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Rasi chart

Virgo lagna 12:12:01; the Sun 10:35:06, Mercury 02:14:10 and

Mars (C) 06:03:29 in Virgo; Saturn 19:13:52 and Venus 20:09:00 in Libra; Jupiter 20:22:43 in Sagittarius; the Moon 00:47:03 and Ketu 10:04:00 in Capricorn and Rahu 10:04:00 in Cancer.

Navamsa Chart:

Aries lagna, the Sun, Venus and Ketu in Aries, Jupiter and Rahu in Libra, Mercury and the Moon in Capricorn, Mars in Aquarius and Saturn in Pisces.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh or the R.S.S. was formed by

Keshav Baliram Hedgewar at Nagpur. At the time of its formation the  rising  point  of  the  lagna  was  in  the  Aries  sub-division  and Hasta  nakshatra  portion  of  Virgo  sign.  Hasta  nakshatra  is  ruled

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


by the Moon, which nakshatra, in the present case, is one of the three auspicious Sampata nakshatras. The Moon, the lord of the

11th house from the lagna situated in its debilitation sign in the 3rd house, was then transiting Uttara Ashada nakshatra ruled by the Sun, the lord of the 12th house occupying its exalted navamsa in the lagna and the Hasta nakshatra. At the time of its formation the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was experiencing the effects of the Vimshottari Dasa of the Sun occupying a Sampata nakshatra. While discussing this horoscope in the May 1979 issue of The Astrological Magazine, B.V.Raman had said that “there is astrological evidence to suggest….that the Sangh’s achievements would be the awakening of  the  conscience  of  the  Indian  Youth  to  their  moral  rights  and guiding the mind of the younger community from the morasses of

mischievous materialistic political and social doctrines of the West to the idealism and benevolence of Indian culture……Dharma is not just religion, as some Indian politicians suffering from the disease of ‘secularism’ want us to believe. Dharma is the moral or ethical principle regulating all activities.”

The Sun signifies the Atman, the inner self, which is pure and

indestructible, and Jaimini has attributed politics and high ranking Government services to it. In the present case, the Sun rules the Mokshasthana  and  is  exalted  in  the  navamsa.  Such  a  Sun,  even though it has gained only three benefic bindus in its Ashtakavarga, makes  one  develop  and  nurture  the  highest  kind  of  ideals  and engage  in  purposeful  intellectual  activities.  Here,  situated  in  an inimical sign it is in conjunction with the lord of the lagna and with the combust lord of the 8th house. Mercury is in its own sign which is  its  moolatrikona-rasi  and  its  sign  of  exaltation,  but  Mercury  is not inimical towards the Sun. Mars, which is a papa-graha for Virgo lagna  though  occupying  a  friendly  navamsa  is  in  the  sign  ruled by  its  bitter  enemy.  Kalidasa  tells  us  that  Mars  is  strong  even  in its enemy’s sign and that it is only three-fourth evil compared to Saturn. P.S.Sastri states that the conjunction of the Sun and Mars indicates great energy in the areas signified by both, the person is more intellectual than practical, self conscious and critical with an  analytic  mind  who  faces  severe  struggles  while  championing good causes but it also indicates great physical danger or disease.

B.V.Raman in his book, How to Judge a Horoscope, states that the dignified lord of the lagna occupying the lagna gives fame in own






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

community and country but the lord of the 8th house situated in the lagna and afflicted gives trouble from Government which becomes a constant source of worries. Both, Mercury which is afflicted by the Sun, and Mars have gained only three benefic bindus in their Ashtakavarga.  Counted  from  the  Chandra-lagna,  the  lord  of  the Chandra-lagna, Saturn, is exalted in the 10th house in conjunction with the lord of the 10th house; Mercury occupies the 9th house as the lord of the 9th in conjunction with the lord of the 4th and the 11th and the lord of the 8th house. The conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and  Mars  confers  material  gains  but  not  happiness.  Mars  and Jupiter are the two primary Marakas for Virgo lagna and Capricorn Chandra-lagna. According to Yavaneshwara, Mars is the only enemy of Jupiter. Mars as a functional malefic aspecting Jupiter makes one suffer on account of hostility hidden or open. Mars ruling Aries sign is the planet of passion but by ruling Scorpio sign it subdues passion and makes one free from ahamkara. However, in the present case, Jupiter occupying its own and moolatrikona-rasi in the 4th house from  the  lagna  is  in  a  neutral  navamsa  and  in  Poorva  Ashada,  a Param-mitra nakshatra ruled by Venus, the lord of the 9th, which is  situated  in  the  2nd  house  in  its  own  and  moolatrikona-rasi  in conjunction with the exalted lord of the 5th and the 6th house, which favourable situation makes one long-lived and blessed with a steady fortune. A favourable Jupiter gives a strong aversion towards base motives and evil ways; it is stronger placed in Sagittarius sign than in Pisces.

Saravali prefers the location of the Moon in a kendrasthana,

and Jataka Parijata states that the Vargottama Moon should avoid occupying the lagna-kendra. In the present case, the Vargottama Moon  occupying  a  friendly  even  sign  and  navamsa  is  in  the  5th conjoining Ketu. Jataka Parijata tells us that if the Sun avoiding the navamsas ruled by Venus occupies the lagna, and Mercury is also in Virgo sign then a Rajayoga is caused. This Rajayoga occurring in the present case is spoiled by Mars which is an indication that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh harbours no political ambitions to

acquire power to rule and will never acquire the power to rule. The Bhadra yoga, a very favourable yoga, caused by Mercury is spoiled by the Sun, and the Hamsa yoga, also a very favourable yoga, and the favourable Anapha yoga caused by Jupiter are marred by the

aspect of Mars. Planets occupying their own sign or exaltation sign

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


whether they are benefics or malefics situated either side of the Sun  give  good  results.  The  effects  of  exalted  planets  depend  on the nature and strength of their dispositors. Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that one speaks pleasant words if the lord of the 12th house occupies the lagna and that even evil planets associating with the lord of the lagna tend to improve their basic traits, it is the weak lord  of  the  lagna  associated  with  malefic  planets  that  gives  bad results.

B.V.Raman  states  that  the  conjunction  of  Mars  with  exalted Mercury not aspected by either Rahu or Saturn indicates that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh cannot be fascist in its outlook and programmes even though it has been so dubbed by its critics, and that  it  is  Jupiter  that  has  provided  the  Rashtriya  Swayamsevak Sangh  the  inspiration,  the  determination  and  the  restraint,  and made it capable of reading the events in their proper perspective.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was given a bad name at the

behest  of  the  then  ruling  Congress  Party  after  the  assassination of  Mohandas  Karamchand  Gandhi.  It  was  banned  thrice  by  the Government of India after independence. At that time the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was under the influence of the dasa of Rahu

occupying the sign ruled by its bitter enemy, but as is seen, had Rahu not occupied the 11th house from the lagna aspected by the lord of the 11th, had it not occupied the navamsa of its intimate friend, and had it not occupied a Sadhaka nakshatra ruled by its intimate friend, the efforts of the then rulers and their allies would have succeeded in  destroying  the  very  identity  and  existence  of  the  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Even though the Kapoor Commission Report

had  concluded  that  the  Rashtriya  Swayamsevak  Sangh  was  not responsible for the murder of M.K.Gandhi and that it was not proved that  the  accused  were  members  of  the  Rashtriya  Swayamsevak Sangh, Indira Gandhi, who broke away from the original Congress Party and founded the Congress Party (Indira), usurped the history and the legacy of the original Congress Party and chose to carry on with the tirade against the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh but

without denting the latter’s foundation, structure and ideals which are strong because of the favourable placements of the lord of the lagna, the lords of the two trikonas and Jupiter. During the course of the dasa of Jupiter the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh witnessed the merger of the Jan Sangh with the Janata Party; it was a difficult






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

and most uncomfortable merger. The so-called Socialists, the Raj Narains and the Madhu Limayes, raked up time and again the issue of  Double-membership  which  constant  rant  was  a  smoke-screen to cover the nefarious designs of those who wanted the Morarji

Desai government to fall, and fall it did. The inevitable breakup of the Janata Party and the birth of the Bhartiya Janata Party or B.J.P.

happened shortly after the Saturn – Rahu conjunction in Leo sign that occurred on 17th July 1979.

The  10th  house  from  Virgo  lagna  formed  by  Gemini  sign  is aspected by a strong unafflicted Jupiter which in its turn is aspected by a friendly and exalted Saturn, the lord of the 5th house. The 9th house and its lord situated strongly in its other own sign are not aspected by or conjoined with inimical planets. Moreover, Venus and Saturn have also granted adequate strength to the 10th house counted from the radical Moon. The 2nd, the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th, the  10th  and  the  11th  bhavas  from  the  lagna  have  gained  more benefic bindus in the Sarva Ashtakavarga than the lagna that has twenty-five benefic bindus, which means that the leaders and the members  of  the  Rashtriya  Swayamsevak  Sangh  will  continue  to uphold noble principles and high moral ground with firm conviction backed  by  good  fortune,  good  intentions  and  good  constructive approach, and they will always be able to successfully and gainfully counter its critics and opponents outlasting them. During the dasa of exalted Saturn the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh witnessed the rule of the NDA government led by the Bhartiya Janata Party, which it supports. The dasa of Mercury afflicted by two cruel malefics and occupying  Uttara  Phalguni,  a  Janma  nakshatra  ruled  by  the  lord of the 11th house, was an uncomfortable period for the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and its associates and well-wishers; the two

unsuccessful bids by L.K.Advani to regain power for the NDA failed which failure resulted in the slow and steady disintegration of the said coalition. Mercury signifies the Fourth Estate, the Media, which was and is still being used by opponents to stifle and denigrate the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Bhartiya Janata Party. The

dasa of Mercury will run its course up to the fag-end of 2016.

The  Rashtriya  Swayamsevak  Sangh  is  presently  under  the

influence of the antra-dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of Mercury which Jupiter by occupying its own bhava in a kendra from the dasa-lord has  seen  the  resurgence  of  Bhartiya  Janata  Party  which  party  is

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


exuding renewed confidence.  At the time when the next elections to  the  Lok  Sabha  will  be  held,  the  antra-dasa  of  exalted  Saturn situated in the 2nd house from the dasa-lord will be in operation.

The Bhartiya Janata Party is presently under the influence of the dasa of the Sun situated in the 7th house in Pisces in a neutral sign and aspecting the lagna. The Sun is in Revati nakshatra, a Janma nakshatra ruled by Mercury, the lord of the lagna. Planets aspecting the lagna and in yoga-formation with the lord of the lagna generally produce favourable results in the course of their dasas. This period favours the Bhartiya Janata Party but not entirely because the Sun happens to be the lord of the 8th house and the lord of the sign occupied by it is retrograde and located in the 12th house from the lagna. Bhartiya Janata Party is also under the adverse influence of the Sade-sati of Saturn. The saving grace is provided by the lord of the 9th occupying the 9th house which has the potential to make the Bhartiya Janata Party to successfully ride its luck. Venus is said to be the lone benefic for Virgo lagna and in the case of the Bhartiya Janata Party is aspected by the Vargottama Moon gaining in pakshabala

with the benefit of neechabhanga. Atal Behari Vajpayee had led the NDA government for six years during the dasa of Venus. Whether

the Bhartiya Janata Party will lead the next ministry at the centre or not will depend on the fortune of the individual who is destined to lead and become the Prime Minister of India. The fortune of that individual should be in sync with the party or the alliance that he leads.

Taurus  lagna  of  independent  India  is  very  weak  on  account of the combust status of Venus and its association with Mercury, Saturn  and  the  Moon.  It  does  not  augur  well  for  democracy.  In this  context,  B.V.Raman  has  said  that  caste  alliances,  intrigues, hypocritical profession for weaker section, defection on the basis of flexible conscience and not conviction will continue to be the order of the day. Taurus sign falls on the 9th house in the horoscopes of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Bhartiya Janata Party, the

fate of these two organisations is intimately linked with the fate of India and therefore, these two organisations are and will continue to be sincerely concerned about the well-being and safety of India.

Jupiter is the Atmakaraka for the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. It is strongly placed in the 4th house from the lagna; it protects the lagna and the well-being of this organisation. Venus and Saturn vested






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

with strength placed in the 2nd house from the Sun and the lagna confer similar protection. The lords of the lagna, the 8th and the 10th situated in the kendrasthanas or trikonabhavas or the 11th house grant a very long term of life. Vridhyavana treats the occupation of the lagna by the lord of the 8th as the principal indication for a very long life.


Case study - 28

the adveRSe effectS of the 

weaK loRdS of two lagnaS