Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart


Gemini lagna 24:41:36; the Sun 21:18:45, Jupiter (C) 21:55:4

and  Mercury  04:55:21  in  Cancer;  Venus  20:30:01  and  the  Moon 15:21:33 in Leo; Mars 16:26:33 and Ketu 07:41:14 in Libra; Saturn (R) 18:51:52 in Pisces and Rahu 07:41:14 in Aries.

Navamsa Chart:

Taurus lagna, Rahu in Gemini, Mercury and the Moon in Leo,

Venus in Libra; Ketu and Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter and the Sun in Capricorn and Mars in Aquarius.

This nativity belongs to an Air Force pilot who died in an air-

crash. The occurrence of this untoward happening was foretold a few months before he got married.

This  native,  belonging  to  a  well-to-do  educated  family,  was born in the Taurus navamsa sub-division of Gemini lagna. Mercury placed behind the Sun and occupying Leo navamsa was situated






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

in  Cancer  sign  in  the  2nd  house  from  the  lagna.  Mercury  was  in conjunction with the Sun situated in Capricorn navamsa and also with  Jupiter  occupying  its  sign  of  exaltation.  Jupiter  occupying the same latitude as the Sun was combust and in its debilitation navamsa. Venus occupying its own Libra navamsa was in Leo sign

in the 3rd house in conjunction with the Vargottama Moon. Mars

situated  in  Aquarius  navamsa  was  in  Libra  sign  in  the  5th  house in  conjunction  with  Ketu  occupying  Sagittarius  navamsa.  Saturn situated in Sagittarius navamsa and Pisces sign occupied the 10th house aspected by Jupiter. Saturn was in retrograde motion. Rahu situated in the Gemini navamsa sub-division of Aries sign was in the 11th house from the lagna.

At  the  time  of  his  birth  the  Vargottama  Moon  situated  in  a friendly  sign  was  transiting  Poorva  Phalguni  nakshatra  ruled  by Venus.  This  native  completed  his  education  during  the  dasa  of Venus which occupied the same nakshatra as the Moon but was

in an inimical sign, and he joined the Air Force as an officer in the dasa of the Sun also occupying a friendly sign and a Mitra nakshatra ruled by Mercury. The Sun is a papa-graha for Gemini lagna; it was in conjunction with the lord of the 10th house and the lord of the lagna as the lord of the 3rd house. Mercury rules the air. Mercury occupying a marakasthana was in conjunction with the evil lord of the 7th house, also a maraka. The manner of death of this native was thus already indicated by the three-planet conjunction  occurring in the 2nd house. This probability was brought to the notice of the native many years before his actual demise.

The lord of the 10th house situated in its sign of exaltation was in the 2nd house from the lagna in conjunction with the Sun and the lord of the lagna; it gave an influential government service and much wealth and wide popularity during the course of its own dasa. The lord of the 9th situated in the 10th house in a neutral benefic sign and aspected by the lord of the 10th house, a natural benefic, generally makes  one  fortunate  who  gradually  builds  his  own  career  with his own efforts; it also gives rise to Rajayoga. The Sun associating with the lord of the 10th house gives success in military or political career. The conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter occurring in a benefic sign and gainful bhava gives great learning, riches and interest in fine arts.

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


At the time of the birth of this native the retrograde lord of the 9th, Saturn, occupying the 10th house in a neutral sign as the benefic lord of the 9th house was in a Mitra nakshatra ruled by Mercury; it acted as a yoga-karaka and gave this native his first employment as an officer and subsequent promotions in service of the Government of India. Saturn occupying the 10th house from the lagna gives rise in  service  or  in  political  career  but  also  gives  a  sudden  fall  from position. Saturn in a sign ruled by Jupiter and aspected by Jupiter makes  one  a  ruler  or  a  minister  or  commander  of  an  army.  In the  present  case,  Saturn  thus  situated  could  not  neutralise  the evil tendency gained by Mercury in the company of the Sun and

combust  Jupiter.  This  native  was  not  destined  to  experience  the dasas of Jupiter and Saturn.

Saturn  which  also  rules  the  8th  house  from  the  lagna  while situated in a kendra from the lagna along with Mercury occupied Aries  shashtiamsa  ruled  by  Mars,  which  is  a  cruel  shashtiamsa.

No benefic occupied the kendrasthanas, and Mercury is a malefic planet for Cancer Shashtimsa-lagna. When Saturn as the lord of the 8th house or a malefic in conjunction with another malefic occupies an evil shashtiamsa, the person is invariably short-lived.

This native was born under the influence of the dasa of Venus,

and therefore, his formative years were spent happily during which period he completed his studies. The succeeding dasa of the Sun saw  him  gainfully  employed  in  government  service  and  he  was promoted to higher ranks in the dasa of the Moon aspecting the 9th house along with the lord of the 5th. Mars did not occupy a friendly sign and was afflicted by Ketu which is an incendiary planet and basically malefic in nature. Mars gaining only three benefic bindus in its Ashtakavarga occupied a Pratayari nakshatra ruled by Rahu situated in a fiery sign ruled by Mars. Such a Mars, which was also in shadashtaka relationship with the lord of the 8th and occupying an odd navamsa ruled by the lord of the 8th, and an odd shashtiamsa, ruled by the lord of the lagna in the 12th from the Shashtiamsa-lagna, aspected the 8th house and the 12th. Mars was not aspected by any benefic planet. Whereas Saturn by virtue of ruling the 8th house  from  the  lagna  is  a  chidra-graha  for  Gemini  lagna,  in  the present case, Mars by becoming a bitter enemy of Saturn was also a chidra-graha and had acquired death-inflicting powers equal to the lord of the 8th, which powers Rahu also assumed by occupying






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

Aries sign ruled and aspected by an evil Mars. This native met with an accident towards the close of the dasa of Mars, suffered severe head-injuries, became totally paralysed and did not recover from the comatose state. He died in the antra-dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Rahu.


Case study - 20

dePReSSed maRS  

in the 10th houSe