Blissful Moments of Laughter by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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-----With My Sister and Her Sister-in-Law-----

One sunny day in the afternoon in Dallas, US, in my sister's living room, she and her sister-in-law as well as me, sat together, with my nephew and niece snuggling around us after lunch. We were having an enlightened conversation. My sister had to work hard at her job with huge responsibilities on her shoulder, she being a senior hardware designer at a reputable company. Therefore, right now she felt only happy to relax and engage herself in the light conversation we were having.

We spoke on diverse topics about our families, relatives and friends. Then our conversation turned to our homes in our country. My sister's sister-in-law, Sonia took the lead in the talk and started sharing how their old home in our country was full of cockroaches and rats. As she had slept though the nights in that home, rats and cockroaches simply flocked around her and even passed over her. And she had become accustomed to that and let herself sleep in spite of those because her sleep during the nights was a greater priority for her.

I listened to her in awe and exclaimed, "How can you tolerate rats going all over you? I can never imagine myself in that situation!!" On hearing this, my sister poured out, "Does that mean you can tolerate cockroaches going all over you at night?" And we had all burst out into contagious laughter.