Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Sagittarius  lagna  23:36:29;  Ketu  17:39:55  in  Aries;  Mercury 25:34:10 in Leo; the Sun 12:39:55, Mars (C) 10:05:19 and Jupiter (C) 17:31:11 in Virgo; Rahu 17:39:55 and Venus 24:23:36 in Libra and the Moon 26:12:33 and Saturn 16:13:50 in Scorpio.

Navamsa Chart:

Scorpio  lagna,  Mercury  and  Saturn  in  Scorpio,  the  Moon  in Aquarius, Rahu in Pisces, the Sun and Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini and Ketu in Virgo.

This  nativity  belongs  to  an  attractive  lady  who  has  already experienced  the  good  and  the  bad  happenings  in  her  life.    In her  case,  Sagittarius  lagna  is  stronger  than  the  Scorpio  Chandra-lagna,  because  the  lord  of  lagna  though  combust  and  equipped






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

with  six  benefic  bindus  occupies  a  neutral  sign  in  a  kendra  from the  lagna  and  is  in  conjunction  with  two  neutral  planets  but the  Moon  occupying  its  debilitation  sign  is  in  conjunction  with a  mutually  inimical  lord  of  a  marakasthana  and  a  papa-graha occupying a neutral sign equipped with only one benefic bindu in its Ashtakavarga ; moreover, the former bhava has gained twenty-eight benefic bindus in the Ashtakavarga and the latter has gained only eighteen benefic bindus. Sagittarius lagna, which is aspected by Mars occupying a neutral Virgo sign, is in a trimsamsa ruled by Mercury which occupies a very friendly sign in the 9th house from the  lagna  and  the  5th  house  counted  from  the  trimsamsa  lagna.

Accordingly,  this  lady  possesses  several  good  qualities  and  is  an able person. But, the vacant 7th house which has gained thirty-three benefic  bindus  is  not  aspected  by  any  planet  benefic  or  malefic.

She has not been blessed with a good husband; her husband, who

had long ago sold his business and has remained unemployed ever since, has all along been entirely dependent on her earnings. This lady is self-employed.

This  native  married  a  person  of  her  own  choice  in  a  rather unconventional  manner  during  the  course  of  the  very  long  dasa of Venus. She got married to a person who was already married

and father of two sons. Venus is a functional malefic for Sagittarius lagna  and  a  papa-graha.  Venus  which  occupies  its  own  sign  and own navamsa rules the set of three evil Vipata nakshatras and is, therefore, more malevolent in nature and effect. The 5th house from the lagna and  the 9th house  from the lagna both signify Bhagya.

These two bhavas occupied by afflicted planets can make a person unfortunate. Ketu in the 5th and Mercury in the 9th both occupying fiery  signs  occupy  Vipata  nakshatras  ruled  by  Venus  and  are afflicted. She has had a horrid time and her unfortunate marriage has suffered during the dasa of combust Mars occupying a Pratyari nakshatra owned by the Moon, the lord of the 8th house.

Mars and the Sun are functional benefics for Sagittarius lagna, their association with the lord of the lagna in a favourable bhava gives rise to yoga and Rajayoga. The conjunction of the Sun with its natural friends Mars and Jupiter makes a person engage in good and  pleasing  works,  well-mannered  and  head  of  an  army  or  an institution. In this case, this conjunction occurs in the 10th house with the lords of the 10th and the 9th in mutual exchange of signs.

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


But, the lord of the 9th situated in the 10th is in conjunction with two combust planets one of which is the lord of the lagna and the other one is the lord of the Chandra-lagna, and therefore, there was Rajayogabhanga. There was mild yoga for this native during the dasa of the Sun.

The dasa of the Moon made this native self-employed but gave

mixed results which adversely affected her married life during the dasa of Mars. The Moon, which situated in the 12th house in a friendly sign owned by Mars has gained neechabhanga, is in conjunction

with an inimical Saturn that aspects friendly Mercury situated in the 9th house from the lagna and in the 10th from the Chandra-lagna in yoga with a friendly lord of the 9th. Debilitated planets situated in the 12th house and gaining neechabhanga cause only mild Rajayoga or no Rajayoga. Kalidasa states that planets occupying neutral signs produce very little good results and combust planets do not give good results during the course of their dasas. The recently concluded dasa of combust Mars occupying a neutral sign in conjunction with neutral lords of the lagna and of the 9th had not been a happy period for this native who is now burdened by debts mainly contracted by her husband who is a reckless spend-thrift. The good effects of the Ubhayachari yoga involving the lords of the kendras, the trikonas and the 11th house has thus far sustained this native regardless of the dasas in operation. She has two brothers; during her dasa of adverse Mars both suffered career-wise and marriage-wise. Mars is the karaka of brothers.

This native is presently under the influence of the dasa of Rahu and Saturn’s Sade-sati. Rahu rules the set of three Vadha nakshatras and occupies one of them. Here, Rahu afflicts the 11th house and the lord of the 11th. The 11th house is not aspected by any planet, good or bad. Kalidasa tells us that Rahu situated in the 11th house from the lagna gives very good results during the course of its dasa provided it is joined by strong yoga-karakas but if it is in adverse association with either the lord of the 2nd or the 7th then its dasa will be a painful one. In this case, Rahu aspects the 7th house, and therefore, the 7th house affairs are likely to suffer more than ever before. The combust karaka of children and the combust lord of the 5th house have not given her any issues. Mahadeva states that the karaka of children conjoining with Mars and with the lord of the lagna makes one childless. Here, Jupiter is the lord of the lagna and






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

also the Putrakaraka, it is weak and in conjunction with an adverse Mars.

All tara-grahas occupy four continuous signs in the third mandala comprising of four bhavas from the 9th to the 12th, but are led by the Moon gaining in pakshabala which has advanced the most in a sign, and the Moon though not designated as a maraka for Sagittarius

lagna does not own a favourable bhava. It also occupies an inimical navamsa and an evil bhava along with the lord of its navamsa of occupation. A weak and afflicted Moon if not aspected or conjoined with a friendly benefic does not give happiness and keeps one tense and worried, breeds negative thoughts and in extreme cases makes one develop suicidal tendency. It is the waning Moon that makes a person to stoop low in order to gain benefits etc; or commit evil acts  or  destroy  useful  things  and  not  encourage  a  constructive approach. The poor and the needy, the unsuccessful and the fallen, they all suffer mainly on account of the weak afflicted Moon or the weak and the afflicted lord of the lagna. If the lords of the lagna and the Chandra-lagna devoid of benefic association are combust they do not generally allow any yoga and Rajayoga to operate and confer favourable results. Moreover, the Moon situated in a navamsa of Saturn  is  a  bad  omen;  it  indicates  that  one’s  progress  in  career and life are in danger of being stalled during the course of adverse transits in the prayantra or the antra-dasas of malefic planets. The combust status of the lord of the 12th house or of the lord of the 4th  house  indicates  bankruptcy  or  impoverishment.  The  combust status of a planet does not get cancelled even if it has gained the maximum number of favourable vargas i.e. attained Airavata or the Vaisheshika Sangya.

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