Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Capricorn lagna 17:07:34; Mercury in Capricorn 15:16:55; the

Sun 07:31:16, Venus 13:50:33 and Rahu 18:25:55 in Aquarius; Mars 25:42:35 in Pisces; Saturn 10:38:49 in Aries; the Moon 23:03:53 in Cancer; Ketu 18:25:55 in Leo and Jupiter (R) 12:33:09 in Libra.

Nava’s Chart:

Gemini  lagna,  Saturn  in  Cancer,  Ketu  in  Virgo,  the  Sun  in Sagittarius, Jupiter and the Moon in Capricorn, Venus and Mars in Aquarius, Rahu in Pisces and Mercury in Taurus.

This native, a businessman, was born in the Gemini navamsa

sub-division of Capricorn lagna. The rising-point of the lagna was in Sravana, a Prayer nakshatra ruled by the Moon, the lord of the 7th house from the lagna. At the time of his birth, the Moon was in Ashlesha nakshatra ruled by Mercury and in Capricorn navamsa of its own sign, Cancer. A debilitated Saturn situated in the 4th house






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

and occupying Cancer navamsa and Ashwini, a Sampata nakshatra

ruled by Ketu, aspected the lagna and Mercury, the lord of the 6th and the 9th house, situated in Taurus navamsa and in Sravana nakshatra.

Whereas  Saturn  occupied  a  neutral  sign,  Mercury  occupied  a friendly sign. The debilitated Saturn was placed in opposition to a retrograde  Jupiter  without  the  benefit  of  neechabhanga.  Jupiter situated in Capricorn navamsa of Libra, the sign ruled by its bitter enemy, Venus, and in Swati, a Vadha nakshatra ruled by Rahu, was conjoined with the Sun and Venus in the 2nd house from the lagna and in the 8th from the Moon. Rahu occupied Pisces navamsa of

Aquarius,  the  sign  ruled  by  its  intimate  friend,  and  Satabisha,  a Vadha nakshatra that it ruled.

In this case, the Moon, ruling the 7th house and situated in the 7th, though occupying its own sign and gaining five benefic bindus in  its  Ashtakavarga  suffered  affliction  on  four  counts.  Firstly,  the Moon was in the nakshatra ruled by Mercury which occupied an

evil  nakshatra;  secondly,  an  afflicted  Mercury  aspected  by  the debilitated lord of the lagna aspected the 7th house and the Moon; thirdly, the lord of the navamsa of occupation of the Moon, which lord  was  debilitated  in  the  rasi-chart  was  in  mutual  exchange  of navamsa  with  the  Moon,  and  lastly,  the  Moon  in  a  kendra  from retrograde Jupiter conjoined with Jupiter in the latter’s debilitation navamsa. The Moon in Capricorn navamsa aspected by Mercury is

said to confer ruling powers provided the Moon stays strong and unafflicted and if there is at least one strong Rajayoga obtaining at the time of birth involving the lord of the lagna. The Moon in Cancer  sign  aspected  by  Mercury  makes  one  intelligent,  gentle, cultured  and  good-mannered.  The  Moon,  Mars  and  Jupiter  are malefic planets for Capricorn lagna. The influence of Jupiter on the two trikonas counted from Capricorn lagna or on the lords of those trikonas produces bad results; its association with Saturn, the lord of the lagna, can make one acquire expertise in handling delicate matters but does not confer yoga-results.

The  afflicted  Saturn  occupying  the  4th  house  from  Capricorn lagna and aspected by an afflicted and evil Jupiter will not make this native experience domestic peace and happiness even during the course of the dasa of Venus which will operate in the last third-part  of  his  life.  Venus  in  vargottama-navamsa  occupies  a  Vadha nakshatra; the Sun and Rahu joining Venus in the 2nd house also

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


occupy evil nakshatras. Planets conjoining with Rahu do not give good  results.  Here,  the  2nd  house  suffers  graver  affliction  than the 4th house; moreover, the lord of the 2nd house situated in its debilitation  sign  occupies  the  4th  house  without  the  benefit  of neechabhanga. The 2nd house is intimately connected with the 4th house. The 2nd house signifies Kutumba or family of a person which includes parents, spouse, children and all other relatives. A weak 2nd house does not give easy gains and does not encourage cordial relations  with  family  members  to  persist  for  very  long.  Venus which is situated in the 12th house from Mars signifies wife, sex-harmony,  marriage  and  family  happiness;  these  matters  become spoiled if Venus is afflicted by conjunction with a malefic planet or by occupying a malefic nakshatra. Venus in conjunction with a fiery planet such as the Sun or Mars or Rahu destroys wife’s affection and gives trouble through marriage even if the 7th house is formed by a benefic sign and the lord of the 7th house, here a natural benefic, both  happen  to  be  strong  and  favourably  influenced  by  other benefics. The Moon situated in the 7th house generally makes one seek other women. The lord of the 7th house occupying the 7th and afflicted, does not give a happy marriage, it causes much mental agony and separation from wife, and the person spends most of his life in utter loneliness though surrounded by friends, relatives and other well-wishers. Mercury as the lord of the 6th house from the lagna afflicts the 7th house and its lord, this situation results in the development of ill-will between husband and wife, and gives more than one marriage or liaisons.

In  this  nativity,  the  2nd  house  and  the  7th  house  from  the lagna  have  gained  the  least  number  of  benefic  bindus  in  the Ashtakavarga; both have gained only twenty-two bindus. The lord of the 7th has gained five bindus but the lord of the 2nd has gained only  one  bindu.  The  lord  of  the  7th  situated  in  the  7th  house  did make this native marry twice but the influence of the evil dasas and evil transits wreaked havoc in his married life. If the 7th house from  Venus  is  tenanted  by  a  malefic  planet  or  if  malefic  planets conjoin  with  Venus one derives no  happiness  from his  wife. The first wife whom he had married during the dasa of Rahu deserted him in the antra-dasa of Mars in the dasa of Rahu leaving behind a  daughter  to  take  care  of;  Mars  rules  the  badhaka-sthana  for Capricorn lagna. The karaka of the 7th house conjoining with malefic






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

planets or occupying an inimical navamsa or the navamsa ruled by a combust planet gives two wives. The first marriage alliance broke up when Saturn’s Sade Sati was afflicting the 7th house; his second marriage alliance that came about during the same adverse transit eventually broke down coinciding with the commencement of the

dasa of Moon. Here, both signs that are adjacent to the 7th house are either aspected or occupied by cruel fiery planets. This native is presently experiencing the dasa of Moon which fortunately does not  occupy  a  kendrasthana  from  Mars.  The  dasa  of  the  planet occupying a Janma Nakshatra does not confer good results if the lord of the Janma nakshatras is not favourably inclined or if it is weak and afflicted.

According to Parasara, Jupiter ruling the 12th house from the

lagna gives the results of the 3rd house lordship, which lordship is evil. Here, Jupiter ruling the 12th and occupying a kendra from the lagna, from the Moon and from the lord of the lagna afflicts all four kendras including the 7th house. In the present case, the 7th house is the Lagna-pada and also the Dara-pada which is occupied by the Moon and aspected by Mercury. The 8th house from the Dara-pada

is occupied by two cruel planets, the Sun and Rahu, and by Venus which  is  afflicted  by  the  other  two  planets  conjoining  with  it  in Aquarius sign. The second wife who has also left behind a daughter with this native and taken away their son is unlikely to return to her husband in the very near future.


Case study - 19

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