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Navamsa Chart

Libra lagna with Moon and Rahu, Mars in Sagittarius, Ketu in

Aries,  Saturn  in  Taurus,  Venus  in  Cancer,  Sun  and  Jupiter  in  Leo, Mercury in Virgo.

The native of this horoscope was born in a well-to-do family as the youngest amongst four brothers and five sisters. At the time of his birth the Moon was in Sagittarius sign and was transiting the 3rd pada of Poorva Ashada nakshatra ruled by Venus. The Moon was






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

situated in the 6th house from Cancer lagna which is not an ideal house for the lord of the lagna to occupy because its situation in the 6th house weakens the lagna and the lord of the lagna, and also the Moon. The Moon weak in pakshabala occupying the 6th house

is not good for longevity, it also affects the digestive system, makes one needlessly aggressive and earn the enmity of many people and suffer humiliation. If the lord of the lagna is in the 6th house then it should remain stronger than the lord of the 6th house. In this case, the Moon, the lord of the lagna, does not possess any Cheshtabala; it  is  weak  and  renders  all  other  yoga-causing  planets  which  are otherwise strong in Sthanabala etc; weak. The Moon situated in the 6th house from the lagna and in the nakshatra ruled by a combust planet does not give yoga results during the course of its own dasa.

The  lord  of  the  lagna  relegated  to  a  trikasthana  even  otherwise weakens the impact of the other yoga-giving friendly well-placed bhava-lords.

In this nativity, Jupiter, the common lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the lagna and the lord of the Chandra-lagna, occupies a  kendrasthana  from  the  lagna  and  in  a  trikona-bhava  from  the Chandra-lagna and aspects the Moon from the 10th house from the lagna. Jupiter aspects its own sign, which is also its moolatrikona-rasi, with its full aspect thus strengthening the bhava occupied by the Moon as the lord of the lagna. The dasa of Moon ran its full course while this native was studying in school and in college, and it favoured his mother; this native did not experience any exceptional or  unexpected  problem  during  this  period.  The  lord  of  the  4th, occupying its own sign in the 11th house, and the lord of the 5th occupying the 4th house in mutual aspect with Jupiter, made him intelligent  and  gain  proper  education.  The  Moon  produces  very good  results  when  it  is  in  occupation  of  Cancer,  Taurus  or  Aries signs, in the rest it gives ordinary or bad results. The Moon situated in Sagittarius sign makes one courageous, grateful, eloquent, adept and affectionate with relations.

A planet situated in any sign or bhava by itself constitutes a

yoga  or  an  ava-yoga  because  then  it  immediately  establishes  a relationship with the lord of the sign and bhava it occupies as the lord of a particular bhava and sign with reference to all the three standard  lagnas  –  the  Lagna,  the  Chandra-lagna  and  the  Surya-lagna. However, the mere occupation of a sign by any planet need

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not  necessarily  produce  the  results  assigned  to  it  for  such  an occupation, because results vary in accordance with the influences exerted  upon  it  by  other  planets  through  aspect  or  conjunction or by virtue of the occupant and the sign-lord ruling or occupying different nakshatras, navamsas, drekkenas etc. Any association of the lord of the lagna with the combined lords of the kendras or the trikonas in a kendrasthana or a trikona-bhava from the lagna gives  rise  to  yoga  and  Raja  yoga;  this  yoga  obtaining  for  Cancer lagna confers excellent results but which yoga does not occur in the present case, in which case the lord of the 9th occupies the 10th house  in  mutual  quadrangular  relationship  with  the  lord  of  the 10th that also rules the 5th house and in a mutual trine from the lord of the lagna. This favourable situation not only protected the native from the evil effects of other ava-yogas but also made him fortunate, able, respected and wealthy. Mars situated in Libra sign is in the navamsa ruled by the lord of the 9th house, and Parashara tells us that if the lord of the 10th house is combined with a benefic or  is  hemmed  between  benefics  or  occupies  benefic  vargas  it confers fame and a place of pride in social circles. Here, the lord of the 10th is not aspected by any inimical planet but it is afflicted because the lord of the 4th situated in the 8th from the 4th in its own sign is in close proximity of the Sun and in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd and the 12th house, a papa-graha. Mars and Jupiter are the two benefics for Cancer lagna, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are functional malefics.

There  is  the  view  expressed  that  Jupiter,  the  lord  of  the  9th house,  is  not  an  absolute  benefic  for  Cancer  lagna  because  it simultaneously  rules  the  6th  house,  but  Jupiter  certainly  does become a yoga-karaka if it is exalted or is situated in the lagna, the 10th, the 2nd, the 11th or the 9th house. In the present case, it also rules the 9th house counted from the 10th which it incidentally occupies.

B.V.Raman writes that if Jupiter is in the 10th house from the lagna the native will be a high official in the government, rich, virtuous, steadfast in his spiritual or religious life, wise and happy guided by high principles. And, if Jupiter is aspected by Mars, the native heads research institutes, academies and educational institutions. These results accrue only if Jupiter is exalted or is in its own sign in the 10th house not afflicted by malefics and if it is also very strong in shadabala occupying maximum shubha-vargas vested with seven






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or eight benefic bindus in the Sarva Ashtakavarga. Jupiter in Aries sign can make one command an army or section of an army or gain a dominating position in an institution, but then the lord of the 10th should also be very strong and in association with the lord of the lagna  and  the  lord  of  the  4th  house  in  the  case  of  Cancer  lagna.

Here, the lord of the lagna who is the karaka of the 4th house is relegated to the inauspicious 6th house, and its dispositor does not occupy a kendrasthana from the Moon.

The lord of the 2nd is the giver of wealth, if the 2nd house or its lord is simultaneously associated with the lord of the 11th and the karaka of wealth, Jupiter, through aspect or conjunction then one gains wealth during the course of the dasas of the 2nd house lord, the 11th house lord and Jupiter, and becomes very rich. The lord of the lagna aspecting the 12th house makes one accumulate wealth.

In the present case, the lord of the 2nd house situated in the 11th is in conjunction with the lord of the 11th house, and the 2nd house receives  the  aspect  of  Jupiter  from  the  10th,  moreover,  the  12th house is aspected by the lagna-lord. This native was born during the last quarter of the Vimshottari dasa of the lord of the 11th house resulting in his birth in a wealthy family but the dasa of the lord of the 2nd house ran its entire course during the period of his infancy.

This  native  became  wealthy  during  the  major  period  of  Jupiter.

The lord of the 2nd house situated in the 11th generally makes one whose advice is sought after and heeded, well behaved, fortunate and happy, and if the lord of the 11th house is in the 11th then the person long-lived will enjoy various comforts and luxuries. The lord of the 12th situated in the 11th house makes one hoard wealth, serve others and rude. The aspect of Mars on the 11th house increases longevity, gives good health, sons and vehicles. Some consider the 8th house aspect of Mars as unfavourable if the bhava it aspects is not vacant, and Mars even if situated in own sign or exalted sign or friendly sign or aspected by Jupiter affects happiness in the first half of life if the Moon is ill-placed. There is also the view that if Jupiter associates with the lord of the 2nd house then it should also establish a sambandha with Mercury and that in case Jupiter and Mars happen to establish a mutual relationship then the dasa of Mars produces better results.

In  the  present  case,  no  planet  occupies  the  lagna  and  the two trikonasthanas, no planet aspects the lagna which is both, a

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kendrasthana and a trikona-bhava, and neither the lord of the lagna nor the lord of a trikona-bhava aspects a trikonasthana. The prime condition for fructification of good results of yogas and Rajayogas is that the lagna should be vested with requisite strength; the lagna becomes very powerful if the lord of the lagna, Jupiter or Mercury occupy or aspect the lagna but not if any other planet aspects. The lord of a trikona aspecting the lagna or a trikona provides the needful opening for auspicious events to occur. Mars is the yoga-karaka for Cancer  lagna  and  Sagittarius  Chandra-lagna  but  here  it  does  not establish a relationship with Jupiter, the lord of the Chandra-lagna and of the 9th bhava from the lagna, so as to cause a Rajayoga of any note because primarily all planets tend to restrain the planet that is placed in the opposite sign from bestowing its favourable results  in  full,  and  Mars  does  not  own  a  kendra  for  Sagittarius Chandra-lagna. The lords of the two trikonasthanas, the lords of the  5th  and  the  9th  house,  are  the  significators  of  prosperity  and good fortune, if they are in association with the lord of the 2nd and the 11th house they are capable of giving wealth or if they happen to occupy their respective signs of exaltation. Weak trikona-lords do not indicate poverty, only they do not make one fortunate; they make a person struggle in life. The kendrasthanas and the trikonabhavas not occupied by planets other than Rahu and Ketu indicate a turbulent life. Rahu and Ketu alone occupying the kendrasthanas cause  immense  pain.  These  chaya-grahas  cannot  simultaneously occupy the two trikona-bhavas.

A natural malefic situated in the 4th house from the lagna does not give happiness and if the lord of the 4th is in a trikasthana as counted from the lagna or the 4th house then one derives very little happiness from father. Venus, the lord of the 4th for Cancer lagna, in this particular case is not strong in Shadabala and is in conjunction with the inimical Sun and is not a functional benefic for this lagna.

The lord of the 4th house weak and in conjunction with a malefic deprives one of happiness even if the person is rich and powerful.

Mars by virtue of simultaneously ruling a trikona and a kendra is the yoga-karaka and the Rajayoga-karaka for Cancer lagna. But, Libra is an inimical sign for Mars to occupy and therefore, its dasa did not give the desired happiness to this native against whom a court case was instituted by his father which case to the chagrin of this native had dragged on for a long period of time. Mars is situated in the 6th 






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house from the Sun in the sign ruled by the lord of the 6th house.

The third house ruled by Mercury is tenanted by Saturn in the 12th from Mars, the karaka of brothers. Saturn is not aspected by Venus or Jupiter, and Mars occupies the 6th house from the lord of the 3rd. 

The court case instituted against this native by his father was at the behest of his inimical brothers. However, in this case, Mars is very strong in Cheshtabala and is also adequately strong in Sthanabala.

It is in the more positive navamsa ruled by the lord of the 9th house occupying the 10th house. Mars and Jupiter in mutual aspect and in mutual kendras while occupying kendras from the lagna do give rise to a favourable yoga but not a Rajayoga. Here, the lord of the 10th is in an inimical sign and the lord of the 9th is not in a friendly sign even though both have established a Parasparadrishtisambandha.

Jupiter  in  Aries  gives  good  looks,  makes  one  argumentative  and successful in debates, gives a son, riches of many kinds but also gives many troublesome enemies but the aspect of Mars on Jupiter in Aries sign does not produce very favourable results. During the course of the antra-dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of Mars this native found a gainful employment in a nationalised bank which institution he served till the date of his superannuation. He got married in the antra-dasa of Mercury, the lord of the 7th house from the Chandra-lagna,  in  the  dasa  of  Mars,  and  he  was  blessed  with  a  daughter and a son in the antra-dasa of Venus that aspects the 5th house.

More particularly in the case of Cancer lagna if the 11th house or the  4th  house  or  the  12th  house  from  the  lagna  is  occupied  by  a benefic then the 9th house gains strength and makes one fortunate because the 11th and the 4th house are both ruled by the lord of the exaltation sign of the lord of the lagna, and if the 8th house is ruled by the intimate friend of Venus. In this case, the 11th house is occupied by two natural benefics, Mercury and Venus, who though functional malefics and papa-grahas for this lagna, are no longer enemies of the lord of the 9th house. Therefore, the major period of Mars gave this native all those things that one ordinarily desires in life. The planets that are in conjunction with the Sun, in their respective dasas and antra-dasas confer ordinary results only.

Mercury, here occupying Taurus sign and its own Virgo navamsa,

is the planet most advanced in a sign; along with Venus, which is also  in  the  same  sign,  Mercury  closely  hems  the  Sun  situated  in its own navamsa portion of Taurus in the 11th house. The welfare

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and well-being of one’s father is divined from the sign and bhava occupied and ruled by the Sun. Here, the Sun is in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd and the 5th from Surya-lagna, and the lord of the Surya-lagna, Venus, is aspected by Mars, the evil lord of the 7th and the 12th and a maraka for Taurus lagna, and the Sun is hemmed

between two not so effective natural and benefic planets for this lagna. This situation of the Sun indicates that the father of the native belonged to a wealthy family who lost his father very early in life and who gradually lost all his inherited wealth through litigation or sale of property owing to Mars situated in the 6th house from Surya-lagna, and Jupiter, the lord of the 8th and the 11th from Surya-lagna, occupying the 12th house from the Sun. Saturn, the lord of the 9th and the 10th for Taurus Surya-lagna, occupying the 8th house from its moolatrikona-rasi did not permit the native’s father to pursue any independent gainful vocation throughout his life-time and who throughout  his  life  remained  involved  in  litigations  with  various people including this native when the latter was experiencing the antra-dasa of Mercury in the dasa of Mars which is in Shada-ashtaka relationship with the Sun. The Sun or the Moon occupying the 11th house from the lagna does make one exceptionally fortunate but in the present case, the Sun even though occupying its own navamsa is in the sign ruled by its bitter enemy and is in conjunction with it in mutual trinal position with Saturn, the lord of the 8th house.

The Sun and the Surya-lagna are both afflicted by inimical planets.

Saravali does not assign bad results to the aspect of Mars on the Sun occupying the sign ruled by Venus nor to the aspect of the Sun on Mars situated in a Venusian sign, except that there will be increase of  enemies.  The  native  of  this  father  made  many  troublesome enemies.

Planets  ruling  or  aspecting  either  the  9th  or  the  10th  house promote upliftment in life and career. Saturn aspecting the 9th house makes one fortunate during the course of its own dasa and in the dasa of the lord of the 9th if it is situated in its own sign or in Libra or in a sign ruled by Jupiter; here, ideally situated with reference to the lagna it is ucchabhilashi, in the 10th from the Chandra-lagna and is the lord of the sign occupied by Rahu on whose behalf it will tend to act. Rahu, with its dispositor also favourably inclined, generally makes  one  very  fortunate  during  the  course  of  its  dasa.  Saturn which is very weak in Shadabala and is not aspected by either Venus






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or Jupiter gave its good results to this native after a long frustrating wait and that too not up to the extent one would ordinarily expect, because Mars and Jupiter have not caused a formidable Rajayoga

to  arise  and  Mars  does  not  cast  its  aspect  on  the  lagna-kendra.

Promotions in service came to this native rather late owing also to the Shada-ashtaka position of the two luminaries and of the lord of the lagna and the lord of the house of gains. But, the lord of the 11th house is in a kendra from its intimate friend Rahu which is situated in the 11th house from the 10th and in the 5th from the lord of the 10th house; accordingly this native received his first promotion in the antra-dasa of Venus in the dasa of Rahu and also purchased a house of his own to which he moved in the antra-dasa of the Sun situated in the 4th house from Rahu; Rahu gave him three transfer-postings during the course of its long dasa spanning eighteen years.

The promotions that this native received were of a minor nature, the mere occupation of the kendras by yoga-giving planet is just not enough to confer a high position in life or career. Furthermore, the relatively weak Venus has caused the unfavourable and hidden Kemadruma yoga to arise on account of its own proximity to the

Sun and because of the aspect of Mars occupying the exaltation

sign of the lord of the 8th house that it receives from the 4th house which is afflicted by the lord of the 8th situated in the 3rd house; this ava-yoga had severely hindered this native’s career prospects throughout the period of his service. The aspect of Mars on Venus occupying its own sign is evil in effect, which evil is cancelled by Jupiter. The conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in any one of the twelve signs does not ordinarily give yoga results.

For Cancer lagna the 4th and the 10th bhavas which complement

each other are formed by odd signs. Planets situated in odd signs tend to produce more of their positive results. Here at, the lord of the 5th and the 10th i.e. Mars, is in Libra, an odd sign, and Jupiter, the lord of the 6th and the 9th, is in Aries, an odd sign; these two named planets by virtue of their bhava-lordship and placement produced for this native more of their positive results during the course of their respective Vimshottari dasas. The dasa of Jupiter, the lord of the 9th situated in the 10th in yoga-formation with the lord of the 5th, has been the best period of his life. During the course of the dasa of Jupiter this native received his last promotion in the antra-dasa of Saturn which is the lord of the 10th and the 11th from 10th house, and

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the lord of the 4th and the 5th from the sign occupied by the lord of the 10th house. Most importantly, Jupiter signifies one’s children and their welfare; it is in yoga with the lord of the 5th house, therefore, its dasa proved very fortunate for the two children of this native.

The elder daughter of the native became a software programmer,

got  married  and  moved  to  United  States,  and  his  son  became  a Chartered Accountant, went to USA for further studies, got married and is residing in USA ever since and who was blessed with a son.

For  Cancer  lagna,  Jupiter  no  doubt  qualifies  to  be  the  Rajayoga-karaka  because  it  rules  the  9th  house  from  the  10th  and  the  lord of the 10th from the 9th house, and it is in the 5th navamsa of Aries sign, but during the course of its dasa while providing all desirable comforts and wealth to the native Jupiter failed to confer Rajayoga results. Jupiter is strong in Shadabala but in its own Ashtakavarga has gained only four benefic bindus. The sign occupied by it has gained more malefic rekhas than benefic bindus and far less benefic bindus than the 9th house that it rules has gained. But, because it occupies the first pada of Bharni nakshatra, the 10th and one of the three  Janma  nakshatras  ruled  by  Venus,  its  temporal  friend,  the dasa of Jupiter proved fruitful for this native.

In  the  present  case,  the  Surya-lagna  is  the  Lagna-pada;  it is  occupied  by  a  cruel  planet  and  two  natural  benefics  in  close proximity of the Sun. The kendras and the trikonas are dominated by natural malefics. These planets have not proved favourable for this native. The Aruddha-pada of the 9th house is also the Surya-lagna. This native has been fortunate in a limited way only because of Saturn. Saturn as the lord of the 9th and the 10th from the Arudha-pada of the 9th house is ucchabhilashi in the 5th house in a friendly sign and a friendly navamsa as a functional benefic for the Arudha-pada of the 9th house, but its dispositor, which is a papa-graha for Cancer lagna and not a naisargika friend of the lord of the lagna, is in the very close proximity of the Sun and holds back Saturn. A beneficially inclined Saturn generally makes a person fortunate and wealthy late in life.


Case study - 3

PlanetS in the 11th houSe