving rise to those yogas and Rajayogas, which planets should be in their Deepta, Swastha, Mudita or Shaant awastha.

Rahu occupying Leo, a neutral sign, and the third pada of Poorva Phalguni, a Mitra nakshatra ruled by Venus, is in conjunction with Venus in the 9th house from the lagna and acted as a benefic yoga-karaka during the course of its dasa, and made this native fortunate who completed his education and found a suitable employment in

a reputed organisation. He also got married and was blessed with a son. The 9th house and the conjunction of Rahu and Venus occurring therein are aspected by the lord of the lagna, and the lord of the 9th. 

The lord of the 9th house, the Sun, situated in a Sadhaka nakshatra ruled by Mercury, is in the 8th house in conjunction with Mercury, the  lord  of  the  10th  house  and  the  7th.  The  lord  of  the  navamsa occupied by the Sun is in conjunction with the lord of the lagna in the lagna. Mercury occupies the sign ruled by the Moon which is very strong in pakshabala and aspects Mercury. This native was born on Shukla Poornima of Sravana-masa. During the course of his dasa Rahu acted on behalf of the auspicious lord of the 9th and the gainful lord of the 11th house.

Jupiter situated in the lagna is not aspected by any planet but it associates with the Full Moon, with the lord of the Dhana-bhava, with the 9th house and with the lord of the 11th house. At the time of birth Jupiter was retrograde in the 6th house from the Sun but






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

strong in sthanabala and cheshtabala. Jupiter had joined the Moon in Aries navamsa. However, it occupied the first pada of Moola, a Vadha  nakshatra,  ruled  by  Ketu.  There  also  occurred  the  mutual exchange of nakshatras because Ketu occupied Poorva Bhadrapada

ruled by Jupiter. Ketu situated in the 3rd house from the lagna is considered  favourably  placed,  it  makes  one  intelligent,  steadfast and  prepared  to  face  and  overcome  any  obstacle  or  opposition, increases wealth, gives many comforts, strength, and a long lease of life. But Aquarius is not a comfortable sign for Ketu to occupy if it is not in association with a natural benefic. Here, situated in the sign ruled by Saturn and in a nakshatra ruled by Venus it is aspected by Venus from the 9th and by Saturn from the lagna-kendra. The two chaya-grahas generally confer the good or the bad effects of planets they are conjoined with. Ketu is in the navamsa occupied by Venus, Jupiter and the Moon. The navamsa and the nakshatra location of planets are as important as their sign location. It is generally seen that  the  evil  owing  to  the  occupation  of  an  inimical  navamsa  or an afflicted nakshatra by planets in yoga formation does not get neutralised which is why yogas and Rajayogas are not always found to  confer  their  assigned  results.  The  dasa  of  Jupiter  gave  mixed results to this native.

Jupiter is the karaka of the 5th house and of sons; here, it is in  rasi-sandhi  and  occupies  an  afflicted  nakshatra  and  therefore, compounded by the location of the lord of the 5th in the 6th which also aspects the 9th house, Jupiter adversely afflicted the significance of the 5th house and of the 9th house during the course of its dasa in as much this native lost his only son and his father also suffered physical hardships. The antra-dasa of Saturn in the dasa of the lord of the lagna is generally a bad period; it causes loss or harm on many fronts. But, the lord of the lagna occupying the lagna even if afflicted by inimical planets or by malefics has the ability to quickly compensate losses incurred during the antra-dasa of Saturn in the dasa of the lord of the lagna. Therefore, during the dasa of Jupiter this native was blessed with twins, two boys, who are now studying in a school. Jupiter occupies the moolatrikona portion of Sagittarius sign.

In the present case, a retrograde Saturn occupies an inimical

sign but a Mitra nakshatra; retrograde planets are strong in giving their results if they are not in their exaltation signs. Saturn occupies

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


a favourable part of Sagittarius sign; it is in Virgo navamsa and in a nakshatra ruled by Venus, and associating with the lord of the lagna it aspects the 10th house. This native is presently experiencing the dasa of Saturn which does not own a kendrasthana or a trikona.

Sarvartha Chintamani states that the dasa of Saturn occupying a kendra will not be a happy period, if Saturn happens to occupy the lagna it affects one’s health, but since here, it is in conjunction with the lord of the lagna which is a natural benefic, it will produce mixed results. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius lagna does confer yoga and Rajayoga because the lord of any bhava as is conjoined with Jupiter or Venus in a kendra or a trikona associated with the lord of the lagna or the lord of the 9th house with the lord of the lagna or the lord of the 9th house occupying own or friendly sign makes one fortunate and rise in rank and status. Saturn gives favourable results when occupying Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces sign.

Here, Jupiter and Saturn situated in the lagna-kendra are retrograde; retrograde planets are more powerful in giving their good and bad results. Retrograde Saturn in conjunction with retrograde Jupiter, strong  in  Digbala  and  occupying  the  lagna  in  its  own  sign,  gives more of its benefic results, in any event, the lord of the 2nd house in conjunction with the lord of the lagna in the lagna, if it does not cause  a  powerful  Dhana  yoga  to  arise,  then  it  certainly  confers many gains.


Case study - 16

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