Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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14 about: PiSCeS (meena) lagna

“From death to death does he go who sees difference in this world; non-difference can be perceived only by the highly trained intellect.”

- Katha Upanisad II.4.11

Pisces is the twelfth and the last sign of the Zodiac beginning with Aries. It is represented by two fish arranged head to tail and covers the last quarter of Poorvabhadra nakshatra ruled by Jupiter, the entire Uttrabhadra nakshatra ruled by Saturn and the entire Revati nakshatra ruled by Mercury. It is a common, watery, even, feminine, mild and benefic sign of short ascension rising both from the head and the hind portion. With this sign rising in the lagna the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are the malefics, and the Moon and Mars are the two benefic planets. The Moon, Mars and Jupiter are the yogakarakas whereas Mercury, Venus and Saturn are deemed to be the marakas. Situated in Pisces sign Venus attains its exaltation and Mercury its debilitation.

The person born in Pisces lagna gets all kinds of wealth, has well-proportioned limbs and a strong built, learning, ability to do various kinds of works and a low sexual urge. He is fond of lakes and rivers, affectionate and respectful, clever who consumes little food, shrewd, crooked, himself good he is liked by good people, is influential and powerful who ponders much and for very long time. Basically a sign or rasi is rendered strong that is either occupied or aspected by its own lord or is occupied or aspected


by either Mercury or Jupiter; any other planet doing so gives it only minimum strength. According to Rudrabhatta Venus, rated as a natural benefic that imparts strength to the bhava it occupies, destroys the bhava it aspects, an observation that has not found a general acceptance. Venus is the karaka of material possessions, comforts and sensuality, it owns the two marakasthanas in the chart of the Kalapurusha and therefore, there is its affinity with Saturn, the significator of Time and Death, for the signs owned by whom rising in the lagna it becomes the benefic yogakaraka. Venus attains its maximum directional strength in the invisible-half in the 4th house from the lagna even though the 4th is the weakest kendra. It gives good results in the 11th house from the lagna, in the Chandra-lagna, in the 3rd, in the kendras and the trikonas making one fortunate, learned and prosperous, situated in the 12th or in the 6th house it can confer yoga results. Laghu Jataka tells us that even if it is in conjunction with or aspected by malefics Venus, like Mercury and Jupiter, occupying a kendra from the lagna destroys arishtas and that if the Full Moon situated in a benefic sign hemmed between functional benefics is aspected by Venus then the benefic results both bestow will be exceptional because then they will be in paraspara drishtisambandha. However, Saravali tells us that the Full Moon aspected by Venus should be in its own or friendly navamsa but remains silent with regard to the adjoining signs also being occupied by benefic planets. This text also states that the Moon (not necessarily the Full Moon) if situated at the point of its highest exaltation is aspected by Venus (it’s dispositor) and malefics are situated in the apoklima-bhava then a powerful Raja yoga will arise in which event the malefics meant are the papagrahas owning the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th house from the lagna, and not necessarily the natural malefics. For Pisces lagna the Moon owning the 5th house is a functional benefic but Venus by virtue of owning the 3rd house is not a benefic. Venus acts as a benefic if situated in the 3rd it is aspected by Jupiter or if it joins Jupiter in a kendra or if Mercury occupies the 3rd and Venus is strong in shadbala or if it is exalted in the lagna in a benefic navamsa and Jupiter either aspects the lagna or is in the 10th house.

The lord of the lagna situated in a trikona bhava makes one fortunate and prosperous more so if it also aspects the lagna; Jupiter is the only planet that can aspect the lagna from a trikonabhava. Whereas Vaidyanatha states that if Jupiter occupies the 9th house it makes one learned, principled and pious and be either a minister to a king or a worthy advisor to a superior person, Kalyan Verma tells us that if there be a strong planet situated in the 3rd or the 5th or in the lagna aspecting the 9th house then the person will become very fortunate and prosperous and that the 9th house not aspected by its own lord but by any other planet will make one seek his fortune in places other than his land of birth. An exalted Jupiter situated in the 5th house produces yoga of a very high order. If the exalted Jupiter occupying the 5th house and aspecting the lagna and the 9th house is also in conjunction with the Moon it will confer a very high level of intellectual development and give fame. In actual practice Jupiter’s aspect on the 9th house has been found to be more effective than its occupation of the 9th house. An exalted Jupiter generally makes one very learned, knowledgeable, principled, truthful, father of a son, full of determination, respected, popular and famous, always engaged in good works surrounded by good and worthy friends and a ruler. Jupiter situated in a benefic sign in the 5th house confers an eminent position in life and a large number of admirers, supporters and followers; if it is situated in the 9th house and is also aspected by the exalted Moon then it gives a long span of happy life and long-lasting fame. In the case of Pisces lagna the exalted Moon aspecting Jupiter situated in the 9th house will be in the 3rd house when there will be paraspara drishtisambandha between the lord of the 5th and the lord of the lagna and the 10th house giving rise to an excellent yoga. The lord of the lagna occupying the 9th house in a friendly sign makes one fortunate, religious, prosperous, blessed with a good wife, children and paternal inheritance and the lord of the 10th occupying the auspicious 9th house in a friendly sign invariably confers a high level of success, power and authority, there will be Raja yoga provided the lords of the 3rd and the 9th are also placed in auspicious bhavas and gain many benefic vargas. Phaladipika tells us that occupying their own sign or exaltation sign if the lord of the 9th house and Venus are situated in a kendra or in a trikona from the lagna then Lakshmi yoga is caused, and if the Moon occupying its own sign or exaltation sign occupies a kendra or a trikona then Gauri yoga will arise. These yogas can simultaneously occur if the Moon is in its own sign, Jupiter and Mars combine in the 9th house and Venus occupies Pisces lagna in which event the Moon will be gaining pakshabala and there will also be Raja yoga during Jupiter’s mahadasa. The lord of the 8th exalted in the lagna but not in vargottama generally creates jealousies and dangers through conspirators, this evil result will not accrue owing to the aspect of the Raja yoga- causing benefic lord of the lagna on Venus and owing to Jupiter’s aspect on the 3rd house also owned by Venus, the person will overcome all oppositions and emerge victorious even though Ramanuja insists that whenever Jupiter and Mars combine or aspect each other the dasa of Mars will be fortunate but the dasa of Jupiter will give ordinary results which observation has not held true always.

In the case of Pisces Lagna in particular the aspect of Mars from its own, friendly or a benefic sign is a favourable aspect. Therefore, if the exalted Jupiter situated in the 5th house is aspected by Mars from the 2nd or the 10th house it will produce good results, make one possess many good qualities, be learned, wealthy, brave, respected and famous and also gain an eminent position in life vested with power and authority. Situated in the 10th house or in a trikona from the 10th house or in the 10th from Jupiter, Mars can confer Raja yoga provided it has gained many benefic vargas. Jupiter occupying the 9th house in Scorpio sign and aspected by Mars preferably from the 2nd house, can give rise to an equally favourable yoga because then the lord of the lagna situated in the 9th house will be aspected by the lord of the 9th but the person leading a royal life ruling over many people will be merciless, selfish and very shrewd. If the Moon is also in the 3rd house technically causing the favourable Anapha yoga with Mars and the Kesari yoga with Jupiter it will assure good health, freedom in deeds and expression, a high status, a place of pride and obedient worthy sons. The aspecting and the aspected planets that are not combust occupying benefic friendly vargas produce their best results.

The location of the Sun or of Mars in the 9th house from the lagna is generally not favoured, whereas the former makes one anti-father and anti-teacher and the one who abandons one’s own faith, the latter proves harmful for father. The lord of the 5th house occupying the 9th is certainly a very favourable situation but not so for a Pisces lagna-born because then it will be in its sign of debilitation. Even though Scorpio is the 5th sign counted from the moolatrikona rasi of the Moon, the conjunction of the Moon and Mars in the 9th in Scorpio sign does not produce good results. Moreover, the lord of the 5th house is the Bhagyabadhaka for Pisces lagna. A strong lord of the 5th situated in the 9th house proves favourable for one’s father and confers inheritance but certainly not if it is weak or if the lord of the lagna is devoid of strength. However, notwithstanding the debilitation of the lord of the 5th the conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon obtaining in Scorpio sign in the 9th house from Pisces lagna generally confers good status, wealth and happiness mainly because for Pisces lagna Mars is not a papagraha and the Moon owns the exaltation sign of Jupiter, the person will be blessed with a son. A Pisces-lagna born is not compelled to adopt a son. It is the Moon situated in a sign owned by a papagraha along with the lord of the 5th in the 9th and the lord of the lagna also in a trikonabhava that makes one adopt a son. Jupiter and Mars in mutual association and placed in auspicious bhavas produce very good results for this lagna. Because the lord of the 5th complements the lord of the 9th house and also the lord of the lagna, therefore, in the case of any favourable yoga caused by Jupiter and Mars the Moon should also be strong and remain unafflicted otherwise the yoga or Raja yoga given rise to will remain in name only. Jupiter occupying the 10th house from the lagna whether in conjunction with Mars or not makes one prosperous but Mars has the ability to suppress the good and benefic tendencies of Jupiter more particularly when a strong Mars happens to aspect or combine with a weak Jupiter. Thus, Mars and Jupiter conjoining in Aries in the Dhanabhava or in the 10th in Sagittarius do not ordinarily confer wealth.

Manasagri tells us that if Cancer sign falls on the 5th house from the lagna and is strong it confers fame, wealth, learning and good sons who will also be learned and wealthy. The Moon by virtue of owning the 5th house becomes a friend of the lagna-lord and contributes to the formation of several yogas. Cancer is a benefic sign and the Moon as the lord of the 5th house occupying a kendra in strength in conjunction with a benefic makes one very intelligent, it gives good understanding and a sharp memory which results will also ensue if the Moon as the lord of the 5th house situated in a kendra has its dispositor occupying the 5th house; in case Jupiter happens to be that dispositor then the person blessed with a sharp intellect will strive to gain the highest knowledge regardless of the obstacles found strewn in his or her path. The Moon becomes exalted in the sign owned by Venus but if it happens to occupy either Taurus or Libra and Venus is also in the 5th house in Cancer sign then one even though possessing great ability to assess, diagnose or judge persons and situations will not be able to discard the inclination towards the gross substances and their effects. Both luminaries that help measure the passage of Time also have an immediate impact on the working of the mind which perceives the passage of Time and evaluates it. The Sun or the Moon occupying the lagna or a trikona devoid of association with Jupiter or Venus gives fickle intelligence but the person having Jupiter situated in the 5th house counted from the Moon is bound to possess foresight, wealth and influence; the conjunction of these two planets removes all obstacles appearing in the path of one’s progress and the person seldom experiences poverty; the Full Moon in Pisces aspected by a friendly planet confers Raja yoga provided the aspecting planet owns an auspicious bhava.

Saturn signifies development and sharpening of the intellect. Therefore, the Moon, the significator of the mind, does not treat Saturn as its foe even though the latter treats the Moon as its enemy. Yet, there exists a hidden bond between these two for both attain exaltation in the signs owned by Venus which signs respectively form the 4th house from each other’s moolatrikona rasis. Saturn does not own very favourable bhavas for Pisces lagna but along with the Moon and Jupiter it gives rise to several yogas. These three simultaneously occupying kendras or trikonas in their own or friendly signs give rise to the favourable Viranchi yoga provided they do not aspect each other. Saturn does not produce bad results if it is in Anapha or Sunapha yoga with the Moon. Also, Saturn situated in Gemini in the 4th house from the lagna does not give bad results, it gives profits from lands, one’s mother will be cultured and a distinguished lady, the person will enjoy comforts and become renowned for learning and scholarship, it will then be in a trikona bhava from its own moolatrikona rasi. Kalidasa tells us that the Full Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu protect the 2nd and the 12th bhava counted from the bhava of their occupation, in case they own an evil bhava then Jupiter protects the 12th only and the rest the 2nd bhava alone. In any case, Saturn and Jupiter occupying adjacent signs act as temporal friends preferably when both occupy their own signs because then they become yogakarakas and can elevate a person to a position of authority and eminence.

For Pisces lagna Jupiter and the Moon combining in Cancer sign give rise to Raja yoga, an exalted Jupiter situated in the 5th house from the lagna does not affect memory. Hereat the karaka of Knowledge and the karaka of the Mind will both be in a favourable yoga-formation. There will be a powerful Raja yoga if Jupiter is in the 5th house in Cancer and the Moon unafflicted and vested with strength occupies the 10th house when there will also arise a very favourable Maha yoga when the evil results of the Shakata yoga will not materalise. The Moon situated in Pisces lagna strong and unafflicted but aspected by an exalted Jupiter makes one very fortunate, wealthy and enjoy the benefits of Raja yoga even though the Moon situated in the lagna-kendra is generally not treated as a Rajayogakaraka unless it is exalted. Vaidyanatha tells us that the person will be a king commanding a vast victorious army. If Mars is also situated in the 9th house there will also arise the favourable Lakshmi yoga. The Full Moon situated in its sign of debilitation in the 9th house does not affect the significations of the 9th house and if it is also aspected by an exalted Jupiter provided the Sun in Taurus finds more of the favourable vargas then it will make a person a very wealthy ruler. The texts repeatedly emphasise the important of the dispositor of the Moon which dispositor provides clues as to how the Moon will actually behave; the lord of the navamsa occupied by the Moon is equally important. Therefore, if Mars is also situated in a kendra from Mercury a king of kings is born. The Varogttama Moon situated in a kendra other than the lagna gives rise to a yoga par excellence and so does a benefic planet situated in a benefic sign in a kendra from the lagna preferably in the 10th house. The Moon is a benefic planet for Pisces lagna. If the Moon happens to occupy its uccha navamsa in Sagittarius and the navamsa lord Venus is also exalted in the lagna then too yoga and Raja yoga will arise. If the lord of the navamsa occupied by the Moon is stronger than the lord of the sign occupied by it then it will confer more the results of the navamsa occupied. Thus, the Moon situated in Sagittarius navamsa of Scorpio sign aspected by exalted Jupiter from the 5th house will certainly give rise to Raja yoga and so will the lord of the navamsa occupied by Mars if it is in the 4th or in the 10th house from Pisces lagna. All planets situated in their exaltation signs, moolatrikona rasis, own or uccha navamsa in gainful bhavas if participating in Raja yoga formations confer Raja yoga results during the course of their dasas. For Pisces lagna Jupiter aspected by Mercury confers immense happiness in case it is also associated with the Moon. Mars is a benefic yogakaraka for Pisces lagna and when exalted in the 11th house confers an excellent yoga for good fortune and prosperity, the person who will be wealthy will also be renowned for his abilities and expertise, he will be influential and long-lived. Those born in Pisces lagna who have Mars strongly placed and also have the Dhanabhava unafflicted earn wealth by performing good works done in the right spirit and sincerely, and those who have the exalted Mars conjoined with the Moon and aspected by exalted Jupiter certainly enjoy Raja yoga results. The trikonas are intimately related with Bhagya or good fortune; they should not be associated with a trika-lord. Mantreswara tells us that if the planet occupying the 2nd house from the lagna having formed an association with the lord of the 5th or the 9th is in conjunction with the lord of a trikasthana then one leads a life of poverty. Any affliction to the 5th house or its lord tends to produce far more evil results. In the case of Pisces lagna the Sun attains exaltation in the 2nd house which situation does not normally confer good results because the lord of the 6th house occupying the Dhanabhava while making one keen on acquiring wealth can also make that person responsible for the destruction of one’s own wealth and the wealth of friends and wellwishers, the wealth that is acquired is usually not retained for long, also its conjunction with the Moon does not result in any yoga of note. The good or bad results of planetary conjunctions basically depend upon the bhavas owned and the status acquired by the conjoining planets. Thus, Mars in association with the Moon will make one remain above want throughout life provided both do not occupy too many malefic vargas. However, the Sun conjoining with Mars and Saturn in Aries in the 2nd house does not deprive wealth even though three cruel planets combining in the 2nd not aspected by a favourably inclined benefic do not tend to confer good results in respect of the bhava occupied and owned.

The mere conjunction of Jupiter and Mars occurring in a kendra from Pisces lagna even if occurring in the 10th house makes one more fortunate, have a regular source of income, hold an executive post etc; but does not confer much wealth which is so because of Saturn who is not a mutual friend of the lagna-lord and simultaneously owns the 11th and the 12th bhavas, the person will follow the right path and become engaged in legal matters or interpretation of lower dispensation of justice in one way or the other. The Moon situated in Aquarius in the 12th house does not give much happiness from sons and gives unhelpful brothers, they become enemies. Except when it is in the 11th house or in the 6th from Pisces lagna the Sun does not produce good results, situated in the 9th it can prove adverse for events signified by that bhava. Jataka Parijata tells us that if the lord of the 6th house is in the 9th and not aspected by a benefic then during the course of the dasa lord of the 4th one’s Bhagya will pass over to the enemies for a short time, in other words, there will be break in yoga. However, the mutual relationship that always exists between the two luminaries should not be ignored especially when one owns an evil bhava and the other an auspicious one. In the case of Pisces lagna the Moon conjoining with Mars in a kendra from Jupiter will certainly cause the Sun to give good results if the Moon is also in a kendra from the Sun. The Sun combining with Mercury in Gemini in the 4th generally confers very favourable results, this conjunction aspected by a powerful benefic, be it Jupiter, Mars or the Moon, produces a yoga of a very high order. Then Mercury should not be too close to the Sun, if it is in the immediate vicinity of the Sun there will be gain of enemity with brothers and the person will have an ailing father though the native and his sons will live long blessed with wealth etc. If Mercury and also the Moon both situated in the kendras from the lagna do not happen to occupy benefic navamsas then the person will be confused and fickleminded and the one who can be easily influenced by others. In the case of day-birth the Moon occupying the 10th house should be in a friendly benefic navamsa and aspected by Jupiter, in case of night time birth it should be aspected by Venus. But, even the Full Moon situated in the 10th house from the lagna cannot completely remove the evil the trikalords are capable of producing during the course of their dasas. A planet acquiring all sources of strength and yet remaining uninfluenced by other good or bad planets is a virtual impossibility. Ramanuja tells us that for Pisces and Aquarius lagnas Venus situated in the 12th house though in its friendly signs, does not confer yoga but it certainly does confer good results in the case of other signs rising in the lagna which is owing to Venus occupying in the 12th the signs that are other than those owned by Saturn. Varahamihira tells us that if Pisces lagna is rising at the time of birth and the Moon is in Pisces, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Capricorn and the Sun is in Leo then the person will rule the Earth. The bright-half Moon situated in the lagna makes one fearless, strongly built, powerful, wealthy and long-lived. Pisces is a benefic sign; the presence of a strong Moon in this sign in the lagna excites and draws out the most auspicious results produced by Jupiter irrespective of the sign or bhava occupied by Jupiter. Moreover, the three naturally cruel planets occupying their own or moolatrikona or exaltation signs become inclined to confer more and more of their favourable results. Saturn will make the person popular and easily accepted and followed by the masses; Mars will confer wealth, good fortune, fame and worthy sons and the Sun will make the person emerge victorious and crush all opponents. Saturn thus situated in the 12th house from Pisces lagna confers yoga and makes one proud, generous and lead a happy life, and by also occupying the 12th house from the Moon it confers ownership or rule over vast area of land and owing to the aspect of Mars on the Sun occupying Leo sign the person will prove to be a hard task-master, pitiless and intolerant. It is assumed that all four named planets are in the waking state, that they occupy favourable vargas, and that the lords of the navamsa of their occupation are also strong and favourably inclined because in this yoga description no planet is stated to be aspecting the Moon occupying the lagna.

Manasagri states that if Jupiter and Venus are together in Pisces lagna, the Sun is in Aries and Mars in Capricorn one born a slave will rise to be a mighty ruler. According to Horasara the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the lagna gives rise to Raja yoga, in this case it simultaneously causes the Chamara yoga, the Khyati yoga and the Shouraya yoga to arise. Varahamihira tells us that if the planet in the 10th house from the planet who occupies his own or moolatrikona or exaltation signs happens to be a natural as well as temporal friend it becomes a karaka. Mars, otherwise a benefic yogakaraka for Pisces lagna, exalted in the 10th from the exalted Sun will aspect the Sun. The aspect of the exalted Mars on the exalted Sun makes one powerful and become a mighty conqueror destined to rule for a very long time and found a dynasty and three or more powerful exalted planets make the person born in a royal family become a king. The lord of the 10th situated in its own sign in the lagna along with the exalted lord of the 3rd house indicates a smooth ascension to the throne to which the person is heir. With the two named natural benefics remaining outside the range of combustion and not conjoining with the Sun or the Moon the Hamsa yoga and the Malvaya yoga caused by them will produce their full results. In view of the foregoing it is hard to believe that a person born with this planetary combination could be born a slave or be of a very low origin. It is in this context that the study of horoscopes of rulers such as Chandragupta Maurya and Hyder Ali becomes imperative. Of course, the lord of the 8th situated in the lagna generally indicates penury and heavy debts but not when it is exalted and influenced by the strong lord of the lagna.

Jatakabharana states that if Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, all uncombust, conjoin in the 5th house, Mars avoiding the aspect of the Sun is in Capricorn and Saturn is situated in the 9th house a mighty King who will command a large army will be born. This yoga occurring for Pisces lagna will have a rasiparivartana between the lords of the 9th and the 11th and Saturn situated in the 9th even though occupying Scorpio sign will act as a Sadhaka. However, it will be the position of the Moon not named in this yoga formation that will finally determine the factual impact of this yoga. Dundiraja also tells us that if Venus or Mercury occupy the lagna in their exaltation sign and Mars is also exalted and the Moon conjoining with Jupiter is in Sagittarius sign then too a mighty ruler is born. Obviously this yoga will obtain more effectively for Pisces lagna than for Virgo lagna. The Moon, a benefic yogakaraka for Pisces lagna, situated in the 10th house gives rise to yoga and Raja yoga provided it is in a favourable association with its own dispositor. An exalted Venus in a kendra from Jupiter, here occupying its own sign, makes one born in a royal family certainly ascend the throne and the Moon conjoining with Jupiter compels the latter to produce its best results always. In case Venus exalted in the lagna is aspected by exalted Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon then also there will be yoga and Raja yoga of a very high order.

Venus occupying Taurus sign normally confers many good results, it makes one learned, wealthy, fearless, respected and renowned for his many virtues and a leader of men or organisation though situated in the 3rd house while making one fortunate does not make the person enthusiastic and popular. But if Venus in the 3rd in Taurus sign happens to conjoin with the Moon then during the dasa of Venus fame and prosperity certainly results. Generally Venus occupying the 8th house from the lagna depending upon the amsa occupied brings about emotional disappointments very early in life as a consequence whereof the person may either resort to a life of piety in later life or turn out to be mean and debased, but confers a long span of life, wealth and landed property. And, Venus situated in its own sign in the 8th house with Jupiter also occupying the 6th can make one very fortunate provided the lagna and the 9th house are not afflicted. It is seen that Jupiter situated in Leo rasi produces better results than when it is in its sign of exaltation more so if it is aspected by a strong Mars. In the case of Pisces lagna Mercury situated in Virgo and Jupiter conjoining with Venus in Libra though giving rise to Lagnadi yoga produces nominal results only, the Bhadra yoga caused in the 7th house will not be effective because of the Asura yoga obtaining in the 8th house which will make the person a tyrant, who will derive pleasure in the sufferings of others and be the cause of own destruction. Therefore, the learned in Jyotisa insist that if benefic planets are in the 6th, the 7th or the 8th house from the lagna then malefics should be in the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th so as to cause the yoga that confers long life, happiness and prosperity; and if a dual sign is rising in the lagna then the lord of the lagna should occupy a kendra or be exalted or be in its moolatrikona rasi or two papagrahas should occupy the kendras counted from the lagna-lord. Since the lord of the 8th situated in its sign of debilitation and aspecting the lagna gives rise to Raja yoga therefore, Venus aspecting Pisces lagna will not be bad in aspect provided a planet that is inimical to the lord of the lagna or itself does not occupy the lagna; the aspect of planets on vacant bhavas produce inferior results.

Jataka Parijata reiterates that if Jupiter and Venus occupy their respective neecha or inimical navamsas and Saturn is in the navamsa owned by Jupiter or Venus then the person will be very unfortunate and lead an extremely miserable life, adding that malefics situated in the kendras in neecha or inimical signs aspected by benefics from a trikasthana cause Rajayogabhanga. Of course, only Jupiter is capable of casting its aspect in such a situation. This means the Sun in Gemini aspected by Jupiter from the 8th or the 12th from Pisces lagna can cause Rajayogabhanga but not so Saturn or Mars. Saturn situated in Sagittarius in the 10th even if aspected by Jupiter from the 6th or the 2nd house may not produce bad results or cause any noteworthy yoga but it will not cause Rajayogabhanga; such a Saturn devoid of Jupiter’s aspect brings bad name and a sudden fall from position.

The lord of the 10th house situated in the 3rd house does activate the significations of the 9th house but it does not cause a permanent yoga and Jupiter is no exception even with Pisces sign rising in the lagna. Bhavartha Ratnakara states that Jupiter situated in the 3rd in Taurus sign should conjoin with the Moon, the Moon will then be in its sign of exaltation and Venus becomes an active benefic yogakaraka. If Venus is also exalted in the lagna there will be a far superior yoga and the person will certainly enjoy good fortune, prosperity and Raja yoga results and also become famous. The dispositor of the Moon, being a natural benefic, residing in strength in an upachayasthana from the Chandra-lagna or either in a ken