The Practice and Science of Drawing by Harold Speed - HTML preview

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Ellipse, the, 138

"Embarquement pour l'Île de Cythère," Watteau's, 211

Emerson on the beautiful, 214

Emotional power of the arts, 20

Emotional significance of objects, 31

Erechtheum, moulding from the, 138

Etching, 283

Exercises in mass drawing, 110

Exhibitions, 57

Expression in portrait-drawing, 242

Eye, anatomy of the, 105

Eye, the, in portrait-drawing, 242

Eyebrow, the, 105

Eyelashes, the, 108

Eyelids, the, 106


"Fête Champêtre," Giorgioni's, 151

Figure work, colours for, 273

"Finding of the Body of St. Mark," 123, 236

Fixing positions of salient points, 86

Flaubert, 68

Foliage, treatment of, 196

Foreshortenings, 93

Form and colour, 18

Form, the influence of, 32

Form, the study of, 81

Frans Hals, 246

French Revolution, Carlyle's, 64

French schools, 68

Fripp, Sir Alfred, 91

Fromentin's definition of art, 23

Fulness of form indicated by shading, 102, 124


Gainsborough, the charm of, 209, 223

Genius and talent, 17

Geology, the study of, 36

Giorgioni, 151, 196

"Giorgioni, The School of," Walter Pater's, 29

Giotto, 222

Glass pens, 283

Goethe, 64

Gold point, 275

Gold and silver paint for shading, 125

Gothic architecture, 148, 150

Gradation, variety of, 199

Greek architecture, 221

Greek art in the Middle Ages, 130

Greek art, variety in, 133

Greek vivacity of moulding, 134

Greek and Gothic sculpture, 147


Greek type of profile, 140

Greuze, 221


Hair, the treatment of, 77, 102

Hair, effect of style upon the face, 180

Half tones, 98

"Hannibal crossing the Alps," Turner's, 163

Hardness indicated by shading, 102

Harsh contrasts, effect of, 171

Hatching, 118

Health, questions of, 269

Henner, the work of, 124

High lights, 94

Hogarth's definition, 136

Holbein's drawings, 99, 179, 247

Holl, Frank, 222

Horizontal, calm and repose of the, 150

Horizontal and vertical, the, 149

Human Anatomy for Art Students, 91

Human figure, the outline of the, 52


Impressionism, 195, 257

Impressionist vision, 61

Ingres, studies of, 73, 274

Ink used in lithography, 282

Intellect and feeling, 19

Intuitions, 17

Italian Renaissance, the, 51

Italian work in the fifteenth century, 34


Japanese art, 21

Japanese method, a, 47

Japanese and Chinese use of contrasts of colour, 208


Keats' definition of beauty, 22


Landscapes of Watteau, the, 211

Lang, Andrew, his definition of art, 19

Lawrence, Lord, portrait of, 250

Lead pencil, 192, 274

Lecoq de Boisbaudran, M., 260

Lehmann, R., portraits by, 250

Leonardo da Vinci, 51, 206, 227

Light, 38

Light and shade, principles of, 51, 95

Lighting and light effects, 202

Likeness, catching the, 240

Line and the circle, the, 137

Line drawing and mass drawing, 48, 50

Lines expressing repose or energy, 163

Line, the power of the, 50, 80

Lines, value of, in portrait-painting, 138

Lines of shading, different, 102, 123

Lithographic chalk, 192

Lithography, 281

"Love and Death," Watts', 156


Manet, 206

Mass drawing, 49, 58, 80, 81, 110

Masters, past and modern, 272

Materials, 271

Mathematical proportions, 228

Measuring comparative distances, 88

Measurements, vertical and horizontal, 88

Medium, the use of, 111

Michael Angelo, the figures of, 33, 53, 56

Michael Angelo and Degas, 66

Millais, 196

Mist, effect of a, on the tone of a picture, 188

Model, the, 61, 81

Monet, Claude, 118

Morris's definition of art, 19


Nature, variety of forms in, 187

Nature's tendency to pictorial unity of arrangement,