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Rasi chart

Sagittarius lagna 16:07:35, Saturn 28:32:37 and Rahu 13:04:02

in Capricorn, the Moon 10:11:17 in Gemini, Ketu 13:04:02 in Cancer, Mars 12:21:54 in Leo, Sun 10:11:37, Mercury 24:33:31, Jupiter (c) 10:32:11 and Venus 04:28:32 in Libra.

Navamsa Chart:

Leo lagna, Saturn in Virgo, Ketu in Libra, the Moon and Venus in Scorpio, the Sun and Jupiter in Capricorn, Rahu in Aries, Mercury in Taurus and Mars in Cancer.

When this native was born, the Moon, the lord of the 8th house

from the lagna, was transiting the last pada of Mrigasira nakshatra ruled by Mars; Mrigsira nakshatra forms a part of Gemini sign ruled by Mercury. Other than the Moon, which was situated in the 7th 

house, no other planet occupied a kendrasthana either from the

lagna  or  the  Chandra-lagna.  The  4th  house  was  fully  aspected

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


by Saturn, the lord of the 2nd and the 3rd, and the 7th house was aspected by Jupiter, the lord of the lagna and the 4th; the Moon alone as the lord of the 8th house aspected the lagna-kendra. Jupiter, situated in an inimical sign and in its debilitation navamsa in the 11th house, was combust. The Sun and Mars are the two designated yoga-karakas for Sagittarius lagna by virtue of their ruling a trikonabhava each. But the Sun, which was in its debilitation sign and in an  inimical  navamsa,  did  not  gain  neechabhanga,  and  Mars,  the lord of its exaltation sign, no doubt occupying its Param-mitra’s rasi but not aspecting the lagna, was in the 9th house in its debilitation navamsa. Prima facie this is a weak nativity. Except for the four-planet conjunction occurring in the 11th house from the lagna and in the 5th house from the natal Moon, which Moon while aspecting the lagna is not in the middle portion of the common sign it occupies, there seems to be no other yoga of note indicating progress and prosperity for this native. Kalyanvarma tells us that planets situated in their exaltation navamsas give their full results, those situated in their own navamsas give the results of the occupation of their own signs,  those  in  their  friendly  navamsas  give  ordinary  results  and those which are in their debilitation or inimical navamsa give bad results. As regards the combust status of planets it is said that the combustion of planets within five degrees of the Sun is real, beyond five degrees and within ten degrees it is ordinary, and if it is beyond ten degrees and within fifteen degrees it is nominal. Three or more planets combust give only misery. Saturn occupying the 10th house from the Moon makes one sickly, poor, unhappy, and a complete

failure in life, its occupation of a friendly sign notwithstanding; such a Saturn generally does not confer a high status and fame. But, this native was a very successful highly paid advocate of the Supreme Court of India.

Saravali  tells  us  that  if  the  Sun,  Mercury,  Venus  and  Jupiter combine in a sign then one, who adept in his field of activity or profession and holding an eminent position, will remain wealthy and very happy throughout life surrounded by brothers, friends and many well-wishers. For Sagittarius lagna, Saturn ruling the Dhana-bhava,  Venus  ruling  the  Labhasthana  and  Mercury  ruling  the  all important  10th  house  are  functional  malefics.  However,  Venus  is capable of removing or reducing the defects of Mercury. In this case, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter combining in Libra sign and in






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

mutual kendra from Saturn gave rise to a Dhana yoga in as much as the 2nd house was occupied by its own lord that was situated in the 4th house from the lords of the 9th, the 10th and the 11th bhavas in the 11th house from the lagna in the moolatrikona-rasi of the lord of the 11th, combining with the lord of the lagna, who is also the Dhana-karaka and casts its aspect on the 11th house. Even though the Sun and Jupiter were in the sign occupied by their bitter enemy and were, therefore, defective, this native was a professional who was in the very high income-bracket, and most of the wealth he

possessed he had earned for himself. The 11th house had gained

in the Sarva Ashtakavarga lesser benefic bindus than those gained by the 10th house, and the lagna-kendra had gained far less benefic bindus. The maximum number of benefic bindus was gained by Leo

sign falling on the 9th house from the lagna which sign was occupied by Mars which had gained the maximum number of benefic bindus.

Mars  had  gained  seven  benefic  bindus  in  which  context  Jataka Parijata states that Mars if occupying Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn sign happens to gain four or more benefic bindus it makes one a king. But Mars was not in any Raja yoga formation

and it occupied its debilitation navamsa, and therefore, this native did  not  hold  an  official  position  in  the  government  or  a  political office; he never indulged in politics. The 9th house that had gained forty-two benefic bindus had made this native very fortunate and prosperous. The lord of the 10th contributing seven benefic bindus to its own bhava and six benefic bindus to the 9th house made him succeed in his profession and gain considerable repute, and the lord of the 11th contributing the most bindus to its own bhava and the 9th house, progressively gave him very many opportunities to earn well. Fortune smiled on this native after his marriage and the birth of his first son; the Moon occupied the 7th house in this nativity as the main and sole invigorator of the lagna and the entire council of planets, and it was in the navamsa ruled by the lord of the 5th house.

Jupiter as the lord of the 10th house from Chandra-lagna combining with the lord of the Chandra-lagna and, the lord of the 5th in the 5th house from the Chandra-lagna in yoga with Saturn and aspected by Saturn, made this native a leading advocate of the Supreme Court of India. Saturn rules law, and Jupiter associating with Mercury gives analytical intellect and the legal profession to pursue. The lord of the 11th house occupying its own bhava ensures domestic peace

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


and  happiness  throughout  life  and,  benefics  situated  in  the  11th house make one acquire wealth through honest and noble means.

Four  planets  conjoining  in  the  11th  house  from  the  lagna  do  not become instrumental in the formation of Sanyasa yoga.

For Sagittarius lagna the Moon rules the 8th house, it is not a functional benefic. Mars along with the Sun is a functional benefic but  it  continues  to  be  a  cruel  planet  unless  aspected  by  Jupiter.

Mars does not own a kendra from this lagna, and here, it occupies a fiery and a cruel sign in the 9th house from the lagna. Mars situated in the 9th house gives proficiency in law. Legal profession does not abhor falsehood. If the lord of the 2nd house is in a sign ruled by Saturn or Mars and if malefics join the kendras and the trikonas then the person will be a liar, the same results ensue if the lord of the 2nd house is in a navamsa ruled by Saturn or Mars. This is the Asatyavadi yoga which occurs in this nativity. Since the 4th house from the lagna is formed by a benefic sign and Jupiter casts its full benefic aspect on the Moon this native could actually have been pure-hearted  who  probably  detested  secrecy  and  hypocrisy  in personal life. All planets occupying the 11th house or aspecting the 11th house confer many good things in life, comforts and wealth, they  do  so  in  accordance  with  the  nature  of  the  sign  forming the 11th house and in accordance with the planets they combine

with or aspect, malefics situated in this bhava seem to lose their evil  propensity  and  tend  to  give  more  of  their  good  results.  The presence of a planet in debilitation or in combustion does not spoil the 11th house and the planets situated therein, it merely delays the fructification of the assigned good results. Garga tells us that that the Sun in Libra sign occupying the 11th house even without the benefit of neechabhanga will give rise to an excellent yoga for good fortune, prosperity and gains provided it is also in conjunction with Mercury.

A vacant lagna is not as strong as the lagna that is occupied

by  a  planet  but  the  Chandra-lagna  can  never  be  vacant  because it  is  always  occupied  by  the  Moon.  In  this  nativity, the  Chandra-lagna was stronger than the lagna and was aspected by Jupiter no longer a strong functional benefic owing to its combust status, and for which lagna Saturn occupying its own sign in the 2nd house and Venus occupying its own sign in the 11th house act as functional benefics  capable  of  giving  yoga.  The  lord  of  the  Chandra-lagna,






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

Mercury, situated in the 5th house from the Moon was retrograde but it was outside the range of combustion. Irrespective of their bhava-lordship and navamsas of occupation when all three natural benefics  occupy  the  auspicious  5th  house  from  the  Moon  they confer strength to the Chandra-lagna and cause yoga even in the company of the debilitated Sun which if event warrants may be in conjunction  with  the  lord  of  the  sign  that  it  happens  to  occupy; however,  planets  in  conjunction  with  the  debilitated  Sun  do  not give rise to Rajayoga. Fortunately, at the time of the birth of this native, the Sun situated in its sign of debilitation was not in the navamsa ruled by the lord of the 8th. 

A person becomes fortunate in case malefic planets tenant the

3rd, the 6th or the 11th house from the lagna, and benefic planets occupy  the  kendras  in  strength  forming  an  association  with  the lagna. If malefic planets occupy benefic signs then they should be aspected by benefic planets in order to confer good results assigned to them or to check their evil propensity. In this nativity Reka yoga is present because the combust lord of the 4th aspected by Saturn, the lord of the 3rd, a papa-graha, has combined in the 11th house with the lord of the 6th, which is also a papa-graha for Sagittarius lagna. There are no planets tenanting the 2nd or the 12th sign from the Moon, but no Kemadruma yoga arises because the Moon is in

a kendra from the lagna. Moreover, the Moon is situated in the 9th house from the Sun in which regard Brihat Jataka states that the person will be of a very good amicable temperament, very wealthy, very learned and extraordinarily intelligent. The Moon situated in Gemini sign makes one jovial, long-lived and a pleasure-seeker, by aspecting the lagna it makes one good-looking, likeable, generous and  considerate,  and  if  aspected  by  Jupiter  makes  one  develop and harbour good thoughts; the combust Jupiter is seldom bad in aspect. Saravali states that the lagna aspected by the Moon makes one fortunate, exceedingly clever, very rich and soft-spoken; these favourable results do not accrue if the Moon is devoid of pakshabala or if it occupies an evil sign or navamsa or is not aspected by Jupiter.

However, at the time of the birth of this native no planet occupied the  5th  navamsa  of  the  sign  of  its  occupation  which  would  have otherwise  given  rise  to  a  significant  Rajayoga  and  made  him  a prominent political leader wielding power and authority.

The dasas of planets ruling or occupying the Vipata, Pratyaka

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


or Pratyari and Nyadhana or Vadha nakshatras are deemed evil for they generally produce bad results; the benefic nakshatras, such as  the  Janma,  Sampata,  Kshema,  Adhana  or  Sadhaka,  Mitra  and Param-mitra  nakshatras,  become  afflicted  if  they  are  occupied by papa-grahas and particularly those who own the three sets of afore-mentioned evil nakshatras. In this nativity, the set of three Janma nakshatras is ruled by Mars, the Sampatas are ruled by Rahu, the Vipatas are ruled by Jupiter, the Kshemas are ruled by Saturn, the  Pratyakas  are  ruled  by  Mercury,  the  Sadhakas  by  Ketu,  the Nyadhanas by Venus; the Sun rules the Mitra nakshatras and the

Moon, the Param-mitras. At the time of birth the lagna-point was in Poorva Ashada, a Nyadhana nakshatra, the Sun was in Swati, a Sampata nakshatra, the Moon was in Mrigasira, a Janma nakshatra, Mars was in Magha, a Sadhaka nakshatra, Mercury was in Vishakha

,  a  Vipata  nakshatra,  Jupiter  was  in  Swati,  a  Sampata  nakshatra, Venus was in Chitra, a Janma nakshatra, Saturn was in Dhanishta, a Janma nakshatra, Rahu was in Sravana, an Param-mitra nakshatra, and Ketu was in Pushya nakshatra, a Kshema nakshatra. The lagna-nakshatra was protected by the aspect of the Moon ruling the set of three benefic Param-mitra nakshatras, the Moon situated in a benefic nakshatra was also aspected by Jupiter ruling the Vipata nakshatra  but  while  occupying  a  Sampata  nakshatra  at  the  time of birth. With the exception of Mercury the rest three of the four planets  conjoining  in  the  11th  house  were  in  benefic  nakshatras; Saturn that cast its 10th house aspect on this conjunction, ruled and occupied a benefic nakshatra, and was in the Dhana-bhava. The

dasas of Jupiter and Saturn proved most auspicious for the general welfare, career and well-being of this native; both assumed the role of yoga-karaka but did not give Rajayoga effects. Even otherwise, there was no Rajayoga caused because here the lords of the 6th, the 7th and the 10th bhavas did combine in one sign and bhava but they had not combined in a kendra from the lagna, they did combine in a trikona from the Chandra-lagna but the Moon is the lord of the 8th house for Sagittarius lagna.

This native, who like his father, was a leading advocate of the Supreme  Court  of  India,  was  born  at  the  fag-end  of  the  dasa  of Mars, when Mars was in Magha, the Sadhaka nakshatra ruled by

Ketu. This dasa was followed by that of Rahu occupying Sravana, the Param-mitra nakshatra ruled by the Moon, which dasa ran its






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

full course when he was studying. The dasa of Jupiter which was in Swati ruled by Rahu, a Sampata nakshatra, ensured his qualification as an advocate of the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court of India,  during  which  period  he  joined  his  father  and  commenced legal practice as was indicated by Jupiter combining with the Sun.

He inherited the legal practice of his father and also his father’s landed properties and wealth during the dasa of Saturn which was in Dhanishta ruled by Mars, a Janma nakshatra, and occupied the 2nd house conjoining with Rahu that also ruled and occupied benefic nakshatras, during which period this native earned well. The lord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of the lagna happened to be the lord of the Dhana-bhava situated in its own sign and bhava, and this native made a name for himself because the lord of the 10th house, a natural benefic, conjoining with two natural benefics in the 11th house, occupied a benefic navamsa in the 10th from the navamsa-lagna.  This  native  did  not  purchase  or  construct  a  new house; he could not have done so because of the combust lord of the 4th occupying the 8th house from the 4th. 

The dasa of Mercury which was in Vishakha ruled by Jupiter, a

Vipata nakshatra, gave him huge income but also affected his health and forced him to give up his legal practice which was eventually inherited by his sons. He met his end in the dasa of Ketu occupying the 8th house from the lagna which had assumed the role of maraka by occupying Pushya, a Kshema nakshatra, ruled by Saturn which is situated in a marakasthana.

In order to ascertain the nature or cause of the disease which

is likely to afflict any person the planet situated in the 6th or the 8th  or  the  12th  house,  the  lord  of  the  6th  house  and  the  planets associated with the lord of the 6th, need to be examined. Prasna Marga insists upon the examination of the 8th house on a similar basis. In the present case, the 6th house was not occupied by any planet nor was it aspected by any planet. The lord of the 6th house is a maraka for Sagittarius lagna and in this case, it is aspected by another maraka and occupied its own sign in the 8th from the 6th house. The lord of the 8th aspected by the combust lord of the lagna in its turn aspected the lagna. The influence of Jupiter on the lord of the 6th and the lord of the 8th makes diagnosis of disease difficult.

Mercury rules the nerves and the Nervous system; it was afflicted by Saturn and the lord of the 6th which also afflicted the lord of

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


the  lagna.  Saturn  afflicting  Mercury  can  cause  paralysis  of  the limbs or damage to the brain and the spinal cord or even madness.

This native suffered from the wasting Parkinson disease which he seems to have contracted during the dasa of Mercury. Saravali has assigned bad results for the aspect of Saturn on Mercury occupying a sign ruled by Venus; he states that the person will be devoid of happiness, troubled by relatives, face several extreme situations, and remain sick and slovenly. Jatakalankara tells us that if the lord of the 6th house situated in an odd sign is aspected by a papa-graha then one suffers from an unknown or secret disease caused by the enemies. For Sagittarius lagna, Saturn is a papa-graha by virtue of ruling the 3rd house from the lagna.

Ketu occupies the 8th house governing longevity; it is in Cancer sign. Ketu indicates mental worries or mental ailments and is an adverse factor for longevity if the sign occupied by it is not aspected by  a  benefic.  Here,  it  is  aspected  by  the  karaka  of  the  8th  house occupying its own sign in the 2nd house. This native enjoyed a fairly long span of life but could not live beyond the dasa of Ketu which had assumed the role of the principal maraka also because of the lord of the 8th occupying a marakasthana. Ketu, as the principal maraka, gives a painful death after suffering a long troublesome period of ailment. The diseases of the mind and the brain are indicated by Cancer sign falling on the 8th house from the lagna which diseases tend to afflict a person if the 8th house is either aspected or occupied by cruel malefics devoid of benefic aspects.


Case study - 4

oPeRative and  

inoPeRative YogaS