Through The Letterbox by Devices Writers’ Group - HTML preview

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I write because...

ectomy, being a good supportive friend in need, rather than a marriage breaker. I find it very sad that you I’ve had the thrill of being published and I now write purely for always have to see the worst in everything, and have to pleasure because putting words together is the best fun I know.

equate ‘happy’ with ‘smug’. I have always found Maurice

Ann Stevens (Patsy)

interesting, and his knowledge of the Civil War is second to none.

As a former copywriter, I feel seriously constipated if I cannot get some words down on paper on a regular basis.

Praying for you, Paula.

Rosalind Ambler (Paula)


Some Correspondence between Ambrose and the Black Matriarch

by Liz Light

Dear Gloria

I am so sorry we did not meet up as planned on Tues-

Flugencia in the reception area will look after you and if some day evening last week. I caught the 6.29 from Thames Ditton of the other women approach you, you just say you are waiting and there being no British Rail hold ups I was at Waterloo by for me. You could have a look around and see if there is any-7.02pm and in good time for our meeting under the clock at thing in the black lace line you’d like to buy me.

7.15. Sadly our encounter did not materialise. I did stray but

briefly from the appointed place, but that was a mere few steps Must dash Gloria.

to WH Smiths, and I assure you I had the environs of the clock in my sight line at al times.

I feel certain I would have recognised you, especial y as Dear Gloria

you said you would be wearing a scarlet silk top with black skirt, a vision to which I may say I was eagerly looking forward.

Wel if you are absolutely sure about coming to your

Feeling a little colourless and deflated I caught the 8.13

place of er work, I will. I’l catch the 5 29 from Thames Ditton. I back to Thames Ditton.

feel strangely nervous however . Where is it that you work?

Do I need a password?

Yours truly, Ambrose


Hi Hunny


Thought we supposed to meet under station clock at

The entrance is right on the corner of Kemble Street.

Charing Cross. Ah was a tad late ah confess. My boss – she’s You can’t miss it. Password is size 38 double F cup. Gloria.

called Flugencia by the way – had me look at colours for mah own room in place where ah work. That’s Covent Garden yah know so not far for me to walk to Charing Cross which is why Dear Gloria

ah said Charing Cross. Couldn’t walk fast mind with shoes pinching mah toes and all but I was there just after 7.20.

I am sorry that I was a little late for our meeting on And now ah feel so sad you wus way over the river on Tuesday. Arriving at the corner of Kemble St and finding my-the South side and we not meeting up.

self under a large coloured sign saying Bravissimo was a little Now I don’t do no hanging around under clocks


and stuff. And mah red silk top and red heeled shoes starting But I was glad I ventured in even al owing myself to be to attract attention so I beat it pretty fast once 7.30 came fussed over by Flugencia. Glad too to have a look at the stock, around.

(is the new balcony bra selling well?) and to hear how hard all Now Tuesdays a good night for me. Don’t usually have you team of women work. It must challenge your skill and many clients on a Tuesday. So how about we try again. I’ll diplomacy to the utmost to convince your female clients that come over to Waterloo and nothing can go wrong.

following close assessment and measurement they are in fact

Love Gloria.

double F rather than a pert 36 C. But may I be so bold to say,

you looked blazingly and fulsomely attractive yourself as a

woman of a ful er figure.

My dear Gloria

Indeed it is hard to tear my thoughts away from so

enticing a vision. However I fear I must. Bravissimo, the I am so sorry. I did think I had suggested Waterloo in

company creating curvy couture for women of today, is one of the first place but it’s of no consequence, and as Charing a small number of limited companies of which I am on the Cross is nearer to your er place of work, I can easily walk over board of directors. I therefore feel that liaison with you would the bridge and meet you there. I’ll catch the 5.59 and the walk be glorious but risky. I hope you understand.

will be bracing. I’ll be with you at 7.15.

Might I be able to presume that you will again wear the Yours with genuine regret, Ambrose

red silk top and the red heeled shoes?

In anticipation, Ambrose.

PS Should you take up a position with M & S please let me know immediately.

Hi Hun

Now ah know London wel and getting around it ain’t no problem to me but I am a bit confused as to what station I’m See page 15 for why

making for. Now as it happens I am going to be working later Liz writes

than usual on Tues so how about meeting me where I work.


I am Winter, King of Seasons

by Brenda Williams