Blissful Moments of Laughter by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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-----What is That?-----

It was late morning in one of my classes during the university days. The instructor was imparting lectures to us in an elementary course in Computer Science and Engineering. We were all listening to him trying to grab his words and understand.

The instructor talked in an easy to understand language, and we were all actually enjoying his lecture.

But all of a sudden, his face changed from a relaxed mood to a frightened one and he barely whispered, "What is that?" I was the only one to understand what he meant by "that". There was a squeaking noise coming from behind and I had already figured out what it was. But I was greatly astonished at our instructor's reaction. I knew he had instantly thought it was a snake and probably, he was afraid of snakes!! Who knows!!

But the guy at the back admitted almost immediately that it was he who was titlting his chair every now and then, which made the squeaking noise while he listened to his lectures.

The teacher then said, "Oh!! Nevermind that." But did it end there? Nope. The whole class realized the big joke and roared into loud and fun laughter. And I laughed too.