Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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about: tauRuS (vRiShabha) lagna

“In the beginning verily Not-Being alone existed.

It was later that Being was born from it.”

- Chandogya Upanishad VI.2.1

The sign next in order to Aries is Taurus. Taurus is a fixed sign, even, feminine, mild, earthy, and benefic, of short-ascension rising by the hinder part first. This sign covers the remaining three quarters of Krittika nakshatra ruled by the Sun, the whole of Rohini nakshatra ruled by the Moon and the first half of Mrigsira nakshatra ruled by Mars. According to the Hindu Astrology even bereft of superior yogas or even devoid of merits Taurus lagna is a good lagna to be born in.

The Sun, Mercury and Saturn are the benefics for Taurus lagna, the Moon is not a benefic and so also Jupiter and Venus who possess maraka propensity. The Moon and Mars in association with malefics can become marakas. Saturn is the yogakaraka and the Rajayogakaraka for this lagna. The Moon that attains its exaltation in Taurus lagna does not find its neecha navamsa in this sign. No planet becomes debilitated in Taurus though some consider this sign to be the exaltation sign for Rahu and therefore, the debilitation sign for Ketu.

Those born in Taurus lagna are respectful towards others, devoted towards their teachers, possess pleasing manners and speech, possess many qualities, are learned, ambitious, full of desires and aspirations, wealthy, fond of conflicts, bold and


courageous, good-looking, amorous, fond of travels but carry an unhappy frame of mind, suffer humiliation at the hands of their own family members, put to waste their wealth, and experience suffering, pain and grief.

Indeed, the mutual association established by the lord of a kendrabhava with the lord of a trikonabhava involving auspicious bhavas produces an excellent yoga and a superior Raja yoga. In the case of Taurus lagna, Saturn, the much feared and despised cruel malefic planet, simultaneously owns a kendra and a trikona. A natural malefic simultaneously owning a kendra and a trikona behaves as a benefic but if the trikona it owns is the 9th house then it becomes a yogakaraka, this is the rule. Ramanujacharya differs and states that Saturn does not become a yogakaraka for Taurus lagna, and the Sun and the Moon do not confer any yoga even if they join in the lagna which is so because the 9th house owned by Saturn is a badhakasthana and the Moon owns the 3rd house. With Capricorn sign falling on the 9th house from Taurus lagna the person becomes fortunate because of his past good deeds but remains unprincipled and faces many obstacles in his life. With Aquarius sign falling on the 10th house one believes in action only, he is capable of entrapping or confounding his foes and opponents, a non-believer he is self-centered, envious and not trustworthy. These are not auspicious indications. Moreover, Saturn when situated in the lagna, in own or exaltation sign or when it is in the 10th or in the 11th house from the lagna confers yoga results, in all other bhavas it does not confer absolutely good results. Also, other than Venus no other planet seems to be comfortable when in association with Saturn who is seldom good in aspect. Venus owns Taurus lagna and the 6th house; it becomes exalted in the 11th house. Venus that signifies beauty, youth, comforts, luxuries, the life of ease, music and all fine arts, income, good fortune, vehicles etc; being impaired by its 6th house lordship is not in real terms a functional benefic or yogakaraka for this lagna.

Jataka Parijata tells us that a person will remain fortunate if a malefic planet occupying the 9th house is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation but insists that this good result will accrue only if the planet situated in the 9th combines with either Mercury or with Jupiter, if not, then the person suffers head-wound or some very serious problem, is devoid of friends and relatives, is easily subdued or overpowered and remains mostly unhappy. Thus, it is seen that Saturn even if occupying its own sign in the 9th house devoid of any association with Jupiter while giving yoga results of its own also tends to produce some unfavourable or evil results. Capricorn is the exaltation sign for Mars which is equally cruel and malefic; therefore, Saturn does not produce any exceptional favourable results when occupying this sign; good results are experienced when Saturn as the Bhagyanatha occupying a kendra or a trikona is strong, associates with a benefic planet and finds many benefic friendly vargas. Venus is a mutual friend of Saturn but because it owns the 6th house wherein placed Saturn becomes exalted both do not cause yoga of the expected kind even though Saturn is the yogakaraka for Taurus lagna. The lord of the lagna combining with either the lord of the 9th or the lord of the 10th house generally makes one fortunate, prosperous, industrious and successful but Venus impaired by the 6th house lordship does not cause exceptional yoga by associating with Saturn even if their conjunction is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is a functional malefic for this lagna and not a naisargika friend of Venus and Saturn, its aspect on either or both can spoil yoga or Bhagya if Jupiter is not in its own, friendly or exaltation sign, amsa or nakshatra and has not gained many benefic bindus in the ashtakavarga. Saturn may be the yogakaraka yet it does not act as a full benefic even if possessing full directional strength, in the case of Taurus lagna its aspect on any important bhava or bhavalord produces mixed results only. Therefore, it is seen that adversity strikes the person born in Taurus lagna intermittently in matters relating to the 9th and the 10th bhavas that Saturn owns. The Sun and Mercury can associate with each other mainly through their conjunction, they cannot establish a drishtisambandha i.e. they cannot aspect each other. Ramanujacharya’s statement that these two even if combining in Taurus lagna do not cause yoga prima facie appears to revolt against the standard Parasari principles. Parasara states that even if the lords of the kendras and the trikonas are tainted by defects their mere association makes them act as effective yogakarakas. In the case of Taurus lagna Leo sign ruled by the Sun falls on the 4th house, it is a cruel sign which if devoid of benefic influences does not give much happiness because of running high on temper all the while, and courting low people the person is not able to maintain proper composure in behaviour, dealings etc. Mercury owns the 5th house but the signs Leo and Virgo respectively owned by the Sun and Mercury are hemmed between signs owned by the Moon and Venus who are not particular benefics for this lagna whose lord is not a mutual friend of the lord of the 4th and therefore their mutual influence affects happiness and general well-being. Whereas the Sun situated in Virgo generally bestows considerable wealth, royal favours and victory over foes and its conjunction with Mercury in this sign makes one a learned ruler or administrator but Mercury situated in Leo, that is, in the 12th from its own moolatrikona rasi, does not give a constructive mind and attitude nor much easy progress or success. Moreover, the dasa of Mercury in conjunction with the Sun makes a person experience various difficulties and disappointments and therefore, grief. The 5th house compliments the 9th house but the 4th house compliments neither the 5th nor the 9th, which two trikonas signify Bhagya. The lord of the 4th not being a mutual friend of the lord of the 5th or the lord of the 9th does not confer yoga when it is in association with these lords. The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury does not by itself confer a position of authority or power, the position granted if any is more of a subordinate nature. Horasara does state that this conjunction occurring either in the 4th or in the 8th from the lagna bestows kingly qualities and wealth but does not state that there will be Raja yoga. Therefore, though Mercury situated in its own or moolatrikona rasi in conjunction with the Sun even if combust generally confers Raja yoga, it will not do so for Taurus lagna where the lords of the 4th and of the 9th and the 10th are mutually unfriendly and if associating generally do not give good results. However, it is seen that if the lord of the 4th house is associated with unfriendly or malefic planets then on completion of its dasa one regains lost fortune.

Bhavartha Ratnakara tells us that a person born in Taurus lagna will not experience any special Dhana yoga if the Moon is situated in the lagna; in the case of this lagna the Moon is tainted by the lordship of the 3rd house. But then, the Moon situated in its exaltation sign in the lagna does not indicate poverty. Parasara tells us that if a planet occupies the 11th house counted from its own sign or from its moolatrikona rasi then it confers good results in respect of the bhava its sign or its moolatrikona rasi forms. A planet occupying its sign of exaltation in a kendra or a trikona gains exceptional strength to do good; it gives rise to yoga or even Raja yoga. The 3rd house from the lagna signifies strength and power and as is the case the lord of the 3rd house does not have any direct connection with gain of wealth and with accumulation of wealth. Dhana yogas call for the active participation of the lords of the 2nd, the 11th and the Dhanakaraka. The source and direction of gain of wealth is indicated by the sign and the bhava the lord of the 2nd happens to occupy, if it is retrograde then the gains will be from all directions. The Dhanakaraka strong and associated with a strong friendly planet produces very good results during the course of its own dasa, if it is associated with a weak or an inimical planet then results to the contrary are experienced. The Moon exalted in the lagna can confer yoga and Raja yoga and as the significator of the royal emblem or insignia it can also confer all royal comforts and riches but as the lord of the 2nd counted from the 2nd house and situated in the 12th house from the Dhanabhava even though exalted it does not normally make a person very wealthy, then it will also be in the 6th from the trikabhava formed by the moolatrikona rasi of the Dhanakaraka. Varahamihira tells us that the Moon occupying its own navamsa or a navamsa owned by an intimate friend will make one happy and wealthy provided it is aspected by Jupiter in the case of day-time birth or by Venus in the case of night-time birth but he too does not mention about any special Dhana yoga resulting on account of the exalted Moon occupying the lagna. The Moon is a functional malefic for Taurus lagna, if it is situated in the lagna much will depend upon Venus, the lagna-lord, for grant of wealth. However, the Full Moon situated in the 3rd with Jupiter aspecting the lagna from the 5th house and the lord of the lagna also strong does give rise to an exceptional Dhana yoga. Otherwise, the lord of the 3rd house situated in the lagna does not bestow good results; it makes a person quarrelsome and responsible for family in-fights by being dishonest towards his own people, it does not give wealth. If the lord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of the 3rd is in its own navamsa the person will be a proud individual, he may be arrogant, if it is in its friendly navamsa then he will be an expert in warfare and if it is in its exalted navamsa the person will be a mischief-monger. The lord of the lagna strong and unafflicted occupying a kendra or a trikona or the 11th house from the lagna especially in its own or exaltation sign confers very good results. If the lord of the lagna is in the 11th house then the person leads a happy and a prosperous peaceful life blessed with sons, power, influence and fame. Venus occupying the 11th house generally makes one gain immense profits, all kinds of comforts and luxuries. For Taurus lagna, Venus as the lord of the lagna finds its exaltation in the 11th house and thus situated does not carry the stigma of its 6th house lordship. If Venus exalted in the 11th house is aspected by the lord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of the Dhanabhava then the person will acquire great wealth provided Mercury is not in its neecha navamsa or in a cruel or evil navamsa, if it does then loss of wealth and even poverty can result. If the lagna is also strong and aspected by a benefic planet then Chamara yoga will arise and the person will be longlived, famous and a wealthy ruler. If an exalted Moon has Jupiter occupying the 5th house and also Mercury occupying the 10th house is in a navamsa owned by Jupiter then too a powerful Dhana yoga will arise. Jupiter situated in Virgo sign but not occupying its neecha navamsa gives good results. Natural benefics occupying the upachayasthanas either from the lagna or from the Chandra-lagna give rise to Vasuman yoga; the person will live in his own native land and possess much wealth.

A person born in Taurus lagna generally gets plenty of wealth and becomes fortunate during the course of the dasa of the lagnalord because during the course of their respective dasas all planets additionally tend to give the results of the bhavas their signs of exaltation and debilitation happen to form, in the case of this lagna the lord of the lagna becomes exalted in the 11th and debilitated in the 5th house from the lagna, Venus as well as the lords of these two bhavas are all natural benefics. But, Venus should not occupy a navamsa or sign owned by Mars. The results of the antra-dasas undergo a qualitative change depending upon the overall status gained by the dasa and the antra-dasa lords and the sambandha established by the antra-dasa lords with the dasa-lord. Laghu Parasari states that the antra-dasas of benefics devoid of sambandha with the malefic lord of the dasa produce bad results, they produce mixed results in case there exists a sambandha i.e. relationship; if the antra-dasa is of a yogakaraka having a sambandha with the malefic dasa-lord it will prove bad and there will be yogabhanga. Therefore, even in the case of Taurus lagna during the course of the antra-dasa of Saturn in the dasa of Venus there can be destruction or loss of wealth and of position, and discord with friends and relatives.

The dasas of the yogakarakas and the Rajayogakarakas should run their course during the period of one’s life when their results will matter and can be best enjoyed. This depends upon the Moon occupying the appropriate nakshatra and the concerned dasa-lords also occupying auspicious nakshatras as the rulers of auspicious nakshatras counted from the Janamnakshatra without their own nakshatras becoming afflicted. Such a pristine situation does not generally occur. However, the lord of the lagna during the course of its dasa is less inclined to do evil and more inclined to do what is in accordance with its basic nature, acquired nature and the significance assigned to it, its dasa invariably confers wealth. The same can be said about the yogakarakas, the Rajayogakarakas and the lords of other benefic and gainful bhavas. Venus is the karaka of good fortune and prosperity, in the case of Taurus lagna it is the naisargika friend of the lord of the Dhanabhava and the lord of the Bhagyasthana and of the Rajyasthana. Kalidasa tells us that if Venus and Saturn as yogakarakas are strong then during the antra-dasa of one in the dasa of the other evil befalls and if one is strong and the other weak then the results of the stronger one prevails. As is seen Venus even if occupying a trikasthana does not give bad results in its dasa and for Taurus lagna the 6th and the 8th are owned by natural benefics.

The conjunction of the Moon and Saturn can cause a ruinous avayoga; it is capable of inflicting an early death and indicates destruction of wealth and of the family or social circle as well. This conjunction occurring in the lagna generally makes one serve others, be evil-minded, much feared or hated, coveting, of low conduct, merciless, cruel, lazy and an evil doer. Saturn, the significator of sorrow and grief, strongly afflicts the Moon, the karaka of the mind. The Moon is not a benefic planet for Taurus lagna and the situation of the lord of the 3rd in the lagna is not considered favourable. However, Janardhan Harji tells us that if the Moon and Saturn combine in the lagna and Venus occupies the 8th house from the lagna then a famous and a proud king is born. This result is owing to Venus, who avoiding an intimate association either with the Moon or with Saturn, when situated in the 8th from the lagna confers wealth, longlife and ownership or rulership over lands, and in the 8th from the Moon makes one famous, a brave-warrior, magnanimous, enjoyer of comforts and very rich. This result is also owing to the aspect of Saturn on the 3rd house consolidating the good fortune flowing through Venus, and due to its aspect on the 10th house of which it is one of the karakas. Because Venus is in the 8th the Moon will be bright and strong in pakshabala and Saturn also possessing bright rays can be strong in vakrabala. This yoga occurring for Taurus lagna will have Venus situated in Sagittarius which is a benefic sign; the Moon will be exalted and Saturn will be in a friendly sign as the yogakaraka and the Rajayogakaraka. An exalted planet situated in the lagna becomes a yogakaraka and gives wealth and an elevated position in life. Parasara states that even though the lord of the 3rd house cannot be treated as a benefic but when it is associated with a yogakaraka then it gives good results in its own antra-dasa in the dasa of the yogakaraka. A Rajayogakaraka in conjunction with another strong yogakaraka situated in the lagna and the yoga-giving lord of the lagna also occupying a benefic sign in the 11th from the 10th house can confer a kingdom and wide fame.

Jupiter occupying a kendra from the lagna and aspecting the lagna from a friendly, own or exaltation sign renders the lagna strong, this means Jupiter will then be in Scorpio in the 7th house so as to cast its aspect on Taurus lagna. An exalted planet occupying a kendra and aspected by a friendly benefic occupying a friendly sign confers a Raja yoga. The lord of the 9th or the lord of the 10th if occupying its own sign or moolatrikona rasi and vested with strength can confer power, honour and respect, authority, generosity, fame and a high level of success. The Moon in Taurus lagna makes a person intelligent, clever and good-looking and command much wealth and comforts. Saturn situated in the 10th house gives wealth, learning, courage, kingship or ministership or makes one a judge or an administrative head of an organisation though situated in the 10th house from the Moon it can give physical ailments, failure and loss of wealth but not in the 10th house from the exalted Moon. If an exalted planet occupies the lagna then the planets situated in the 4th and the 10th become mutual yogakarakas, the planet occupying the 10th house becomes the strongest yogakaraka and Rajayogakaraka. The lord of the 4th occupying its own sign and associated with the lord of the 9th as a yogakaraka confers kingship and its aspect on the 10th gives ruling power, it confers a longlasting and extensive authority. Therefore, if the Moon is exalted in the lagna aspected by Jupiter from the 7th house, the Sun is in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius sign with all three occupying benefic and favourable vargas and nakshatras a powerful Raja yoga will arise. The Sun and Saturn in paraspara drishtisambandha and occupying their respective signs will not impair this yoga-formation. Saturn is the significator of the term of life that an individual being is destined to enjoy, it is the Ayushakaraka. If it is strong and favourably disposed it confers a long term of life. Saturn is also known as Yama and therefore, it also signifies the end of life. Thus, even though owning favourable bhavas it becomes powerful in inflicting death by being in association with marakas. Saturn becomes the principal maraka if it is associated with the lord of the 2nd or the lord of the 7th, or if it owns the 7th or the 8th house from the natal Moon. The span of life is indicated by the lords of the lagna, the 8th and the 10th vis-a-vis Saturn, if these lords are not associated with Saturn then predict a long life, if any two are strong then predict a medium term of life and if only one of them is strong then a short term of life is to be predicted. Saturn unfavourably placed in the lagna can curtail one’s term of life but not when it is situated in the 8th house from the lagna. But then, Saturn, whether it is in the lagna or in the 8th house, can inflict death during the course of its dasa or antra-dasa. Sarvartha Chintamani is of the view that strong lords of the lagna, the 8th and the 10th house occupying the kendras even if associated with Saturn bestow a long term of life. Saturn though not classed as a maraka for Taurus lagna can become a maraka if it associates with Mercury, Mars or Jupiter.

Saturn situated in the 3rd house from the lagna makes a person aware, intelligent, large-hearted but lazy and unhappy, the person though courageous may possess an evil temperament, if Saturn situated in the 3rd is also aspected by a cruel planet then it indicates loss of brother or very strained relationship with brothers. Saturn in Cancer in the 3rd and aspected by Mars makes one’s brothers suffer from various ailments, it will also make a person weak-willed and dependent upon others. As the lord of the 9th situated in the 3rd Saturn promotes Bhagya but as the lord of the 10th occupying the 3rd it renders Raja yogas infructuous without affecting the 9th house affairs. If Mars is exalted in the 9th house then Saturn should avoid associating with Mars, it should not be in paraspara drishtisambandha with Mars, both are kruragrahas, a kruragraha aspected by another kruragraha destroys the significances of the bhava it occupies and owns. No doubt a natural malefic exalted in the 9th house makes one fortunate but Saturn is not a friend of Mars, the person even though wealthy, influential, learned and courageous will not remain happy, will not enjoy domestic bliss and will not be a good-doer, and if Saturn happens to aspect Mars situated in Capricorn in the 9th house the person will earn a bad name, even if good-intentioned will not be kind-hearted and generous.

Even though the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon if occurring in the 8th house from the lagna even in a friendly and a benefic sign cannot cause yoga, the lord of the 4th conjoining with the lord of the 3rd in the 8th certainly does not cause any yoga at all unless the lord of the 8th acquires yoga-giving ability. Therefore, if Saturn is in the lagna, Mars is in Capricorn, and the Sun and the Moon also combine in Sagittarius then a person enjoys Raja yoga results. In the case of Taurus lagna with this yoga obtaining there will always be the danger of Rajayogabhanga during the adverse transit of Saturn. Mars will then be the benefic yogakaraka for Sagittarius Surya-lagna and Chandra-lagna and a temporary friend of Saturn. Mars by occupying the sign owned by Saturn, the yogakaraka for this lagna occupying the lagna, will by proxy influence the 10th house which bhava it will also protect. The lord of the 3rd relegated to the 12th in conjunction with the lord of the 12th does not give rise to any yoga of note but as regard the Moon and Mars occupying the 12th house, the Sun and Saturn aspected by Jupiter from the 7th conjoining in Taurus lagna and Venus and Mercury in Gemini sign Jatakabharana states that in such an eventuality Chhatra yoga will arise when all seven planets will be occupying the 7th, the 2nd, the 12th and the lagna.

Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that the dasa of Saturn occupying its highest point of exaltation in Libra sign confers a position of authority though there may be an early loss of father or disputes with kinsmen but if it does not occupy that highest point then one will experience pain and grief, losses in business, failures and ire of superiors. This is an exceptional observation. It is true that Saturn generally does not give favourable and happy results during the course of its own dasa unless it is in its own or a benefic sign forming a gainful bhava equipped with adequate residential strength aspected by or conjoined with a benefic or is in occupation of the 11th house. Saturn in conjunction with an exalted planet gives mixed results; it will confer happiness, gains and a position of authority and also loss of wealth and servants or loyal people. In the case of Taurus lagna the Moon becomes exalted in the lagna, Mercury in the 5th, Mars in the 9th, Venus in the 11th, Jupiter in the 3rd and the Sun in the 12th house. Saturn conjoining with an exalted Mercury in the 5th house from the lagna can give yoga results provided the latter is farthest away ahead of the Sun. Saturn conjoining with an exalted Mars in the 9th house does make one fortunate but the person will be more inclined towards evil deeds. Saturn and Venus combining in Libra sign in the 11th house will certainly give plenty of gains during the dasa of Saturn. Saturn in conjunction with an exalted Jupiter in the 3rd house will confer good results if the Moon is also strong and well-placed if not then mixed results are to be expected. In conjunction with an exalted Sun Saturn occupying its debilitation sign can cause ucchabhanga. Saturn situated in the 12th house from Taurus lagna does not provide a steady source of income and the person is likely to commit evil deeds in secret; even if its debilitation were to get cancelled the overall unfavourable situation is unlikely to improve. Saturn situated in either the 12th or in the 8th, that is, in a trikona from the Sukhasthana, generally does not permit domestic harmony to last for very long and one’s own family members become enemies. But because Saturn is the yogakaraka and Rajayogakaraka for this lagna its exaltation in the 6th house from the lagna or its conjunction with the lord of the 3rd or the 11th does not impair its yoga-giving ability. Therefore, Saturn and the Moon in conjunction in the 4th, in the 10th or in the 11th house from Taurus lagna confers Raja yoga and makes one gain paternal estate and position provided the bhava occupied and its lord are also associated with a benefic. Saturn and Venus conjoining in an upachaya and aspected by Jupiter also give rise to Raja yoga. With Taurus lagna rising at the time of birth if Saturn and the Moon happen to conjoin in Virgo, Jupiter is in Leo, Rahu in Aquarius and Mars in Capricorn one certainly rises to occupy a very high post vested with ruling powers but there will be a tinge of madness in whatever one does because of sadistic tendencies developed owing to Saturn and the Moon conjoining in a sign owned by Mercury, and Ketu afflicting Jupiter in a fiery sign.

All planets jointly and severally without any exception are the indicators of future events, they chart the course of our fate, therefore, as a group they demand our attention. The Moon-MarsSaturn conjunction is an evil conjunction that deprives maternal happiness from very childhood and gives a mean envious character and a twisted mind. This conjunction occurring in the 7th house can even destroy material possessions and general happiness. Mars, the lord of the 7th house for Taurus lagna, is not a naisargika friend of the lagna-lord. If Scorpio sign falls on the 7th house and is weak one’s wife though educated and skilled will neither be faithful to her husband nor prove fortunate for him. If Saturn is situated in the 7th house in Scorpio in conjunction with Mars and the Moon then the father of the native will be handsome and blessed with Raja yoga but the native himself will not derive many benefits in respect of his own 10th house affairs and Bhagya. Counted from the 10th house the said conjunction gives rise to a Raja yoga which benefits one’s father but for the native the Rajayogakaraka will be afflicted by Mars and the debilitated Moon. Saturn occupying a kendra from the lagna if not aspected by Jupiter or the Moon makes one unfortunate, and Saturn and Mars conjoining in the lagna or in the 7th house do not make a person enjoy mental peace and harmony.

For Taurus lagna, Mercury is a naisargika friend of the lord of the lagna and of the lord of the 9th and the 10th, it is deemed to be a benefic planet for this lagna as it owns the 5th house from the lagna. However, the conjunction of Mercury with the Sun, the lord of the 4th, gives wealth but not Raja yoga, no Raja yoga is caused even if they exchange their signs. The conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus lagna gives rise to Dhana yoga as does the conjunction of Venus and Mercury in the 10th house in Aquarius avoiding the Sun and occurring outside the range of combustion. The lord of the 2nd house occupying the 2nd or the 10th house can make even a beggar a king, in any case the lord of the 2nd house, a natural benefic, situated in the 10th house, preferably in a friendly sign, gives recognition, honours, wealth and a high administrative position, the person will be very principled and take good care of his parents provided the lord of the 2nd house is strong and unafflicted.

If the aspect of the Moon on a particular planet or bhava does not give rise to yoga it also does not spoil the yoga that may be obtaining. Whereas Jataka Parijata tells us that a strong exalted lord of the lagna aspecting the Moon gives rise to a Raja yoga it also states that the Full Moon occupying a kendra other than the lagna and aspected by Jupiter or Venus confers a Raja yoga. Horasara reminds us that it is actually the strong lord of the lagna in occupation of a kendra that gives rise to Raja yoga. For assessing the strength of the lagna-lord the primary factor to be considered is the bhava and the sign occupied by the lagna-lord if they are strong then the lord of the lagna is strong. Therefore, Venus occupying Taurus lagna or its friendly sign in the 10th house from Taurus lagna is considered to be vested with adequate strength but Venus situated in its own or a friendly sign generally gives wealth and not ruling powers; the person will no doubt be fortunate and influential.

Vaidyanatha tells us that for a birth in a fixed sign Venus situated in a kendra (i.e. also in its own sign), the Moon in the 5th house and Saturn in the 10th gives rise to Kusuma yoga, the person born in a royal family will rise to be a mighty ruler or born in a wealthy family will succeed to a mighty and a large enterprise. In this yoga obtaining for Taurus l