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13 about: aquaRiuS (Kumbha) lagna

“The wise-men never find reality and certainty in the unrealities and uncertainties of this world”

- Katha Upanishad II.42.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac and covers the remaining two quarters of Dhanishta nakshatra ruled by Mars, the entire Satabhisha nakshatra ruled by Rahu and the first three quarters of Poorvabhadra nakshatra ruled by Jupiter. It is a fixed, airy, odd, masculine, cruel, malefic sign of short ascension rising with the head first. With this sign rising in the lagna Jupiter and the Moon are the malefic planets whereas Venus, Mars, Saturn and the Sun are the benefic planets. Mars and Venus are the designated yogakarakas though Mars is also a maraka. No planet attains its exaltation or debilitation in this sign which is also the moolatrikona rasi for Saturn.

One born in Aquarius lagna seemingly restless is generally steady, well-composed, capable of exercising self-restraint, slow to act, good looking, has many friends, is ready to make sacrifice for friends, attains heart’s desires, happy, wealthy, but secretly crooked, of low and miserly conduct, fond of others’ women and cultured people, liked by others, suffers from windy complaints and because of excessive exertion consumes more fluids while being the first to partake the food that is served.

In his Brihat Jataka Varahamihira tells us that Satyacharya declares Aquarius lagna as evil whereas Yavana consider the


Aquarius Dwadasamsa to be evil; however Vishnugupta states that the Yavana are incorrect as Aquarius Dwadasamsa occurs in every lagna. Therefore, it is implied that Vishnugupta, also known as Chanakya, is in agreement with the view extended by Satyacharya. It is a matter of coincidence that amongst all lagnas it is only in the case of Aquarius lagna that the lord of the lagna also happens to own the 12th house from the lagna thereby imparting to the one born with this lagna the ability to self-destruct. Therefore, an Aquarius lagna-born ultimately proves to be one’s own worst enemy which singular factor has caused this lagna to be condemned with the utmost contempt. Aquarius lagna remains to be an enigma also because it is almost impossible to anticipate what the person born in this lagna will be or manage to do. Though texts, like Saravali, have not assigned evil results for any of the navamsas rising in Aquarius lagna with the exception of Scorpio navamsa when it is said that the person will not be intelligent and turn out to be a fool but Janardhan Harji states that only when the lord of the lagna is situated in the 12th house that the native will be ill-cultured and evil in temperament and behaviour, and with regard to the lord of the 12th in various bhavas he has assigned unfavourable results except for its location in the 10th, 11th and the 12th. Keeping in view the fact that the bhava that is tenanted by its own lord stands to gain exceptional strength and significance then the lord of the 12th situated in its own bhava ought to confer more of its benefic results but Manasagri states that if the lord of the 12th happens to be a malefic (here meant the natural malefic) it will make a person exceedingly evil who will use his wealth for evil purposes.

The lord of the lagna residing in strength in the Bhagyasthana undoubtedly makes one fortunate and prosperous and, as it is, an exalted planet not occupying an inimical or neecha navamsa in the 9th house invariably confers a Raja yoga and Lakshmi yoga. The lord of the 12th house similarly situated makes one generous and generally gives residence and prosperity in foreign lands, when according to Phaladipika Musala yoga will also arise. The person born with Musala yoga is usually not intelligent, obtains wealth with much difficulty and the wealth so acquired is not retained by him for long but attains Swarga after death. Varahamihira citing an old principle tells us that Saturn situated in the 9th house remaining unaspected by any planet makes one a Dikshita even if born with a Raja yoga. Saturn makes a person humble, makes that person realise the value of humility and austerity, be introspective, serious and serene, who ultimately renounces at will all material possessions and becomes an ardent seeker of the Ultimate Truth. Therefore, there exists the insistence that for Saturn to act in a profitable manner it should be aspected either by Jupiter or by Venus irrespective of the bhava occupied by Saturn. Because its 12th house lordship does not permit Saturn to act as a total benefic its situation in the lagnakendra is preferred but not when it is aspected by the Moon, the lord of the 6th.

In the case of Aquarius lagna the 4th house is formed by Taurus that is a benefic sign owned by the benefic yogakaraka Venus; this bhava and its lord strong and unafflicted makes one gain by one’s own ability through the support of highly placed honourable people, the person holds a responsible and exalted executive post as a result of own good deeds and performances and becomes blessed with happiness, comforts, material possessions and conveyances besides landed properties. Experience tells us that for this lagna Saturn situated in the 4th house does not unrestrictedly promote the benefic indications of the 4th, the 10th, the 9th and the lagna, and when it is in the 7th in Leo sign the person may be prosperous and fortunate but does not experience domestic happiness and there is no Raja yoga. The lord of the lagna situated in the 10th house confers gains from rulers, learning and expertise, association with and support of people of upper echelon and success in the line of choice but not so in the case of Aquarius lagna. Saturn situated in the 10th in Scorpio which is an inimical sign does not give yoga even if conjoined with the lord of the 10th or of the 9th, it does not give easy success nor much happiness and generally indicates a sudden fall from position. Kalidasa does not consider Mars to be a functional benefic for Aquarius lagna for which lagna it is a maraka. He also states that Saturn situated in the 7th house in conjunction with or aspected by either Jupiter or Mercury can confer Raja yoga but then in the dasa or the antra-dasa of the lord of the 7th it will certainly cause death.

Planets situated in odd signs tend to produce more of their positive results and if all planets are situated in odd signs then they give rise to Raja Hamsa yoga ensuring an eminent status, prosperity and happiness. All planets other than Rahu and Ketu occupying odd signs or odd bhavas giving rise to Chandra yoga also give rise to Damini yoga which two yogas though not classified as Raja yogas nevertheless confer a happy, prosperous and successful life. Therefore, if Saturn is in Aquarius lagna, Mars is in Aries, the Moon in Gemini, the Sun and Mercury conjoin in Leo, Venus is in Libra and Jupiter is also in the 11th house when the 10th house will be hemmed between two powerful natural benefics and five planets occupying their own signs could be in their moolatrikonas then there will arise a rare kind of Raja yoga provided Mercury is not combust. There will also arise the favourable Pushkala yoga. However, Janardhan Harji is of the opinion that for yogas involving Jupiter and Saturn occupying their own signs Mercury should also be in its own sign then alone the person lives long and reaps gains at every stage of life which is so because Mercury occupying its own signs does not get easily influenced by other bhava lords and freely confers its good results; he does not treat Jupiter and Saturn as mutual foes. Saturn favourably placed in the 3rd house from the lagna generally produces yoga results but not for Aquarius lagna for it will then be in its sign of debilitation in which event yoga or Raja yoga can arise if Saturn attains neechabhanga and benefics also occupy the upachayasthanas; Mars and Venus conjoining in the 10th house will cause neechabhanga for Saturn. Similarly Saturn in the 6th house from Aquarius lagna, when it will be in Cancer sign, is unlikely to produce the normally expected favourable results, the person, who will stand to reap gains and success rather late in life, is not likely to enjoy a healthy childhood and life unless Saturn stays aspected by Jupiter. Saturn gives rise to yoga and Dhana yoga if it is not in an inimical sign and is aspected by Jupiter without the aspect being returned; when it gives rise to yoga then it gives a long prosperous and respectful life.

Saravali states that if Venus and Mercury occupy a kendra from Saturn and all other planets occupy their respective signs of exaltation one becomes a long reigning monarch, in which yoga formation the bhava and sign occupied by Saturn has not been specified and which yoga can occur for Aquarius lagna if Venus and Mercury are in Pisces sign in the 2nd house and the Moon in Taurus is in the 4th, Saturn occupies Sagittarius in the Labhasthana and the rest situated in mutual kendras occupy their respective exaltation signs. For Aquarius lagna if the Sun and Venus happen to occupy their respective exaltation signs and the Moon gaining in pakshabala is also exalted they give rise to a favourable yoga. A dark-half exalted Moon along with Venus and Mercury aspected by Jupiter confers Raja yoga, and the exaltation of the Sun and Jupiter helps consolidate all Raja yoga formations, both will then be in mutual kendras. Horasara states that papagrahas situated in their friendly or exaltation signs invariably produce good results. The aforecited yoga occurring with Aquarius sign rising in the lagna will have no planet fully aspecting the Moon but since the lagna will be aspected by the lord of the lagna from the 11th whose dispositor will be in its sign of exaltation aspecting a friendly sign in the 10th house, there will be no yogabhanga. The lords of the 9th and the 10th exalted and the latter situated in the 10th house from the exalted Sun makes one heir to a large empire, there is no doubt about it.

Jupiter occupying the lagna-kendra in a sign other than Capricorn makes a person gain eminence, engage in noble deeds, enjoy a long span of life, fearless and blessed with sons. But, Jupiter occupying the lagna should not be aspected by Saturn from the 7th house irrespective of the signs occupied by both, when the person will be more inclined to be evil, commit illegal or immoral acts and be devoid of scruples even if Saturn is the lord of the lagna. In the case of Aquarius lagna the rasiparivartana between these two planets as the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 2nd house does not confer good results as also their conjunction in Pisces sign in the 2nd house when there will be mixed results during the course of Jupiter dasa and no good will be produced in the dasa of Saturn. Jupiter aspecting the 9th house from Aquarius lagna with Saturn also aspecting the said bhava from the 7th can make one fortunate but does not promote career prospects because cruel planets in mutual aspects with natural benefics tend to afflict benefic planets. In the rarest of rare instances when all benefic planets occupy benefic signs in the panaparas and all malefics are in dual signs, which is possible with Aquarius sign rising in the lagna, then a valourous and an intelligent king is born. But in any event the conjunction of the lords of the 9th and the 10th will not produce Raja yoga for Aquarius lagna. Venus, the lord of the 9th and the lord of the exaltation sign of the lagna lord, carries the blemish of kendradhipati dosha and it also owns the badhakasthana.

The events signified by Saturn and listed in great detail by Kalidasa lead one to conclude that Saturn actually represents extreme polarity; as it is, its orbit is the farthest from the Sun and the signs it owns are the farthest in the two groups led by the two luminaries. Thus, Saturn when strong and well-placed can raise a person to the pinnacle of power and can also make that very person a philosopher and seek renunciation. Jataka Tattwam states that if Jupiter occupying the 9th house is aspected by Saturn and Saturn also casts its aspect on the Moon and the lagna, the person availing full benefits of Raja yogas will be inclined towards philosophy and an ascetic life. Indeed Saturn’s association with the Moon can alter one’s mind from the base and the gross to the subtle and the sublime, though Saravali states that if these two happen to cast their combined aspect on Jupiter situated in the 9th house the person becomes addicted to intoxicants and drugs, is long-lived, fond of foreign customs and lands, quarrelsome and argumentative, a liar and devoid of good qualities. It is essential that Saturn is kept under check particularly if it is occupying a kendra or even a trikona and its dispositor is also inclined to do good. Jupiter occupying the 9th house and aspecting Aquarius lagna confers wealth, paternal inheritance and good fortune but as the lord of the 3rd house situated in the 9th it generally brings about sudden and unexpected happenings and abrupt changes in one’s life and fortune. Kalidasa states that the results of the aspects of planets will prove fruitful only if they happen to occupy own or exaltation signs forming an auspicious bhava. Therefore, in respect of the Moon he states that if a strong Moon not occupying a trikasthana aspects within the arc of 12° any one of the two planets forming a yoga that yoga will produce exceptional results adding that the impact of the aspecting planet will be most if it aspects from own or exaltation sign, medium from the sign of owned by an intimate friend but only nominal from other signs. Moreover, Neelakanth tells us that the influence of an aspect will be ordinary if it is not within the prescribed orb of the aspecting planet. In the Parasari system a planet casts its aspect on the entire sign, the quality of the aspect depending upon the rasi and the amsa occupied and aspected, the bhava owned and other influences brought upon the aspecting planet and the planet or the sign which is aspected. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in a kendra from the Moon that is gaining in pakshabala gives rise to the Akhandsamrajya yoga, and in case the Moon, exalted and bright, happens to cast from the 4th its aspect on the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus occurring in the 10th house then this yoga produces exceptional results irrespective of the Moon owning the 6th house which if also in vargottama will be aspected in return by the lord of the navamsa it occupies. Varahamihira states that if the amsa lord is powerful the aspecting planet will give its amsa results in preference to any result which may be indicated by aspects. Thus, if the Moon in Taurus is in vargottama and Venus is either exalted or in own sign then the former’s aspect will be most effective and most benefic in its results, if the aspect is on the 10th house it will make one fortunate, prosperous and happy.

Planets occupying their respective signs of debilitation produce bad results; they give rise to avayogas. Planets in the 10th house occupying their respective signs of debilitation cause destruction of yogas and Raja yogas, they spoil career prospects. In the case of Aquarius lagna the Moon becomes debilitated in the 10th house as the lord of the 6th. Even though it does not become a yogakaraka or Rajayogakaraka the Moon in Scorpio sign in the 10th house does not prove adverse if it is in conjunction with a strong benefic or a strong benefic is in the lagna or the 4th house or if it is hemmed between two benefics or if Mars aspected by Jupiter occupies a kendra or a trikona, this is so because it will be weaker than the lord of the lagna and its moolatrikona rasi forms the 9th house counted from Scorpio sign. The Moon in the 10th house from the lagna gives Government service. Even if occupying Scorpio sign in the 10th it can give rise to Raja yoga if other than the two Chayagrahas the rest six planets are in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

Chandrakala Nadi states that the Moon situated in the 6th or in the 8th house from the lagna can cause a very early death; if one survives it can prove adverse for father. According to Jataka Parijata the Moon situated in the 6th or the 8th but aspected by strong papagrahas becomes the cause of early death and if benefics also aspect the Moon then there will be some term of life. Rudrabhatta is of the opinion that the Moon situated in the 6th or the 8th occupying a benefic sign or if in a malefic sign but in conjunction with a benefic will not cause early death. Yavanacharya states that for a Krishnapaksha day-time birth and for a Shuklapaksha nighttime birth such a Moon aspected by benefics and malefics does not inflict an early death. And, Bhattopala tells us that the unaspected Moon in the 6th or in the 8th from the lagna does not acquire death inflicting powers. The conjunction of the Moon and Saturn occurring in the 6th house in Cancer highlights the enigma of Aquarius lagna. Whereas Saturn as the lord of the lagna conjoining with the lord of the 6th in the 6th does not produce any good results, one suffers from all kinds of physical ailments, oppositions and obstacles, failures, reverses, litigation and even poverty, Saturn as the lord of the 12th in conjunction with the lord of the 6th in the 6th during the course of its own dasa confers yoga and makes one fortunate and prosperous. Ramunaja states that the Moon situated in the 6th makes one intelligent, it is implied that intelligence is gained through learning and experience which such a Moon will certainly advance. Bhavartha Ratnakara states that for persons born in Aquarius lagna and Leo lagna no particular yoga is caused by the mere combination of the lords of the 9th and the 10th bhavas which is mainly so because in the former case Mars though owning the 10th house is also the lord of the 3rd house and not a mutual friend of the lords of the 9th and the lagna. According to Parasara, Mars owning the 10th house confers good results only if it also owns a trikonabhava. Mars in occupation of Libra in the 9th house from the lagna and Venus also situated in the 10th in Scorpio presents no different picture. Cruel planets situated in the 9th generally compel a person to engage in cruel acts, they also curb one’s inclination to engage in noble acts. Also, Mars is more evil than Saturn is, therefore, Venkat Sharma states that unless Mars is in its own sign or in Sagittarius or Capricorn it does not confer favourable results during the course of its own dasa, if it is in conjunction with another malefic it makes one lead a life of evil or if aspected by a malefic its dasa will be a period of extreme unhappiness; Sarvartha Chintamani states that there will be destruction of wealth and prosperity and only when during the course of its dasa Mars happens to transit its natal sign of occupation that good results are likely to be experienced. The Sun, Mars and Saturn occupying the kendras as the lords of kendras no doubt confer Raja yogas but not necessarily an unblemished character and a peaceful harmonious life.

Parasara has referred to two varieties of Dala yogas, that is, the Sruka yoga and the Sarpa yoga, the former arises when benefics alone occupy the kendras and the latter, malefics. Dundiraja insists that three kendras should be occupied. A person born with Sarpa yoga experiences unhappiness and grief during most part of life; and even otherwise Mars and Saturn in opposition or in mutual squares, even if causing Raja yoga, do not produce altogether happy results. The presence of a benefic or the Moon in a kendra from the lagna cancels the Sarpa yoga. Thus, Jataka Parijata states that if at the time of birth the Sun and Mercury occupy the 4th house, Saturn and the Moon are in the 10th and Mars is situated in the lagna the person becomes a king. In the case of Aquarius lagna the Full Moon will then stand to gain cancellation of its own debilitation, there will also be rasiparivartana between the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 10th house, the person will indeed be a successful person, victorious in battle, achieve fame, wealth, and rule for a long time. But, then, the conjunction of the lords of the 7th and the 8th aspected by Mars and Saturn indicates that there will exist no amity between father and son, the native will take away father’s wealth and also desert his own wife, the person may even be cruel and merciless. With this yoga obtaining Saturn in Scorpio sign should occupy most number of shubha-vargas and Mars should be aspected by Jupiter. The third house counted from the lagna is the house of valour, it is an upachayasthana wherein situated the Sun and Saturn generally tend to produce good results. Manasagri tells us that if Aries sign forms the 3rd house and is strong then it makes one fond of the company of high caste learned and pious people, fond of hearing good things, knowing and respected. The exalted Sun in the 3rd confers intelligence, makes one valorous, gain much wealth and fame though the person may be lacking in self-confidence and his beautiful wife hailing from a good family may be wayward and unfaithful in case the 7th house is not associated with a benefic planet and the Sun remains influenced by Rahu or Saturn. The exalted Sun casting its aspect on Jupiter situated in the 9th house can give rise to Raja yoga. Natural benefics occupying benefic signs and vargas in the 7th house from the Sun tend to produce more favourable results except when the Sun aspects the Venusian signs e.g. the Moon situated in the 9th house aspected by the Sun makes one pious and devoted to father but if it is in Libra then the person is usually a cheat and a swindler. Horasara is of the view that the Full Moon in the 9th house confers yoga and Raja yoga and therefore, a Raja yoga will arise if the Moon situated in the 9th house is simultaneously aspected by Saturn, Mercury and Mars. However, notwithstanding the aspect cast by other benefics and yogakarakas upon the Bhagyasthana the benefic occupying the 9th house must be strong rasi-wise then alone it can make one fortunate and confer a steady income and wealth. The Full Moon is always a benefic. The strength gained by the dispositors of Raja yoga or yoga causing planets consolidates these yogas.

The conjunction of the Moon and Saturn occurring in the 9th house from the lagna is not considered favourable not even in Libra sign unless Mars is in its own sign in the 10th or in Pisces sign in the 2nd house or there is the Full Moon at the time of birth. Sarvartha Chintamani states that if the lord of the 6th house is strong and is aspected by the Sun and the lord of the lagna is also strong then one proves very helpful for own family and family circle. Mars situated in Scorpio in the 2nd house from the Moon for Aquarius lagna will cause Sunapha yoga in which regard Kalyan Verma states that the planets causing Sunapha yoga etc; confer best results when occupying the kendras and their impact depends on the pakshabala etc; attained by the Moon which according to Vaidyanatha should not be associated with Rahu and the like or with a debilitated planet when a Daridra yoga will certainly arise. Daridra yogas and Reka yogas cause destruction of Raja yogas. Moreover, if the Moon is in the 9th then it should not be defeated by Saturn and preferably Jupiter should cast its aspect on the lagna-kendra.

Dundiraja tells us that if at the time of one’s birth Venus and Mercury are in the 4th, the Sun is in the 3rd and the rest (four) occupy the 5th house with no planet occupying inimical signs then that person rules the earth. The occurrence of this yoga in its purest form is very rare. Seven planets occupying three signs constitutes Shoola yoga which is one of the seven kinds of Sankhya yoga in which regard Vaidyanatha states that the person will be short-tempered, keen on obtaining and retaining wealth, brave with a scarred body and poor. Applying this yoga to Aquarius lagna all seven planets will be in Aries, Taurus and Gemini which are all Bhuchakra rasis but Gemini is not a very friendly sign for either Jupiter or Mars to occupy. Nevertheless, Jupiter moving towards its exaltation will confer very good results whereas Mars moving towards its debilitation, mixed results. The conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, preferably in a kendra from the lagna with the Moon situated in Taurus sign, makes one brave, a clever orator, of a steady temperament, intelligent, rich and benevolent. Planets conjoining with the Moon acquire a greater significance because they are then able to exert their immediate influence upon the Moon and also be influenced by it. For Aquarius lagna this yoga will confer results of a very high order and the evil of Shoola yoga will not be experienced, there will be no yogabhanga or Rajayogabhanga because the dispositor of the Moon being a benefic will be in a trikona in a benefic sign ahead of the exalted Sun. Nabhas yogas do not take into account Rahu and Ketu. The native born with this yoga will be the rightful heir and will experience no difficulty in holding on to the paternal inheritance which he will later gradually expand.

Janardhan Harji states that if the Sun is in the 3rd house, Venus is in the 4th and Mercury is in the 2nd house from the lagna and no planet is in its sign of debilitation or in the 10th and the 12th a mighty ruler is born holding sway over three seas. Then, the Sun will be hemmed between two benefics casting its aspect on the 9th house, and the 10th house will be aspected by Venus vested with full directional strength, there will thus arise the very favouable Ubhayachari yoga. But, this yoga with Aquarius sign rising in the lagna may not confer the expected good results because of Mercury occupying its sign of debilitation. Varahamihira states that if Venus is in its own sign in the 4th, the Moon in the 9th and the rest occupy the lagna, the 3rd and the 11th house the person becomes a ruler. This yoga is possible for Aquarius lagna though it will be inferior to the one caused for Cancer lagna. Mantreswara does state that the lord of the 6th not being a cruel planet situated in the 9th house does not confer evil results, hereat the dispositor of the Moon will be strongly entrenched in its own sign in a kendra from the lagna and aspecting the 10th house, it makes one fortunate, prosperous and famous. Venus will also give rise to Malvaya yoga and Ambudi yoga conferring same results. Saturn and Jupiter can be in Aquarius lagna situated in which lagna no stigma is attached to Jupiter, and Mars can be in the 11th house avoiding its aspect on Venus. The person will be long lived. The impact of these yogas depends upon the favourable navamsas occupied by the concerned yoga-giving planets. And there is a twist, for Janardhan Harji tells us that if a cruel sign rises in the lagna and the lord of the lagna is also in a cruel sign one will attempt suicide and die after experiencing much prolonged suffering and he does not exclude Saturn occupying Aquarius sign. Jupiter represents Deha and if Saturn joins Jupiter one generally suffers much physical pain; here, fortunately Venus situated in the 4th provides the much needed protection and relief and the person will neither cause nor invite his own death.

Satyacharya tells us that the Moon situated in the lagna in Aries, Taurus or Cancer bestows good results but not in other signs unless there is the Full Moon. The Moon occupying Aquarius sign has the tendency of bringing disgrace, humiliation and reverses at the hands of one’s enemies. Jatakalankara and Jataka Tattwam have assigned some almost favourable results for the exchange of signs between the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 6th, but Phaladipika differs and classifies this exchange of signs as Dainya yoga. The latter observation of Mantreswara is nearer the truth; in the case of Aquarius lagna the Moon in the lagna with Saturn in the 6th destroys all yogas and Raja yogas. But if the Moon is in Capricorn sign in the 12th, Saturn and Mercury are in Cancer, the Sun and Venus in Leo, Mars in the 10th and Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 11th, Viparita Raja yoga can be said to have arisen. Saravali states that the Sun in Leo aspected by Jupiter makes one very powerful and intelligent and Venus in Leo aspected by Jupiter makes one very wealthy and contented. Jatakalankara states that if the 10th house is occupied by Mars the person will be very much concerned about the lands or areas he owns or controls. Mars situated in the 10th house from the lagna and in the 11th house from the Moon invariably confers executive and ruling powers.

The Sun owning the 7th house is not a functional malefic for Aquarius lagna but when situated in Aquarius sign it does not give many sons nor does it make one fortunate in respect of sons, it also indicates heart problem. As the karaka of the lagna situated in the lagna in an unfriendly and cruel sign it tends to produce bad results, it can make one commit lowly acts, be deprived of wealth and happiness from sons. The Moon joining the Sun in Aquarius depending upon certain other factors can also make the person seek the path of renunciation and salvation. Kalyan Verma does not favour their conjunction other than in the 10th house for in other bhavas it can cause immense pain, unhappiness, grief and want of wealth. The Sun in the lagna with a Full Moon situated in the 7th does not by itself give rise to a yoga unless a benefic, particularly Jupiter, conjoins with the Moon, all three natural benefics conjoining with the Full Moon in the 7th house make one prosperous and fortunate and a Raja yoga will arise if Jupiter is in the lagna and Venus is with the Full Moon in the 7th house. Cruel planets even if occupying the lagna and the 9th house in their own signs or moolatrikona rasis or aspecting the lagna generally make one even though born in a reputed family commit low and mean deeds. Cruel planets should associate with natural benefics occupying and aspecting auspicious bhavas. Rudrabhatta rightly asserts that the results ascribed for conjunction or occupation should also be read as applying to aspects and vice-versa.

Kalidasa contends that planets situated in friendly signs or their exaltation signs owning or tenanting evil bhavas do not have their goodness entirely destroyed and if the evil bhavas are weak they do not afflict their occupants as much. Thus, in the case of Aquarius lagna if the Moon and Mars are both in their debilitation signs they will not afflict the 10th house indications or if Mars is exalted in the 12th and Saturn is in Aries