Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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3 about: aRieS (meSha) lagna

“What is that, O lord, which being known, everything else becomes known.

- Mundaka Upanishad I. 13

Aries is the first of the twelve rasis or signs into which the Zodiac circle is equally divided. It is a moveable, odd, masculine, cruel, dry and fiery sign of short-ascension rising by the hinder part. It extends over the whole of Ashwini nakshatra ruled by Ketu, the whole of Bharani nakshatra ruled by Venus and the first quarter of Krittika nakshatra ruled by the Sun. Birth at the commencement of Aries is deemed to be inauspicious for it adversely affects the longevity of mother and also of the one who is thus born.

In the case of Aries lagna or ascendant Venus, Mercury and Saturn who do not own favourable bhavas counted from the lagna are the functional malefics; the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter are the benefics. The Sun is the yogakaraka whereas Mercury and Saturn are the marakas. Saturn finds its debilitation in Aries sign ruled by Mars of which sign it does not own any navamsa-division. An Aries-lagna born is a proud person, though possessing very many qualities is generally short-tempered, remains inimical towards own friends and relatives, is fond of being praised, fond of disputes, extremely vengeful, courageous and possesses an unsteady wealth. These traits are in tune with the qualities attributed to Mars which planet represents aggressiveness, reckless attitude and warfare. The Aries-lagna born though plagued by uncertainty but being bold and adventurous is ever prepared to face all odds, he prefers to be independent and is most often very quick in response.


However, Mars does not always act as a benefic planet for Aries lagna, if it is in conjunction with Mercury or Venus it is even capable of inflicting death, the reason being its 8th house lordship in respect of which lordship Mars as the lord of the lagna does not enjoy exemption. Moreover, for people born with Aries sign rising in the lagna there is the identity of the bhavas with the signs in line with the concept of the Kalapurusha and the various parts of the body as are represented by each sign. It is for this lagna alone the bhava and the sign-order being identical an affliction to any bhava and sign will cause affliction to that part of the body it represents.

In the case of Aries lagna the mere combination of the lord of the 9th with the lord of the 10th house, that is, of Jupiter with Saturn, does not result in Raja yoga. Parasara tells us that the lords of the 9th and the 10th if also owning the 8th or the 11th cannot give rise to Raja yoga through their mutual association. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn can confer only short-term good results, but then Saturn in the course of its own dasa or antra-dasa becomes a maraka. Saturn when associated with either the lord of the 8th or the lord of the 12th becomes a strong maraka. Jupiter also owns the 12th house for Aries lagna and therefore if it is weak there will be yogabhanga during the dasa or antra-dasa of Jupiter, and as regards Saturn who owns a badhakasthana it is to be expected that it cannot give entirely good or auspicious results, therefore, only ordinary results have been assigned for its conjunction with Jupiter. In case these two planets become involved in mutual exchange of signs as the lords of the 9th and the 10th then Jupiter will find itself in its sign of debilitation and the lord of the 10th will find its own dispositor situated in its respective debilitation sign which situation will not improve matters even if they are both in vargottama or in their respective uccha navamsas in which latter event there will be no neechabhanga for Jupiter because its dispositor, a functional malefic, will be in a navamsa owned by another functional malefic, and also in respect of the former event it is said that if Jupiter is in the navamsas of Saturn and Saturn is in the navamsas of Jupiter then the person will be very unfortunate and lead a very unhappy life. Therefore, there will be no yoga or Raja yoga.

As a rule, if many malefic planets tenant the 9th house and the lords of the lagna and the 9th are also devoid of strength then ill-fortune results, the person does not prosper in life, but if these two lords are strong and not afflicted then ill-fortune will not strike the native. However, in the case of Aries lagna, both, the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 9th, simultaneously own a trikasthana for which very reason they do not give unrestricted or exceptionally good results even if they join up with the Sun in a trikonabhava, the Raja yoga results if any will be minimal and the person may not enjoy much happiness in life because of Jupiter combining with two cruel planets in one of the two trikonas formed by fiery signs. Whereas a strong Jupiter conjoining with Venus and Mars in the 9th house from Aries lagna i.e. in Sagittarius, may give rise to yoga and confer good results, the conjunction of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn certainly gives rise to an avayoga notwithstanding the fact that Mars is the lord of the lagna.

The location of Mars in the lagnabhava is not viewed with favour, the person though painstaking and courageous will generally be cruel, unforgiving, suffers due to ill-health, remains accident-prone and even be short-lived, unless Jupiter aspects the lagna. In the case of Aries lagna Mars occupying the lagna will be in its positive sign wherein situated it will be more the lord of the lagna situated in the lagna rather than that of the 8th. Moreover, situated in Aries lagna Mars becomes equal to Jupiter occupying its sign of exaltation, it then confers the necessary prowess, power, political expertise and insight. No doubt a planet situated in its sign of exaltation is vested with most ucchabala which is one of the very good situations attainable but it is generally seen that planets in occupation of their own signs are far more effective in giving good results. This is so because all planets do not find their exaltation in friendly signs and all planets do not find their exaltation in favourable bhavas counted from their own signs or their moolatrikonas. The fact cannot be ignored that the lords of evil bhavas by virtue of their exaltation if remaining stronger than the lord of the lagna or the lords of the 9th and the 10th bhavas do not at all times produce good results, therefore, there is the insistence of at least one benefic and friendly planet casting its aspect on the exalted planet preferably occupying a gainful bhava irrespective of the bhava owned by that exalted planet or its basic nature. A planet situated in its own sign for all practical purposes occupies only that particular bhava it owns and occupies and is therefore vested with greater strength for it is then restrained from giving bad results that are likely to accrue owing to the evil bhava it may happen to simultaneously own.

Mars in Aries sign also tenanting Ashwini nakshatra ruled by Ketu confers Raja yoga results. Incidentally the Sun owning a trikona from Aries and therefore a friend of Mars finds its highest point of exaltation in this very sign and nakshatra. The Sun signifies the Paramatman, the Sole Reality and the First Cause of Existence, Mars signifies Energy in motion and in action, and Ketu signifies Upasana, Tapa, Bhagya, hunger, renunciation, salvation and Atmanjnana. The combined effect of the impacts of these three produces a forceful and radiant personality aware of the three stages of Time and therefore, produces one who is knowledgeable, learned, wise and purposefully active. The actual impact of this Raja yoga depends upon the nature of the vargas gained by Mars and the aspect it receives from other planets. As a rule the aspect of Jupiter owning an auspicious bhava on a planet situated in its own sign produces the best results in respect of the latter’s location but the aspect of a planet in debilitation is usually counter-productive even if the aspecting planet has gained neechabhanga. The Sun is the only planet that can cast from its debilitation sign its aspect on Mars located in Aries sign when both will be in mutual aspect relationship and in which regard Jatakabharana states that the person will be clever, an able speaker, devoted to parents, wealthy and generous, brave in battle, very influential, painstaking and renowned. Herat the Sun as the lord of the 5th house will not only be aspecting but will also be aspected in return by the lord of the sign of its exaltation occupying the lagna-kendra as the lord of the lagna vested with vakrabala, in which event Mars should be additionally aspected by Jupiter otherwise the person will earn a bad name, and also, Saturn and/or Rahu should not be in the 12th house when there will be yogabhanga and destruction of family can result.

For Aries lagna the 3rd house is formed by Gemini ruled by Mercury which sign unafflicted and strong makes a person much respected, truthful, helpful and hold a high position in the family or community, the Sun situated in Gemini and occupying benefic vargas gives intelligence, learning, cleverness, wealth, good conduct, power and valour though the person may be inimical towards own people. The lord of the 5th occupying the 3rd and aspecting the 9th house gives much popularity and good sons. However, such a Sun should not be aspected by Mars; it will then make one timid, a coward, afraid of foes, face defeat and suffer disgrace. Mars aspecting from the 9th house may give slight yoga and a fair degree of success but certainly not if it happens to aspect from the 8th or from the 12th, in the latter event the person will turn out to be a disrespecter of teachers, elders and the learned. The lord of the 5th in mutual aspect with the lord of the 9th situated in the 9th house generally makes one fortunate, learned, principled and prosperous, pure and just. The Sun is the yogakaraka for Aries lagna.

      There is a principle to the effect that a planet occupying its own or exaltation sign in an auspicious bhava aspected by a friendly benefic gives rise to yoga or Raja yoga. Jupiter aspecting Mars occupying Aries lagna does make a person fortunate and learned but Jupiter aspecting Mars situated in its own sign in the 8th house causes no yoga to arise. The lord of the lagna relegated to the 8th house counted from the lagna even if it happens to be in its own or exaltation sign generally impairs one’s career-prospects, this is certain. There will be more than one reverse. Jupiter aspecting the exalted Sun situated in Aries lagna either from the 5th or from the 9th house and strong makes one wealthy, large-hearted and generous, a minister or a judge. Of course, Jupiter when it is aspecting Mars or the Sun should not be associated with any malefic planet. For Aries lagna, Venus owns both marakasthanas, it is a functional malefic for this lagna. Venus attains its exaltation when it is located in the 12th house from the lagna. Generally the lord of the 2nd house situated in the 12th makes one poor and a miser, if the lord of the 2nd happens to be a benefic then at some time there will be gain of wealth and at other times there will be loss of wealth. A planet occupying a trikabhava tends to spoil its own benefic indications is the basic rule and therefore, generally Venus occupying the 12th house from the lagna proves inauspicious for one’s near and dear one’s, causes extravagant indulgences and also poverty. The weak or afflicted lord of the 2nd house situated in 12th house invariably gives rise to an avayoga. But a strong and unafflicted Venus situated in either the 11th or in the 12th aspected by Jupiter confers a long luxurious life and even Raja yoga. By way of an exception Venus situated in the 12th as a karaka of the 12th house destroys the evil significations of the 12th house and when it is exalted gives very good results for Aries lagna which cannot be said about other lagnas. Venus thus situated can be aspected by Jupiter from a trikabhava though Jupiter is seldom bad in aspect. However, in practice it is seen that the aspect of Jupiter owning an auspicious bhava but occupying the 3rd, the 6th or the 8th house from the lagna is not that very benefic in effect even though it will during the course of its own dasa give wealth, either by own efforts or through inheritance.

The Moon is not a yogakaraka for Aries lagna for it owns the weakest kendra i.e. the 4th house, which bhava for this lagna is formed by a moveable sign. The lords of the moveable signs forming the kendras do not give rise to a steady yoga; they do so by establishing sambandha with the lords of the trikonas formed by a fixed or a common sign. The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon does not produce good results except when occurring in the 9th house when it confers wealth or in the 10th when it confers fame but in Cancer or Leo sign gives a weak physique. However, the Moon, owning the 4th house and gaining pakshabala, and in mutual association with the Sun can confer some very good results. Thus, the Sun in Aries lagna and the Moon also in its own sign in the 4th give rise to a powerful Raja yoga, the Moon strong in digbala in its own sign will then be aspecting the 10th house from a strong lagna and an exalted Sun will be in the 10th house from a strong Chandralagna, it is implied that neither Mercury nor Venus is in conjunction with the Sun or the Moon, that the lord of the lagna is also strong and auspiciously placed and both luminaries occupy only benefic vargas. Raja yoga certainly arises if the Sun happens to occupy its own navamsa and the Moon is strongly entrenched in its own sign, which means then the Sun cannot be in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Three or more planets occupying their own or exaltation signs while also owning a kendra or a trikona from the lagna or the Chandra-lagna or if they are in their own signs or if their exaltation occurs in the kendras from the lagna or the Chandra-lagna give rise to yoga or Raja yoga. Thus, a very powerful Raja yoga obtains for Aries lagna with the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter occupying their respective exaltation signs avoiding conjunction with any other planet. A powerful Raja yoga will also arise if the Sun is in Aries lagna, the Moon in the 2nd house, Venus and Rahu are in the 3rd, Jupiter in 4th, Mercury in the 12th and Saturn is in the 6th or in the 11th house from the lagna, a person born to be a king will rise to be an emperor. The presence of the exalted Sun indicates birth in a family of high status. The Sun and Jupiter, both owning a trikonabhava and in mutual-kendras, and the exalted lord of the 9th causing neechabhanga for Mercury and aspecting the 10th house ensures a smooth succession. The exalted lord of the 5th as the lord of the 8th from the 10th house situated in the 10th from the exalted lord of the 9th also ensures due expansion of the inherited kingdom or family enterprise. The lord of the 10th occupying a friendly sign in the 6th house and aspected by the lord of the 6th confers a seat of authority, an excellent character, political acumen and destruction of obstacles and foes; if it is in the 11th house in its own sign or moolatrikona rasi it will make the person very fortunate and enjoy a comfortable long family life. The aspect of Jupiter on Mercury situated in Pisces consolidates the Raja yoga formation and ensures its outcome; all the three lagnas will then be hemmed between natural benefics or functional benefics. It is implied that Mars is also favourably placed though not as a part of this Raja yoga-formation owing to its 8th house lordship, the conjunction of Mars with the Sun, the Moon or Jupiter can cause a break in the yoga, and as it is, for Aries lagna Mars by itself does not confer yoga or Raja yoga by occupying its exaltation sign in the 10th house. Whereas an exalted planet aspected by a friendly planet can give rise to Raja yoga but their conjunction gives only wealth. If Jupiter in Sagittarius sign occupies a trikonabhava, Saturn and the Moon conjoin in Libra and the Sun in Aries occupies the lagna, a renowned king is born. The Full Moon generally acts as a benefic and the Full Moon in occupation of a kendra other than the lagna signifies birth in a royal family and a normal succession but such a Moon should preferably be aspected by either Jupiter or by Venus. Jupiter becomes exalted in the sign owned by the Moon, and Venus owns the sign in which the Moon becomes exalted, both are natural benefics and both signify good fortune and prosperity. A planet located in a friendly or own sign gains additional strength if it is also in conjunction with an exalted planet. An exalted Saturn possessing very bright rays and strong in directional strength aspecting the lagna and the 9th house as the lord of the 10th makes one exceptionally fortunate and prosperous and gain a Rajya. With the aforecited Raja yoga obtaining there will be mutual sambandha between the powerful lords of the 4th, the 5th and the 10th involving the lagna powerfully aspected by the lord of the 9th house occupying the auspicious 9th. Counted from the Chandra-lagna a powerful lord of the 10th will be situated in the lagna along with a strong yogakaraka. Whenever the Sun as a yogakaraka happens to be in the lagna at the time of birth then such a birth should preferably occur before sun-rise so as to reap the full benefits of yogas and Raja yogas obtaining.

For Aries lagna the lords of the 4th and the 5th bhavas establishing a mutual relationship gives rise to a Raja yoga, more so if they happen to conjoin in the lagna but then, the Moon within the arc-distance of 24° from the Sun will be the Ksheena Moon deemed weak and a functional malefic, the Moon situated within the arc-distance of 10° is definitely evil. The ksheena Moon in close proximity of the Sun and moving towards the Sun is more malefic than when it is moving away from the Sun, such a Moon gives a lot of mental sufferings that can drive a person to the brink of madness. Generally the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon gives pain owing to the problems faced by one’s parents; there will be lack of respect, comforts, son and wealth. Though Saturn has the capacity to afflict these two luminaries the most, it does not own any navamsa of Aries sign and therefore paradoxically does not afflict this sign rising in the lagna as much as it does other signs having a navamsa owned by it. Nevertheless, Saturn even though basically evil in effect is capable of giving rise to yogas and avayogas. When the Sun and the Moon conjoin in Aries then the Sun in vargottama and the Moon in Sagittarius navamsa would be the ideal situation for both, the Moon situated too close to the Sun can make one lead a miserable life even if enjoying Raja yoga results; actually it is the distance between these two upon which depends the effectiveness of their association by way of conjunction for which reason Parasara speaks about four kinds of conjunction according to the planets are more and more apart. In any event the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon occurring in the lagna should have the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 9th strong and influencing the lagna so as to bestow the required strength to the lagna and its occupants and draw out auspicious results from them and other yoga-formations that may be obtaining.

If Venus is in the 2nd house from the lagna, Jupiter is in the 10th and Rahu occupies the 6th house Raja yoga is said to arise. Venus situated in the Dhanabhava generally bestows several kinds of riches and comforts, Rahu situated in the 6th particularly if aspected by a benefic planet gives victories over foes, also wealth and a long span of life. Jupiter occupying the Rajyabhava i.e. the Karmasthana, makes one exceedingly rich, a beloved of the superiors, possess an exemplary character gain an exalted status and renown. Jupiter occupying the 10th house from the lagna gives rise to the benefic Amla yoga and in this case Venus and Rahu will be aspected by Jupiter from a kendra and all three stated planets will be in mutualtrikonas. With this yoga obtaining for Aries lagna the person will no doubt be very rich and Rahu occupying Virgo sign will act as a superb Rajayogakaraka. However, Jupiter situated in its sign of debilitation may not be able to advance the significations of the 9th house that it owns and also of the 10th house it happens to occupy unless there is gain of neechabhanga, the afflicted lord of the 12th occupying the 10th house causes losses and reverses through sources indicated by the 10th house and its lord.

Depending upon its exact location in Virgo sign Mercury can be in its own sign or in its moolatrikona rasi or in its exaltation. In the case of Aries lagna Mercury situated in Virgo will be more the lord of the 6th in the 6th than the lord of the 3rd situated in the 6th house. The lord of the 6th occupying the 6th house generally indicates that the person will be without enemies, free from disease and happy though according to Kalyan Verma Mercury otherwise situated in the 6th makes one oppressed by enemies and also makes that person suffer from ill-health. The lords of the trikasthanas occupying their own bhavas do not always produce favourable results; they spoil the bhavas whose lords combine with them. If the lord of the 6th not being combust happens to occupy its own sign or its exaltation sign in a favourable bhava from the lagna and its dispositor is also favourably inclined then the person becomes strong, oppresses his foes, is proud and unforgiving. If the 6th house is tenanted by a malefic planet or is aspected by a malefic planet and the lord of the 6th too occupies a trikasthana then also one becomes fortunate, strongly built, happy, not inclined to commit evil deeds and a conqueror of his enemies who may be many. It is also seen that if the 6th house is weak in strength and aspected by papagrahas or is hemmed between papagrahas then one faces many troubles from his enemies but if the lord of the 6th occupies a trikasthana or its debilitation sign or is combust or in an inimical sign then all enemies are routed provided the lord of the lagna is very strong. If Mercury is in the 6th house and the lord of the lagna is also weak there arises Daridra yoga indicating poverty. For Aries lagna Mercury occupying its own sign in the 3rd house if unafflicted gives good results because the lord of the 3rd situated in the 3rd house generally confers yoga. Jatakalankara states that if the Sun in the lagna is aspected by Saturn from the 7th house then one’s wife will be barren which is because of the afflicted Sun occupying the 9th house from the 5th. In the case of Aries lagna it will then be the exalted Sun as the lord of the 5th situated in the lagna-kendra and there will also be the exalted lord of the 10th in the 7th giving rise to Raja yoga. The lord of the 5th situated in the lagna does not give many sons but if the Sun as the lord of the 5th occupies a male navamsa in the lagna and is strong then it gives noble sons. The lord of the 10th occupying the 7th house makes a person be blessed with many sons. Saturn situated in the 7th house deprives issues only if it is also in the 10th from the Moon and if that Moon is not aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter, strong and aspecting either the lagna or the Moon, does not deny issues even if the Sun is in the lagna and Saturn is in the 7th. In case, Jupiter simultaneously aspects the lagna and the 5th there will certainly be birth of a son or sons. If the lords of the lagna and the 5th house are mutual friends then obedient sons are born and if these two inter-change their signs then a Maha yoga arises. Even though the mutual exchange of signs between the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 5th indicates gain of son through adoption it will not be so in the case of Aries lagna because of the exaltation of the lord of the 5th and because Mars occupying Leo sign in the 5th house does not cause denial or loss of son.

For Aries lagna a powerful Raja yoga arises if the Sun is in the lagna, Jupiter is in the 4th and the Moon joins Saturn in the 7th house. The Sun is the yogakaraka for Aries lagna and Saturn is the yogakaraka for Libra Chandra-lagna, there will be three exalted planets in three different kendras which is by itself a Raja yoga. The exalted Jupiter giving rise to the very favourable Gajakesari yoga and the Amla yoga will be strongly aspecting the 10th house as the benefic and auspicious lord of the 9th house from the 10th house counted from the bhava occupied by the lord of the 10th who will also be exalted. In this given situation Saturn becomes a temporal friend of Jupiter; the aspect of Saturn on Jupiter in Cancer confers a position of authority, it gives ruling power, wealth, esteem and command of an army. A person born with this yoga obtaining at birth is bound to rise to a very high rank and occupy a powerful position provided Mars and Venus are not weak or afflicted. A Full Moon combining with the lord of the 10th as the lord of the 4th will be aspecting the lagna occupied by the lord of the 5th which too is Raja yoga in its own right. The Sun and the Moon, who are not mutually inimical since they own only one sign each, are not weighed down as are the rest that simultaneously own two signs and in whose case there is always the possibility of one of the two signs forming an evil or an unfavourable bhava. It is only if the 4th house is occupied by a cruel planet and the lord of the 4th also joins a cruel planet or is in evil and cruel vargas that a person becomes stubborn and unpredictable.

There are very many Raja yogas that stand described in the texts because the permutations and combinations effected by the lords of the relevant bhavas are numerous and varied. But it is essential to know as to when those Raja yogas would yield their assigned results. The benefits of a Raja yoga accrue during the course of the dasa of the Raja yoga causing planets occupying the 10th house from the lagna or occupying the lagna, if these two bhavas are not occupied by any such planet then of the strongest amongst the planets causing the Raja yoga. Raja yoga results are not enjoyed if good luck does not side with the native. If the 9th house and the lord of the 9th are strong and influenced by benefics one becomes very fortunate and wealthy and if the 10th house and its lord are similarly disposed then during the course of the dasa of the lord of the 10th one meets with success in all enterprises, remains very happy and achieves renown. For an Aries lagna born if at the time of birth the Moon is in Libra sign then one certainly experiences the fairly long dasas of Jupiter and Saturn and therefore, reaps the benefits of the afore-cited Raja yogas. There is, of course, a rider attached to this principle, the best results of yogas and Raja yogas will accrue only when the lord of the lagna and/or the dispositor of the natal Moon are lodged in strength in a kendra from the lagna. The lord of the lagna, a mild natural benefic or a cruel natural malefic, tends to augment the benefic indications denoted by the bhava it occupies, more so if it is in vargottama avoiding its debilitation sign; the dispositor of the Moon strong and occupying a kendra from the lagna preferably casting a friendly aspect on the Moon and its own bhava strengthens the Chandra-lagna.

If the lord of the lagna in vargottama in a benefic and a friendly sign that is not its debilitation sign occupies a kendra or the 9th house and the lord of the 9th house either occupying the 9th house or its exaltation sign is also in vargottama then a Raja yoga arises and a renowned ruler is born. It is only as the lord of Scorpio lagna that Mars can be in its debilitation sign in the 9th house; the lord of the lagna in vargottama in the 9th house should not be in its sign of debilitation. Planets in occupation of their exaltation or own navamsa are said to be in the awakened state they are then more effective in giving their good results, in friendly navamsa or in dreaming state they are less effective but in neecha or inimical navamsa they being in sleeping state are least effective and do not produce good results. For Aries lagna the lord of the lagna in vargottama in the lagna and the lord of the 9th in vargottama in the 4th or in the 9th or the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 9th together in the 9th in Sagittarius navamsa or the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 9th both interchanging their signs but in their own or exaltation navamsas do give rise to a Raja yoga and a Bhagya yoga. The occupation of a kendra by a beneficially disposed lord of the lagna strengthens all four kendras and lays the ground for the formation of yogas that confer general prosperity, happiness, success and power; the lord of the 9th also remaining strong makes one fortunate and reap the benefits of all shubhayogas. Therefore, for Aries lagna, the Sun in vargottama in the lagna and Jupiter in vargottama either in the 4th or in the 9th can cause Raja yoga and Bhagya yoga provided Mars, the lord of the lagna, also strong and favourably inclined occupies a kendrasthana.

The conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter in a kendra or in a trikona does not seem to cause a superior yoga for Aries lagna so as to exceptionally promote the 9th house significations, that of good fortune and prosperity, the person will lead a happy life because the lord of the house of happiness also being the karaka of the mind will be in conjunction with the benefic karaka of wealth and happiness. Happiness is after all a state of the mind and the line separating happiness and general contentment is very thin. A strong beneficially inclined Jupiter influencing the 4th house and its lord ensures happiness because it also gives a contented mind. However, Jupiter’s occupation of a bhava other than its own or exaltation sign seems to be less effective with regard to the promotion of the good significances of the bhava it occupies than of the bhava it aspects preferably occupied by a planet. Thus, Jupiter situated in a kendra from the lagna confers happiness during the early part of one’s life but its aspect on the 4th house confers long term happiness and also gain of wealth in the later stages of one’s life. A strong Jupiter in conjunction with the lord of the 4th house ensures happiness and the Moon occupying a navamsa owned by Jupiter can make a person very wealthy blessed with sons, such a Moon situated in the 9th house from Aries lagna will be a vargottama Moon which state according to Varahamihira is better than being in own sign or in any other navamsa, if